babe-network · 5 years
July Lessons 🎆
Aries: be fearless and let the thing you desire the most drive you. don’t hold back, don’t let anything stop you.
Taurus: let yourself become. let everything shape you into who you’re supposed to be and be proud of what it took to get you to this place you’re at now.
Gemini: the world could use more of your fierceness. don’t let anyone ever water you down into something that you’re not.
Cancer: the way you feel and move throughout life is important. without the deep thinkers like you, life would be bland and boring. embrace it.
Leo: bloom. grow. continue and flourish. you know who you are now isn’t going to be who you are in a year, let this growth inspire you.
Virgo: being unique and completely yourself is something the world will thank you for. don’t change yourself for other people.
Libra: let true love come into your heart. whether that be from people or passions, let it in. open yourself up, don’t assume you will always be left heartbroken.
Scorpio: finish what you started. it’s not worth it to give up now after how far you’ve come. you owe it to yourself to complete the things you want most.
Sagittarius: this new beginning will be scary and rocky, but it’s what you’ve always wished for. your start to a new season is here, it’s up to you to decide what you’ll do with it.
Capricorn: seek to learn and experience new things. you may have think you’ve seen and learned everything you ever will, but I promise you that you are not even close to your full potential.
Aquarius: embrace the fact that even though things may not be ideal or perfect, you are not where you once were. things will only continue to get better if you keep working at it.
Pisces: love yourself enough to admit your own faults and make yourself better from them. we don’t always know what we’re doing all the time, but there’s strength in admitting so.
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babe-network · 5 years
why do these elites pretend to drink blood and worship the devil at gala parties, or spend a week in the forest worshiping moloch and mock sacrificing children while having orgies then get mad when people call them cultists and come up with conspiracy theories? if you ain’t evil, then stop doing weird evil shit, you fucking demons.
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babe-network · 5 years
Do you think that sometimes Dum-E will just bop Tony on the forehead with his claw and the first time it happened Tony was like ??? since it seems like it came out of nowhere, but it keeps happening. If he crashes in the lab the bot will put a blanket on him then just bop him on the head, and Tony doesn’t say anything because it seems to please Dum-E. But if Tony is sad he just hears a beep and he turns around to see Dum-E charging at him full speed to bop him with his claw. Eventually he asks JARVIS and finds out the bot must have seen Rhodey or someone kiss him on the forehead and saw that it made him happy so that’s now his go-to way to cheer up his creator, and Tony definitely does not tear up hearing that his bot son is trying to give him a lil smooch to make him happy. 
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babe-network · 5 years
"How to find the right glasses for your face shape", oh, bullshit. You pick ones you think a hot scientist in a bad horror movie would wear and then you just go do whatever.
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babe-network · 5 years
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babe-network · 5 years
all I need is kind witches to live with in a small rainy village in some far away, beautiful and protected land, with bakery’s and farmers markets and a little dock filled with boats, and every clear full moon we talk about our craft and interactions with the faeries under a candlelit backyard porch, giggling and sipping warm soup
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babe-network · 5 years
The Darkness In Me
Superior Iron Man x Peter Parker - Part 3  
 2.3k words
links to: [Part 1]  [Part 2] [everything] 
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warnings: humiliation, exhibitionism, control, nff, 18+
Thank you Marvlouse for the beta & the enthusi(g)asm! 
Peter slips into the middle back seat of the Audi, as ordered. His hands shake as he pulls off his jacket, then hesitate at the hem of his shirt. 
Mr. Stark settles into the driver’s seat and twists to look back at him. He dips his chin to give Peter a stern look over his sunglasses. 
“Shirt. Pants,” Mr. Stark says, as if Peter might have forgotten the order he’d given not thirty seconds ago. Peter has the full intention of giving sass back. His mouth does not comply.
“Mr. Stark, sir, where’s…” what does he even call them, anymore? “…your other self?” 
Keep reading
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babe-network · 5 years
okay, i got real fucked up last week and ordered a fuck ton of webkinz, which i thought was a mistake, until the first ones arrived and pud decided she absolutely fucking loved them
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at first i just put em on her to see what shed do, which was nothing, so i decided to just leave her alone in my room for a bit. when i came back in later, she was doing this and i dead ass started crying
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babe-network · 5 years
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babe-network · 5 years
🌙🌿 Fairytale inspired questions 🧚🏼‍♂️✨
witch’s broom; Do you ever wish you could be a child again? Why?
stardust; How was your first kiss?
herbs; Do you believe in magic?
luna; What’s the best book you’ve ever read?
magical land; Name a person that inspires you.
hobbit; Looking back those last 4 years,is there something you regret doing?
pixie dust; Have you ever loved somebody? And if you have, do you still talk to each other?
secret garden; Do you believe in soulmates?
wonderland; What are you looking for in a friend?
forest nymph; Do you ever daydream?
snow white; What is your biggest dream?
enchanted; Do you have a crush right now?
elf; What’s your favorite time of the day? Why?
owl; How do you want to be remembered?
spells; In what time period would you rather be living in?
muse; How do you like to relax?
mythical; Dream destination?
rose petal; A few small things that make you happy?
twinkle; A quote to live by?
spark; Favorite film?
angel; What’s the last person you talked to?
roses; What fictional universe would you like to live in?
castle; Favorite fictional character?
swan lake; Do you like poems? If so, what’s one of your favorites?
doe; Have you ever written a letter?
once upon a time; Do you dream every night? And do you remember last night’s dream?
dandelion; What’s your favorite plant/flower?
shooting stars; Are you more of a cat or a dog person?
candlelight; Coffee or tea?
princess; Favorite tv show at the moment?
love potion; Have you ever had any magical/paranormal experiences?
pressed flowers; What’s the first beautiful thing you see around you?
sweet daisies; Do you believe in love at first sight?
jasmine tea; Forest or sea?
moonlight; Sun or Moon?
cherries; Do you keep a journal?
starlight; Share a secret.
velvet; Have you ever wished upon a star?
crystals; What’s your spirit animal?
glow; What do you value most in people?
sugarplum; Do you like children?
honey; Favorite song with meaning to you?
gardenia; Rain or Sunlight?
dwarf; Do you enjoy horror films?
magic mirror; Zodiac sign?
merpeople; Favorite scent?
mystical; Most beautiful name and word you can think of?
cloud kingdom; Have you ever been to a concert?
feather; What excites you about life?
glittery dream; Baths or showers?
unicorn; Favorite food?
elven palace; Self care tips?
rabbit hole; What color are your eyes?
mermaid lagoon; What color is your hair?
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babe-network · 5 years
i always forget my grandma used to be a clown so it caught me the fuck off guard when she saw this
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and no hesitation saying “oh it’s that creepy clown- oh he’s drinking that’s against clown code”
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babe-network · 5 years
Not an Editing “Tip.”
(Just a tool that might help clean up your writing and create a faster paced reading experience.)
Removing excess words. If you don’t need particular words, why keep them?
Another crashing wave sends me into a sprawl, and I’m forced to use my tides a few more times to distance myself from the rocks.
I should drop down as deep[er] as I can manage [and] use the reef for cover.
I can’t tear my eyes away until he disappears fully from view.
A burst of lightning shows the outline[s] of the cliff side.
A loud thud from the port window makes me jump, drawing my full attention. -> I jump at a loud thud from the port window.
Showing instead of telling. Making the reader feel what the protagonist feels is almost always better than telling them the protagonist is undergoing something.
I can’t believe the sight I see. ->  My lungs catch painfully, a shocked squeak rising out.
Everything is slick and wet. -> The slick metal offers no hold for my wet hands. I clench my fingers until the ridges bite into my scales, shark teeth holding me in place. Agonizing.
Removing passive voice. Active voice is more engaging and should be always be used unless you have a specific reason not to use it for that sentence.
The rock is a muddled, dark brown, and I almost miss him amid the lofty coastline. -> I almost miss him against the muddled, dark brown rock, his body tiny amid the lofty coastline.
Her voice is strained and furious. -> Fury strains her voice.
The wound is closed again, but before it closed, enough blood seeped out that I now feel woozy and off kilter. -> The wound closed while I slept, but enough blood seeped out that my head still spin, my limbs heavy.
Always remember though: you have to do what works best for that particular moment. Some scenes require different strokes than others. Use your best judgement, and take pride in your personal writing style.
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babe-network · 5 years
Find your REAL Angel name
• First two letters of your last name • First vowel of your first name • Third letter of your middle name (or parent’s first name if you don’t have a middle name • Last consonant of your last name • Add IEL or EL to the end!
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babe-network · 5 years
The Avengers getting thrown forward in time for some reason and it turns out that they’ve gone down in history as legends but, somewhat like the Greek Gods, all the information and facts about them is warped almost beyond recognition and they spend the entire time in the future just being offended by how incorrect everything is
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babe-network · 5 years
no, listen, when I say I want to integrate more specific solarpunk stuff in my life, i don’t mean to ask for yet again new “aesthetic” clothes that now you have to buy or make to show your support of the movement (screw that i’m consuming enough as it is), or more posts about impossible house goals, or whatever, I’m asking you what my options to build a portable and eco friendly phone charger are, im asking you viable tiny-appartment edible plants growing tricks on a budget,  im asking tips to slow down when my mind and society tell me im not fast enough, i don’t need more rich art nouveau amateurs aesthetics or pristine but cold venus project, okay, i know i should joins associations where I am tho i’m constantly on the move, thanks for that, just, you know, can we get a bit more practical ??? how do I hack my temporary flat into going off the grid for the time i’m here
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babe-network · 5 years
Lawful Good
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Neutral Good
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Chaotic Good
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babe-network · 5 years
I did the being edgy and self-deprecating thing, it gets old. I wanna be soft and lovely and easily impressed. I wanna appreciate all the little things that make me happy the same way I’ve dwelled on every single thing that upsets me.
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