b4rbierobertsaa · 1 month
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𝙼𝚄𝚉𝙴𝙻𝙾𝚁 , independent , private and iconless multimuse blog featuring a collection of canon characters from various media sources , as well as original characters . bemused by veronica .
𝙵𝙴𝙰𝚃𝚄𝚁𝙸𝙽𝙶  𝙼𝚄𝚂𝙴𝚂  𝙵𝚁𝙾𝙼 : the vampire diaries universe , hoegwarts universe , stranger things , alice in borderland , scooby doo , disney , addams family , american horror story , league of legends , barbie universe , the big bang theory universe , how i met your mother , dc comics , marvel , archie comics , as well as folklore ocs .
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▐  DISCLAIMER  ;  all characters are written from my own perspective. some are canon compliant (those with no link attached to them), whilst some were taken from canon and rewritten almost entirely (those with links). all disney characters are from storybrooke, with the exception of alex. all lost boys characters besides paul are taken from either the craft or my babysitter's a vampire, but they're all from santa carla. only their location has changed, their backstory remains the same.
▐  THE VAMPIRE DIARIES  ;  tatia anderdottir , kai parker , hayley marshall , henrik mikaelson , davina claire , josie forbes , kol mikaelson , elena gilbert.
▐  HOEGWARTS  ;  dorcas meadowes , ginny weasley , bellatrix lestrange , josie dumont , fred weasley.
▐  DISNEY  ;  red riding hood [ruby] , esmeralda fernandez , elsa arendottir , anna arendottir , alex russo [rashid] , evie grimhilde , mal , snow white.
▐  STRANGER THINGS  ;  barbara holland , kali prasad.
▐  SCOOBY DOO  ;  velma dinkley , thorn , shaggy rogers , daphne blake
▐  THE LOST BOYS  ;  paul , nancy downs , erica jones , sarah fox , benny weir
▐  ALICE IN BORDERLAND  ;  kuina hikari , karube daikichi , akane heiya , aguni , chishiya shuntato , usagi yuzuha , arisu ryohei , niragi suguru , mira kano.
▐  HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER  ;  robin sherbatsky , marshall eriksen , barney stinson , lily alrdrin , ted mosby , tracy mcconnell.
▐  BIG BANG THEORY  ;  leonard hofstadter , melissa cooper.
▐  AMERICAN HORROR STORY  ;  michael langdon.
▐  ADDAMS FAMILY  ;  pugsley addams , thing , morticia addams , gomez addams , uncle fester , ophelia frump , lenora frump , lurch.
▐  LEAGUE OF LEGENDS  ;  evelynn , jinx , caitlyn.
▐  MATTEL  ;  stereotypical barbie , singer barbie , beach ken , backflip ken , magician ken , allan , teresa , raquelle.
▐  DC + MARVEL COMICS  ;  harley quinn , joker , peter parker , eddie + venom , morgan stark.
▐  ARCHIE COMICS  ;  cheryl blossom.
▐  ROMANIAN MYTHOLOGY  ;  georgiana dumitrescu , viviana olteanu , ecaterina ivan , narcisa lupu , daniel , parascheva.
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▐  DISCLAIMER  ;  independent, private, selective, iconless, duplicate friendly and mutually exclusive. no hate, discrimination or bigotry allowed on my watch or there will be consequences. this is just a hobby, therefore i am not affiliated with the fandoms ᅳ we're still waiting for the adoption papers to go through.
▐  TRIGGERS  ;  all triggers will be tagged as trigger tw/. this blog contains mature, as well as gore content. the following mentions will be frequent on this blog: violence , gore , death , mental illnesses , war , politics. if a particular thread contains triggering content, even if it’s just implied, it will still be tagged as trigger tw/. keep in mind that these topics, albeit triggering for some, are used for storytelling purposes and i will not water down the severity of any of them. if you don’t want to see it on your dash, do not follow this blog.
▐  FOLLOWING  ;  if i follow you, it means i want to write with you. everything is opened to mutuals (people i follow that follow me back)  :  sending anything through my inbox, yelling at me through ims or over discord, tagging me in stuff, mentioning my characters in other threads, selling me to the dark lords. if i don’t follow you it’s probably because (1) i can’t see our muses interact or (2) i can’t find your age anywhere listed. being 18+ is mandatory, as this blog contains mature and gore content. it’s important to note that, if i don’t follow back and you have ideas in which our characters could interact, you can shoot a message or sent me an ask to let me know. chances are high that i will follow you back. if i’m breaking mutuals, i will either softblock or hard block (depending on your preference, if it’s listed anywhere in your rules). if you want to break mutuals with me, please hard block. if you must softblock, here’s a chill message for you to send before softblocking : always gonna give you up, always gonna say goodbye. you’d be rickrolling me and breaking mutuals like the legend i know you are.
▐  FORMATTING  ;  small text, double space, bold, italics, strikethrough and underline text. because i have too many muses, i will only be using banners with their name, but if you want icons / gifs for our threads, i think i can work it out hopefully. i also write a lot, but don’t feel like you have to match my format. i usually accommodate my writing partners with the length, but mistakes happen and i get carried away sometimes.
▐  SHIPPING  ;  yes, please. grabby hands. i need it. chances are, if you ship it, i most likely shipped it for a while now. chemistry is important no matter the dynamic, so if you want to try something, never refrain from yelling at me in private. i will yell back. wanted dynamics are  :  platonic , familial , romantic , antagonistic , to name a few. if you want to get into specifics, take a look at this meme and let me know either by sending the emoji through my inbox or telling me in private (ims/discord).
▐  MUN  ;  howdy potential new friend. i'm veronica, a 21+ cryptid from eastern europe. i got my bachelor degree in sociology with specialization in criminality and deviance and right now i am taking a master in sociology of consumerism and marketing. i am a gemini and i own two cats, jinx is a persian mf and kira is half persian half demon, if you ask me. i can always provide proof. i am addicted to coffee to the point if i don't drink 2 a day i become two of snow white's dwarfs... grumpy and sleepy. one of my favorite authors is paulo coelho, i fell in love with his work on the witch of portobello. i like to present myself as a halfblood since on my dad's side i am rromani. english is my third language, first is dumbass and second is romanian. you want proof of my first language? in highschool i was sent to a psychologist because i thought it'd be funny to make a gore video of joker (2019). i also have loads of really stupid or really creepy stories, feel free to ask me about them. and if you want to break my brain, ask me what's my favorite song. i seem to forget all songs i've ever listened. if you read everything, i'm sorry. here's a knock knock joke so i can make it easier for you to hard block me: knock knock. who's there? a dwarf. a dwarf who? a dwarf who can't reach the doorbell, that's why he's knocking. you may hard block me now.
miercolaes  —  a single muse blog, featuring the cryptid that is wednesday addams. i’ve taken all canon material and decided to rewrite it and we still didn’t end up with something good, babes. so if you’re looking for a psycho with psychic abilities that struggles to understand human emotions and would fight you just because, this is your blog!
bahrbae  —  a single muse blog featuring the actress barbie doll. legend has it she was owned by joker which would explain her fuckedupness. so if you’re looking for a fucked up doll with a knack for horsies (which apparently does not equate to patriarchy????) with many other verses, this is your blog.
salemarked  —  a single muse sideblog to #miercolaes featuring dorcas goode. you may know her canonically as goody addams but guess what, you shouldn’t trust everything you see or hear! that’s how they get you. but if you’re looking for ancestral rage and a top tier manipulator who has a very unfortunate history, this is your blog!
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