baby-lugia · 3 years
my nephew, who is like 11 or 12, is playing “5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel”, which is exactly what it says on the tin, and I have never been more terrified of the youth of today
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baby-lugia · 3 years
y'all remember before ebooks were big and simulreleases were a thing when a new manga chapter would come out and you’d have to wait for some dedicated soul to scan all the pages in, clean them up, and translate them?
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baby-lugia · 3 years
the kids are alright.
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baby-lugia · 3 years
new concept: tumblr jail
if a post gains more than 20 notes it goes on trial to determine whether it’s problematic or not. then the op is given the death penalty
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baby-lugia · 3 years
I can't believe my STEM major ass laughed at this
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baby-lugia · 3 years
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As close as you will ever be to a nuclear explosion
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baby-lugia · 3 years
I've been spending far too much of my time trying to learn medieval illumination techniques
one of my first semi-successful attempts at fore edge painting! done on an old paperback of aesop's fables.
+ some glamour shots:
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baby-lugia · 3 years
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baby-lugia · 3 years
I get shit from people at work for wearing a pride mask with a power fist on it from time to time, weird looks, snickers, pointing and laughing, but once in a while I'll get meek little "I like your mask :)" comments from people passing by, nods and waves from others, I saw a kid with the nonbinary flag painted on their shoes shopping with their dad, a trans woman completely relaxed when she saw me, and two girls walked around holding hands, carefree. That I think. That is worth it. To let others know that they are safe.
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baby-lugia · 3 years
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baby-lugia · 3 years
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good little vai / always picking a fight with me
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baby-lugia · 3 years
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baby-lugia · 3 years
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We stan a trans hermit elf (whomst may or may not be a dragon) called Yussa Errenis 🥳🥳🥳🤩🤩🤩💖💖💖
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baby-lugia · 3 years
You know what really messed me up in Breath of the Wild? Fort Hateno.
If you're following the main quest directions on where to go (which I did the first time I started the game), then you pass through the fort in order to meet Purah and get the camera rune. In front of the fort is a field full of broken and decayed guardians. If you talk to the people on your way there, they say stuff to the effect of the fort guarding Hateno village and such. Some of the dead guardians are even frozen halfway up the walls.
Now past me? I played very cautiously because the Eastern Abbey up on the plateau taught me the hard way that guardians are everywhere and not always safely dead. All that to say that I spent a long time in that field ducking for cover and harvesting parts. And I thought it was a cool setting! All this field to explore that wasn't just empty space! As far as the guardians, I thought it was just another example of former civilization overcome by Ganon like the tower in central Hyrule or the Abbey.
I was not prepared to talk to the guy on the OTHER side of the fort. The one who looks Link in the eyes and says nonchalantly that this is where the hero died.
I knew Link died. It's called the shrine of resurrection for a reason. Besides, pretty much every npc across the map will remind you of it. But you know what I had thought? I thought the logical place for Link to have died was at the castle. That's where Ganon is, and Zelda holding him back, AND where all the flashbacks from Impa and the King show. I didn't expect to spend half an hour tripping across my own grave, running from enemies, and searching every nook and cranny for shiny stuff. I had to pause the game so I could cry a bit just from the shock of what that little bit of text meant.
You see, from a story telling perspective, that's brilliant. You make a player walk through a field of old danger, and only after they make it through you tell them of the time they didn't. And the thing is! Everybody else obviously knew this! The npcs talk about making a pilgrimage or paying respects while in the area. Impa and the King both mention Link's body being taken places after he died so they have to know where he was moved from. But no one tells the player. No one tells Link. You find out in passing from a random stranger like the information is irrelevant. Link may be the amnesiac, but you didn't know it either.
And on top of that! Impa sent you to Hateno in the first place for help with your slate. What does Purah give you? The camera and the memory photos. So if you seek those memories out, you're eventually going to make it back to the one in front of Fort Hateno. The one you already know is going to show how you died.
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baby-lugia · 3 years
How Goblincore directly appeals to the Neurodiverse and Disabled
🍄 The focus on dark greens, browns and earthier colors helps prevent eye strain and sensory overload
🍄 The emphasis on getting dirty and not being super tidy all the time appeals to disabled people who may struggle with upkeep of themselves, their clothes and their environments
🍄 Collecting, especially of shiny things and those of sentimental value, is a great hobby for people with hyperfixations
🍄 Speaking of which, hyperfixations are actively encouraged in the Goblin community. Infodumping is a love language, and I’ve found that this community really respects that
🍄 Worn-out clothing is often very soft, which helps with sensory issues, and the emphasis on layering may provide a comfortable weight to those who enjoy pressure
🍄 Strange eating habits are often considered a staple of Goblincore culture. If you can’t see the appeal of this to a Neurodiverse person, I don’t know what to tell you
🍄 Goblincore is directly focused on Diversity. I’ve seen many Jewish people put forth the opinion that, as long as those who enjoy Goblincore steer clear of harmful stereotypes like greediness, money-hoarding and large noses, then being a Goblin is fine. If you disagree, that’s completely fine, but most Goblincore Enthusiasts have no intention of harming anyone (usually, there’s always someone in every community of course. Try to ignore them).
🍄 Goblincore directly banks off of imperfection. Unlike Cottagecore and Dark Academia, where there can be the pressure to do things in an aesthetically perfect way, Goblincore thrives off of instability and imperfection, a feat very few modern aesthetics achieve
🍄 A connection to nature is very appealing to Neurodiverse and Disabled folks, and the emphasis on decorating your room with nature can be very helpful to those who are bedbound and generally unable to leave home much
🍄 The fashion is simplistic yet stylish, which is very nice for someone who may struggle change clothes often or go with more complex beauty trends. There’s an emphasis on naturalness in Goblincore
🍄 Involves both indoor and outdoor hobbies, which is very good for all types of neurodiverse and disabled people, whether you can’t leave the house much, or can’t stand being cooped up inside
🍄 What Neurodiverse/Disabled person doesn’t want to be a frog resting on a dew-covered mushroom in the middle of autumn and finally achieving inner peace?
🍄 Many Traumatized, Disabled and Neurodiverse people gravitate towards things that untraumatized abled people may consider “creepy” or “weird”. By showing love to things like snails, rats, mushrooms and bugs, those with trauma reassert their own existence. We care for ugly and broken things because, on some level, it’s reaffirming that they deserve to exist and therefore so do we. When we care for a “creepy” rat or fill our comfort terrariums with bugs, it’s a way of affirming our healing and identity, and I think that’s really beautiful.
(Please take this with a grain of salt, I mean no offense by any of this. If you disagree, then disagree, but don't be a clown in the comments.)
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baby-lugia · 3 years
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Omg a himbo goblin appears in your room WHAT DO YOU DO??? 😳💦💕✨
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baby-lugia · 3 years
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i learned some fun facts today
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