babyduejune2nd · 9 years
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babyduejune2nd · 9 years
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babyduejune2nd · 9 years
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babyduejune2nd · 9 years
It’s been awhile.
It’s been awhile since I’ve updated this. I’m currently 35 weeks pregnant. I only have 6 weeks left then I get to meet my beautiful baby girl. My daughter’s name is going to be Arabella Dawn Blakesley. I can’t wait to meet her. Arabella’s father is still refusing to be in her life. Which I am okay with because he’s the one truly missing out. He will be missing holding her, seeing her beautiful smile, and hearing the wonderful laughter. My pregnancy has gone quite well for her being my first. I have only had an issue with my back and my hips. But other than that all healthy both of us. I’m so grateful for that. Many of the girls I know who are having babies as well are have complications and I feel bad for them. But it’s part of pregnancy.
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babyduejune2nd · 9 years
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babyduejune2nd · 9 years
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I just got to love my child a little longer and I’m okay with that. Instead of other people putting down a young mom they should be encouraging them. As a young parent we have new meaning to our life and a reason to want to succeed in life.
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babyduejune2nd · 9 years
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#teenmom #youngmom #momlife
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babyduejune2nd · 10 years
My first update.
    Hello to future me. (or anyone else reading this.) I am 11 weeks and 2 days. I am single and still not exactly sure how I'm coping with that but i'm dealing the best I can. My next appointment is November 25th at 3pm. I am very excited! Because I will be out of my first trimester. I have lost my best friend but we're slowing making up I think. But I have many other friends who know exactly what I'm going through. I have Emily, Kelsea, Shelbie, Hannah, and Shyenne. They all have helped out so much! I might even be moving in with Shyenne soon which I think will be very good for me. I will have my own room as will my little one. Unlike if I were to stay at home. My baby and I would have to share a room. It's not that I have a problem with it. It's just that I want my baby to have everything it's little heart desires. 
     I have already started picking out baby names even though I don't know the sex. I have decided on Arabella Dawn for a girl and Corydon Blaine for a boy. Dawn is my middle name it's also kind of a family name. All the first girls on my grandmother's side have the middle name. I think they are both great names. Well I can't think of much more to post so... See you in the next update.
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babyduejune2nd · 10 years
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21 more weeks #mommytobe #firsttimemom #countdown #BabySam 💙👶 by juliebella126 http://instagram.com/p/vXO2__Grn0/
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