b4inwatercooler · 8 years
2017 GMC Acadia Denali Is Fireball Malibu VLOG 558!
For Cars, Movies and Cool... it's Fireball Tim! FIREBALL MALIBU VLOG 558 – After suiting up Kathie as a Kangraoo Mascot, Fireball snags the 2017 GMC ACADIA DENALI and ships the Roo out. Then, a neighb hike and a drive to Camarillo to see THE BLACK BEAUTY from The Green Hornet! http://beforeitsnews.com/motor-junkies/2017/03/2017-gmc-acadia-denali-is-fireball-malibu-vlog-558-2542400.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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b4inwatercooler · 8 years
Brazilian Scientists Bake Bread Out of Cockroach Flower
Original article on OddityCentral.com - a blog on oddities and wacky news http://www.odditycentral.com/ With food shortage expected to become a major problem in the next decades, many experts believe that insects could become a major source of nutrients for people in the future. We already have plenty of insect based recipes and restaurants have begun putting bugs on their menus, but we need an effective way of using them as replacements for staples of our current diet, like wheat. Well, a couple of Brazilian food scientists have make a breakthrough in that area after successfully turning a species of cockroaches into flour and using it to bake bread. Andressa Lucas and Lauren Menegon, two engineering students at the Federal University of Rio Grande, in Brazil, have developed a flour made from cockroaches that contains 40% more protein than regular wheat flour and can be used to make all kinds of baked goods. http://beforeitsnews.com/watercooler-topics/2017/03/brazilian-scientists-bake-bread-out-of-cockroach-flower-2447263.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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b4inwatercooler · 8 years
Quayle Alert: Antarctica Evacuations -US Military Appears to be Evacuating Civilian Contractors from their Area of Operations
Steve Quayle Alert LATEST ON ANTARCTICA EVACUATIONS THAT I CAN SHARE-IT APPEARS THE U.S. MILITARY IS EVACUATING CIVILIAN CONTRACTORS FROM THEIR AREA OF OPERATIONS-(FROM MY SCIENTIST LISTENER) WHO RETURNED A MONTH AGO FROM ANTARCTICA--'Hi Steve No confirmation from those left behind in Antarctica... BUT the place is HUGE and as I said, only the Americans can move those kinds of numbers around and them and the South American bases are manned by military personnel. The rest of the world must abide by the "no military" part of the Antarctic treaty. http://beforeitsnews.com/strange/2017/03/quayle-alert-antarctica-evacuations-us-military-appears-to-be-evacuating-civilian-contractors-from-their-area-of-operations-2466980.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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b4inwatercooler · 8 years
Helicopter Pilot Records a Video of a Glowing UFO (Video)
A helicopter pilot at Orlando, Florida claimed to have seen and videotaped a bright craft at approximately 1,500 feet altitude that eventually flew upward and disappeared. The witness was outside when the incident took place at 5:24 pm on December 18, 2016. He said that he got a feeling to look up as if he needed to when he saw the glowing craft flew from a southerly direction to north. The strange thing was reportedly flying high but below the commercial airplanes flight altitude that were in traffic during that time. http://beforeitsnews.com/awesome-time-wasters/2017/03/helicopter-pilot-records-a-video-of-a-glowing-ufo-video-2468530.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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b4inwatercooler · 8 years
China's Mysterious Creature 'Horse Deer' Caught on Film (Video)
For the first time ever, researchers in China have obtained footage of a mysterious creature dubbed the 'horse deer.' The enigmatic animal, which resides in remote parts of the China, is not an unknown species, per se, but has long perplexed scientists due to its unique appearance and extremely small population. With only around 100 of the animals thought to exist, very little was known about the creatures until one was captured in 2004 and DNA tests showed that it was a new species of deer. However the now-named Ebi Lake Red Deer remained rather elusive until a recent research project successfully managed to capture footage of the animal. Considering the creatures' incredible small population, the film may be all the more remarkable in that it could ultimately be the only footage of the Ebi Lake Red Deer should the animal's numbers continue to dwindle. http://beforeitsnews.com/watercooler-topics/2017/03/chinas-mysterious-creature-horse-deer-caught-on-film-video-2447257.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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b4inwatercooler · 8 years
Fisherman Sends In Video Of Close Encounter With Bigfoot
Youtube channel Nv Tv posted the following video, claiming it was sent into them by an unnamed person. The person's story is that they were fishing, when a bigfoot creature ran up on him and stared him down. Thanks http://bigfootevidence.blogspot.com/ Check out more contributions by Jeffery Pritchett ranging from UFO to Bigfoot to Paranormal to Prophecy http://beforeitsnews.com/watercooler-topics/2017/03/fisherman-sends-in-video-of-close-encounter-with-bigfoot-2447254.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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b4inwatercooler · 8 years
White Biological Life Forms Seen During Shuttle Mission STS 134?, NASA Video
Date of video: May 16, 2011 Location of video: Earths Orbit, STS 134 Source: NASA Youtube Account A reader here has asked me to look into a video about the shuttle Endeavour mission. He pointed out the video below posted by UFO orbs of Youtube. It was suspicious...but when I went to the official NASA youtube account and found the original...they matched. At 4:52 into the official STS 134 NASA video, we see a massive white object, as big as the empty fuel tanks falling to Earth from the shuttle. http://beforeitsnews.com/watercooler-topics/2017/03/white-biological-life-forms-seen-during-shuttle-mission-sts-134-nasa-video-2447250.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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b4inwatercooler · 8 years
Teaching Kids to Trust the Police is Child Abuse
Somebody who would do this to a child should be horsewhipped, at the very least. Integral to the American concept of liberty is the right to hold the state at bay, which is why children are never too young to be taught to regard government employees with suspicion and defensive hostility. Some conscientious parents in Northampton, Massachusetts acted on that principle by demanding an end to a program intended to habituate public school inmates to the presence of police officers. The local police department, acting on an initiative that originated with the International Association of Chiefs of Police, had dispatched officers to the local elementary school each week for an event called “High-Five Friday,” in which officers would exchange friendly greetings with cops who in practically any other context would treat such physical contact as a felonious assault on an officer. Police Chief Jody Kasper explains that she thought “it was a great way to start building relationships with young kids.”That program was “paused” following complaints from a handful of parents who believe that it is the better part of wisdom to teach their children to avoid contact with the police, rather than seeking it out. http://beforeitsnews.com/strange/2017/02/teaching-kids-to-trust-the-police-is-child-abuse-2466971.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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b4inwatercooler · 8 years
A few UFO accounts you may find interesting
, .Copyright 2017, InterAmerica, Inc.In the 1967 Dell Flying Saucers/UFO Reports for March/April (used for my previous posting here) there are a number of interesting even humorous tales of UFO encounters from John Keel [Page 57 ff.]A December 21, 1964 event involved a gunsmith, Horace Burns. From Grottoes,Virginia.Mr. Burns “told of seeing a huge object about 125 feet in diameter land near Highway 250. His car engine stalled … as the great metallic thing which looked like ‘an old fashioned bee hive’ settled in a field near the Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center outside of Fisherville, Va. http://beforeitsnews.com/strange/2017/02/a-few-ufo-accounts-you-may-find-interesting-2466970.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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b4inwatercooler · 8 years
Coyote Sightings And What You Can Do To Prevent Conflicts
Coyote Michigan Department of Natural ResourcesUSA -(Ammoland.com)- Coyotes can be found everywhere – forests, fields, farmlands, backyards, neighborhoods and cities.Resourceful members of the dog family, coyotes have used human development to their advantage.“Coyotes have learned how to survive in urban landscapes, even near people. They take advantage of abundant natural foods that can often be found in urban and suburban areas,” said Hannah Schauer, a Michigan Department of Natural Resources wildlife technician. “Because they are highly adaptable, coyotes have expanded their range throughout North America, and can be found in every county in Michigan.”A coyote may start getting comfortable in these places, particularly if there are food sources available and there is nothing threatening about the experience.“As humans, we play a role in reducing potential conflicts with wild animals, including coyotes,” Schauer said.Removing food sources such as trash bins, bird feeders and pet food, and fencing off gardens and fruit trees, may make an area less appealing to a coyote because it is harder to find an easy meal.“Yelling, clapping and chasing off a coyote will let it know that it is not welcome in a person’s territory and help it retain its natural fear of humans,” Schauer said. “A coyote is not going to want to hang around an area where food is hard to find and people are always threatening it.”There are various removal options available to landowners or residents who may be experiencing problems with coyotes.When removal of food and attempts at scaring a coyote from an area have not made the coyote more wary of humans, a person may wish to hire a specially permitted nuisance control company to assist in the safe removal of problem animals in urban or residential areas.For landowners in an area where hunting or trapping activities are allowed, coyotes may be taken all year on private property by a property owner or designee, when they are doing or about to do damage to private property. http://beforeitsnews.com/survival/2017/02/coyote-sightings-and-what-you-can-do-to-prevent-conflicts-2657597.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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b4inwatercooler · 8 years
Chilean Police Report Paranormal Activity While Investigating Domestic Disturbance
Original article on OddityCentral.com - a blog on oddities and wacky news http://www.odditycentral.com/ People report cases of paranormal activity somewhere around the world virtually every day, but it’s not often that you hear police officers actually confirming these occurrences. However, that’s exactly what happened a couple of days ago in a Chilean city, when police investigating a domestic disturbance were allegedly attacked by mysterious forces. On February 26, 2017, a group of Carabineros – Chilean police force – were called to investigate a home in Puerto Montt, after the desperate owners called the emergency number to complain that they were being terrorized by unnatural forces. When they arrived at the house in the municipality of municipality of Fe y Esperanza, they noticed several broken windows and a partially burned mattress in the yard. http://beforeitsnews.com/watercooler-topics/2017/02/chilean-police-report-paranormal-activity-while-investigating-domestic-disturbance-2447245.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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b4inwatercooler · 8 years
An induced fantasy or actual observation of a vibrant UFO (mothership?)
Copyright 2017, InterAmerica, Inc.In the second edition of the pictured magazine, from 1967, is an article Occupants: Yes or No? on Page 56 ff. with pieces by various writers, including John Keel, Irving Greenfield, and others without bylines.The opening, non-bylined salvo recounts an experience from APRO files by a 14 year-old boy who had a “consuming interest in aircraft,” was not interested in publicity, refused to give his name, did not try to capitalize on his experience, and was, in no way, a UFO enthusiast.The boy, with his nephew, were “playing in the front yard of the nephew’s home in Pinellas Park, Fla., at 9:20 in the evening of November 10, 1966 when they saw a cigar-shaped object come out of a cloud and move toward them … They ran inside the house, the younger boy to hide in a closet, the older youth to phone his mother.” [Page 57 of magazine]The 14 year old “described the object as red when it sped in, changing to bluish-white as it slowed and glowing with the intensity of mercury vapor light … It hovered in a horizontal position … and at the same time, several smaller objects moved in from the north and east, each about 10x20 feet, a fifth the size of the larger craft. These smaller UFOs looked white from a distance, but turned light blue as they neared the ‘mother ship’ [sic].” “Suddenly a ‘bunch of hatches opened like remote-controlled garage doors’ on the large object and the smaller objects … would enter the hatches one at a time, edge first, right side up. http://beforeitsnews.com/strange/2017/02/an-induced-fantasy-or-actual-observation-of-a-vibrant-ufo-mothership-2466966.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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b4inwatercooler · 8 years
World’s First Cannabis Gym Wants to Get You High and Pumped
Original article on OddityCentral.com - a blog on oddities and wacky news http://www.odditycentral.com/ Weed and fitness apparently go well together, and the Power Plant Fitness gym, in San Francisco, wants to prove that once and for all by allowing clients to consume cannabis in various forms, while they work out. Power Plant Fitness advertises itself as the world’s first cannabis-friendly gym. Before you get the wrong idea about this place, it’s important to mention that Power Plant Fitness “won’t be a place to get high and just screw around,” quite the opposite. Co-founders Jim McAlpine and Ricky Williams claim that they are “focused on the athletic side, not the cannabis side,” and that they want to tackle the stereotype that pot users are lazy. http://beforeitsnews.com/watercooler-topics/2017/02/worlds-first-cannabis-gym-wants-to-get-you-high-and-pumped-2447244.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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b4inwatercooler · 8 years
Occult Plan to Disinherit Males Revealed in 1852
( Left. Isidore Marie Auguste François Xavier Comte (1798-1857)Over 160 years ago, Masonic philosopher August Comte wanted to perfect society by removing men from the procreationequation. At the same time, women would be elevated to goddess.This occult vision is being realized. "M. http://beforeitsnews.com/strange/2017/02/occult-plan-to-disinherit-males-revealed-in-1852-2466964.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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b4inwatercooler · 8 years
Indonesian Woman Goes Overseas to Work, Has Kidney Removed Without Her Knowledge
Original article on OddityCentral.com - a blog on oddities and wacky news http://www.odditycentral.com/ For years now, international media has been reporting on the physical and psychological abuse suffered by migrant workers from poor Asian countries at the hands of rich Middle-Eastern employers, but organ theft has never been mentioned. Until now, anyway, as an Indonesian woman recently revealed that one of her kidneys had been removed without her knowledge three years ago, while she was working in Qatar. 25-year-old Sri Rabitah, from Lombok, in Indonesia, claims that in June 2014 she reached out to a local employment agency to help her find a job in the Middle East. She was originally told that she would be sent to work for a family in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, but somehow ended up in the home of a Palestinian family, in Doha, Qatar. http://beforeitsnews.com/watercooler-topics/2017/02/indonesian-woman-goes-overseas-to-work-has-kidney-removed-without-her-knowledge-2447240.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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b4inwatercooler · 8 years
What Not To Wear
If there’s one thing that Democrats excel at it’s organizing; otherwise we wouldn’t have wound up with a community organizer as president. But even in defeat Democrats organize; that’s why they’ve been staging protests around the country ever since Trump won. Their latest lamentations can be seen and heard at Republican town hall meetings around the country. The Dem overlords have instructed the “grassroots” “folks” on how to attend and disrupt the meetings - two things that Democrats are particularly good at: participation and protest. http://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2017/02/what-not-to-wear-3254905.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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b4inwatercooler · 8 years
Fireball Gets a Funny Perfect Haircut for VLOG Bits!
For Cars, Movies and Cool... it's Fireball Tim! The PERFECT #HAIRCUT – VLOG BITS – Fireball reveals what it takes to get the perfect #haircut. What’s HAIR? http://beforeitsnews.com/motor-junkies/2017/02/fireball-gets-a-funny-perfect-haircut-for-vlog-bits-2542333.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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