baabyjourdan · 5 years
I don’t think I’m scared of killing myself. Yeah, that’s intense and it puts people off. I’m not scared of what’s to come. I’m scared of trying and not succeeding. Just another failed attempt in my life. Just another moment where I didn’t amount to my own expectations. Isn’t that fucked up? I’m not scared to kill myself. I’m scared to fail at my last attempt to have some fucking control over what happens to me, and I have to face the world. My family. My friends. Constantly hovering over me, because now it’s important to see how I am. To see how I’m doing. Fuck this.
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baabyjourdan · 5 years
“The social norm that is put on women that they should create children and be a mother just doesn’t sound appealing to me. I don’t want children. Not only am I selfish, but I just don’t see myself as a mother. I know a lot of women say that, but I mean that from the depths of my soul. My heart wasn’t made to love a child, and I have always been okay with that. That doesn’t make me a bad person.”
- That’s just how I see myself
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baabyjourdan · 7 years
This is absolutely beautiful
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I love these! From a series by photographer Sophia Vogel called With and Without. Which she summarises (translated from German):
The project and each individual image is intended to encourage society to think about itself, its own body, about acceptance. For diversity and against beauty ideals (advertising) and all the environs for the exterior. I advocate in this work for self-love and acceptance of one’s own body, as well as the acceptance of others with their peculiarities.
It’s also an excellent illustration of the absurdity of our default clothed habits. Even if you’re not able to overcome the wider cultural taboo of nudity, why wear clothes at home when it’s not cold? What purpose do clothes serve when you’re just sat at a computer or watering your plants? You don’t need protection from clothing most of the time. Indeed sometimes, like doing yoga, they’re just a hindrance! 
Being naked should be normal; we all have bodies, and they are far both far more diverse and far more alike than the media representation of bodies would have so many believe. I think we’d all be happier healthier people if we weren’t so scared of our own physical forms.
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baabyjourdan · 7 years
"Long distance relationships with break your fucking heart apart. Until you have no idea who the hell you even are anymore"
Why me
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baabyjourdan · 7 years
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Katharina Jung
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baabyjourdan · 7 years
You went back though didn’t you? Even after you promised your best friends that you wouldn’t You went back just to remind yourself why you left in the first place Just to feel it all one more time You went back because you thought it would be different this time didn’t you? Even after your mother told you boys like him will never realise what they’ve done Tell me did he make your heart beat butterflies this time? Or was it the same old fire in the bottom of your stomach? The feeling you swore you could never handle a second time round Tell me where did running back to him get you? Was the breakdown in the school bathroom all worth it for one more day of feeling him? Was the second heartbreak anything like the first? Did it teach you anything about running back? Please tell me you’ve finally learnt that boys like him will always feed you poison And girls like you will always swallow it whole
On running back to the boy that made me loose everything, in more ways that one (via poisoned-words)
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baabyjourdan · 7 years
"You tear my heart out with every drunk world that fumbles out of your mouth. And my dumb ass is sitting here, drunk, and letting you do it. Because you're the only person who has that kind of power over me."
-fuck me and you
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baabyjourdan · 7 years
"Stop making the person who loves you more than they love breathing, fucking unhappy. Stop saying hurtful things that make them want to jump off the nearest cliff. Stop breaking their fucking heart when they are just trying to keep yours together. Stop. Stop what you're doing that is going to make the one person that stayed, leave. Stop.
Just stop
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baabyjourdan · 7 years
"I hate myself because I know I have the power to change the fact that I'm unhappy, but I do nothing about it. I don't deserve the freedom to change my life at any moment. I don't take advantage."
-I hate myself
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baabyjourdan · 7 years
"Baby, why do you stare at the floor? Like your shoes are an unknown marvel. Like you haven't seen them before. Why do you stare at the floor when your face should be held high enough the Gods could marvel at it?"
-why do I do this
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baabyjourdan · 8 years
I don't fucking need you. Sure, I want you here because life seems a little less dull with you. That doesn't mean shit. I still don't fucking need you, remember that, before you start to get fucking comfortable with your place in my life.
Vulgarity to prove a point.
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baabyjourdan · 8 years
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I hope you read this some day.
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baabyjourdan · 8 years
Concept: a relationship where you’re both equally obsessed with one another but still respect eachothers space. There is no lack of communication or trust. Lots of sex.
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baabyjourdan · 8 years
My mother always told me to never fall in love with a man whose inner storm was wilder than my own, because my storm was so large that it could swallow nations. But I always told her that my storm needed something just as wild, other wise it would swallow us up. I finally learned I should have listed to my mother, because now I am swallowed my the storm inside a man who had a wilder storm than me...and I'm drowning.
-I'm sorry momma, I should have listened
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baabyjourdan · 8 years
I just want that rough, passionate, can’t fucking get enough of each other sex
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baabyjourdan · 8 years
Momma always told me I dreamed of a lifestyle that was far to extravagant for someone who failed.
Why are you so motivated?
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baabyjourdan · 9 years
"Baby, you have a wondering soul. As wide and wavering as the ocean. Warn the person who finally finds the strength to take you on, because you are crashing tsunamis, and rolling tornados. Tell that boy that I bless his soul, because there won't be many people that can handle hell and heaven all in one person. Don't lose that baby."
Word from my mother
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