babykieron · 3 years
“It’s fine. I know for a fact my personality isn’t as impressive as my cock.” A cock that was so overused and tired that it didn’t even bother stiffening up in Kieron’s loving hand. Drake sat up better, keeping one arm tossed over his baby bride, but most of his attention was on the drink in his hand. This was close to a perfect morning - body worn out from blissful sex, his favorite person in the bed with him, and a good cup of coffee. “Most men my age can’t be bothered with a gold digging nympho. Honestly, you should be thanking me. Can’t think of anyone else that can handle you. You’re welcome,” Drake offered nicely, planting a kiss on Kieron’s cheek.
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“Isn’t it beautiful how you call me a gold digging nympho and still al I hear is how obsessed with me you are. I believe the poets would call it stockholme syndrome.” Attempting a French accent as he said the two words. The sound of his phone vibrating on the nightstand the only thing that could take away his attention. From his husband or his impressive cock. Twisting himself around once it was retrieved with his back resting on Drake’s chest. Masterfully Kieron managed to text his assistant on his phone with one hand and hold onto his husband’s arm with the other. “Any chance you want to play hookie? I think we deserve a day of just enjoying this amazing thread count. I can even try to....cook us breakfast?” Because that’s what the brides did right? Work the bedroom and the kitchen?
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babykieron · 3 years
Insatiable as ever, Kieron stole a kiss that was way too hot and heavy for broad daylight. Not that Drake minded, given the slight smile that twisted his lips during the kiss. “Would have been less intense if you got off my dick after round two.” But no, Kieron just had to keep going, milking the life right out of Drake’s balls. “It’s a miracle I didn’t faint,” he comments, smacking Kieron’s ass just as he took the very first sip of coffee.
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“Sorry. I’ve just always been such a fan of your dick.” Hand sliding under the sheet to take the member into his gentle hand. Like you would your favorite blanket or teddy bear. “It would be the second reason I married you. We can put the fact I’m madly in love with as the third I guess.” Rolling his eyes as if his love was not in fact reason 1-10. The feel of his husband at his side was enough to make him forget any reason for leaving this bed again. “You should be thanking me. Most men your age would be lucky to have someone like me around to make sure the equipment is still working properly.”
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babykieron · 3 years
Drake groans from under the covers, exhausted after a long night of trying to keep up with his twenty-something husband and his insatiable sexual hunger. “Any chance that coffee I smell is for me, or did you just stroll in here to gloat?” he asks, pushing the covers off his tired head.
Kieron had no right to look this good so early. “Come here,” he coos, patting the bed and trying to lure in his victim slash husband.
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Sliding into the room with coffee in hand he paused at the door. “I don’t know. I brought it for you but this chance to gloat sounds kind of fun.” Of course he was powerless to the call of the man as he patted for him to come forth. Crawling on the bed with his knees and handing the cup over. But first, the morning kiss that he just melted into. “Good morning. Hope you sleep well. Last night was...intense.” Wrapping himself against the side of the Adonis whose name he called out like a God more than a few times last night as he pulled the covers over them both.
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babykieron · 3 years
Kieron sat the kitchen counter looking over the mail. The sight of ‘Kieron Goolsby’ on the envelops addressed to him brought a smile to his face as he turned the ring on his finger. Who thought they’d get to this point after all the trial and downfalls. Just proved true love could never be broken in the end. Or that the pair of them just deserved each other. He was fine with either reason as long as he was never parted from the man whose namesake he now claimed. “Are you up yet love?” Coming to the bedroom door with fresh coffee in hand. “Marrying you for you money means you have to continue to work or this is pretty much annulled.”
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babykieron · 5 years
“Babe that’s sweet of you. But I’d suffer through anything...even after I have you castrated if you ever mention that name again. Because I love you. There is no compromise when it comes to us anymore.” Giving him the most loving a kisses before finally pulling out of his hold to go retrieve something from the closet. “You’re going have to get used to my rash decisions making habits again, my love. I’ll always put you first but I’m more inclined to follow my heart than reason. Like this impulse buy. I had it made and rushed right after I decided I was quiting. Didn’t dent my savings but I probably should watch my spending.” He came back with a small box and dropped it in Drake’s hand. “I know I told you I was having my necklace cleaned which is why I’m not wearing it but I found a jewelry that is pretty much a wizard. He was able to make this the metal from the ‘I love you’ pendant...” he pointed to the smaller one. “...this is mines. He kept the engraving from the pendant...” then pointed to the larger sized ring. “...and this is yours. He kept the ‘I love you’ engraving but added the ‘too’ because it’s like me replying to your gift the first time you told me you love me. Cute right? But I think I might melt then down into scrap after that ‘J’ word mention and get my money back...” (pretend that fingerprint is just a random design)
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“Geez can you not see this as good news? When’s the last time you took a leap on faith?” Drake far more concerned than he was. “If you would rather I go back to working for my ex and maybe not seeing you for a month here and there I can call them back…” He was being sarcastic of course.
“When I decided to separate from my ex husband Josh for you.” The leap that keeps on leap-ing. “I didn’t say that. But if you find a job that you love and it requires some distance between us, don’t turn it down. I’m saying we’ll compromise, because I don’t want you to be stuck in a job you hate, just so you could be closer to me.”  
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babykieron · 5 years
“Because you’ll get so bored you might die. I can’t risk that. It will ruin our sex life.” Drake grumbles and makes sure not to make any promises, because he doesn’t care about having a best man at the wedding. “Wait, what? No. Kieron, you don’t have to sacrifice anything. If you want a job that requires traveling, we’ll make it work.”
“Geez can you not see this as good news? When’s the last time you took a leap on faith?” Drake far more concerned than he was. “If you would rather I go back to working for my ex and maybe not seeing you for a month here and there I can call them back...” He was being sarcastic of course.
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babykieron · 5 years
“Really? So I get an unemployed lazy fiance?” Drake kisses Kieron’s lips once they come face to face. “Luckiest man in the world. If you’re willing to risk your career than you can welcome Liam home. He should come back around noon from his impromptu trip with your… friend. Make sure he doesn’t run away before I’m back tonight, so I can kick his ass.”
“I mean you do know I’m only marrying you for your money right? What do I need to work for?” He teased. “And babe you can’t kick Sebastian’s ass. He’s probably going to the be the best man at our wedding. I need you two to get along. And I’m sure Liam wants the same. But do it for me more.” Unlikely request as it was. “And with my job I was thinking how its in LA and I am required to do a lot of traveling and I was trying to figure how to do that and maintain my relationship...and one had to go. Luckiest man, right?”
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babykieron · 5 years
Drake smiles secretly, accommodating Kieron with one arm, as he adjusts the sleepy body to fit better. “Technically I’m not your boss. So other people might fire you if they’re not happy.” Like Kieron’s ex, but Drake isn’t stupid enough to bring that name up so early in the day. “You already slept nine hours. What’s wrong with you? You’re way past the teenage years, so you have no excuse to be this lazy.”
“Maybe I’m just making up for lost time without you. Or that morning wood time is the best time.” Playfully brushing his lips against Drake’s neck. He trailed a few kisses up to his chin before bringing them face to face. “Also I don’t have to worry about anyone firing me. I put in my notice. I’m free as a bird in the next 30 days. Well 28 days since I made the call two days ago.” It was rash decision that he did without thought or insight. So forgone from his concern while looking into that handsome face.
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babykieron · 5 years
They’re still doing the “no sex” thing and it’s horrible. But on the bright side, Kieron is once again sleeping in Drake’s bed. And that��s pretty damn wonderful on a whole other level. It’s hard to explain, so Drake doesn’t try. Instead he lets the feelings overwhelm him to the point of twisting his mouth in a permanent semi-smile. People at work have started complaining, saying it creeps them out.
“Kieron,” Drake whispers, kissing the patch of skin just behind the other’s ear, “You’ll be late and I’m not waiting for you this time. I’ll drive right off.”
Kieron didn’t mind being late or left behind. It usually gave him a chance to masturbate while the scent of Drake was still in the air. But he was content to stick to the very rule he suggested. He did find some benefit in being able to sleep in Drake’s arms. A sense of peace he never wanted to be without again.
Twisting himself in those arms he tangled body around the limbs of his fiance. Making it harder for him to leave. “Aren’t you like the boss or whatever?” Burying his face into Drake’s neck clear that he had no plans of leaving this bed right now. “Who cares if you miss a day?”
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babykieron · 5 years
“Noah is a man who believe he’s above it all. His money and power makes him feel like a god. One that can sleep with whoever but what belongs to him is for him alone. He’s like a grown child. But he was good in bed and gave me benefits at my job. Can’t say that paints me in the best light but it worked for me for as long as it needed to.” Ki led them to the couch where he let Drake sit first and snuggling up close beside. “No. I think I’ve slept without you beside me long enough. I’ll promise to behave. Just tell your friend he can’t pop up in the mornings for a while.” Patting Drake’s thigh close to his third leg.
“Hey.” A quick kiss after letting him inside. The idea of being claimed by Drake again brining the brightest smile to his lips when seeing him. “Went as well to be expected. Silent fuming and grinding of teeth before brushing it off like it was nothing to begin with. And some underline threats…” He shrugged not bothered by it at all. Ki always has a gift with landing on his feet. “He didn’t fire me yet but I suspect something will come down the pipeline soon enough.” Grabbing a key from the counter and putting it into Drake’s hand. “That’s yours.”
“I don’t get it. He didn’t even like you that much, if he was flirting with Liam.” Drake hangs his coat by the door and slings one arm around Kieron’s neck, as they walk into the living room. “Thanks. I don’t have a copy to give you yet, but we’ll figure it out tomorrow. Do you think we should sleep in different rooms, just to be safe?”
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babykieron · 5 years
He sighed and rested his forehead against Liam’s. “Fine. You pick where you want to go and I’ll handle the rest.” Bash just nodded because even if he wanted Liam long term he couldn’t agree to such terms until his lawyer looked over the agreement. The lawyer in his head that put expiration date on all his situationships. “I like the idea of you being naked on a beach so try to find someplace with a nice one. But somewhere private so I don’t have deal with people.”
This feels stupid. Bash was never shy about wanting something and going after it full force. But for some reason going after Liam felt dangerous. Like he could open himself up to be hurt. Bu the thought of not having Liam was something he felt would hurt all the same. Fuck it. He leaned down on the counter behind Liam, caging him in. “And who said I can’t get you out of my head?” Spoken with their lips close enough for a kiss but not sealed until his hallow question was spoken. The kiss was gentle and brief. “Come away with me. For the holidays. I don’t want to be here during Kieron’s spiral down what this is he has with your father. I want it to just be us for a bit…because how I feel about them is not the same as how I feel about this ‘something’ we have going. We can figure out the long term from there.”
Liam was ready to argue until Bash was on the floor, sobbing and telling Liam to shut up for even a second. But instead he gets a kiss and that’s pretty nice. “Okay. But it has to be someplace warm. I just got some abs, so I have to show them off, okay?” he grins, linking his arms around Bash’s neck. “I like long term.”
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babykieron · 5 years
“Hey.” A quick kiss after letting him inside. The idea of being claimed by Drake again brining the brightest smile to his lips when seeing him. “Went as well to be expected. Silent fuming and grinding of teeth before brushing it off like it was nothing to begin with. And some underline threats...” He shrugged not bothered by it at all. Ki always has a gift with landing on his feet. “He didn’t fire me yet but I suspect something will come down the pipeline soon enough.” Grabbing a key from the counter and putting it into Drake’s hand. “That’s yours.”
It's still surreal to think of Kieron as his fiance, but in a way there's always been the sense of 'mine' when it came to the younger male. "Hey," Drake smiles when Kieron lets him in. "How did the break up go? I had no idea you ended things with Noah. Was he angry enough for you to worry over your job?"
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babykieron · 5 years
Drake: !
Drake: That was supposed to be an 'us' thing!
Kieron: Sorry, babe. I couldn't wait to tell someone.
Kieron: I would offer an apology bj but no sex =(
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babykieron · 5 years
Drake: It's fine :)
Drake: Do you want me to pick up dinner?
Kieron: No. I ate with Liam not too long ago and told him about the engagement. He's happy for us.
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babykieron · 5 years
Drake: Then yeah, I'll come over.
Kieron: Ok. Sorry I wasn't clear on that.
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babykieron · 5 years
Drake: I thought you wanted to keep things the same until the Evie job is done.
Kieron: Oh, no! I said I didn't want to announce we were getting married until after the job.
Kieron: Breaking up with Noah was always the plan. Just not involving you. He's vindictive.
Kieron: So I'm more likely to just get fired is all.
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babykieron · 5 years
Drake: I see.
Drake: What if Noah calls and wants to see you?
Kieron: Oh. I've seen Noah. I guess I forgot to mention that.
Kieron: I ended it.
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