ba11etomane · 6 years
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ba11etomane · 6 years
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ba11etomane · 6 years
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ba11etomane · 6 years
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Ballet miracle | abtofficial
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ba11etomane · 6 years
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ba11etomane · 6 years
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Updated audition information.
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ba11etomane · 6 years
Audition Information!!! Auditions will tentatively be open until November 25th. But the date may be subject to change. Remember to mark your character preference, and that incomplete auditions will not be accepted. Also, feel free to spread the word. The more the merrier!
tag @ba11etomane if you are submitting your auditions via tumblr. Or link the completed audition in the discord!
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Alexia Giordano in Charlotte Savary’s music video Oh Rose (2016)
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ba11etomane · 6 years
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Dead Bison with Crows
Tyler Smith
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ba11etomane · 6 years
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Miami City Ballet | Alexei Ratmansky’s “The Fairy’s Kiss”
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ba11etomane · 6 years
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Vaganova Ballet Academy student Anastasia Krasnoshekova and Boris Eifman Academy student Miroslava Nazarova. Photo by Kirill Titov.
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ba11etomane · 6 years
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David Roentgen’s Automaton of Queen Marie Antoinette, The Dulcimer Player
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ba11etomane · 6 years
dolce and gabbana alta moda f/w 2018
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ba11etomane · 6 years
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Winter Kingdom Roles
You may have 2 named characters. I would prefer if they were from different kingdoms. You may have as many extra characters (those with **) as you’d like though.
If there are any roles not listed here or the other kingdoms that you’re dying to include, let me know and we can work something out!
Spring: https://goo.gl/gbdLXN Summer: https://goo.gl/XJV4yp Fall: https://goo.gl/JnTe6g Humans: https://goo.gl/j1cdNF
General Info
Ruler: Mouse King
Magic: Their magic revolves around physical transformation. While the Fall kingdom has power of decay and entropy, the Winter kingdom tends to build up magic and order. They stack forms on forms, creating layers of shapeshifting and transforming creatures so wholly they often forget what they truly were. In a general sense, they change energy from one form to another. While sometimes they do this to release huge surges of energy, in general they prefer to build and not destroy. Many of these shapeshifters can use their powers to transform things beyond themselves, though unlike the Spring kingdom, it is easiest to use their powers on themselves. In its more powerful form, this magic can be used on inanimate objects as well as living, changing beings. The Mouse King can even turn liquid water into swirling palaces of ice, or turn the stored energy in a log into a roaring fire.
Geography: The frozen forest may seem like a fairytale of glittering crystals and silent, towering pines robed in blankets of fluffy snow. But the forest is silent for a reason. All birds are gone, there aren’t even tracks in the snow from rabbits or mice. Some believe this is because the mouse king experiments on his own subjects, transforming them into horrifying creatures or burning them dry of energy to power his grand building projects. But the Winter Kingdomers know the solemn truth. The humble mice and little birds love their king and the order he provides. They love his safety and his shelter and his willingness to carve from the brutal wilderness a kingdom of peace and stability. They volunteered for his quest to destroy Drosselmeyer in droves. And they died in droves to defend him, for most of the war was fought on Winter territory. The frozen rivers ran red with their blood, and the snows were stained crimson under their feet. In sorrow, the ice king blanketed the forests in a thick layer of snow he hasn’t the heart to lift. The silent forest is their mausoleum now, and the Mouse King can sometimes be seen wandering through it with his trailing retinue of mouse knights, thinking over what he lost to maintain the Kingdom’s freedom, a sacrifice he will never e thanked for. The Mouse King’s Palace, an Ice Mount carved by the king himself from living, dancing ice, sits nestled in the last stronghold of the Winter Kingdom. The Crags are a jagged maw of snow-topped mountains at the very Nothern edge of the Winter Kingdom, bordering the Silent Sea, a plain of treacherous ice that drops off into the northern reaches of the Opalescent Ocean that few Summer Kingdomers are brave enough to venture into.
Goals: While the other three kingdoms blame the Mouse King’s greed and ambition for the war he waged against the Spring Kingdom and Drosselmeyer, the Mouse King and his subjects believe it was all in the name of balance. The Mouse King feared what Drosselmeyer and the Sugarplum Fairy would do with a human heart and its resulting power. He vowed to kill the human or banish her, or even take the power for his own and destroy Drosselmeyer if he could. But of course he was foiled by a simple Nutcracker’s actions. But then again, so was Drosselmeyer, so perhaps he can thank the Nutcracker for that at least. Now that four new humans have arrived, the chaos and destruction of the war weighs heavy on the King’s mind. He knows he could use that power to extend his order and peace to the other more chaotic kingdoms, but he also fears what they may do if they get their hands on the humans. So he and his subjects have set out under various guises to capture, banish, or even kill the four humans before war breaks out. And the Mouse King himself has a pretty good idea who is behind this nonsense, and is out hunting Firebirds.
Social Strata: While the Winter Kingdom is one of the more stratified, it is also one of the more peaceful. Perhaps that is simply because its numbers are so low thanks to high casualty rates from the War Between Kingdoms. Or perhaps they are just well and truly loyal to their lord. But in any case, those with more magic tend to have more power within the kingdom. Those who can affect the world around them besides shapeshifting their own form are highly regarded, and those with huge shows of this power through forts of towering rock or wandering homes of walking houses have a special place in the Mouse King’s court. Below them are those with fewer powers but intense loyalty and strength. The Mouse Knights are a rather selective group of soldiers the Mouse King has personally transformed, and while outsiders may be disgusted by them and think them lowly fodder, the Mouse King treasures his Knights. Below them are the kingdomers who cannot protect themselves or those not maritally inclined. While this used to be less important, the war is heavy on everyone’s mind in the Winter Kingdom, and many more passive fae cling to those they hope can protect them. Koschei the Sorcerer has begun to build up his own faction, though for now he remains loyal to the Mouse King. Who knows what his true ambitions are though, and as his numbers grow his power begins to rival even that of the Mouse King.
Mouse King
Ballet: Nutcracker
Gender: Male
Age: 30+
Basic Info:
 He has the most expansive control over transformation of inanimate objects in his kingdom. He even has the power to change other WInter Kingdomers into different forms, and bestows this honor on willing and occasionally unwilling kingdomers if he believes the greater good demands it. He used to be a creative, tolerant ruler who was not above twisting the rocky crags and towers of ice into great shows of his power just for the amusement of his subjects. But he has become sullen, distant, and melancholy following his defeat. He is utterly devoted to protecting what is left of his kingdom from any threat of attack, whether this threat is real or imagined. And while many remain deeply loyal, some wonder if the carnage left him a bit unstable. Surely he didn’t need to create a whole battalion of swans to spy on his kingdom and beyond? Surely he didn’t need to fortify his Palace to the point where it is almost impossible to gain entry. And surely he doesn’t intend to destroy the other three rulers and impose orderly winter over The Land Beyond, right? That would be sheer madness. But no matter what his plans are, all he really wants is peace and some way to atone for all the death and destruction caused in his name.
player: @.username
Ballet: Swan Lake
Gender: Female
Age: 18+
Basic Info:
 She is closely tied to the Mouse King (though the nature of her ties are up to the individual playing her), but feels she has been betrayed by him as he forced his will and power on her. She used to be a carefree shapeshifter dancing between forms with the abandon of light dancing through leaves. But as war settled over the Winter Kingdom, the Mouse King took it upon himself to turn her into a swan and lock away her own powers deep inside her. Now she is stuck only turning back to her humanoid form by the light of the moon, spending her days acting as his chief intelligence officer. He says it’s to keep her safe and allow her an easy means of escape while ensuring she doesn’t appear a threat to any would-be attackers, for the other Kingdoms would surely hope to harm her to get to him. But she believes it’s his selfish need for control that is only growing after the disaster of his war against Drosselmeyer. She and her other swan maidens are slowly turning away from their king and looking for someone to break what they see as a curse. This war between what she was and what she’s become is starting to split her in two. And sometimes a second form can break free. A black swan, fueled by anger and independence, has been seen silhouetted against the cold white of the Frozen Forest. She sees much, but who knows what exactly she plans to do with this knowledge. Perhaps she even hunts the human for herself, hoping its power will be able to break her spell?
player: @.username
Ballet: Swan Lake
Gender: Male
Age: 18+
Basic Info:
The head of the Mouse King’s Knights, he was once his King’s most trusted general. But he is slowly losing his king to a dark spiral of depression, and losing the object of his affections to his King’s curse. While he was happy to keep his affections secret before the war, he can’t help feeling his King is destroying the woman he loves by trapping her away, and he is caught between loyalties. Deep down he knows Odette never loved him, and only uses his attention to gain more information about the Mouse King’s growing weakness. But, never good with choices, he seems in a perpetual state of indecision and anger at his own weakness. Like his king, he has some manner of control over water and ice, which makes him a fearsome opponent. But the more his indecision grows, the more tenuous his hold over these elements becomes. He was almost killed by the Nutcracker and Clara during their brief encounter, and has vowed to take vengeance on him and restore his honor, which by all rights is only besmirched in his own eyes. But since he is stuck between his two loyalties, he has devoted all his attentions to this foolish rivalry.
player: @.username
Ballet: Firebird
Gender: Male
Age: 18+
Basic Info:
 Tall, incredibly thin, and inhumanly hungry, Koschei knows all too well the danger of rogue magic. He was not originally as powerful as he is now, and while the specifics are fuzzy, rumors spread that he gains power by devouring unsuspecting fae who come to him for help and cannot repay his high prices. Some, it is said, he even turns into various furniture around his treehouse to serve him for eternity. But these are rumors surely. He’s probably just such a powerful sorcerer he can animate dead wood and cold metal. But in any case, his stolen powers are eating him alive. Work takes energy, and if there is no innate source, it simply burns its host from the inside out. But the more it grabs hold of him, the more he hungers for power. Some say this is a destruction of his own doing, the price he bears to lend power to a grieving, broken King and to help the poor survivors of the War Between Kingdoms. But others whisper of a terrible vengeance from a captured fae who gave Koschei his power at a great price. Perhaps this fae knew exactly what he would become, ever hungry and ever wilder, slowly amassing power and wealth and disillusioned followers within the Winter Kingdom. Or perhaps they just wanted quick, vicious vengeance and a chance to see what chaos would unfold. 
player: @.username
Mice Knights**
Ballet: Nutcracker
Gender: Any
Age: Any
Basic Info:
 Loyal fae and other Winter Kingdomers may have the high honor of being transformed into one of the Mouse King’s Knights, an elite group of warriors who can actually take a variety of forms but choose the humble mouse while at court as a symbol of their humility, bravery, and loyalty to their king. While in battle though, they can take forms ranging from wolves and bears to elk and even eagles. But they come from lowly stock and most do not have any magic of their own. They join for a variety of reasons, some because they feel it is the only way to gain power and protect themselves, others for vengeance against the other Kingdoms that destroyed their homes and families, and others out of a sheer love for their King.
Players: @.usernames
Ballet: Nutcracker
Gender: Any
Age: Any
Basic Info:
 These various fae have few transformative powers, and generally appear as crystalline humanoids or translucent, opalescent humans who flit from tree to tree as if weightless. Some are as old as the forest and others are as new as the dawn, born from the sheer power the Mouse King gives off trying to maintain his palace. The younger and weaker they are, the more playful but also the less solid they seem. Like snow, some can simply melt away. But the stronger snowflakes harden like ice and can become quite vicious, toying with lost travelers. Some are lucky enough to become Mouse Knights or even Swans, and others just flit abut the Frozen Forest and the palace trying to cheer up their king and become strong enough to be fully real.
Players: @.usernames
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ba11etomane · 6 years
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ba11etomane · 6 years
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Concept art for Beauty and the Beast 2012 | francois-baranger
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ba11etomane · 6 years
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Little Women 1994
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ba11etomane · 6 years
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