babumgum-blog · 8 years
Never push a loyal person to the point where they no longer care.
Unknown (via hplyrikz)
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babumgum-blog · 8 years
Yung pagod kana sakalang niya marerealize na worth it ka pala.
(via chinitongprynito)
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babumgum-blog · 9 years
Please don’t expect me to always be good and kind and loving. There are times when I will be cold and thoughtless and hard to understand.
Sylvia Plath   (via nyjahatuatao)
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babumgum-blog · 9 years
In all honesty, I want to be loved by another so, so much. I want to have someone who is clingy and possessive and thoughtful and sweet. Someone who can’t go to sleep at night because he knows I am mad at him. Someone who would stalk all my SNS accounts and get mad at me for talking to another who seems to be a bit interested in me. Someone who is eager to hear about my day — what I did, who I was with. Someone who’d get jealous if he sees me go out with a group of boys, even if they are just friends. Someone who can’t stand not to text me but will still try nonetheless, just to convince himself that for a while, he can. Someone who would pursue me and walk after me and give me big hugs and love letters and flowers. Someone who would miss me after a week of not seeing me, or even right after he dropped me home. Someone who would take silly, candid pictures of me and still call me beautiful. Someone who would always choose to stay even if it hurts. I want to know how it feels like to have someone love me the way I love him.
This is how I love you (m.b) (via maartejade)
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babumgum-blog · 9 years
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babumgum-blog · 9 years
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babumgum-blog · 9 years
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babumgum-blog · 9 years
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babumgum-blog · 9 years
You’re going to meet a boy who won’t even think twice about wanting to date you, he will care so much about you that he won’t have to choose who he wants to be with because he will know the only person he wants to be with is with you. He won’t hurt you, he will love you. He won’t make you cry, he will make you laugh. He will know that when you say you only want two scoops of ice cream, you really mean three. He won’t judge you, he will understand. He won’t make you feel like you are worthless, he will make you feel like a princess. He won’t break your heart, he will hold it in his hand as if he was holding the world. He won’t complain when you ask him to watch a romantic movie, he will watch it anyways because he will know how much you enjoy them. He won’t tell you you’re sexy, he will instead tell you you’re beautiful. He won’t be embarrassed when you do something silly in public, because he will be the one next to you being silly with you. He won’t be ashamed of you when you tell him your flaws and mistakes, he will hold you and love you anyways. He won’t make you feel like an object, he will treat you with respect. He won’t get angry when you wake him up with a text at 3am because you are on the verge of breaking down. He will feel special because you trusted him enough to let him see you in your most vulnerable state. He won’t have to ask you if you are upset, He will know instantly by the look you have on your face. He won’t let you go, he will hold you so tight and thank God every night that he put you into his life. I promise you this, when you meet that boy, you will realize why it didn’t work out with someone else.
(via iamhalfallive)
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babumgum-blog · 9 years
She’s stubborn and hard headed but god knows I love her. There’s days when she’s grumpy for no apparent reason other than the fact that she’s grumpy. When she’s sick, she’s helpless and all you can really do is hold her in your arms and comfort her till she falls asleep. There’s days when she’ll complain about everything like the weather, people, music, or even you and you’ll just have to deal with it. She’ll complain about the room being too hot, to only result in closing the windows in the middle of the night because she’s too cold. There are days when she shuts the world out, she’ll ignore everyone because she just wants to sit in silence. Sometimes, she’ll claim she can eat an entire cow because that’s just how hungry she is. So we’ll make dinner plans and I’ll pick her up just to have her say, “I ate already, I was too hungry but I’ll still eat a little something.” There are days when she suffocates me with love. She’ll kiss and kiss and kiss, till I beg her to stop. She’ll tickle me until my insides hurt and hold my hand till it’s sweaty. There are days when she’ll claim every part of my body with her lips. And there are days when she’ll need her space and I’ll have to pull a chair up alongside the bed because she just needs her own space. There are days when her hair is messy and all over the place. Days when she’ll cry and you don’t know why but you won’t ask you’ll just let her cry. Days when she’s nervous and jumpy about everything. Days when she yells at me for no reason just to apologize two seconds later. Days when she’s a pain in the ass and pushes my buttons just to settle it with kisses. Days when I’m listening to my favorite song and she’ll talk over it because talking is more important than music. There are days when I need her to make decisions, to do the littlest things like pick a place to eat. She’ll refuse and say “I don’t know” until I give up and decide myself. Sometimes she’ll swear like a sailor and make jokes during times when she should probably be serious. There are days when it’s 3 in the morning and she won’t let me sleep and days when she’s too tired and fast asleep by 10pm. Sometimes she’s clumsy and sometimes she’s a walking contradiction; but she is everything I’ve ever wanted. I’d do everything to have her bad days, her grumpy days, her “I need space days,” her love me days, her laughing days, her clumsy days, and her happy days, because she is everything I’ve ever wanted and I wouldn’t dare trade her for anything in this world.
This probably means I love you (via ynesterday)
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babumgum-blog · 9 years
She’s the kind of girl you never see coming. It starts off simple and two months later you’re saying I love you, you are my world. She told me ‘I want a kiss’ and I knew I was in trouble. I want to spend every night tucked up in the mystery that is her mind. What is she thinking? What does she want? Is this enough for her? Am I enough for her? Some people you can read; she’s a novel written in another language. Love is never easily understood. Our love was unexpected, the kind you only read about. One second I was flying on a plane, the next we were falling in love. It gives me hope that the world is a good place. She gives me hope that I am good. I look into her eyes and I’m in her soul, completely transfixed. She wraps her arms around me and I swear no one has ever felt safer in this world. Fingers intertwined with mine and I’m sure we can take on the world. Lying next to her I feel her magic, the kind you can only find in a girl who finds humor in everything. She kisses me and I sprout wings that take me to a place where we’re together forever. Sometimes she laughs and I swear it’s the cure for any disease. It healed me. She feels like home. No better than that; she feels like where I belong, where I was always supposed to be. I wasn’t looking for anyone; she showed me my forever. She’s the kind of girl that can do that, steal your heart and change your life.
She’s the kind of girl by cab (via toofragiletohold)
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babumgum-blog · 9 years
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This is what I pray for: I want to have someone in my life who I can be myself with. Someone who doesn’t care what I look like. Who will love me even when  I look like shit as I woke up in the morning and even though I snore in my sleep. Someone who makes me feel good about myself. That kind of person who will help me build my confidence and help me see beneath the layers of imperfections and flaws. Someone who I can sit in silence with and it would still feel perfect. Words aren’t needed just the presence of one another. Someone I can laugh and share my happy moments with. Someone I can cry and spill the problems I’m dealing with. Whatever the circumstances were, good or bad, that person will stay with me. Someone I can eat and pig out with my favorite foods. Someone I can talk about work, or a new movie showing, or a good book I’m reading. Someone who will understand my passions and philosophies in life. Someone who will look at me and see the wonderful and the ugly side of me yet still love me just the same. Someone who will not tell me I’m beautiful nor perfect, but I’m just what he/she wants me and needed me to be. Someone who I can share my secrets with. Someone who knows how much I love them and the years of being together won’t lessen the love I feel. Someone who will someday, at His perfect time, I will meet soon. Someone with whom I won’t hesitate to say my vows with as we stand in front of the altar with the Almighty God as our witness. Someone I can grow old with. Wrinkles and gray hairs, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is, we are together, we are happy and we are in love. 
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babumgum-blog · 9 years
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babumgum-blog · 9 years
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And this is what makes me smile whenever i'm down. Up until now, you still give me butterflies.
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babumgum-blog · 9 years
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babumgum-blog · 9 years
We tried to do a little cover of Mandy Moore's "Someday We'll Know". 😂💕
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babumgum-blog · 9 years
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