babaynganaybuhok · 1 year
In my elementary it was all about fun and love from my family. All I care was, when can I play with my friends. Sometimes my mother wants me to sleep instead of playing outside with friends every afternoon. I grew up with frail small body and easily got sick so they want me to stay at home. As a kid I always do what I want. My dad on the other hand spoil me with things, he supports me as long as I’m happy about it. One day my mother forbids me to go outside because I was sick, but because of my stubbornness I still go out have fun and play with my friends. I didn’t notice the time, didn’t notice that it was already dark. As a kid with strict parents, I already trembling in fear, that time I started to overthink, thinking what I could do so my mother won’t scold me. Before I could do the escape, my mother arrived and search for me immediately, she scolded me in front of my friends. I rarely go out from that day on, I feel embarrassed that my mother scold me in front of my friends. It was a summer vacation when I need to visit my grand parents in our province in Bohol. I didn’t like visiting in our province, it was hot and less friends, I only know some people especially some elderly in our province. when I get back, I didn’t feel to go out anymore. From that day I always stay at my room to spent time with a phone.
When I graduated elementary and entering the life of a high school student, I became introvert. Even though I have a poor social skill because of my shyness, there are always classmates of mine want to make friends. Entering the high school life, I decided to stay lowkey. But I wonder how I became that loud friend who punch a guy because he disrespected my friend. I still remember how I make a guy cry because of my punch still I’m thinking that it was not that hard, maybe he didn’t experience being punch that’s why he cried. But to the topic that I became the loudest classmate that they can have. My high school life was not the best, but thinking what I’ve done that time I rather distract my self by studying than thinking that chaotic and embarrassing moment of my life. Of course, I also remember how I fell to this one classmate of mine because they showed and make me feel something that I thought I couldn’t feel to someone. It was a puppy love, of course it didn’t last long.
Now that I’m in my senior student days. I can feel that I became mature. I can say that being a senior high student is the best, especially when I’m with my friends. I Learned a lot in this day. I can take care of my needs or wants because I know how to save money. This days I’m too shy to ask my sister to buy me things, I just feel I didn’t grew up enough to learn how to get things.to be honest it’s hard to save allowance is only 50 pesos, and I have to pay for the ride which is 10 pesos, now I only have 40 pesos to buy snack. I always think that being a student is like having a job. All I have to do is listen to my teachers lesson, and I got paid for the day. Maybe being a student isn’t far from having office work.
Now that I'm looking back, I want to laugh and cry because of embarrassment. Even after that I was so proud of my self for reaching this moment. I also have some hardship and struggles but thankfully I encounter them successfully. I Learn some Things, that makes me what I am today.
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babaynganaybuhok · 1 year
In my elementary it was all about fun and love from my family. All I care was, when can I play with my friends. Sometimes my mother wants me to sleep instead of playing outside with friends every afternoon. I grew up with frail small body and easily got sick so they want me to stay at home. As a kid I always do what I want. My dad on the other hand spoil me with things, he supports me as long as I’m happy about it. One day my mother forbids me to go outside because I was sick, but because of my stubbornness I still go out have fun and play with my friends. I didn’t notice the time, didn’t notice that it was already dark. As a kid with strict parents, I already trembling in fear, that time I started to overthink, thinking what I could do so my mother won’t scold me. Before I could do the escape, my mother arrived and search for me immediately, she scolded me in front of my friends. I rarely go out from that day on, I feel embarrassed that my mother scold me in front of my friends. It was a summer vacation when I need to visit my grand parents in our province in Bohol. I didn’t like visiting in our province, it was hot and less friends, I only know some people especially some elderly in our province. when I get back, I didn’t feel to go out anymore. From that day I always stay at my room to spent time with a phone.
When I graduated elementary and entering the life of a high school student, I became introvert. Even though I have a poor social skill because of my shyness, there are always classmates of mine want to make friends. Entering the high school life, I decided to stay lowkey. But I wonder how I became that loud friend who punch a guy because he disrespected my friend. I still remember how I make a guy cry because of my punch still I’m thinking that it was not that hard, maybe he didn’t experience being punch that’s why he cried. But to the topic that I became the loudest classmate that they can have. My high school life was not the best, but thinking what I’ve done that time I rather distract my self by studying than thinking that chaotic and embarrassing moment of my life. Of course, I also remember how I fell to this one classmate of mine because they showed and make me feel something that I thought I couldn’t feel to someone. It was a puppy love, of course it didn’t last long.
Now that I’m in my senior student days. I can feel that I became mature. I can say that being a senior high student is the best, especially when I’m with my friends. I Learned a lot in this day. I can take care of my needs or wants because I know how to save money. This days I’m too shy to ask my sister to buy me things, I just feel I didn’t grew up enough to learn how to get things.to be honest it’s hard to save allowance is only 50 pesos, and I have to pay for the ride which is 10 pesos, now I only have 40 pesos to buy snack. I always think that being a student is like having a job. All I have to do is listen to my teachers lesson, and I got paid for the day. Maybe being a student isn’t far from having office work.
Now that I'm looking back, I want to laugh and cry because of embarrassment. Even after that I was so proud of my self for reaching this moment. I also have some hardship and struggles but thankfully I encounter them successfully. I Learn some Things, that makes me what I am today.
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