azurehaiku · 22 hours
Happy Pride!
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azurehaiku · 22 hours
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About Gaza Funds
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azurehaiku · 22 hours
Well out of the blue I just remembered today the time I accidentally joined the cast of a production of The Princess Bride….in the middle of the production.
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azurehaiku · 22 hours
Faten Abuhamda @fatenahmed, a mother of 3 from Gaza, has reached out to me and trusted me with her story. She wants me to share it with all of you.
Faten is accompanied by her husband, Ahmed, who is an amputee due to a previous war in Gaza, and their 3 children, Sama (7 years old), Loai (4 years old), and Yousef (10 months old)
This latest tragedy that's befallen the Abuhamda family starts on the first day of the war, nearly 8 months ago. The occupation forces struck right beside their home, and this is the first time of many that their family has had to evacuate where they are living. And from that day, their family has not known a single stable place to live.
Faten and her family have had to evacuate 3 times, and are now in Deir al Balah, but even that is not safe for them. They cannot afford to replace their children's clothing even. Nevermind the psychological mental anguish this has caused these very young children.
In order to make food for her family to eat, Faten is forced to cook on a campfire and the heat and smoke is irritating her throat. She and her husband are exhausted. And as the weather turns even hotter, they're forced to work under a scorching sun to make sure their children are fed everyday.
Everyday presents a new threat to their lives, whether it is to the artillery and massacres of the occupation forces or whether it is due to the horrible conditions they're forced to live under.
They need $18,000 to evacuate Gaza, and they've only got $1,449. Any amount you can donate would go to helping this family find a safe place away from the bombings, famine, and disease. Please donate and share as well.
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azurehaiku · 22 hours
i saw a post on twitter by a european saying americans are fake for their random compliments to strangers and their general cheery demeanor and like no. no no no you don’t understand. if you get a random compliment from an american on the street about your outfit or whatever, that is 100% genuine. we mean it. we aren’t lying we are making a small but fleeting connection with you because our lives are shitty but the human condition is enduring. oh god i’m clutching my chest
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azurehaiku · 22 hours
We have become ashamed of ourselves as we publish a fundraising campaign, to help us and save my family
We have great hope for you, and that you will help my large family, which consists of 42 members of my family
Did you know that my brother has special conditions, and has had complete quadriplegic cerebral palsy since birth? He is 31 years old and has been lying on his back all his life and does not move, and he has not harmed anyone since his birth.
My daughter dreams of living in safety like any child in the world, and our women who are exhausted by this fierce war on Gaza.
We hope for you. Donate generously now, because if the army withdraws from Rafah, we will be able to travel as quickly as possible and not wait any longer, because our lives are very difficult.
Share the post so the world can see how we live
Donate generously, and Allah will give you better and more abundant things
My brothers, we do not want to embarrass you, so share a blog post every day: @fairuzfan @sar-soor @plomegranate @fallahifag @vakarians-babe @ibtisams @ibtisams-blog @palestine @gazikacmislaflar @90-ghost
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azurehaiku · 23 hours
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its pride month, and you know what that means
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azurehaiku · 24 hours
Arte alucinante
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azurehaiku · 2 days
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i like angel hare :)
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azurehaiku · 2 days
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Our show is coming to NETFLIX on the 31st of May! Please give it a watch if you've been interested. If it does well then we get to make more of it.
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azurehaiku · 2 days
Abdulrahman is a Palestinian software engineering student at Al-Azhar University urgently raising money to complete his studies abroad. He needs $13,000, and only has 11 DAYS LEFT to complete his goal! So far, he has only raised $346!!! I’ve seen what we can do when we come together to support such an urgent campaign, so I ask and urge you, please, donate to Abdulrahman and share his campaign widely so that others who can donate may see. Let’s help build Palestinian futures!
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azurehaiku · 2 days
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home of the Gods
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azurehaiku · 3 days
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azurehaiku · 3 days
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One by one, we are forced into a truck. Someone who is not moving lands on my lap. I fear that a soldier has thrown a corpse onto me, as a form of torture, but I am scared to speak. I whisper, “Are you alive?” “Yes, man,” the person says, and I sigh with relief. When the truck stops, we hear what sound like gunshots. I no longer feel my body. The soldiers give off a smell that reminds me of coffins. I find myself wishing that a heart attack would kill me. At our next stop, we kneel outside again. I start to wonder whether the Israeli military is showing us off. When a young man next to me cries, “No Hamas, no Hamas!,” I hear kicks until he falls silent. Another man, maybe talking to himself, says quietly, “I need to be with my daughter and pregnant wife. Please.” My eyes fill with tears. I imagine Maram and our kids on the other side of the checkpoint. They don’t have blankets or even enough clothes. I can hear female soldiers, chatting and laughing. Suddenly, someone kicks me in the stomach. I fly back and hit the ground, breathless. I cry out in Arabic for my mother. I am forced back onto my knees. There is no time to feel scared. A boot kicks me in the nose and mouth. I feel that I am almost finished, but the nightmare is not over. Back in the truck, my body hurts so much that I wish I had no hands or shoulders. After what feels like ninety minutes of driving, we are taken off the truck and shoved down some stairs. A soldier cuts my plastic handcuffs. “Both hands on the fence,” he says. This time, the soldier ties my hands in the front. A sigh of relief. I am escorted about fifteen metres. Finally, someone speaks to me in what sounds like native Palestinian Arabic. He seems to be my father’s age. At first, I hate this man. I think he is a collaborator. But later I hear him described as a shawish—a detainee like us, with little choice but to work for his jailers. “Let me help you,” he says. The shawish dresses me in new clothes and walks me inside the fence. When I raise my blindfolded head, I get blurry glimpses of a corrugated metal roof. We are in some kind of detention center; soldiers walk around, watching us. The shawish unrolls what looks like a yoga mat and covers me with a thin blanket. I place my bound hands behind my head, as a pillow. My arms sear with pain, but my body slowly warms. This is the end of day one.
Read the rest of Mosab's harrowing tale in here (if you don't have a New Yorker subscription)
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azurehaiku · 3 days
verified ways to send aid to gaza directly
Help a Palestinian family directly:
gazafunds.com - Donate directly to a Palestinian family in urgent need of evacuation, medical attention, food, rebuilding homes/businesses etc. (Spotlights 1 verified gfm at a time so if you don't know who/where to donate to just go here and donate to the one they show you!)
Help provide tents (urgent):
The Sameer Project: Currently providing tents for displaced families in Gaza (emergency bc tents in Rafah are being burned as we speak) (paypal) (gfm)
Food, cash & essentials:
Care for Gaza: Working on the ground in Gaza to distribute food, cash, medicine & other essentials to displaced families. (paypal) (gfm)
Direct Aid for Gaza: also working on the ground in Gaza to distribute food, cash & other daily essential suppliess to displaced families. (paypal) (gfm)
Gaza Municipality's water project: The official Municipality of Gaza needs help rebuilding the water infrastructure in Gaza City to restore access to clean water and waste management services for the people of Gaza. (This campaign only has a couple of weeks left but it's still only at 15%!)
eSIMs (urgent):
guide to buy & send esims for gaza
crips for esims for gaza: If you don't know how to buy esims or don't have the capacity to manage them (e.g. topping up regularly), this team of volunteers are collecting funds to buy & manage gaza esims regularly
Medical Aid
Palestine Red Crescent Society: Provides emergency medical and ambulance services and humanitarian relief on the ground in Gaza e.g. rescuing and treating the wounded.
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azurehaiku · 3 days
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(Did you know? I post daily comics on my Patreon! I’ve posted more than 100 comics there already, so please consider subscribing if you’re able! It’d make me very happy and it also helps me pay for food, bills and other necessities for both of us :D)
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azurehaiku · 3 days
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"Wanting, wanting... ...without knowing, is a truly painful thing."
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