babybunnybushride · 3 days
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babybunnybushride · 9 months
Hot Gay Vampire Orgy: A Play
[An archaeologist is fucking around in a vampire castle.]
Archaeologist [sarcastically]: O no, I sure hope a vampire doesn't randomly pop out of nowhere and jumpscare me causing me to shit my pants...
[A vampire appears.]
Vampire: Bleh bleh! I am ze vampire of zees castle! I vant to suck your blood!
A: Wait a fucking minute, how the fuck do you know English? According to every historical record ever: at no point have you left this castle.
V [in a posh accent now]: Well, you see, I use Skillshare. Skillshare is an online learning community to help you learn the skills you need but don't normally have the time to acquire. Being locked up in a castle for centuries gives one time to reflect on the time they wasted laying in a coffin all day. Skillshare helped me learn English, finally install toilets in this filthy hellhole, and cook up a frankly bitchin' grilled cheese sandwich! Use the code "UwUSuckMyBloodHarderDaddy" and get a grand total of 69 days of Skillshare Premium for free today! It's the deal of the century!"
A: What the fuck was that about?
V: I got a hefty sponsorship from them.
A: Pog. Anyways, can I just steal all your shit?
V: Hell no! That's my shit! That's like me coming into your house and stealing your Nintendo and banging your wife!
A: I use Reddit.
V: Ah, I see. That's like me coming into your house and stealing your Nintendo! Just for that I'm going to suck your blood!
A: There's something else you could suck.
V: O yeah? And just what might that be?
A: My dick.
V: I'm sorry, what?
A: I'm just saying, I had to walk here because the train was stolen as soon as I crossed the Romanian border. I haven't jacked off in ages and am horny as hell. Some hot gay vampire sex would be nice.
V: I see what your saying, but my penis is withered from centuries of lying dormant.
A: Well, you could suck mine.
V: I would, but...
A: But what?
V: I'm really in the mood for an orgy right now.
A: I understand. An orgy wouldn't be too bad right now.
V: But how are we going to get enough people for an orgy?
A: Two words: Face, Book
V: Capital idea! Right this way to the computer, sir!
[They walk to the computer in the adjacent room]
A: Now all I have to post is this: "Hot vampire orgy happening at that one castle with the vampire. RSVP if interested. Serious inquiries only."
V: Perfect, now post it!
A [posting it]: Done! Now to let the RSVPs roll in!
SpongeBob timecard guy: 69 hours later...
V: God damn, why aren't people interested?
[There is a ping at the computer.]
A: Hey, someone's interested!
V: Groovy! Who is it?
A: Their profile says they're a stingray.
V: What the fuck is a stingray?
A: It's a weird, flat fish that sting you.
V: Oof.
Stingray [on computer]: hey
A [on computer]: hey
Stingray: u said vampire orgy right?
A: yes
S: vampires can bring people back from the ded right?
A: no
S: fuck i wanted steve irwin to be there
A: y?
S: i tried raping him but i got my dick and tail mixed up
A: what? you stabbed him in the chest
S: i got his vagina and chest mixed up
A: he didn't have a vagina
S: i got his vagina and asshole mixed up
A: pls stop
S: as if i wanted to come to your f***y orgy anyway! keep trying asswipes!
V [irl]: That went well.
A: Shut the fuck up, bitch. How the hell are we supposed to have an orgy now?
[There's a knock on the door.]
[They run to the door and open it. Outside is a policeman.]
Policeman: Hi, I'm just letting you know that orgies are illegal here.
A: O.
V: But are threesomes?
P: Technically not, no.
V: Would you like to have a threesome with us?
A: O right, threesomes are just mini orgies! How could I forget?
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