babyloveportraits · 3 years
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Baby Photography is one of those niches that can be difficult to pull off. That’s because kids are unpredictable, and even if you plan a shot very well, they might not be in the mood to follow your instructions.
You can even use newborn baby props for the photoshoot and all kinds of other stuff in order to make things more engaging, that’s all up to you and the ideas you have in mind. But what trends are there in the Baby photography world now, and are they a good idea?
Using all kinds of cool props
As we mentioned above, using newborn baby photoshoot props is a very good idea. It allows you to experiment, try out new things and truly push the experience to new heights. It will take a bit of time to find the right props, and sometimes the unexpected ones will be the best option. Baby nests, phone books, a blanket, all of these are some great newborn photoshoot props that can really push the boundaries and bring in more exciting ideas into the mix.
“When photographing a newborn baby, it should always be posed on something. So, it is very important to have the right baby posing props for photography.“
Playing around with colors
You can go ahead and change the background colors, play around with things and see what works. If you’re using props, you may have to update their colors in order to match your visual style. That’s the great thing, the fact that you can experiment, try out a variety of unique options and features, then push it to the next level. It’s exciting and rewarding, and you get to identify what works for your child.
Experimenting with textures
Many experts take professional photographer baby pictures based on a certain texture. As a parent, you can play around with materials like cotton, linen, maybe you can bring in a basket. All of these things can help you push the boundaries and come up with something unique and creative.
Nature photos
Taking photos in nature with your child is a great idea, since you get to capture a lot of incredible landscapes. Kids also love exploration, so this is a great fit. With that in mind, you can still experiment and try out new stuff if you want. It really helps bring in a unique perspective, with results being second to none.
The next big thing in Baby photography comes in the form of various trends and features people tend to focus on. Nowadays, there are dozens of trends, so it’s important to understand and acknowledge them, then experiment to find what really works.
These tips help you show off the great ideas you have in mind, and the outcome can be great. We recommend you to give it a shot and you will be incredibly happy with the way it all flows together. Alternatively, you can order a pre-made backdrop for your child from Love and Bub. They offer some amazing custom baby portraits!
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babyloveportraits · 3 years
Getting Your House Ready for the Arrival of a New Baby
Once the news of a new baby in the family spreads, there’s no stopping the joy and excitement that radiates throughout the house. Everyone in the family from the proud grandparents to the excited aunts and uncles just can’t wait to get their hands on the little one. But because you’ve lived for years with only adults around, your home might not be safe or even baby-friendly at all.  
Start with this list to prepare for the arrival of your new baby.
Set up a nursery room.
Where is your baby going to sleep? Before the arrival of the new baby comes and takes all of your time and attention, make sure you prepare a comfy and cozy space just for him. Designate a room in your house entirely for your baby where you can store all the baby essentials. Organize the room by allocating nursing stations, play areas, and other necessities.
Baby-proof your entire home.
The safety of your baby should not be limited to his nursery room. Make sure that each room in your house has a designated baby space and should be completely safe for your baby. Plugin the sockets, do the necessary repairs and add corner guards all over the house before your baby finally comes.
Make the atmosphere baby-friendly with customized baby portraits.    
Once you got the basics down, it's time to beautify your home. With the hundreds of ornaments, you can choose from, go for something aesthetic yet sentimental. How about customized baby portraits for the arrival of your new baby?
Love and Bub freeze precious baby moments in time through beautiful, customized baby portraits. It is completely hassle-free too as you simply need to send them a photo of your baby and leave the magic to them. Choose from their most popular customized baby portraits:
Hatched Egg
Sunflower Garden Bucket
Carriage and Bouquet of Roses
Wool Barrel
No need to overthink whether you’ve got everything ready for your baby yet. Just take it easy and enjoy every moment in parenthood. As long as you follow the above guide, a happy baby is guaranteed. If you found this article useful, please make sure you leave a comment and share your thoughts! Don't forget to follow loveandbub.com for more how-to’s, tips and guides, and gift ideas.
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babyloveportraits · 3 years
Daily Schedule With A Newborn
Having a newly born baby inside the house is not a walk in the park. Unless you have a full-time nanny or a house nurse who will look after the baby the whole day (and night), taking care of a newborn can be challenging for mothers. It will be best if you establish a daily schedule with a newborn to anticipate what you should do throughout the day.
Whether you’re a new mom or an experienced parent, this sample daily schedule with a newborn can help you make the first few months after your childbirth easier and more bearable.
Morning Routine
Newborn babies tend to sleep more during the day. This is because they still can’t distinguish between day and night. Therefore, it’s best to make your baby’s nursery as conducive, safe, and comfortable for sleeping as you can.
Choose a safe and durable crib or baby nest where she can sleep soundly. Set up proper lighting and temperature. And decorate the nursery with fancy wall stickers, stuffed animals, and personalized wall canvas art. With a homey and comfortable room, your baby is sure to have a long, quiet, and peaceful sleep.
Afternoon Routine
When your newborn baby is awake, which may not be too long in the morning or afternoon, take this opportunity to play with her. Playing with a newborn stimulates her motor, communication, and cognitive development. So when her eyes are open, it’s best to shake those rattle, make her mobile turn, and sing some nursery rhymes to her.
Bedtime Routine
Before bedtime is an ideal time to bathe your baby in warm water. This is to cool and relax her body, helping her fall asleep more easily. Especially after a full feed and a dry nappy, your newborn baby is ready to doze off throughout the night.
Remember that every baby is unique and your daily schedule with a newborn may be different from what was discussed above. The important thing is that you follow a regular routine in order to make it easy for you and your baby to adjust to this new chapter of your life.
You may download a printable checklist here.
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babyloveportraits · 3 years
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Make A Customized Canvas Portrait Of Your Loved One If you want to share a great gift, then canvas portraits can be a very good pick. What makes canvas portrait art unique is the fact that it looks amazing, and it also conveys a lot of value for money. Plus, there are many other benefits that come from sharing customized canvas portraits as a gift to your loved ones. Here are some of the main benefits, listed below!
Style versatility
One of the great things about canvas portraits and canvas portrait art, in general, is that you can play around with style. You can pick a more traditional style or you can go with something a lot more complex. It helps push the experience to the next level, not to mention it can be the perfect gift. All in all, you have tremendous quality and value every time.
Great quality
Canvas portraits and prints are ideal for any home because they don’t have any glare, and they always retain all the details from the original image. They look amazing, and you really get to have that amazing quality you want, not to mention these will last in the long run.
Very affordable
The reality is that having an artist paint a portrait for you can be overly expensive. With canvas portrait art, you end up not paying a whole lot of money. Yet you still have high-quality art that you can hang on your wall. It’s just an amazing investment and you will be impressed with the very high quality and astounding value for money. It just doesn’t get any better than this.
Multiple size options
Another thing to note about canvas portrait art is that you can take pictures of your loved one, then print those on canvas in a variety of sizes. You can have small canvas portraits, but you can also have giant ones. These are great gifts, and everyone will enjoy them. That’s what makes something like this worth the money to begin with.
No quality loss
The printing process can sometimes lead to quality loss, but that’s not the case with canvas portrait art printing. These art pieces are printed using high-quality printers that truly bring your picture to life. It’s a great way for you to share amazing art without having to worry about any quality loss. Issues like this can arise from time to time, so having the right approach and options can indeed make a huge difference.
Creating custom canvas portraits for your loved one is a sweet gesture, and it certainly brings in a great experience. It’s definitely not an easy thing to achieve, but if you do it right, results can indeed be worth it. At the end of the day, canvas prints are a great purchase and they can also be an amazing gift. They last for a long time, you have crisp product quality and lots of durabilities. Plus, you get to remember some important times in your life, which is always worth it!
If you found this article useful, please make sure you leave a comment and share your thoughts! Don't forget to follow loveandbub.com for more how-to’s, tips and guides, and gift ideas. More blogs at Love and Bub Portraits.
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babyloveportraits · 3 years
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Ways To Capture Your Baby's Newborn Moments With a new baby in the house, everyone eagerly takes photos to preserve precious moments in stills they can look back on in the years to come. Indeed, photos are the only way one can freeze fleeting moments into tangible mementos that are just beyond priceless. While your phone camera can do the trick in capturing ordinary moments, it pays to put in the extra effort to get high-quality prints for your baby’s special occasions and milestones.
Here are the top 3 ways to secure excellent quality photos of your baby.
Set up a home studio.
One way to make sure you can capture a special moment as soon as it happens is by investing in your mini photography studio. It might cost you a lot initially as you need to purchase a high-tech camera, backdrops, props, and everything else from your pocket. But if you intend to photograph your baby regularly, this might be the option for you.
Hire a professional photographer.  
Don’t have the time nor the space to set up your own studio? You can opt to get a high-quality baby portrait with no strings attached instead and hire a one-time photography service. Simply have your baby pose in front of a camera, pay for the photos, and just like that, you have priceless snapshots to keep forever. However, exposing your newborn to outsiders can be risky.  
Opt for personalized canvas prints.
If you’re looking for an alternative that is convenient, safe, and affordable, go for Love and Bub’s personalized canvas prints instead. All you have to do is send them any clear-quality baby photo and they’ll do their magic in turning it into a beautiful professionally shot portrait. You can fully customize it by choosing your favorite backdrops such as their popular Precious Treasure Box, Little Sailor, or Greatest Love. Your satisfaction is guaranteed too as you can enjoy unlimited revision on their personalized canvas prints.
Have you decided on how to get the perfect baby portrait yet? Make sure you choose the best option that won’t compromise your baby’s safety, won’t take up too much of your time and money, and guarantee great results all at the same time. And if you have older kids at home, they also have stunning backdrops for them.
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babyloveportraits · 3 years
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Photo Credit: Samer Daboul via Pexels
How To Introduce Your New Baby To Your Other Kids
Introducing your new child to the other kids sounds like a challenging thing to do. You want everyone to have a great experience and a fun time, but at the same time you are afraid that they might not be getting along right away. Regardless, introducing your new baby to the other kids is very important, and it’s something you don’t want to take lightly. Which does bring the question, how can you introduce him/her? Here are some tips to get started.
Prepare them beforehand
You don’t want to drop this news when the baby arrives. You can tell them beforehand and let them know about it beforehand. Talk about the idea, let your child know that it will be a lot of fun, interesting and exciting. As soon as you start sharing those kinds of ideas, the potential can be amazing. It’s always going to be some sort of a challenge, but if you do it right and you know what you are getting into, the potential can be great.
Make sure that you prepare your home
Photo Credit: Tatiana Syrikova via Pexels
Since your baby is coming soon, you do want to have a dedicated room already prepared. That’s why having a new layout and even asking your older child for help is very important. Your kid will have a better understanding of what to expect, what challenges can arise and what you can do. Allowing your kid to adjust the layout of the new bedroom is a great idea, and it can make quite the difference.
Give a gift to the older sibling
Photo Credit: Anna Shvets via Pexels
It’s important to avoid situations when you instill any type of rivalry. Instead, you want to show that you still love your child just as much. Sharing a gift like a loving note, book or stuffed animal with a note about how excited the baby is to meet their siblings is extremely important and a great idea in the first place.
Introduce the new child by name
Photo Credit: Heiner via Pexels
Yes, a good idea is to try and introduce the child by name, and then you can let them meet, touch and connect with one another. It’s imperative to not have very high expectations with this first encounter, so try to keep that in mind and ensure that there are no real problems to begin with. Keep things positive and bring in a great outlook.
Give the older child a job to do
Photo Credit: stocksnap.io
You want your older child to be involved in some way. Things like showing the baby a toy, singing a lullaby or helping with feeding is a great idea. These things really help push the experience to new heights, and you will be incredibly impressed with the process and results. It’s always an important thing to consider, and the payoff will be really engaging.
At the end of the day, introducing your new baby to the other kids does have its fair share of challenges. But it’s still something that should happen naturally, and without a lot of fuss. Use these tips listed above, and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to comment below.
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babyloveportraits · 3 years
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Playing With A Newborn Guide
A newborn baby is one of the greatest blessings a family can have. They are more than just a baby, they bring joy, laughter, and inspiration to each member of the family.
If you have a newborn at home and you’re wondering how to play with your baby, this article will give you a few ideas that you can follow.
Tips on How to Play with a Newborn
Invest in toys that stimulate the cognitive development of the baby.
While you can always buy a rattle for your baby in the nearest supermarket, you may want to reconsider which toys to buy for her.
There are a lot of innovative toys nowadays that are designed to develop and improve babies’ cognitive skills. These include an electronic rattle that plays songs and interacts with the baby, indestructible books, and a play gym to name a few.
Make your baby’s nursery a conducive area to play.
To motivate your newborn baby to stay awake and play with you, decorate her nursery with bright, colorful things that stimulate her curiosity and attract eye movements.
You can use dainty wallpapers in her room, add colorful toys as a display, and put up personalized wall arts of her or any family member’s photos. At Love and Bub, some of the popular baby canvas arts include Laced Canopy in Garden and Pumpkin Heart.
Spend quality time with your newborn baby.
While toys, books, and room decorations are important tools in your newborn’s playtime, the one with the most important role, however, is the parent or the family member who will spend time playing and interacting with the baby.
In fact, there are some activities that you can do with your newborn without having to spend or purchase anything, such as playing Peek-A-Boo, performing tummy time, and singing nursery rhymes among others.
The Importance of Playing With Your Newborn
While newborn babies don’t do much and will only sleep most of the time, it is still important to spend time and play with them. It is through playtime that your newborn learns about the world around them and how they can connect with it.
Key points
Play is important for overall newborn development, learning, wellbeing and bonding.
Playing with your newborn is about interacting with your baby.
Newborn play ideas include smiling at your baby, blowing raspberries and having tummy time.
Conclusion So, if you’re looking for ways on how to play with a newborn, you can always refer to our list above. While at it, you should spend time researching newborn photoshoot ideas so you can create lasting memories of yourself and your baby while playing. If you can’t hire a professional photographer for whatever reason, you can visit loveandbub.com, they will turn your baby’s photo from your phone into a unique and personalized artwork. They will save you time, money, and the risk of going out!
PS. Here’s a 10% coupon on your first order! Use the code “Blog10” upon checkout to apply the discount. If you found this article useful, please make sure you leave a comment and share your thoughts! Don't forget to follow loveandbub.com for more how-to’s, tips and guides, and gift ideas.
Visit our store Love and Bub Portraits.
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babyloveportraits · 3 years
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Learning how to take personalized portraits of your child is a great idea, and there are all kinds of things you want to focus on.
What matters is to take your time, assess the traits and what equipment you have, then ensure that you take professional pictures of your kid. Here you have the things to take into consideration.
Shoot them the way they are
You don’t want to force anything on your child. Taking images naturally helps a lot, and it conveys a much better set of results than you expect. You can use some newborn photo shoot props and a great background if you want. That’s up to you, and it will push the experience to the next level in a clever and fun way.
Invest in good photo equipment
If you want to take professional photos, then investing in good equipment is mandatory. You will notice that it will bring in a much better photo quality, and you have more options as you take those pictures.
Silliness can still help
You don’t want professional photos to be very serious all the time, especially when it comes to kids. Being silly can make it a lot of fun, and you will find yourself impressed with the process and results. That’s what makes it worth it, and the potential can be second to none.
Take pictures at your child’s height
The reason you want to do that is because it allows you to focus on details without having to crop or modify pictures. It just makes things more exciting. Plus, taking pictures from a lower level it will help quite a bit.
Avoid tiring out your child
Sending all kinds of instructions is tiring. Don’t just go with all kinds of poses. Make it natural and fun for your child. Ideally, you want to have short sessions. Those will bring in the excitement and fun, and they will make the experience better for both you and your kid.
Go for a wide aperture
Wide apertures capture more details, and the visuals are amazing. You always want to experiment and try out new stuff, but going with a wide aperture and natural light is going to help immensely. Use that to your own advantage, and if you do it right, the potential can be well worth the effort every time.
Direct the viewer’s eyes
If there are multiple people in the picture, you always want your child’s viewing angle to be the most important. It takes a bit of trial and error to make it work, and the potential here is amazing. Experimentation is key for personalized first birthday gifts like this. And that’s what you want to pursue here.
Preparing the best canvas portraits with professional pictures is very important. You want to know how to make the most out of any situation, and that can always be interesting. Use these ideas, and you will have a great experience every time, especially as you experiment and focus on improving your professional solutions!
If you found this article useful, please make sure you leave a comment and share your thoughts! Don't forget to follow loveandbub.com for more how-to’s, tips and guides, and gift ideas. Find more blogs at Love and Bub Portraits.
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babyloveportraits · 3 years
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Photo Credit: @zoncoll
Making sure that you track your baby’s habits is very important. This can tell you a lot about your baby, the way he completes all kinds of tasks, how he behaves and so on. Understanding these things will give you a very good idea of what you can expect and what schedule your baby has during the day. This also helps you identify what potentially damaging or problematic habits exist that might need to be removed.
Use a dedicated app
If you want to ensure that you track your baby’s sleep, diet and other tasks, it makes a lot of sense to use applications/ mobile apps are very easy to access, most of them are free, and the fact that you are able to view explanatory videos, take notes, monitor sleeping schedules, feeding and the overall growth is very important. It’s a great tool and one that helps push the experience to new heights.
It helps more than you might imagine, and the quality can indeed be second to none. Some good apps are FirstYear, WebMD Baby, Baby Sprout, Eat Sleep, Baby Food Allergy Tracker, Baby Connect and so others.
What do you need to track?
For diapers, you want to track things like the number of dirty and wet wipes used every day. This will let you know if your child is eating enough at this time or not. Usually, kids produce 6 wet diapers a day, sometimes more, sometimes less.
You want to track every nursing session, when it begins, when it ends, when you are switching to the other breast and also how long every session can really be. A feeding chart will help the pediatrician figure out what is happening and why there are problems. It’s certainly something to take into consideration.
It’s very important to ensure that you are monitoring your child’s sleep habits and naps. You can also track the reason why your kid wakes up, be it from hunger or just naturally. You will see if your baby is sleeping the normal amount of time for his/her age or not. If it’s not the case, then the doctor will know what issues arise and what you can do to stop them.
Sometimes, sleep disruptions can appear from reflux and other health issues. So it’s imperative to monitor your child’s sleep, as you can learn a lot of things. Newborns need to sleep up to 18 hours a day, infants up to 4 months have to sleep up to 16 hours a day, babies up to 6 months can sleep 15 hours per day and so on.
As you can see, tracking your child’s help, sleep and health is extremely important. It will help you assess the situation and ensure that you are always getting access to the best and latest information. Once you know about and identify any issues, it’s a lot easier to solve them. That’s why using dedicated apps to monitor your baby’s health is extremely important!
If you found this article useful, please make sure you leave a comment and share your thoughts! Don't forget to follow loveandbub.com for more how-to’s, tips and guides, and gift ideas.
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babyloveportraits · 3 years
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How To Get Your Baby To Sleep Through Nights Quick You're not alone if you haven't had a good night's sleep since your kid was born. For most young parents, restless nights are a process of a journey but don't worry. You could assist your infant in sleeping through the night. Honestly!
Creating A Rhythm
Newborn babies sleep for 16 hours or above per day, although just for a couple of hours straight. Though its rhythm may be unpredictable initially, as your child grows and could go further between feedings, a much more regular sleep cycle would appear.
Numerous kids sleep for at least five hours at the moment by the time they are three to four months old. All children are distinct, but at a certain stage throughout their first year, they would begin napping for roughly 10 hours each night.
Allow Your Child To Sleep In Your Bedroom
For at least six months and preferably up to a year your child must sleep in your bedroom with you but separately in a bed, a bassinet, a crib or other arrangement meant for babies to reduce the chance of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) at night.
Promoting Optimal Sleeping Patterns
Midnight breastfeeding will likely disturb sleep for both mothers and infants for the first few weeks, but it's never too early to aid your child to be a decent sleeper.
Examine the following suggestions:
Maintain A Regular And Relaxing Sleep Schedule
Overstimulating your infant in the evening could render it hard for him to fall asleep. Most babies fall asleep after they are drink milk and sometimes, they even fall asleep while drinking milk.
Sleepy Yet Awake, Put Your Infant To Sleep
It would let your child connect the bed with the act of sleeping. Keep in mind that your child should rest on their backside and that covers and other fluffy materials should be removed from the cot or bassinet.
Allow Space For Your Infant To Calm Down
Before actually reaching a suitable posture and going asleep, your infant may struggle or scream so you may use a pacifier after your baby's done drinking milk. If your child continues to wail, look at them, console them, and then exit the area. Your soothing touch could be all your infant requires to sleep better.
Considering Things In Context
It's important to understand that encouraging your child to sleep throughout the night isn't a test of your parental abilities. Taking the moment to get to know your newborn's routines and communication styles so you could assist them to sleep much better. Consult your child's pediatrician if you have any worries. And if you want to make these cute moments memorable, you can hire a professional photography studio to click some memorable snaps. If you can’t go to the studio for whatever reason, you can simply take your smartphone and take the photo yourself. You can hire Love and Bub to personalize your child’s photo.
Not sure if the product you are buying follows the CPSC standard? Check their guidelines here.
If you found this article useful, please make sure you leave a comment and share your thoughts! Don't forget to follow loveandbub.com for more how-to’s, tips and guides, and gift ideas. Find more blogs at Love and Bub Portraits.
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babyloveportraits · 3 years
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Getting custom baby portraits done is a great idea if you want to capture your baby’s journey through life. It’s exciting and fun, not to mention it’s a wonderful way to reminisce about times long gone.
Why should you create a canvas baby portrait?
The great thing about baby portraits is that they are visually enticing and engaging. They really push the boundaries when it comes to quality, and it helps bring in an amazing range of benefits. You always want to have great personalized first birthday gifts, and nothing is cooler than custom canvas portraits that feature your child. Capturing this point in time on canvas helps a lot, it really helps push the boundaries in a creative and unique manner, and results can indeed be second to none every time. That’s a great opportunity for you to show off the beauty of your baby with the best children’s portrait out there.
Custom canvas portraits look amazing
The main advantage of custom canvas portraits is that they are visually appealing and different. They really stand out when it comes to quality and professionalism, and you will be amazed at the quality and value all the time. Is your baby grown to a big boy now? Try Love and Bub's Sailor and Shark theme for a more exciting artwork!
Personalizing your home with amazing art
It’s an amazing investment and one that you do not want to miss. Taking the right pictures with some cool newborn baby photoshoot props can be a great idea. It allows you to diversify the process and really make it your own.
It’s amazing, distinctive, and you will find yourself very interesting and exciting at the same time. Not only that, but the great thing about personalized portraits is that they are always pushing the boundaries, while also making it easy for you to obtain amazing custom artwork for your home.
Why should you take pictures of your little sailor?
You can easily prepare some great newborn photoshoot props and dress your baby like a sailor so you can take amazing photos. Then you can print them as canvas portrait or a poster. We are here to help with all of that and so much more. It conveys a lot of creativity and you get to try out a multitude of unique ideas. That’s what makes it well worth it, and you should totally consider giving it a shot for yourself. You will enjoy the results and your little sailor’s picture will be a great memory to hang on the wall!
If you found this article useful, please make sure you leave a comment and share your thoughts! Don't forget to follow loveandbub.com for more how-to’s, tips and guides, and gift ideas.
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babyloveportraits · 3 years
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How To Keep Track Of Your Baby’s Habits?
Photo Credit: @zoncoll
Making sure that you track your baby’s habits is very important. This can tell you a lot about your baby, the way he completes all kinds of tasks, how he behaves and so on. Understanding these things will give you a very good idea of what you can expect and what schedule your baby has during the day. This also helps you identify what potentially damaging or problematic habits exist that might need to be removed.
Use a dedicated app
If you want to ensure that you track your baby’s sleep, diet and other tasks, it makes a lot of sense to use applications/ mobile apps are very easy to access, most of them are free, and the fact that you are able to view explanatory videos, take notes, monitor sleeping schedules, feeding and the overall growth is very important. It’s a great tool and one that helps push the experience to new heights.
It helps more than you might imagine, and the quality can indeed be second to none. Some good apps are FirstYear, WebMD Baby, Baby Sprout, Eat Sleep, Baby Food Allergy Tracker, Baby Connect and so others.
What do you need to track?
Photo Credit: @corrynewooten
For diapers, you want to track things like the number of dirty and wet wipes used every day. This will let you know if your child is eating enough at this time or not. Usually, kids produce 6 wet diapers a day, sometimes more, sometimes less.
Photo Credit: @lwolski
You want to track every nursing session, when it begins, when it ends, when you are switching to the other breast and also how long every session can really be. A feeding chart will help the pediatrician figure out what is happening and why there are problems. It’s certainly something to take into consideration.
Photo Credit: @marlady
It’s very important to ensure that you are monitoring your child’s sleep habits and naps. You can also track the reason why your kid wakes up, be it from hunger or just naturally. You will see if your baby is sleeping the normal amount of time for his/her age or not. If it’s not the case, then the doctor will know what issues arise and what you can do to stop them.
Sometimes, sleep disruptions can appear from reflux and other health issues. So it’s imperative to monitor your child’s sleep, as you can learn a lot of things. Newborns need to sleep up to 18 hours a day, infants up to 4 months have to sleep up to 16 hours a day, babies up to 6 months can sleep 15 hours per day and so on.
As you can see, tracking your child’s help, sleep and health is extremely important. It will help you assess the situation and ensure that you are always getting access to the best and latest information. Once you know about and identify any issues, it’s a lot easier to solve them. That’s why using dedicated apps to monitor your baby’s health is extremely important!
If you found this article useful, please make sure you leave a comment and share your thoughts! Don't forget to follow loveandbub.com for more how-to’s, tips and guides, and gift ideas.
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babyloveportraits · 3 years
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Gift shopping is fun, yet it is an entire chore by itself. It gets even tougher when you're not just shopping for anyone but a moody teenager who wouldn't think twice about letting you know if he liked your gift or not. Don't worry because, with our list of the top home gifts for teens, you’re sure to find the best present in no time.
Universal Wireless Charging Hub
Teens love to hang out with their friends all day be it in the real or digital world. Most teenagers are glued to their phones 24/7 so, just imagine how much they hate charging their phones. Get them a universal wireless charging hub and they’ll love you forever. Not only does this device make charging easier, but it is also safer and more energy-efficient.
Samsung POWERbot Star Wars Vacuum Cleaner
Do you know what else teens hate? Doing chores! What better way to have them get the chores done while still having fun than a remote-controlled vacuum cleaner. The POWERbot features the popular Star Wars character Darth Vader which makes it more like a toy than a cleaning device. Definitely one of the best home gifts for teens in our book!
Nostalgic Baby Portrait
Teenagers are very emotional and sentimental more than they would like to admit. So surprise them with a customized baby portrait to remind them that they will always be your little baby no matter what.  Get quality time with your teen as you look back together on baby photos of them in a wicker basket or a flower bed.
Sometimes, what teens want most isn’t the trendiest or rarest item in the market but something that makes them feel comfy, cozy, and loved when they’re at home. Just follow our list of the best home gifts for teens and there’s no way to go wrong.
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babyloveportraits · 3 years
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You're not alone if you haven't had a good night's sleep since your kid was born. For most young parents, restless nights are a process of a journey but don't worry. You could assist your infant in sleeping through the night. Honestly!
Creating A Rhythm
Newborn babies sleep for 16 hours or above per day, although just for a couple of hours straight. Though its rhythm may be unpredictable initially, as your child grows and could go further between feedings, a much more regular sleep cycle would appear.
Numerous kids sleep for at least five hours at the moment by the time they are three to four months old. All children are distinct, but at a certain stage throughout their first year, they would begin napping for roughly 10 hours each night.
Allow Your Child To Sleep In Your Bedroom
For at least six months and preferably up to a year your child must sleep in your bedroom with you but separately in a bed, a bassinet, a crib or other arrangement meant for babies to reduce the chance of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) at night.
Promoting Optimal Sleeping Patterns
Midnight breastfeeding will likely disturb sleep for both mothers and infants for the first few weeks, but it's never too early to aid your child to be a decent sleeper.
Examine the following suggestions:
Maintain A Regular And Relaxing Sleep Schedule
Overstimulating your infant in the evening could render it hard for him to fall asleep. Most babies fall asleep after they are drink milk and sometimes, they even fall asleep while drinking milk.
Sleepy Yet Awake, Put Your Infant To Sleep
It would let your child connect the bed with the act of sleeping. Keep in mind that your child should rest on their backside and that covers and other fluffy materials should be removed from the cot or bassinet.
Allow Space For Your Infant To Calm Down
Before actually reaching a suitable posture and going asleep, your infant may struggle or scream so you may use a pacifier after your baby's done drinking milk. If your child continues to wail, look at them, console them, and then exit the area. Your soothing touch could be all your infant requires to sleep better.
Considering Things In Context
It's important to understand that encouraging your child to sleep throughout the night isn't a test of your parental abilities. Taking the moment to get to know your newborn's routines and communication styles so you could assist them to sleep much better. Consult your child's pediatrician if you have any worries. And if you want to make these cute moments memorable, you can hire a professional photography studio to click some memorable snaps. If you can’t go to the studio for whatever reason, you can simply take your smartphone and take the photo yourself. You can hire Love and Bub to personalize your child’s photo.
Not sure if the product you are buying follows the CPSC standard? Check their guidelines here.
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babyloveportraits · 3 years
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It can be difficult to stuff gifts for teens since they have very specific requirements. This is why it’s difficult to pinpoint exactly what they want, but we are here to help. We created a list with a variety of gifts that are very impressive and fun for every teen. Here are some of the things you can share as a gift with teens today!
Instant cameras
For the past few years, teens have started to embrace retro-tech quite a bit. Getting instant cameras that deliver images on the spot is back in trend, and lots of teens love it. This can be great if they want to take children’s portraits or just want to capture pictures showing nature in all of its glory. This can help take those newborn baby posters or it can be great for landscape photos, among many others.
Custom artwork
You can ask your child what images and style they like and create custom artwork from that. This is an amazing gift since it suits your teen’s requirements and ideas, and it’s really fun to have it around. It’s also a good idea to go with personalized portraits if you want. Or it can be something more abstract. Even canvas portraits can be great as well. Even some newborn baby posters can come in handy.
Slim wallets
There is a multitude of slim wallets on the market right now. And let’s face it, teens don’t like to carry lots of items with them, especially a bulky wallet. This is why a slim wallet can be the right pick. It’s a minimalist approach, and it looks amazing. It can also be one of the personalized first birthday gifts that your child can use later on. You may try this slim wallet from Travelambo, an Amazon Choice.
A smartwatch
Smartwatches have notifications, health tracking, and other amazing features. They are a computing powerhouse, and teens want them. It’s an important aspect to consider here, especially when it comes to sharing a gift that teens will actually use. You may try Wilful Smart, a best-seller on Amazon.
Bluetooth speaker
Teens love music, and they enjoy sharing it with friends too. This is why gifting a Bluetooth speaker makes a lot of sense. It’s an incredible gift, very useful and not that expensive either. That being said, not all models are waterproof, so it’s important to go with a waterproof unit, just in case. This Amazon’s Choice, Oontz Bluetooth speaker is a good investment.
Nintendo Switch console
If you want to share a very interesting gift, then a Switch is a very good pick. Teens always love playing video games, and being able to do that on the go is a lot of fun. You can also gift a few games with the new console if you want.
Portable charger
Teens love technology and they are always near their phones. Having a portable charger is very important because they get to charge their phone whenever it’s needed, without any type of problem. The best part about this is that most portable chargers work with a multitude of electronics, so keep that in mind. Anker is one of the most popular Powerbank makers, you may try to get yours and see if it’s going to be your favorite too!
There’s no denying that teens can be really picky when it comes to gifts. So it’s hard to find gifts that they will actually keep. You have to think outside the box and come up with gift ideas that suit teens and their lifestyles. The ideas listed above are a great starting point, it all comes down to being creative and understanding your teen’s passions. That will make buying gifts a lot easier!
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babyloveportraits · 3 years
3 Best Gifts for Your Growing Daughter (2 to 5 years old)
From their terrible twos to fantastic five’s, toddlers spend most of their time during this age bracket mimicking adults, figuring out what they love to do, and of course, turning the house upside down for moms to clean up after. Sure growing kids, let alone girls, can be a handful but they are also such a joy that you just want to surprise them with the best gifts for daughters 2 to 5 years old.
Here is a list of the top gifts that will surely put a smile on your little angel’s face.
KidKraft Vintage Kitchen
There is nothing girls of this age enjoy more than pretend play. Two to five years old are usually the ages kids play with brooms, kitchen pans, and whatever they see adults use daily. This kitchen playset is a top choice for parents looking for gifts for daughters 2 to 5 years old. Giving them their own kitchen space will not only keep them busy, but it will also keep them out of your kitchen—a big yay for moms.
"Woodland Dreams," Book
When buying gifts for daughters 2 to 5 years old, make sure they learn something while having fun with your gift too. With their imaginations running wild and free as they will ever be, little girls love picture books with engaging stories that will feed their fantasies. This storybook by Karen Jameson and Marc Boutavant is popular among parents all over the world.
Magical Love and Bub Portrait
Little girls always imagine themselves as their favorite characters and when they see themselves as fairies or princesses in a beautiful custom photo, it will make them happy more than anything else. Make your child’s dream of becoming a Woodland Fairy, a Pixie, or a Disco Ballerina come alive through premium canvas portraits by Love & Bub.
Give the best only to your daughter. Make her feel special by giving any of these unique and wonderful gifts for little girls that will surely make her smile.
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babyloveportraits · 3 years
How to Calm Your Fussy Baby?
Babies cry in the first six months for about 45 minutes to 2 hours daily normally. It is normal for them to cry for food, sleep, and the change of diapers. In this situation, you need to calm your baby in a very gentle way.
Moreover, babies differ in personality. One thing that is calming for my baby can’t be calming for your baby but you will be able to know his personality with time.
First of all, you should make your baby feel secure by covering it in a soft blanket, holding it in your lap, or cuddling while walking in the house. You can also cover your baby in a blanket and put him in a swing. Mostly, babies want to change the stimulus, and they need you to change the surroundings. In this case, you should hold the baby and try to cuddle while taking a walk on the lawn. Or take the infant for a ride in the car or a stroller.
Babies feel calm and secure if you provide them with an environment like a womb. Playing some humming or heartbeat sound while cuddling with your infant can make them feel at ease. Gently rub the baby’s head to make him fall asleep or stroke his head or back while holding in your hands will make them feel calm. Avoid irritating sounds, dim the lights of the room or go to the other room. If you get to the point where you are frustrated or angry after all your efforts because of crying, it is time to take a break.
Try another family member or a trusted adult who knows babies well. If you are frustrated, you need to know that the baby is not mad or rejects you. Baby is trying to communicate with you by crying because crying is the only language your baby knows.
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