babemayes-blog · 8 years
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House in rural Russia
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babemayes-blog · 8 years
me, going through the local animal shelter website: hOl y shit....they all need homes..and /I/ have a home......it all Fits
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babemayes-blog · 8 years
How cool is that!!
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On December 25th of 2015, a farmer, who was out on his land, found what he thought was an unusual rock. Jose Antonio Nievas made the find near a stream on his farm in Carlos Spegazzini, a town located about twenty miles from Buenos Aires, Argentina. He found the object partly covered in mud and dug around it to find out what it was.
It turned out that the mysterious rock-like object wasn’t what he expected - and when he realized the significance of his discovery, he decided to get people from the scientific community involved. What he had dug up wasn’t a rock at all - it was an extremely rare type of fossil. After reviewing it, scientists agreed that the object was not a rock, a meteorite or dinosaur egg, but the shell of a glyptodon, a large, armored mammal that lived during the Pleistocene epoch, and were the ancestors of the modern-day armadillo. Glyptodons could weigh up to two tonnes, and probably coexisted with humans for about 4,000 years before going extinct. 
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babemayes-blog · 8 years
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And the final three new prints! A nice big helping of legendary creatures from Europe, Asia, and North America.
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babemayes-blog · 8 years
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tag yourself as a cryptid i’m the montauk monster
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babemayes-blog · 8 years
me: lol what if every onion article came true all in one year
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babemayes-blog · 8 years
How To Attract Different Zodiac Signs
Aries: Give them a chance to chase you and capture you. Assuming they already have some interest for you, playing hard to get can make things more interesting and rewarding for them when they get you. But at the same time, give them a chance to catch you by being available to their requests or their needs. 
Taurus: Do something thoughtful for them. Pay attention to their emotional or instrumental needs, empathize with them or help them out. Once they receive your kindness, they will pay more attention to you and reciprocate. They will also begin to see you in a different light because of how thoughtful you were. 
Gemini: Dress nice or sharp to impress. Our physical appearance says a lot about the person we are and it affects the image of the person we’re with. Looks also capture the attention so dress appropriately but also comfortably. 
Cancer: Smile. When they look at you or when you look at them, a genuine smile is very heart warming. It conveys that you’re comfortable in your own shoes and that you’re approachable. If you’re comfortable and approachable, they will feel less defensive around you (since we are around strangers) and will very likely open up to you in the future or reciprocate the smile. 
Leo: Say their name loud and clear. People really like to hear their name called or mentioned especially when it’s by a person they adore. It shows that you are paying attention to them and that they are not just some random no-body. So the next time you talk them, say their name once or twice at the beginning or near the end of a conversation or when some interesting emotions come up. 
Virgo: Flirt with them. You can make things fun or interesting for them through your conversations or non-verbals. You can say things that put a smile on their face or do things that make them laugh. At the same time, to give yourself some value, pull back and make them curious about you. 
Libra: Be spontaneous. Plan for activities where things can change at the drop of a hat. This will keep them guessing and hungry for more. For example, when talking to them ask if they want to go somewhere or do something right after. Don’t plan it for like next day or next week making it seem less spontaneous. 
Scorpio: Prove your feelings. If you really care about this person, pay attention to what they say, their intention, their motivations and react to that. For example, if they hint to you that they too are interested in you, don’t be afraid to reciprocate. 
Sagittarius: Share your passion with them. Let them know what you do, your hobbies, your goals dreams, fantasies or accomplishments and hope that they will want to be a part that too. Also, ask them about theirs and really show support and interest in what they do. For example, if they say they like a certain movie, encourage them to talk more about it and do something for them related to their interest. 
Capricorn: Mirror their body language or attitude. We feel more comfortable around people who are like us. Dress like them (wear matching clothing)  or copy the way they talk or their non-verbals to capture their attention. But do this moderately and subtly and ensure that it creating a positive vibe. 
Aquarius: Be simple and open-minded. If they don’t expect big things, do little things for them that show that you care. Talk to them when you have free time. Ask them about their day. Plan activities with them like going out to eat or shopping. Give them a hug or say hello when you see them. 
Pisces: Buy them something or make something meaningful to them. For example, if you know they like a particular accessory like a phone case or watch, get it for them. Get them something they can use for a long time that will remind you of them. Or write them a heart felt letter, make or get them food, or even holding the door for them.
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babemayes-blog · 8 years
Sadness expressions of the Zodiac Signs
Aries : Rage, impulsivity and failure to get worked up about the things they normally do, oppositional but with less verve and energy
Taurus : Isolation, binge eating and lethargy, a sense of ‘me against the world’, less patience, easier to enrage
Gemini : Silence, nerves, over thinking, easily distractible and seems ‘elsewhere’; they are fairly intolerable to sadness they tend to detach/dissociate from feelings after a short while
Cancer : Teariness, neediness, isolation, binge eating, crying after insignificant events, stomach aches, a feeling of separation from everyone around them
Leo : Obvious displays of stress, they become like a wound up string and as if they are on the brink of a nervous break down. Short tempered and needy (only around close friends/family) and become martyred
Virgo: Isolation, heightened compulsions (cleaning, washing hands more etc;), unresponsive in conversations, at time blunt and more oppositional Libra : General feeling of instability/moodiness, reduced urge to socialize/be with friends, hopelessness, a feeling of being disliked/rejected by everyone, you can sense them ‘trying’ to be happy and keep composed
Scorpio : Isolation, opposition, hostility and violent mood swings. Intense melancholy with at times delusions and paranoia. Thoughts even scary to them, a sense of ‘me against the world’.
Sagittarius : Lethargy, escapism (substance use etc;), uncharacteristically more serious and tense, less tolerance, feelings of worry when thinking into the future
Capricorn : Demotivation, lethargy, hopelessness, over thinking, they seem tense and ‘overly alert’, hyper vigilant, force themselves to ‘go through the motions’, nothing impresses them
Aquarius : Uneasy, harder to ‘reach’; as if they are far away. Silence, isolation, detachment, even though they try to appear happy. Distracted
Pisces : Teariness, anxiety, isolation, when they feel sadness they tend to feel ‘all at once’, nerves, obsessive/ruminating thinking, remembering everything bad that ever happened to them, crying over insignificant events
More Fun Zodiac Facts Here
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babemayes-blog · 8 years
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In reference to never using the word ‘very’ when writing, Mark Twain said, “Substitute ‘damn’ every time you’re inclined to write ‘very’; Your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be.” Source
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babemayes-blog · 8 years
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Creepy Pokemon by artist David Szilagyi
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babemayes-blog · 8 years
Zodiac: Tag Yourself (Edition)
Aries: -looks like “fight me” but is actually “love me” -extremely fucking smart like wut -doesn’t care about emotions unless it’s their own -strive for power
Taurus: -seems chill but is actually savage af -doesn’t believe in emotions -would fight you for hurting an animal -actually has an amazing sleeping schedule???
Gemini: -emotional mess (they never feel anything the right way) -probably knows more useless shit than you -actually really amazing ppl -doesn’t know what sleep is
Cancer: -looks like “love me” but is actually “fight me” -doesn’t know how to deal with emotions so they don’t -can be extremely selfish -lives in drama
Leo: -very one way thinking mind -high morals -doesn’t deny they need constant validation -constantly naps
Virgo: -looks like they want to kill you, probably does -such a fucking nerd -sleeping schedule so fucked it’s like wow -has a weird book collection
Libra: -always in love with someone -big time music dork -over emotional -probably doesn’t know what’s going on
Scorpio: -tries to be hard core but are low key cry babies -likes dark colors but has a bright personality -probably reads more books than you -just wants to be loved
Sagittarius: -ready to disappear at any moment -has seen every strange movie on Netflix (I mean, EVERY weird movie) -honestly forgets emotions exist -just wants a 48 hr nap
Capricorn: -knows they’re better than you -parties more than you know -just wants ppl to stop -will cut you off without blinking an eye
Aquarius: -disappears for a while w/o explanation -probably cuter than you -always turnt -live in a very gray world when it comes to what’s right or wrong
Pisces: -doesn’t like dealing with responsibility -likes music more than they like you -thrives off of attention tho -refuses to be anyone’s #2
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babemayes-blog · 8 years
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babemayes-blog · 8 years
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babemayes-blog · 9 years
Practical Magic is one of my favorite movies ever
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to lead up to halloween here are all kinds of movies all about witchcraft. funny movies, sad movies, scary movies, vaguely historically inaccurate movies. movies that are not explicitly about witches (this isn’t a very large genre ok)
häxan: witchcraft through the ages (1922)
i married a witch (1942)
horror hotel (1960)
black sunday (1960)
witchfinder general (1968)
the devils (1971)
simon, king of the witches (1971)
bedknobs and broomsticks (1971)
suspiria (1977)
inferno (1980)
return to oz (1985)
the witches of eastwick (1987)
kiki’s delivery service (1989)
teen witch (1989)
warlock (1989)
the witches (1990)
death becomes her (1992)
hocus pocus (1993)
the bride with white hair (1993)
witch hunt (1994)
lord of illusions (1995)
the craft (1996)
sabrina the teenage witch (1996)
practical magic (1998)
ginger snaps (2000)
bewitched (2005)
the woods (2006)
solstice (2008)
the house of the devil (2009)
hansel & gretel: witch hunters (2013)
ek thi daayan (2013)
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babemayes-blog · 9 years
Def Jared and I
the kind of mean and proud squad
gemini, leo, scorpio, aquarius, capricorn
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babemayes-blog · 9 years
Fear rejection: Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn
Prize attention: Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius
Crave affection: Taurus, Cancer,Pisces
Dream of perfection: Virgo, Libra, Aquarius
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babemayes-blog · 9 years
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Stygiomedusa Gigantea
For the first time ever, stygiomedusa gigantea, a gigantic jellyfish was caught on video by scientists in the Gulf of Mexico. There have only been 115 sightings of this deep sea jellyfish in the past 110 years.
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