b3d-bvg-s1ndrome · 3 years
what i would give for someone to grab me by my stupid little face and tell me they love me
not because they have to
or that they fell in love on accident
but they thought i was cute and funny and dumb and they choose to love my little rat brain every minute of every day bc of course they do
but also im oh so violently aroace so this is purely fantasy and if someone tried to lay their grubby little hands on me i’d puke
and maybe cry in touch starved
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b3d-bvg-s1ndrome · 4 years
when it comes to writing with the goal of finishing: set systems, not goals. don’t burn yourself out trying to hit a self imposed deadline without a solid, regular system in place for achieving it. it is not worth it to burn out over something that’s supposed to be fun.
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b3d-bvg-s1ndrome · 4 years
How would one write a realistic argument?
How to Write a Realistic Argument
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Everyone argues.
Whether it be with a friend, sibling, parent, or coworker—arguments usually break out whenever there’s a stark contrast in opinion over certain things, which can happen a lot.
There are a variety of different kinds of arguments involving a wide range of people with different tempers. Because of this, writing arguments can be a bit difficult, but fear not, for this post is here to help!
1. Know The Writing Style of an Argument
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For a very serious argument, the characters probably won’t stop and listen to what their opponent has to say.
It’s quick, choppy, and broken—each character shoving their emotions at one another and trying to get their point across without bothering to understand the other side’s opinions.
There should be a lot of em-dashes and italicized words for emphasis, and if it’s between two people, you want as few speech tags as possible; because there’s going to be a lot of back and forth, speech tags can serve to trip up the flow of the argument rather than help them.
When you do want speech tags or if there are multiple people arguing at once here’s some examples you can use:
But you also must know that your characters won’t just be standing stock still and yelling at one another; they’re going to be moving around, so here are some things you can describe your character doing during an argument
Expression contorting
Eyes narrowing
Speaking through clenched teeth
Baring their teeth
Lips twisting (into a sneer/into a snarl)
Hands balling into fists
Breaking things/knocking stuff over
Pointing accusingly
Spittle flying from their mouth
Stamping their feet
Face getting hot
Vein in forehead popping
Blood roaring in their ears/heart pounding
And if you want, to build tension you can put it in a dangerous place, like at the edge of a cliff or something—so you know fully well that if one of them goes too far it may end up with the other’s accidental death.
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b3d-bvg-s1ndrome · 4 years
Tips on writing sign language
Disclaimers: while I have been learning ASL (American Sign Language, I am not yet fluent. Also, I am not deaf. Both of these things being said, I have been learning ASL for nearly a year and I’ve been doing independant research about the language itself and the Deaf community. What I’ve listed below are things that I have learned from my own personal experience signing, what I’ve learned in my ASL class, and what I’ve learned from my independant research.
1) When you write signed dialogue, use quotation marks and everything else you would use for any other type of dialogue. Yes, I know they didn’t do that in the Magnus Chase series, but many Deaf readers were made uncomfortable at the choice to depict sign language as not speech. Establish early on that the character signs and then use tags such as “xe signed,” or “hir motions were snappy with irritation.”
2) Without facial expressions, someone’s signs are going to be almost meaningless. All of the grammar is in the face, as are some descriptors. For example, if you can’t see a character’s face, and you’re only looking at their hands, the signs would be the same for the statement “Xe doesn’t have dogs.” and the question “Does xe have dogs?” 
3) There is no such thing as fluent lipreading. The best lipreaders in the world can only understand about 70% of what’s being said, and factors such as darkness, the presence of mustaches, lack of context, and a bunch of other common things can easily lower that ability. If someone’s lipreading, they’re taking little pieces of what they can lipread, and stitching together context and other details to get a general picture of what’s going on, but there’s still always going to be holes.
4) If you’re writing a character who can’t hear, know the difference between deaf (lowercase d) and Deaf (uppercase D). The medical term for not being able to hear anything is deaf. People who use their deafness as part of their identity are referred to, and refer to themselves as Deaf. They are part of the Deaf community.
(more tips below cut)
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b3d-bvg-s1ndrome · 4 years
Hii!! I just want to ask if you have any tips or resources in writing character relationships?? Like I want to build a relationship between two characters in a relatively short time but i dont want it to feel rushed,,,,thank you so much!! Your blog has helped me alot!!
I have quite a few resources and advice on the topic of building romantic relationships in a story, so I’ve linked some relevant resources below that you might find useful:
How To Fit Character Development Into Your Story
Creating A Love Interest For An Introvert
 Writing Opposites Who Attract
Resources For Plot Development
Guide To Plot Development
Describing Heartbreak
 Developing Complicated Plots Around Characters
Writing Great Fanfiction
How To Write The Perfect Kiss
On Romantic Subplots
Resources For Romance Writers
Tips On Writing Skinny Love
Guide To Writing Friends To Lovers
Guide To Writing Enemies To Lovers
Guide To Writing Faded Love
Resources For Writing YA Fiction/Romance
Guide To Writing Will-They-Won’t-They
Rivalry vs. Abuse
Guide To Writing Forbidden Love
20 Mistakes To Avoid in YA/Romance
Balancing Fluff and Conflict
 Best Friends To Lovers Resources
How to develop an Emeies-To-Lovers story
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b3d-bvg-s1ndrome · 4 years
i’ve been doing my homework on how to break into a writing career and honestly. there’s a Lot that i didn’t know about thats critical to a writing career in this day and age, and on the one hand, its understandable because we’re experiencing a massive cultural shift, but on the other hand, writers who do not have formal training in school or don’t have the connections to learn more via social osmosis end up extremely out of loop and working at a disadvantage. 
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b3d-bvg-s1ndrome · 4 years
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another art tutorial post :) this time it’s for rainbow effects
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b3d-bvg-s1ndrome · 4 years
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b3d-bvg-s1ndrome · 4 years
how do i decide if i want to write in first or third person 
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b3d-bvg-s1ndrome · 4 years
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Times are troubling and hard right now-but never forget, your Beet loving Grandmother loves you very very much and wants you to be safe.
And for you to eat your vegetables.
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b3d-bvg-s1ndrome · 4 years
Day 24093 This is my house. I won’t allow anyone to harm it. There should have been no more intruders after the last one. I do not want these people here. They will leave-
Day 24095 They are siblings. They are loud. Always singing and talking and stomping. As if they must be louder than anything else.
Day 24106 There are bolts on the door now. Bolts and hideous, gaudy new locks. How dare they-
Night 24112 I was going to fill the night with terrors. But he woke up screaming before I began. She came running from the other room. They sleep right across the hall from each other, with the doors on a crack. …they are young, are they not, to be living on their own. Was I ever so young?
Day 24129 She has fixed the squeak in the door at the top of the stairs. It never squeaked when I still lived.
Day 24121 The noise of the doorbell scares them. But they get so many deliveries. It is a good bell. It has worked all these years- I can see one of the men coming now with his packages, trudging up to the door. …perhaps if I knock before he is here, they will come and look before he can sound the bell.
Day 24114 He is planting flowers in boxes on my windowsills. I always wished I could have some flowers.
Night 24137 She is afraid of the dark. I could see it in her eyes when she got out of bed. …I lit the lamps for her.
Day 24142 They have moved the couch to the sun spot a little to the right of the window. That is where I used to have my armchair. It is the only sensible place for it.
Day 24163 Sometimes the noises of the world are suddenly too much for him. He winces and tries not to sway his head. This is my house. …I can keep it calm and quiet for a while.
Day 24178 She just got a phone call and now they are both laughing. Laughter is a good sound, isn’t it. They said this house has been good luck…
Night 24205 They are singing in our kitchen. He found my cookbook in the gap at the back of the kitchen cabinet and now they are trying to cook. They wanted to start with the soufflé. They don’t even know how to make béchamel! I turned the page to the casserole instead.
Day 24236 This is my house. These are my boarders. I won’t allow anyone to harm them.
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b3d-bvg-s1ndrome · 4 years
I really wanna write a sympatetic villain with a disappointing ending.
The tale of a bitter old man who lost his wife and fought too hard and went too far. A man with a son he's neglected in favour of obsessing over a woman that will never wake again. A son that's grown now.
I want to write the heroes plan and plan and plan, taking note of every strategic attack, trying to predict his last move.
He's a quiet villain, unlike the ones who boast about theit evil deeds.
With every arc, the audience become more and more anxious for the arrival for the grand showdown aaaaaaaaand!
It never comes.
It never comes.
While the heroes planned, the villain actively sought answers. Cures, medicine, magic. Nothing worked.
The villain grew weary and hangs his head in his hand, staring at the comatose body of his wife, sitting alone in a dark room of an empty house. A place his son escaped the minute he turned 18.
The villain, now man, isn't defeated and tragically or victoriously killed in a bloody or glorious battle. The man simply gives up. He doesn't surrender, nor does he turn over all of his weaponry. It gets shelved. As a part of him he'll have to live with for the rest of his bleak, repetitive life.
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b3d-bvg-s1ndrome · 4 years
cinderella: redo
so i was watching cinderella while doing my nails and waiting for them to dry which was clearly a Mistake because now i can’t help but think -
the evil stepmother was always evil, okay. say her abuse of her own daughters was different than that of cinderella’s - but it was still abuse. giving them impossible expectations, telling them they were never good enough, never pretty enough, never smart enough. and then she gets married, and anastasia and drizella are ecstatic because this man seems kind and warm and maybe just maybe he can temper their mother, maybe with him around she won’t be so cruel. so they’re on their very best behavior in the beginning, they do just as their mother taught - they trot out their best upper court manners in an attempt to get their new stepfather to like them. but it just comes off as cold and snooty and they’re trying, they are, they’re just bad at it. and they see how he is with cinderella, the smiling girl their own age, and they are jealous. they don’t mean to be, they try not to be, they know it isn’t becoming of young ladies. but she gets hugs and kisses and affection and they get rulers slapped on their hands when they reach for desert and sharp jabs to their sides when they slouch and - soon they hate cinderella, not for anything she’s done, but for what she has and they dont
but then her father dies. and it’s all a tumble of things and cinderella is crying and they’ve lost their only chance at escaping their mother’s clutches and it’s terrible. and everything settles and there’s no reason to be jealous anymore but resentment is hard to let go of and they don’t know what to do. they’re only kids too after all. and they’re so terribly bad at comforting people, they can do flowery words and know all the right bows but cinderella is so sad and they just don’t know what to do with that, because they’re supposed to be sisters but they’re not even friends
and slowly but surely their mother starts abusing cinderella, starts making her a maid in her own home, and she’s their mother, what are anastasia and drizella supposed to do? she rules them with an iron fist, and cinderella doesn’t even like them anyway, it’s none of their business.
except one night anastasia crawls into her sister’s bed in the middle of the night and wakes her up. “i was thirsty,” she explains, eyes wide and shiny, and they’re bad at this with other people but drizella has no problems with pulling anastasia into her arms. the younger girl clutches her sister and continues, “i was thirsty and i went down to the kitchen to get some water and - and cinderella is still up! she’s doing the dishes, and she should be asleep, mom is going to make her make breakfast in the morning and -” she cuts herself off with a hiccup and whispers, “it’s not fair.”
“life isn’t fair,” drizella says, echoing one of their mother’s favorite phrases. but her sister is staring at her with wet eyes, and it’s not like their mother is likely to get up before sunrise anyway, she hates waking up, so she pulls herself and anastasia out of bed and off they go.
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b3d-bvg-s1ndrome · 4 years
If you have fae in your home
They probably don’t want to hurt you. Someone likely invited them to stay and they believe this is their home as much as you believe it is yours
They may be tutelary, or fae who have lived with a family for several generations. This is more likely if you have a history of witches in your family. They want to help you.
If you think you are being watched, don’t worry. They’re just curious.
If you haven’t been in a room for several days, they’ve probably been “hanging out” there. Calmly ask them to leave you be and stop moving your things.
Sometimes, appliances will suddenly stop or start working. This is normal. Don’t pay attention to them.
Do not hurt the spiders.
Candles make good storage units. The fae will keep your items safe there.
They will bother your animals. Your animals will get used to it. Some may befriend the fae.
Do not accept items from fae unless they are explicitly stated to be gifts.
Do not stand in faery circles. They do not belong to you.
Collect shiny things for them and they will let you work.
If you write about your experiences with them, they may try to stop you. Take a break. You’re sharing their secrets.
If your house gets messy easily or descends into chaos, don’t worry. Just clean up after them.
When you suddenly get a rush of energy at 3 am or feel like a child again, just for a minute, you’re being faeriestruck. This is normal.
Play music with constant rhythms. Don’t play fast music unless you want to be faeriestruck.
You may speak to them verbally, but they will not respond.
When speaking with the fae, do not give them your name.
They may give you their own, but it’s unlikely to be their real name unless they trust you.
If you work with deities, demons, spirits, or other entities, be cautious. You may be tricked by a fae calling themself the wrong name.
When pulling leaves, petals, or any other parts from plants around your home, thank the plant and it will be more willing to help you again.
Fae follow seven, not five, elemental correspondences: earth; air; fire; water; life; light; and magick. When working with the fae, make use of all seven.
Most fae are much larger than the length of your hand.
Most fae are not humanoid.
Most fae are not “pretty.”
Do not be alarmed if you see a faery and they look strange.
If you have worked with fae for a long time, you may find that you know things about them without thinking.
Fae eventually know things about you, too, without being told. Do not panic if they learn your name.
They do not have a set sleeping schedule. They hate sleeping and have a habit of keeping you up to let you know about it.
Befriend your fae or they will never stop bothering you. They are chaotic, powerful, brilliant toddlers in a constant state of boredom.
If you have any questions or additional tips, please share them. Remember that all of this is subjective and based on my experience as someone who has lived in a house full of fae my whole life. Your experiences will most certainly be different
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b3d-bvg-s1ndrome · 5 years
last night i had the weirdest nightmare…i was being eaten alive by bugs but i was thinking in another language?? like all i thought over and over again was “pelkoja”
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b3d-bvg-s1ndrome · 5 years
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wanderlust and what you could become
(they’re pen pals for the rest of the traveler’s life)
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b3d-bvg-s1ndrome · 5 years
So I had the strangest dream this weekend and nobody understands me so I need to share it with you because you might. Press J to skip this post if you can’t deal, I will accept this.
In my dream I was standing on the back deck of a rural cabin that overlooked a beautiful Vermont/Scottish Highlands landscape of unspoiled wilderness. It was a crisp, perfect autumn morning. I held a cup of cooling coffee in my hands as I leaned against the railing and scanned the perfect rolling hills in the midground, behind which the great patterned mountains with their snowcaps marched on until they blended with the horizon: #aesthetic
As I gazed at a distant meadow clearing in the trees, a pair of brightly coloured humanoid creatures emerged from the woods and began to dance for each other. It was an esoteric, beautiful mating dance, a strange combination of instinct and choreography. I felt awe washing over me. I marvelled. I felt a deep sense of wonder and peace as I observed this vanishingly rare encounter that I had never thought to observe in person. These animals were instantly recognisable but had never been studied in the wild. I felt incredibly humbled and privileged to witness this behaviour - I knew that I was the first human witness to observe this behaviour - and I reached for my phone, wondering if I should film it, so it could join the scholarly record, where it NEEDED to be. This could change everything. But then I held back - something told me “no,” to let the creatures have their privacy.
Ok, I can’t go any further without telling you that they were Teletubbies.
A red one and a yellow one. I know. I know. Stay with me here.
The cryptids melted back into the woods. My subconscious drew a discreet veil over the rest of their mating ritual, but I knew instinctively that this had been a dance of courtship. I was busy pondering the implications, because they were critical. You see, although the creatures were instantly recognisable as Teletubbies, as I had studied them, even at a distance, I had an incredible realisation.
They were adult Teletubbies.
This realisation dawned on me and in my dream I understood it fully. The ones that we know of - the captive ones that we have seen on television - are juveniles. In fact, they are the equivalent of toddlers. When you see the adults this becomes obvious. The garbled speech and silly movements of the four captive Teletubbies we know are the babbles of babyhood, a private primal toddler-language brewed up between sentient beings who have never encountered an adult of their own kind.
The adult Teletubbies have more branching, complex antlers and shaggy coats. They are less brightly coloured. They are terrifyingly large. Their strangely human faces, emerging from the thick fur, are unquestionably adult; remote, serene, reproachful. Their television screens are glitchy, esoteric and unknowable. They are cryptids whose public exploitation has undermined their rarity and their strange, alien dignity.
In my dream my feelings of awe and peace turned to great sadness at the fate of the captive toddler Teletubbies. I realised that I had to be the scientist who brought this discovery to the world and raised awareness of their plight. And I also questioned: are Teletubbies like axolotls? Do they exhibit neoteny? (Axolotls, the cute aquarium pets with flaring gills, are actually juveniles of an amphibious species - if given the right conditions they’ll grow up into land-dwelling black newts. But they can breed in their aquatic juvenile form, and most spend their whole lives in this form. Deprived of their wild potential, will the Teletubbies ever mature? Or are they merely experiencing a long childhood, natural for a species that is unimaginably long-lived?)
So in my dream my husband came out onto the back deck and I began to share these discoveries with him and before I could even bring up the axolotls he just said “what the fucking fuck” and went away again.
I woke up disgruntled and unable to capture the feeling of peace and sadness. I then tried to explain this to my husband in the waking world, and he said “what the fucking fuck” and walked away before I even got to the explanation of the Teletubbies being toddlers, which just goes to show that you never know someone as well as you think you do.
Anyway I’m sure you guys will join me in this knowledge. And also I’ve googled it and apparently the Teletubbies reboot features infant Teletubbies, so clearly they are getting more from somewhere and the time to question this is NOW
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