babymarsworld · 3 months
✨ Astrology observations ✨
House edition
Note: Just take what resonates. Also, these are my observations; they may not be so shocking, but I found them interesting.
Please, Ignore the grammar mistakes, Take care!✨
✨The way people perceive you (1st house) goes with planets that are connected to your ascendant, not only the rising sign alone. For example, a Leo rising can be perceived as regal, yet a Leo rising conjunct a Lilith in Leo depicts an unusual mix. To the point where Leo rising can feel rejected by others because she/he is "too much" or "too weird". However, a Leo in venus conjunct Leo asc, it's so well-liked by everyone that fame follows them. For this reason, not everyone fits all the characteristics. Same rising, yet different attributes and struggles.
✨ Any planet in the 2nd house searches for security, and it's funny when people called them Gold diggers. I mean, money is an instrument to survive in life. So, if you have a planet in the 2nd house like venus, you may want a partner that feels stable in every sense, and it's fine. Stop with the stereotypes.
✨The 8th is ruled by Scorpio, so anyone with a stellium in that house would feel these traits even without being a Scorpio.
✨The 12th presents blurry lines; I always say that but why? The native cannot understand where she/he stands there. It's like walking with your eyes closed just guided by your instincts. However, your instincts are in your subconscious. Any planet there or even your natal house can teach you about your inner self. This house whispers your truth, and it's so scary. Usually, that something you deny the most, it is hidden in the 12th house.
✨ The 10th presents your career, yes, but also how you behave, or how you are perceived in your job. For instance, a Taurus MC may not want to work in the arts or beauty field, yet they would look graceful when they work.
✨ The 5th house depicts your type of creativity and self-expression. For instance, an Aquarius in the 5th house may love changing his/her style and hobbies every time. Two years ago, I wanted to write a book, and now I have an astrology blog...Lmao.
✨ The 7th house represents your spouse or people that you can accept for long-term partnerships, even friends.
✨The 3rd house portrays themes like siblings and communication. Now, mercury retrogrades seem to hit harder to those with mercury in the 3rd house. it's a lifetime struggle.
✨ The 4th house illustrates all about your family roots, struggles, boundaries, traumas. Letting go of the past means cutting a part of you. People with heavy energy in this house present many family problems. Natives with the 4th in Scorpio/Pluto are so secretive about their family problems. Usually, they have so many traumas that people cannot fully understand/believe them. So, Instead of helping, they make the native feel misunderstood.
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babymarsworld · 3 months
Lilith in the 4th house
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Lilith in Cancer can also read it, or Lilith-moon aspects.
⚠️ Read: Mention of cheating, family dynamic and mothers!
What to learn: Emotions make you stronger, you are worthy of real love, and your family shouldn't define you.
What to avoid: Having victim mentality, blame others for your wrongdoings, and over nurturing tendencies with others.
Some celebrities: Alexa Demie, John Travolta, Donald Trump, Ozzy Osbourne, Shia Labeouf, Justin Bieber, Cameron Díaz, Brook Shields, Kristen Dunst, Margot Robbie, William Shakespeare (apparently) Gary Grant, Orlando Bloom, Jennifer Garner, and Jessica Alba.
🕯Issues with femininity and the idea of being a woman, in men issues with being with a woman who truly nurtures them.
🕯Undeveloped Lilith attracts overprotective (toxic) people and manipulators.
🕯 They could cheat with people who are married just for the sake of feeling better (if bad aspected).
🕯 Other women admire or like them, but men like them more (male gaze).
🕯The mother could compete with them for certain reasons. These creates issues with female peers.
🕯 Can easily became a mother even thought they don't want it. Pregnancy scares could be a thing. Use protection please.
🕯They're very private about their roots and family. They will avoid posting pictures on their social networks.
🕯 Motherhood troubles them; they can come to a term if they do it willingly.
🕯 Mothers are sacred to them, but mothers was also their worst nightmare. Mother was harsh and cold at times.
🕯 Emotions are not easy to read for them; sometimes, they might ignore them, creating chaos.
🕯 They prefer long-term relationships even if it is toxic. They might follow the family pattern. The must work on it.
🕯 Father was an absent figure; mother has both roles combined. They can imitate this too if bad aspected, especially men.
🕯Emotional manipulator: they can use people's feelings to their pleasure.
🕯 They use their body and feminine energy to lurk others in. "Why you feel like that?.... tell me"
🕯Undeveloped Lilith is the friend who cheats with you bf/crush and makes her innocent face..."I didn't knew you were together" (pd: she knew).
🕯 People can see them as innocent or someone who need protection.
🕯Disconnection with the body and their feminine energy, especially when something traumatic happens at home.
🕯Women has difficult relationships with mothers or mother figure during childhood. Mother was very demanding.
🕯Here, Lilith doesn't want to be consider only a "woman"; they want more than that.
🕯However, this Lilith can be highly sexualised due to their feminine energy. Men can use them as ego boost for the immature masculine energy.
🕯 Men with this placements can have big issues with their emotions. They may ignore their pain and feminine energy, producing cheating or violence outburst.
🕯Both (women and men) can be moody when they're "hurt", and use these emotions as weapons.
🕯The mother could have hurt them or used for her benefit. She may sold them metaphorically to society, or they didn't shield them when they need to.
🕯Prone to follow traumas from their childhood. If they denied their mother issues, they may repeat their pattern.
🕯 As a mother, they are afraid to be like their mother. It's highly possible that this native sees motherhood as complex. However, they are call to cut the ties with the past.
🕯 The best partner is someone who nuturues them, but this person is destructive for their home if wounded. So, they may run away from "commitment" or commit too quickly to toxic people.
🕯 Society pressures them to be a woman. To follow a certain path, they have to deal with the Madonna-whore complex.
🕯 When they are younger, they tend to be sexualized. When older, people "miss" their old self aka beauty. Here, the native must value herself in very stage. She isn't missing anything. She is worthy in every stage.
🕯 They were sexualised very young, unfortunately. Even use as profitable object, look at Justin Bieber, Brook Shield and Shia Labeouf. They were introduced very young to Hollywood.
🕯Deep down, many of them want the home and family they couldn't have. However, they must understand that marriage is more that a social contract. It's a healing process for them. Love goes a deep as they let it.
🕯 Some may have weird family dynamics, which lead to traumas.
🕯 They will very private with their families, partners and lovers. Overprotective tendencies.
🕯Like to follow traditional roles such as, marriage, couple titles (ex: bf or gf), or/ and traditional families. Also, they make like to damage them.
🕯 They can be seen as a perfect parent or as a lacking one. Society is the one that decides (is not always true).
🕯Prefer to live far away from their family. It's safer for them.
🕯 It's very protective of their love ones, especially younger children and sisters/brothers.
🕯Their home is a very private area. They save it from really close people.
🕯They prefer to have small wedding or doing something rather private. If Lilith is immature, they will be a show.
🕯 Bad aspected Lilith would like to take your bf or husband from the sake of feeling loved. They're wining him over you because "they're better than you".
🕯Home could have an abusive dynamic.
🕯Young girls and boys are prone to date older men/ women due to mommy / daddy issues. With time, they realize that nobody can heal them, only themselves will do it.
Take care, loves!
Note: just take what resonates.💚
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babymarsworld · 3 months
Astrocartography notes
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🌍 Do you want to study abroad? Work abroad? Your MC lines show what domain to pursue:
Sun MC: photographer, actor; check the planet ruling your Sun's zodiac sign for more details
Moon MC: nurse, preschool/elementary teacher, childcare worker/nanny, doula, housekeeper
Mercury MC: librarian, language teacher, speech language pathologist, translator, working in academia, journalist, PR agent, receptionist, secretary, architect, economist, comedian
Venus MC: modelling, artist, fashion designer, hairstylist, makeup artist, art director, interior designer, garden designer, florist, wedding planner
Mars MC: surgeon, firefighter, working at the police, sportsman (the type of sport depends on the zodiac sign Mars is in your birth chart, for ex. Mars in Pisces = football, swimming; Mars in Libra = gymnastics); fitness instructor
Jupiter MC: international driver (driving to your Jupiter MC line brings bonusess💰💰), flight attendant, hotel manager, tour guide, philosopher
Saturn MC: general practitioner, dentist, law, working in the Parliament, working in public institutions, business (CEO), historian, construction worker
Uranus MC: STEM (engineering, ecology sciences, biology), electrician, weather presenter, astronomer/astrophysicist, astrologer, sociology, social worker, advocate for human rights/activist
Neptune MC: choreographer, scenographer, film/theater director, actor, ballet dancer, music composer, rehabilitation worker, bartender, yoga instructor, meditation teacher, reiki practitioner
Pluto MC: adult actor, therapist, psychiatrist, any job regarding forensics (detective, toxicologist, forensic accountant etc.), embalmer, funeral director, loan officer, research analyst
🌍 If you have no astrocartography lines passing through the country you lived for most of your life, you probably don't feel at home in that country and have always wanted to relocate to another country
🌍 When you have atleast 2 lines "conjuncting" each other through a certain country, the planet that is more dominant in your birth chart will have a higher effect in astrocartography
🌍 Mercury IC line can show where one of your siblings or cousins relocate at some point during their life
🌍 If you're a girl and you have daddy issues (hey, we don't judge here!!), travelling to Saturn DSC line will likely bring you lots of opportunities of meeting your perfect partner, but also harsh lessons regarding control in a relationship (this is a good line for you to heal your daddy issues)
🌍 If you want to meet your future spouse and you (personally) find international guys attractive, travelling to Jupiter DSC line is a very good idea. Your future spouse might also be a foreigner in that country, just like you :)
🌍 Sun ASC line shows you where you can find your life's purpose. Also your depression:📉📉 0%, while your happiness:📈📈 100% (unless your Sun is in your 8th or 12th house, then the mental health effect is the complete opposite)
🌍 You could give birth on your Moon IC line😳 or your mom could have given birth to you on that line
🌍 Venus ASC line shows you where you could take lots of pictures (of yourself, of the sightseeings). Also, where you could get diabetes where you will want to try every type of sweets you find there
🌍 You will either get very drunk, consume drugs or smoke some weird shit on your Neptune ASC line (pls take care of your health)
🌍 You could randomly meet an ex or someone who resembles your ex while travelling to your Chiron DSC line
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babymarsworld · 3 months
Astrology: Ruler of the 6th House and Where Your Enemies Come From
Identify which planet rules your 6th house, and then find what house that planet is in.
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1st house - those close to you, you might be the one to start the fight believing that you see your enemies coming.
2nd house - enemies come to take your money or belongings, enemies that inflict upon your self-worth.
3rd house - siblings and neighbours, teenage friends, and local travel. Your own mind can feel like an enemy at times.
4th house - mother or mothers side of the family. Enemies are in the home or within the family.
5th house - flings, childhood, brief romances, and affairs.
6th house - everyday work, your community environment, and the people you consider beneath you. You can be your own worst enemy .
7th house - partnerships and business dealings. Enemies with your own shadow.
8th house - in-laws, debt collectors, sexual assault, secret people, actions, and places. Enemies emerge at times of death or change.
9th house - authority figures, the father, teachers, the fathers side of the family.
10th house - career, establishments, law makers, or the police.
11th house - workplace, friends, and social circles. Enemies emerge as money is made.
12th house - in far away places. Enemies emerge from the unknown, unexpectedly or in secret. Enemies result in loss.
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babymarsworld · 4 months
Vesta and sexuality
While its not its ONLY theme, one of Vesta’s major themes is sex, but also purity and sexuality.
Women with prominent Vesta on their Asc, Sun, Mc, are usually very sexy, but in a pure, sweet innocent way(especially the more tension like aspects of the square,conjunct or opposition)
They usually have pure sweet, young like faces,but exude an innocent like sex appeal. Think of the sweet church girl who you just KNOW isnt as innocent as she seems. Thats the sex appeal of vesta, pure, and wholesome, but sexy in a blatant innocent manner that is very attractive to others, and very intriguing.
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babymarsworld · 4 months
Pluto officially enters Aquarius later today. The Sun-Pluto conjunction could be a powerful tool to start something new creatively - as it could have a lasting impact on your life and could show the beginning of a major new cycle.
For Aries Rising, it will be a powerful day to make a plan, start doing something related to your biggest dreams, aspirations, anything you want to do to have a major impact on the world.
For Taurus Rising, it will be a good day to focus on your professional goals, plans for the future and your career. This could be a great time to work on your public image as you are more likely to gain popularity for what you do.
For Gemini Rising, this can be a wonderful time for your personal development - working towards educating yourself, gaining knowledge. Planning a travel now, travelling or any new journey will be valuable to you in the long-run.
For Cancer Rising, it could be a great time to focus on financial goals, ambitions and investing money. You could receive recognition for the things you do. It could be a transformative time for your hidden self and gaining strength.
For Leo Rising, it will be a time that impacts relationships - both personal and professional. Now is the time to let go of unhealthy relationships, network, build new connections as you are likely to meet people who will benefit you. Good day for business-related activities as well.
For Virgo Rising, it could be a powerful time for work, starting new projects or anything health-related, making bigger shifts in your lifestyle, incorporating something new. You may gain more power in your work environment.
For Libra Rising, this will be a time with strong creative energy and inspiration - desire to do something new. A valuable time for love and your social life as well. Now is the time to express your creativity, think of new ideas and turn them into reality.
For Scorpio Rising, this could be a transformative day for anything related to your emotional wellbeing, as well as family and domestic environment. Now is the time to plan any changes connected to your living situation.
For Sagittarius Rising, this is a wonderful day to turn your plans into action, communicate your thoughts and opinions, express everything that matters to you. It is a good time to make decisions and let go of any mental/creative blockages.
For Capricorn Rising, this could be a very transformative time financially - a good time to make financial decisions, major purchases, look for new opportunities to increase your income and find a new source of income.
For Aquarius Rising, this is probably one of the most important days of your life. Take action towards your plans - focus on yourself, be selfish today and do the things that will benefit you long-term. It is a transformative time so it is important to use it well.
For Pisces Rising, this is a major time for your mental health and inner wellbeing. Now is the time to heal and let go. Spend time with yourself, focus on your needs and relaxation. Feeling at peace today shows the beginning of a great cycle for your inner self.
My advice for everyone is to focus on your passions this weekend - focus on what benefits YOU. This is an important time that will set the start of a large cycle in your life so it is best to use it to your advantage. Creative activities, business plans, anything that you truly want to be a part of your future - now is the time to put work towards it.
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babymarsworld · 4 months
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babymarsworld · 4 months
Chiron in The Houses : And How it Affects The Opposite House
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I've noticed that when it comes to the astroid Chiron, there are similarities to problems from the house it's initially in and the house it's opposite from it. Like, many problems Chiron brings to a house can stem from the opposite house's properties and characteristics.
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Chiron in The 1st House
Chiron 1st natives could feel like people predominantly judge them from the people they associate with. ( 7th house rules partners, associates, and other people connecting to us ) Like they don't have their own identity and live in the shadow of those around them. These people may rely on their partner/others to shape their identity. And they probably don't feel like their own person, and just an extension of others. These natives probably hate when people point out similarities between them and other people, which will add to their belief that they feel like an extension of others. Some might do absurd or outrageous things to stand out and be different from other people.
Chiron in The 2nd House
Chiron 2nd house natives might always have to worry about themselves or other people ( 8th house rules other peoples possesions ) losing and/or breaking their possesions. People may prefer to use the natives stuff instead of their own. At the same time people may not like sharing their valubles or stuff with the native. Or people may flaunt their possessions to the latter. These natives might feel like they always have to compare what they have to what others have, leaving them never feeling satisfied with what they have. And they may feel like their worth is dependent on other people and what they have.
Chiron in The 3rd House
Chiron 3rd house natives will always look for the deeper meaning in whatever people say to them. And always try to pick apart what people say. It can be exhausting talking to some of them as it may feel like they're trying to force their opinions and beliefs ( 9th house rules opinions, beliefs, philosophy and higher meanings ) onto someone when communicating. This native's childhood however could indicate that this happened a lot to them, with siblings, classmates, and people close to them shoving opinions and beliefs on them when they were young. So this is where they likely got it from.
Chiron in The 4th House
Chiron 4th house natives may feel like they won't amount to anything in life, that their family hasn't already achieved. They might feel like they live in their family's shadow. Could have a very popular, famous, and/or important family member, to where the native lives in their shadow, and the public always associates this native with someone from their family ( 10th house rules reputation, what you're known for, and how the public views you )  Might have been the lesser child and not held in as high hopes as their other siblings by the other family members. And family members could pressure these natives by reminding them of their family's feats.
Chiron in The 5th House
Chiron 5th house natives might seek out groups of people with the same interest, feeling most emotionally satisfied when they find their "flock" ( 11th house rules the groups we hang with, our hopes and dreams for society/our impact on it, and our societal views ) However they could feel like society makes fun of or doesn't accept this native's hobbies and what they do for pleasure because it isn't the "norm". Many people might shame this native for the things they enjoy and make them feel guilty, making them think about how their hobbies and things they enjoy affect society and the people around them.
Chiron in The 6th House
Chiron 6th natives probably feel like they're trapped in their day to day lives. Like life doesn't get more interesting or won't be any greater than what they have. These people likely hard workers, sticking to their vigorous routine, in the hopes that the universe or some higher being will bless them with good karma ( 12th house rules higher powers, the unconscious, dreams, isolation, and karma ). And these natives may actually not know what they want in life or in themselves, except that they don't want to be nothing. Which can lead them down a path of monotony and not doing anything great or dreaming big. Can feel like they can't fantasize or dream big because they have to focus on the now and everyday life tasks.
Chiron in The 7th House
Chiron 7th natives probably surround themselves with people like them; They are the company they keep. ( 1st house rules identity, the self, and how people perceive you ) However when other people come for the native's partner, spouse or associates they're likely get very defensive, as people who come at them can feel like a direct attack at the native. And when in a relationship, they can be hypocritics because they probably share some attributes with their partners that they have ill feelings towards, because as before, these natives surround themselves with people like them, which can make them narrow minded.
Chiron in The 8th House
Chiron 8th natives can feel be abrasive with other peoples values and stuff ( 2nd house rules one's values and possessions ). They might see other peoples possessions or values as their own. And might share the same sentiment that their stuff is for others, or not. But these natives might feel like people overstep their boundaries a lot and might even do this themselves to others. But this can make some natives very possessive of what they own and build up walls to prevent people overstepping their boundaries. Making the natives do a lot of stuff themselves for them self instead of with others for this reason. May hold a lot of taboo values, but keeps this to themselves.
Chiron in The 9th House
Chiron 9th natives may feel all their values come heavily from siblings, classmates, and peers from their childhood ( 3rd house rules childhood, siblings, and communication ), and that it molded many of their present day beliefs, good and negative. Unlike Chiron 3rd house natives, they may not like to or might be scared to communicate their beliefs. These natives may feel like, despite their journey through life and discovering things about the world and themselves, that it's ultimately their past that represents who they are, which might not be good if they were bullied a lot in their childhood. So they might hold some sentiment to things said to them during childhood and the native's view on themselves could be very low, and they could still hold resentment for some people from thier younger years, this is another that placement can indicate being narrow minded.
Chiron in The 10th House
Chiron 10th natives will always have to worry about something and/or someone damaging the publics view on them and their overall reputation. Likely home issues or things from childhood ( 4th house rules home, roots, and foundations ) resurfacing and altering the public's view on them. And/Or they're trying to bury and run away from their roots to appeal to the public. These natives don't want to be defined by their childhood or family roots. Some may even leave behind and/or betray their family for greater things in life like reputation and fame. However this is probably because they will have envious relatives who seek to destroy what name this native made for themselves out of jealousy and/or old family drama resurfacing.
Chiron in The 11th House
Chiron 11th natives probably feel like they can't enjoy their hobbies or anything they like without thinking about how it affects others, and it's impact on society ( 5th house rules pleasure, hobbies, and indulgence ). They probably don't want to or don't like indulging themselves too much, feeling like there are greater things to worry about more than their own pleasures. Or some might have big dreams and visions for changing their society/community, but are too caught up in their own pleasures and indulgence to actually act on them. However some natives could get treated poorly by their group, peers, or overall community, causing them to not care about bettering society or helping people. And in the end, make them only seek out their own pleasure and well being, because if society doesn't care about the native's needs, why should they care about societys'?
Chiron in The 12th House
Chiron 12th natives have very cloudy and active minds. They're big dreamers and probably mostly live life in the clouds of their mind. These natives can feel trapped by the claws of everyday, boring life ( 6th house rules everyday life, routine, and service ). They could have many dreams and goals but probably won't act on many of them, because the fantasy in their heads is good enough for them instead of the real thing. These natives may not get the tasks they need to do everyday done, and probably procrastinate A LOT. They may feel isolated and/or not mentally present at their workplace, and would rather daydream and keep to themselves than interact with peers. These are the people that could fall off the face of the earth and not many people would notice, because they're so private and keep to themselves.
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What are yalls thoughts? Did any of this resonate with you? If not, check your Chiron sign and use it's sign's ruling house. ( Ex. if you have Chiron in Aquarius, read Chiron in the 11th house )
💕 Masterlist 💕
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babymarsworld · 5 months
Hello! This for the game🌼
Can you please tell me what Mars Square Chiron means? :)
Thank youuu if you reply
Hi!! Thank you for participating your the first one too!
Mars square Chiron is difficult aspect but you can definitely turn it into something good. This aspect creates a lot of repressed anger and can have sudden outburst of anger. It can either manifest as having so much energy you don't know what to do with or being scared of lashing out. You might have low confidence and second guess yourself. You might feel clumsy or unworthy. Please remember that in many situations asserting yourself is good for you. The trick is to find how to express your anger in a healthy and productive manner! Be more assertive and own it. Once you know how to channel your anger into something productive you will blossom!
Take care lovely, wish you the best!
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babymarsworld · 5 months
He’s Opposition and I’m square 😭
Moon-Mars ( synastry )
Moon-Mars aspects in synastry are indicative of great attraction and sexual attraction between two people. It does not matter if the aspects are stressful or soft. There is an attraction that is almost instinctive between these two people. 
It does not matter if this is a homosexual couple or a heterosexual couple. The Moon person can either be a man or woman, and the Mars person can be either the man or the woman. However, it is traditional that the man is the Mars and the woman is the Moon. In many cases, this is the truth ( and in many cases, the woman is the Mars and the man is the Moon ). 
Moon-Mars, like Mars-Venus, is an iconic yin/yang combination or masculine/feminine. I’m sure situations are different when the woman is the Mars and the man is the Moon than when the  man is the Mars and the woman is the Moon. 
Moon-Mars aspects can be rather difficult to deal with. Moon person often feels hurt with the Mars person. This is not anything that can not be resolved. Often the Mars person needs to KNOW he/she is hurting the Moon person. The Moon person needs to speak up, but often the Moon person feels burdened or like they should not. 
However, if the relationship gets violent or physical, then leave it. It’s better to be single and happy than in a violent relationship. 
Moon conj Mars - This is a big fertility aspect when the Moon is the woman and the man is the Mars, but I don’t think so when it is the other way around. There might be unconscious feelings the woman ( Moon ) wants the man ( Mars ) to impregnate her. My parents have Moon-Mars conj in Taurus, where my mother is the Moon and my father is the Mars. They were in a casual short term sexual relationship for two months until I was conceived. At the time, my mother wanted a baby really bad so she had as much sex as she could with my dad. This was due to her abortion a year before. She was guilty about that. 
There is a strong instinctive sexual attraction between these people, even when the Moon is the man and the Mars is the woman. There is likely to be arguging ( even over petty things ) and Make Up Sex. However, in some cases the Moon person may not want to have sex because they are so mad. 
The Mars person invokes strong and angry feelings in the Moon person. Depending on the Moon’s person’s personality, he/she may repress these emotions and try to intellectualize them, or they might verbalize these emotions. The Mars person does things to hurt the Moon person, either by action or words. OFten the Mars person does not know he/she does this, and it is best to let them know. 
This aspect is a fiery one at that. It can work out, but the two of these people will need to hold their tempers in check, and verbally work out their problems. On the plus side, it is very possible for the Mars person to help the Moon person become more assertive, and the Moon person feels comforted and protected by the Mars person. Together, they are possible of standing side-by-side and helping each other out. 
Moon square Mars is a difficult aspect, but it does not mean it is impossible. Like all Moon-Mars aspect, there is an instinctive attraction between two people. The sexual attraction is strong. 
The Moon person is often hurt by the Mars person’s actions. Often, like the conj, the Mars person does not know he or she does this unless the Moon person says something. ( Other aspects like Moon-Mercury or Venus-Jupiter, or Sun-Moon can help balance the badness of this aspect ). It is easy for the Moon person to build up anger and resentment against the Mars person if he/she chooses to refrain from verbalizing his/her feelings, and this might cause an explosive fight between the two of them. 
Of course personal personalities are taken into consideration as well. There does not need to be explosive fights, but most certainly the Moon person often feels hurt. He/she feels that the Mars person can be selfish and overly independent at the expense of other person. 
Again, this can be true or only at the perception of the Moon person. The Mars person needs to know that the Moon person is a good partner ( or friend ) to have and valuable. He/she needs to look at his/her behavior and adjust this to be a bit more sensitive to the Moon’s needs. All in all, the Moon needs stability. 
If the Mars person is unwilling to compromise, then the relationship should not be. 
Moon opposed Mars  has the potential to be challenging. Both of of these people need to learn PATIENCE, especially within each other. There is likely to be arguments between these two people, mostly coming in the form of how to do things or who is in charge of what. Things of that nature. 
The Moon person is often feeling hurt when the Mars person goes against his/her wishes. The Moon person wants to help out and is hurt when the Mars person takes action and does things his/her way. The Moon person sometimes feels that the Mars person is headstrong and insensitive. The Mars person believes his/her way of doing things ( whether it is chore work or sex matters ) is better and the Moon person should shut up. 
There is a strong indication of sexual attraction here, as is all Moon-Mars aspects. These two are pulled together, and can make it through many hard times in their relationship. As long as they can give into moderation and not go from one extreme to the other, they should be able to last. 
Sometimes with sex the Moon person may find the Mars person too hasty and wanting to get into things quickly. Foreplay is often good for the Moon person to express himself/herself and to get into the mood. 
Moon trine/sextile Mars has a strong indication of sexual attraction, like all Moon-Mars aspects. Since these represent harminous aspects, there is not necessarily a conflict. 
Sometimes the Moon finds Mars insensitive, but can easily get over it. The energies flow easily; often times this is a couple that is passionate and happy to be alive. They are on the move often and fiery. 
It is easy for them to arouse emotions in one another; Moon can help bring sympathy and tender feelings in Mars, and Mars can help make the Moon passionate and fiery. 
They have fun together, as long as other aspects permit. 
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babymarsworld · 6 months
method for placements and aspects that need healing: love and feeling unworthy 💔🔄💓 [Practical Astrology]
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How about healing yourself through words and thinking about constructive things?
Chiron in Libra, Chiron in the 7th house, Lilith in Libra, Lilith in the 7th house, Venus square Saturn, Venus opposite Saturn, Venus conjunction Saturn, Saturn in Libra, Saturn in the 7th house, Pluto in the 7th house, Venus square Pluto, Venus conjunction Pluto, Venus opposite Pluto.
repetitions for placements and aspects that may be in need of healing: love and feeling unworthy
we may not understand the power that the words have for the people around us and for ourselves, but what we hear always enters our mind, to some extent. some things impact us directly, others, unconsciously. examples:
how many times have you dreamed of something random that happened in your day, and that you didn't remember anymore? everything that happens to us enters our being, because we are always sharing and receiving information. that's why I've been talking for a long time about the importance of knowing how to consume the right information and being in environments that bring "good information" to your mind.
the more time you spend in places and with people that don't help, the more you receive negative messages, fuel for complicated, dysfunctional, negative thoughts.
a clear example: a person who has a terrible love relationship, living with this person who constantly says negative things about him/her, who nourishes in this person's mind feelings of incapacity and lack of love, of not being worthy of love. the damage that this relationship will do in that person's mind is immense.
many times, even after getting out of difficult situations, we tend to believe that we are fine, because consciously certain issues no longer affect us. we are wrong. because the most sensitive issues are always being dealt with in another "layer" of our mind: the unconscious.
therefore, the importance of working with the health of your thoughts is immense, healthy thoughts are thoughts open to change, healing, which admit your weaknesses, your internal needs. exaggeratedly negative thoughts need to be removed from your mind, but don't force yourself to change them, don't believe that running away from them is the ideal thing to do. what we need to do is replace them with other thoughts which, after a certain amount of time being repeated, will become things you will believe. thoughts that others will rarely speak to you. but do you really need to wait to hear these things?
we need to take care of ourselves, be responsible with our life. and for that you need to face your insecurities and try to heal them in the ways available to you.
"but I don't know exactly what are my insecurities."
I have some posts here where I mention which are the placements on the natal chart that indicate the Shadows of our personality. I remember some: placements with Saturn, Chiron, Lilith, Pluto, and some of the aspects with them.
In this post, I bring part 1 of repetitions to heal wounds, part 1 is about love, relationships in general, and healing the feeling of unworthy, unimportance, which can generate a series of problems in relationships, and, first, problems within you.
these are words that need to be truly spoken, and I believe that many, if not all, will feel the depth of these words, perhaps having difficulty speaking some of them at first. don't give up, the more you have difficulty talking, especially to yourself, the more you should keep trying.
remember that words have power. repeat them whenever necessary. and adapt to your reality. the important thing is to say something that will help you to understand your inner problems.
I say that because when you are full of misconceptions and you say something different, your mind rejects it. if you feel rejection towards these more constructive words, it means that you really need it, because you have many distorted ideas about this subject: love and worthiness.
repetitions for the following placements and aspects: Chiron in Libra Chiron in the 7th house lilith in libra Lilith in the 7th house Venus square Saturn Venus opposition Saturn Venus conjunction Saturn Saturn in Libra Saturn in the 7th house Pluto in the 7th house Venus square Pluto Venus conjunction Pluto
"My love life, blessed and happy, I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you, thank you"
"I declare light, harmony, respect and happiness in my love life. I align with my soul mate and thrive with romance and harmony in love. I open myself to unconditional love, I love myself, I allow myself to truly love and be beloved. the love that sets free, the love that is light, and that flows from my divine spark and expands to the world around me. and so it is. My love life, blessed and happy, I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you, thank you". (by Marta Allegretti, Pt-Br)
other possibilities (my phrases):
"I believe that love exists. I stop believing that love was not meant for me and that love is about negative experiences and enduring bad things."
"I want to be love. I am love. So be it. And so it is." "I forgive those who hurt me. I forgive myself for hurt me. So be it. And so it is."
"I allow myself to receive a love that nourishes me, that frees me from the distorted feeling that loving is for few"
"I understand what love is, from the inside out. I understand that I need to love myself first, to then want to be loved. I understand that loving is a process, that I respect, and from which I deserve to receive the best."
"love is aligned in my life now. love is present in all my actions now. I am open to love. true love sets me free, from the inside out."
"Through the connection with my feelings of self-love, I learn the essence of loving, that from the most intimate contact with myself, I know to recognize the most sensitive needs of human life. I am ready to give, receive and trust in the love, so that I can share and receive from others. I know how to have empathy and compassion. So be it. And so it is."
"My emotional wounds, which are being healed with compassion and openness, I'm sorry, please forgive me, I'm grateful, I love you."
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babymarsworld · 6 months
Parents and Moon Signs
(For the sake of simplicity, I am listing mother and father as the "parents". However, please base this on the gender identities and roles of those in your family, as we are all different 🤍)
Aries Moon:
-A mother with an Aries moon is likely to be energetic, assertive, and independent. She may have a fiery temperament and can be quick to anger, but also quick to forgive. She may be an inspiring figure, encouraging her children to take risks and pursue their passions.
-A father with an Aries moon may also be assertive and independent, and may have a strong desire to lead and take charge. He may have a competitive streak and may encourage his children to be strong and confident in all areas of their lives. He may also be protective of his family and will likely be a passionate and devoted parent.
Taurus Moon:
-A mother with a Taurus moon is likely to be very nurturing and grounded. She values stability and comfort, and creates a warm and cozy home environment for her family. She may also be quite protective of her children and enjoy cooking or other domestic activities.
-A father with a Taurus moon may be a bit more reserved than the mother, but he still values stability and security. He is likely to be a hard worker and may place a lot of importance on financial stability. He may also be quite affectionate with his family and enjoy spending time at home.
Gemini Moon:
-A mother with a Gemini Moon may have a curious and intellectual approach to parenting. She may enjoy teaching her children new things and encouraging them to explore different interests. She may also have a quick-witted and adaptable nature, which can help her navigate the challenges of raising children. However, she may struggle with consistency in her parenting style, as Gemini Moons tend to have fluctuating moods and interests.
-A father with a Gemini Moon may also have an intellectual and curious approach to parenting. He may enjoy engaging his children in conversations about various topics and exposing them to new ideas. He may also have a playful and lighthearted side, which can make him a fun and enjoyable parent. However, he may also struggle with consistency and may need to work on being more grounded and focused on his parenting approach.
-A mother with a Cancer Moon sign is likely to be very nurturing, caring, and emotional. She will be very protective of her family and will always put their needs before her own. She may also be quite intuitive and sensitive, picking up on the emotions of those around her.
-A father with a Cancer Moon sign will also be very caring and nurturing, although he may express it in a different way. He will be very protective of his family and may be quite traditional in his values and beliefs. He may also be quite emotional, but may have a tendency to hide his feelings or express them in more indirect ways.
Leo Moon:
-A mother with a Leo moon is likely to be a warm and generous caregiver who takes pride in her children's accomplishments. She may be an outgoing and confident person who likes to be the center of attention and may enjoy entertaining and throwing lavish parties for her family and friends. Her creative flair and love for drama may inspire her children to be expressive and flamboyant in their own way.
-A father with a Leo moon is likely to be a strong and charismatic figure who exudes a sense of authority and leadership. He may be protective of his family and strive to provide them with the best of everything. He may be a passionate and creative person who enjoys performing or being involved in the arts. His confidence and optimism may inspire his children to pursue their dreams with vigor and determination.
Virgo Moon:
-A mother with a Virgo moon is likely to be analytical, detail-oriented, and perfectionist in nature. She may have a critical eye for everything and would prefer things to be done in a certain way. She may have a strong sense of responsibility and duty towards her family and may have high expectations from her children. She may be organized and efficient in managing the household and may have a keen interest in health and hygiene.
-A father with a Virgo moon is likely to be practical, methodical, and hardworking. He may have a logical and rational approach to life and may have a tendency to analyze everything before making a decision. He may have a strong sense of duty and responsibility towards his family and may strive to provide them with a stable and secure environment. He may be meticulous in his work and may have a perfectionist streak that can make him demanding at times.
Libra Moon:
-A mother with a Libra moon may be affectionate and nurturing, and may encourage her children to express their emotions in a constructive and empathetic way. She may also be artistic and creative, and may enjoy exposing her children to cultural experiences and the arts. However, she may struggle with decision-making and may need help setting clear boundaries and making tough choices for her family.
-A father with a Libra moon may be supportive and caring, and may prioritize the needs of his family above his own. He may be social and outgoing, and may encourage his children to develop strong relationships with their peers. However, he may also struggle with assertiveness and may have difficulty setting firm boundaries or making decisive choices for his family.
Scorpio Moon:
-A mother with a Scorpio moon is likely to be emotionally intense, private, and possessive. She may have a strong intuition and a desire to control her environment and loved ones. She is fiercely protective of her children and will do anything to keep them safe. She may have a mysterious or enigmatic quality that draws others to her, but she may also be prone to jealousy or possessiveness.
-A father with a Scorpio moon may also be emotionally intense and private, but he may be more focused on power and control. He may have a strong drive to succeed and may be very competitive. He may be prone to jealousy and possessiveness, particularly when it comes to his children. He may be a protective and devoted father, but he may also have a tendency to be manipulative or controlling in his relationships.
Sagittarius Moon:
-A mother with a Sagittarius moon is likely to be an energetic, adventurous, and optimistic person who loves freedom and independence. She may be a great storyteller, full of humor and enthusiasm, and may inspire her children to explore new horizons and learn new things. She may also be fond of traveling, outdoor activities, and intellectual pursuits, and may encourage her children to broaden their horizons through education and travel.
-A father with a Sagittarius moon may be an outgoing, enthusiastic, and philosophical person who loves to explore new ideas and learn about different cultures. He may be a natural teacher and mentor, sharing his wisdom and experience with his children and encouraging them to follow their dreams. He may also have a great sense of humor and enjoy sharing jokes and stories with his family, creating a fun and positive atmosphere at home. However, he may also be prone to restlessness and a lack of focus, which may cause him to be inconsistent or unreliable at times.
Capricorn Moon:
-A mother with a Capricorn moon is likely to be a disciplined and responsible parent who prioritizes stability and security for her family. She may come across as emotionally reserved or distant at times, but this is likely because she has a strong sense of duty and wants to make sure her children are well provided for. She may also have high expectations for her children and encourage them to work hard and achieve their goals.
-A father with a Capricorn moon is likely to be a reliable and hardworking provider for his family. He may be more traditional in his approach to parenting and may place a strong emphasis on discipline and structure. He may also be a bit reserved when it comes to expressing his emotions, but he will always be there to offer practical support and guidance to his children.
Aquarius Moon:
-A mother with an Aquarius moon is likely to be an independent and unconventional thinker who values individuality and freedom. She may have a unique parenting style that encourages her children to be their own person and express themselves creatively. She may also be open-minded and willing to try new things, which can make her a fun and stimulating parent.
-A father with an Aquarius moon is likely to be intellectually curious and forward-thinking. He may have a strong sense of social justice and may instill these values in his children. He may also be a bit eccentric or quirky, and may encourage his children to think outside the box and question the status quo. He may be a bit detached emotionally, but still caring and supportive in his own way.
Pisces Moon:
-A mother with a Pisces moon is likely to be very intuitive and emotional. She may be deeply connected to her children and have a strong nurturing instinct. She may also be creative and artistic, and enjoy activities like painting or writing poetry. However, she may struggle with setting boundaries and may have a tendency to be overly self-sacrificing for her family's sake.
-A father with a Pisces moon is also likely to be very sensitive and empathetic. He may be a good listener and enjoy helping others, especially his family. He may have a strong imagination and enjoy reading or watching movies. However, he may also struggle with assertiveness and may have a tendency to avoid conflict. He may also have a more introspective nature and need alone time to recharge his emotional batteries.
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babymarsworld · 7 months
Their mind is a wonderful world, their personality charming and charismatic and a shy heart capable of helping and supporting those close to them.
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Aquarius Rising: Unique and loyal friend
These people grew up with an idea, to be different from everything they got used to seeing in their day to day. They could have grown up seeing many things that they didn't like, which could lead them to do things their own way and they could have difficulties with some people of authority because of it. A feeling of not fitting in either with your family or with people your age, which led you to fully appreciate when you felt that click with someone, being one of the companies, the most constant, fun and accepting. Your autonomy and independence are the most important things to you, you are always looking to forge your own path and leave your mark on whatever you are passionate about.
Although money is necessary to survive in our world, people with Pisces in the 2nd house tend to have a different approach to economic issues. They will not hesitate to use that money to help other people, coming to show many altruistic touches from a young age. They should learn to balance what they give and what they receive, because it is likely that on occasions they sin out of kindness and lend or give money to people who they will never return. Many of them may have a tendency to spend their money on their hobbies, especially if these are linked to art or esotericism, and sometimes they may feel that they spend money as fast as it comes into their hands. Their creativity and originality is something that gives them that confidence boost, it's something they feel proud of themselves. Something I have noticed is that they seem to have a unique and very close appreciation of art, especially music. Feeling that they can do things their own way, that they are not tied to something or someone gives them a sense of security, as well as the power to create whatever their mind wants. As it is a house linked to self-esteem, it can tell us about a certain variability in it, a lot of modesty on the part of the native and not knowing how to react to compliments, and although they do not know how, they will treasure it with great affection. They value things that are a little deeper, they don't like superficialities of any kind and they will always look for what seems most sincere and significant to them.
The mind of those with Aries in the 3rd house is admirable. Independent and quick thinking, these natives are people who remain firm to their own ideals, opinions and do not seek to please others, they seek autonomy in its maximum splendor. They are excited by the idea of ​​connecting with people who, just like them, have a mind of their own, one that is not biased by pleasing people behaviors or attitudes. They easily fascinate others, because they say what they think without fear of what might happen, they are firm and blunt with what they say, with a quick intellect capable of quickly understanding ideas of any kind. They have a tendency to be easily distracted and lose interest after doing something for a long time, they constantly seek mental stimuli and that is precisely what makes them have very varied interests. They are very ingenious people when it comes to making comments, they stand out for their great sense of humor, since this is random and capable of seeming hilarious to anyone. A mixture of reasoning and humor. They love the idea of ​​constantly learning new things, and if possible, doing it on their own, as it is something they enjoy doing more independently. In the case of having siblings, the relationship can oscillate between being dynamic and fun and having many differences with them, they are not usually very attached or demonstrative to each other but they can support each other when necessary.
With Taurus in the 4th house it is very likely that the native sees his home as something monotonous in some sense, the same environment, the same discussions, everything seems to have been the same for the natives. Something that absolutely all these natives grow up with is the desire to have something stable in their lives, to finally have a home that gives them peace and conformity, and when they finally find something that gives them that stability and tranquility, they don't let go easily. Somehow their environment influenced that need to protect what is theirs, to keep the things that they consider important and not to show vulnerability so easily. And it's not that they aren't emotional, on the contrary, they are very emotional, it's just that they reserve a large part of their feelings. This Taurus overlay also indicates that they may feel closer to one of their parents than to the other, since with the latter they tend to feel some distance or even distrust in some cases. Those who really know them will know that they can be very stable people in their relationships, people who fill their loved ones with details and security, as well as being reliable people who will always try to be there for those they love, either to listen to them or advise them. In order for them to feel emotional comfort, closeness with those they love is crucial, even if their adventurous and inquisitive personality encourages them and makes them attract changes, they do not like changes as much as is often rumored, stability and trust are things that they treasure and irregular or inconstant displays of affection cause them disgust.
Mercury ruling the 5th house is something very fascinating that brings many interesting suitors to the natives. Having Gemini in the 5th house makes the native master the language of seduction, makes them very adept at flirting and realising the true intentions of the people who want them, they are very observant and attentive to the actions of those who say they have an interest in them and are not fooled by them. Many different people can be attracted to them, because there is a playful and jovial beauty in them. Despite this appearance, these natives do not mince words and games, they are looking for a mental connection, someone to talk to for hours and someone who knows how to keep their attention. In terms of hobbies, many of them may like to read romance or drama novels, they will enjoy movies of these genres and even comedy ones, and of course, they can be excellent writers, especially if they have a metaphorical or poetic way of writing. From a very young age they begin to consider whether or not they want to have children, and regardless of what they choose, these natives tend to connect very well with children and have that facility to understand and communicate with them.
Having Cancer in the 6th house, that is, the house of health, it is necessary for the native to work a lot in their emotional world, since many of them may have this tendency to get sick due to some emotional discomfort that is projected on a physical level. Many of them may not sleep due to stress or intrusive thoughts, just as they may have irregular eating periods due to their emotional state. Many of them seem to understand very well the needs and emotions of other beings, both human and animal. Since I mentioned it, you can feel very close to animals and they will always be kind, loving and helpful to them, even if they are not your pets. These people seek to work for a specific reason, often a cause or a goal, and it is unlikely that they decide to dedicate to something just because they will be paid well, they seek to feel comfortable with their work and do something that they really like, and feel that it is of some use to them and to others. It is likely that these natives get bored doing household chores and may procrastinate doing them, considering them very boring and monotonous. Something very common in them is constantly doing things they used to do as children, whether it's watching the same movies they loved so much or listening to songs that take them back to moments they treasure. They may have a tendency to melancholy and some mood swings.
These people do not seek to be like someone, they seek to be themselves and do things their way, which makes them stand out from the crowd and attract attention. Leo in the 7th house manifests itself as a charming and charismatic person even if the native himself does not perceive himself that way. Very protective and stable people in their relationships, this without neglecting the fun and joy that they seek to bring to those they love the most. Despite this, the natives could feel invisible to others who claimed to love them, therefore, what they seek in a relationship is attention, perseverance and a noble heart willing to love them as much and with the intensity with which they love themselves. They make clear that they don’t need someone to be happy, and they seem to be okay without any partner, but sometimes it can be due to the fear of becoming dependent or loving a person who will leave them. They give their partners that passion for living, reasons to smile and lots of love. They are capable of making their loved one feel the most attractive person in the world, as well as the luckiest. They will always look for the happiness of both as a couple, and they will seek to support their partner unconditionally. They tend to get carried away more by their emotions when they are in a relationship and they will always take care of that love that brings so much euphoria to their lives. Lucky to attract the attention of others. This placement indicates that the native can marry a passionate, ambitious person who will make their love for them very evident.
There is too much going on in their internal world, and that is what we will explore through Virgo in the 8th house. Many of them struggle with this tendency to overthink things, from why what happens in their lives happens, to why people have certain attitudes towards them [whether good or bad]. These people may have felt that at some point in their life they were being asked to be perfect, whether it was their family, friends or even themselves who wanted to achieve perfection because they felt that there was something wrong with themselves. Being ruled by Mercury, it enhances the curiosity of the native, who will love to talk and discover all those topics that seem interesting to him. They tend to be very interested in things that many others find strange, taboo or very complex. They tend to be attracted to intelligent and mysterious people with a cunning sense of humor. Since we are talking about attraction, we must say that these people may seem aloof or indifferent, but they carry a great sexual desire that is simply subtle in the eyes of others. This independent personality that anyone would notice about them is what is often seen as irresistible to others. The subject of domination can be something very attractive for them [either dominating or being dominated], in addition, they seek to satisfy all the fantasies of their partner in various ways and find pleasure through the pleasure of their partner.
Sometimes what seems different or very distant to us can be terrifying, but it is not the case of these natives, who are fascinated and enchanted even with the small details of other cultures or countries. Libra in the 9th house gives them the ability to appreciate different types of beauty and to connect harmoniously with many kinds of people regardless of their origin. They are enchanted by the idea of ​​knowing the unknown, of being able to have the opportunity to travel and see those places that have always caught their attention. Art is something very beautiful to them, they are in awe of art and it would not be surprising that many of them do some kind of art as a hobby. They are interested in social issues around the globe, and have a strong belief that we are all and should be treated equally. Justice is something very important to them and they always stand up when witnessing situations of injustice. This placement can indicate studying something related to humanities, design, art or even law. The union is something crucial for them, and although they have a strong individuality, they understand that unity is strong and necessary on many occasions, they will be willing to help people who need it. They teach other people the beauty and joy that sharing time or thoughts with someone can bring, likewise many people may feel that these natives are experts in connecting and understanding others no matter how different they may be.
There is something fascinating running through the aura of these natives and the person responsible for this is Scorpio in the 10th house. There is something about them that makes them fascinating in the public eye, something magnetic that makes you unable to take your eyes off them and the more you see their look, the more reasons it gives you to keep watching. They draw attention quite easily, as they are a mix of mystery and sexyness, standing a few feet from you but feeling so far away at the same time. These natives can have somewhat of a mixed reputation, while some view them as unapproachable, others may describe them as controversial, whether due to their unconventional ideals, actions, or simply labelling them. These natives seek to project themselves as strong and unbreakable people, they dislike feeling that they have revealed a lot about themselves or that they have shown themselves to be vulnerable in some way. Mars and Pluto rule this house, the career house, so you are blessed with the ambition of both planets, as well as perseverance and leadership skills. You can suggest that they will work on something in which they have a leadership position, where they make important decisions or that allows them to transform or make big changes in some area.
Sagittarius in the 11th house can give us many interesting interpretations. The first is that once conversing with them, these natives can seem more sociable than they really are. Many of them know how to have fun, and have that unique ability to light up the atmosphere of the site and the mood of others, however they give a very special meaning to the term "friendship" and that is that although it is crucial for them to know someone with whom they share points of view and a sense of humour, they seek loyal and deep company, with whom they can ask to talk about many topics no matter how deep or personal they are. This house is ruled by Jupiter, so it augurs charisma, charm and popularity [whether in real life or on the internet], likewise, it also indicates that through their work they can make a lot of profit [especially if Jupiter it's here or in earth houses]. The person can get a lot of luck through working with others. They can have that facility to create friends through the internet or with whom there is a lot of physical distance. They are very visionary people with many long-term plans, it is likely that they work on many things or projects simultaneously, we must mention that there is a probability that some of these natives procrastinate.
With Capricorn in the 12th house there is friction between you and the world around you, very subtle for them, but one that presses on your chest and hits your mind every time you interact with someone. A part of you wants to connect with others and forge lasting bonds with lots of people, but memories of a lonely past where attempts were crushed by feelings of not fitting in and being judged have made you shut down and forget the idea, that dream of clicking with people. Showing yourself in control of the situation, even of yourself but deep down you fear. Fears, it's something we all have... but what about you? What can a being as sublime as you fear? Falling into a routine, doing what others tell you to do, or feeling like you can't forge your path seems terrifying. But if there is something that you fear more often than this, it’s having even the slightest proof of failure, the fear of taking a wrong step that will bring down your efforts, feeling that there is no reward for working hard. You want to stand out and feel like you are successful, being just yourself, you could be compared a lot in the past either by others or by your younger self, so you developed the need to do things on your own, the way that you want and of course, being someone unique. Burdened with guilt, emotions and a negative perception of yourself that you try to supply and alleviate by achieving great things and living up to the high expectations you set for yourself. If you only knew that your mere presence, that your actions, your dreamy side, your ambitions and how you pursue them are truly inspiring to those around you. "Be the person you would have liked to have by your side." Many times you felt alone, especially when things fell apart, but you know that you don't want to be that for others. The people who are with you feel capable of achieving whatever they want to achieve because they have your support, they have your vision, and most importantly, you are there. You do not need to prove yourself to anyone, not even to yourself, you are a person deserving of good things and good company. Future doesn’t have to be the way your past was, it’s going to be alright, love.
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babymarsworld · 8 months
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babymarsworld · 8 months
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babymarsworld · 8 months
Pisces descendant 😭🥺
The Descendant represents how you interact with others in one-on-one relationships, especially in the context of partnerships and marriage.
Aries Descendant (Libra Ascendant): You seek assertive, dynamic partners who take the lead in your relationships. You're attracted to people who are independent and have a strong sense of self. You value fairness and can be diplomatic in conflicts.
Taurus Descendant (Scorpio Ascendant): You are drawn to stable, sensual, and loyal partners. Trust and security are essential to you in relationships. You're especially attracted to people who are passionate and have a mysterious aura.
Gemini Descendant (Sagittarius Ascendant): Communication and mental stimulation are crucial to you. You seek partners who are intellectually curious, adventurous, and open-minded. Variety and spontaneity in relationships are important to you.
Cancer Descendant (Capricorn Ascendant): You're attracted to nurturing, emotionally sensitive partners. Security, both emotional and financial, is a priority. You value tradition and are drawn to people who are responsible and dependable.
Leo Descendant (Aquarius Ascendant): You seek partners who are unique, creative, and open-minded. You are attracted to people who stand out and you have a strong sense of social justice. Friendship and intellectual connection matter to you.
Virgo Descendant (Pisces Ascendant): You value compassion and spirituality in your relationships. You're drawn to partners who are intuitive, empathetic, and artistic. You have a tendency to idealize your partners.
Libra Descendant (Aries Ascendant): You seek balance and harmony in your relationships. People who are confident, assertive, and independent attract you. You really value equality and have strong negotiating skills.
Scorpio Descendant (Taurus Ascendant): You're attracted to intense, passionate, down to earth partners. Trust is paramount for you, and you value loyalty. You're drawn to people who are financially stable and emotionally grounded.
Sagittarius Descendant (Gemini Ascendant): You seek partners who are open-minded, adventurous, and intellectually stimulating. Freedom and a sense of humor are essential to you in relationships.
Capricorn Descendant (Cancer Ascendant): You value stability, family, and tradition in your relationships. Partners who are nurturing, responsible, and emotionally supportive especially attract you.
Aquarius Descendant (Leo Ascendant): You're drawn to partners who are confident, creative, and unique. Intellectual connection and shared ideals are important to you.
Pisces Descendant (Virgo Ascendant): You seek partners who are compassionate, helpful, and practical. Emotional connection and spirituality matter to you. You may be attracted to individuals who are sensitive and detail-oriented. Don't be too critical! ;)
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babymarsworld · 8 months
Aspects of the Sun in the composite chart
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🤎Sun conjunct Moon: Emotions play a crucial role in this relationship. They both feel that they can be vulnerable in the relationship and feel very comfortable with each other's presence. Adoration, protection and a lot of affection, this duo will love to spend a lot of time together and will do everything possible to make the other feel accepted and loved. They’re very affectionate and feel a lot of tenderness towards each other. One of the parties motivates the other to be more trusting and to express their emotions freely, while the other provides gentleness, understanding and a sense of protection. They feel very similar to the other.
🤎Sun conjunct Mercury: Communication is a very strong point of this relationship, they can spend many hours talking really about anything. They are very curious about each other. They may have very similar ideals in terms of relationships, at the same time they are likely to share interests or hobbies. There is a lot of mental stimulation in this relationship and they feel that they can tell the other person everything, since both of them do their best to understand the other's points of view. They will never run out of topics of conversation and there are usually no awkward silences. 
🤎Sun conjunct Venus: This relationship has a lot of harmony, mutual respect and affection. There is a romantic vibe in this duo from the beginning that is enhanced by the warmth with which they treat each other. It is very easy for the other to understand their partner and love them as they are. Both have many details with each other and can help them improve their self-esteem, self-concept and self-love. The presence of the other causes joy and a lot of pleasure in you, it seems that you are in tune and have a lot of compatibility. This aspect is an indicator of physical attraction. 
🤎Sun conjunct Mars: This relationship is not exactly calm, it is dynamic and encourages them to be more active. There is a lot of passion between them and they can feel motivated by the mere presence of each other. The other can help them to be more daring, confident and direct with what they want. The relationship could have occurred in a short period of time or they could have started dating a few months after meeting each other. There is a high degree of physical attraction and they can feel very seduced by the other. They don’t repress their impulses or their annoyance and will always let the other know if they don't like something. Transparency and frankness.
🤎Sun conjunct Jupiter: It is a relationship that will give you many positive lessons and in addition to that there will be a lot of growth together over time. They feel happy with each other, even a little luckier if they are together. They see life with better eyes and feel that there is a lot of compatibility in terms of ideals. They feel fulfilled, as if they were lacking nothing either materially or emotionally. They teach each other things and the arrival of the other into their lives is accompanied by blessings and opportunities. Comfortable with each other and do their best to understand each other regardless of existing differences.
🤎Sun conjunct Saturn: There can be a very strong feeling of commitment, it is a very serious bond with the possibility of being long-lasting and stable. There may be an age difference or one of the parties may have more experience in relationships. They provide each other with a sense of security and help each other through practical and constant support. They can spend a lot of time together and see each other in the long term. There may be some friction at the beginning or the feeling that one of the parties is unapproachable, this is solved with communication. 
🤎Sun conjunct Uranus:  This relationship will bring many changes to your lives, likewise, you will be able to come into contact with your essence as people, you will feel more independent and you will feel that you can truly be yourself thanks to the support of the other person. Regardless of what this duo is, there will always be an essence of friendship. There may have been physical distance between you at some point. This relationship will be many things but not monotonous. If there are negative aspects there may be an on and off and the relationship may be very variable.
🤎Sun conjunct Neptune: In this relationship there is a lot of adoration, you can even border on fantasy regarding the other, you can put each other on a pedestal and dream a lot about the future of the relationship. They both feel that this is a deep and even somewhat spiritual bond. They love each other beyond the physical and prioritise platonic, tender or romantic feelings. It is very likely that before the relationship, both dreamed a lot about the other and daydreamed about the other very frequently. If there are negative aspects there may be confusion in what this relationship really is. 
🤎Sun conjunct Pluto: This relationship will bring depth and really big and important changes in each person's life. They will have a very important and strong impact on each other and after being together their vision of life will change a lot. From the beginning they will feel very attracted to each other, even fascinated to a certain extent. They can quickly feel enchanted by each other's charms and personality. They both desire each other madly and want to know who the other really is just to love each other more intensely. It can be a very long-lasting relationship and/or will leave its mark on you for a long, long time.
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🤎Sun trine Moon: There’s a lot of warmth and tenderness between you, you feel that you connect very well emotionally and that you can be your true self with your partner. They’ll always try to understand each other and make the other feel comfortable. They’re inspired to be better people and are very in touch with their emotions after being with the other. It indicates a lot of compatibility and an ability to easily understand or "read" the other's emotions.
🤎Sun trine Mars: This relationship gives them a boost of energy, being with each other makes them feel more ambitious, active and motivated. A good way to describe this relationship is passionate, because apart from the motivation, the attraction between them is intense and fiery, they can feel very attracted to the other. You can try new activities with each other and will enjoy doing all kinds of things together.
🤎Sun trine Jupiter: Good humour abounds in this relationship, they feel more positive with each other. They work very well together in any aspect of life and can achieve and achieve many things side by side. You trust each other a lot and will always want the best for you as a couple. They will support, listen and advise each other. You bring out the best in each other and tirelessly support your partner's dreams and goals. 
🤎Sun trine Saturn: It promises to be a long-lasting relationship in which there will be a lot of support and stability. They are both people determined to want to commit fully to this relationship and see themselves together in the long term. This relationship will make them grow a lot. They’ll have common goals and want very similar things in the relationship. No matter what situation you face as a couple, you’ll be there to support each other and you’ll get through it together.
🤎Sun trine Uranus: Fun, unique and treasured moments with a pinch of madness, this relationship will be like no other. They will feel that they can be totally honest with each other about what they think, feel and who they really are, they will never feel judged by their partner. This won’t be a controlling or limiting relationship, both will be independent and together they will feel really comfortable. They came into each other's lives when they weren't expecting anything.
🤎Sun trine Neptune: They are in awe of each other, they are charmed by each other's personality and they can be a mutual soft spot. They are able to empathise with others and understand them in ways that no one has ever understood them before. They feel that their connection is intensely spiritual, a sense of having met each other before. They dream about each other, they fantasise about the other and the other feels like a wish come true.
🤎Sun trine Pluto: They feel that the other really knows them, they totally accept every aspect of their partner and it seems that they read each other like a book. Being in this relationship they feel more powerful and more confident. Power couple vibes. Both of you are completely transformed since the arrival of the other and your perspectives on life and yourself change greatly. Much spiritual growth.
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🤎Sun sextile Moon: From the beginning you could feel the affinity between you and it is likely that you quickly felt comfortable with each other's presence. This relationship tells us about a strong and tender emotional bond. They treat each other sweetly no matter what they go through as a couple. They’re very transparent with their emotions. They know and adore their partner's core, protect each other's hearts, and respect each other's feelings.
🤎Sun sextile Mars: You’ll put a lot of energy and focus into this relationship, you’ll always look forward to what you’ll do next as a couple. You are going to make many plans, have memorable adventures, and feel more energised and courageous. Playful teasing, a pleasant environment in which they’ll feel that they can express themselves freely. Both of you can make the first move at different stages of the relationship and it won't bother you to do so.
🤎Sun sextile Jupiter: They inspired each other's trust from the first moment and from the first interaction they could feel their chemistry. The other inspires them, brings them joy, and immediately puts a smile on their face. They will grow together as a couple and will shed some light on the life that the other was leading at that time before they met. Adventures, growth, fun and abundance in all aspects of the relationship are things to expect from this relationship.
🤎Sun sextile Saturn: There is constant support in this relationship, a long-lasting quality and a mix between a committed and lighthearted attitude. This relationship can help them feel more stable and feel more calm in their lives, likewise both will be constant with the energy and time they dedicate to the relationship. They will spend a lot of time together and value every second with each other. 
🤎Sun sextile Uranus: A truly unique relationship that will make you feel many new and satisfying sensations can also be something unconventional. This relationship will bring many positive changes in your life and can help you get more in touch with your inner self. They will include the other into their life quickly and will want to find excuses to spend time with the other.
🤎Sun sextile Neptune: They probably see each other as a dream person, they see in the other a gentle and loving soul. You seem to understand each other easily without the need for words and you may feel inspired by the other to bring out the best in you. It can be a dream relationship, it will feel like what you once asked for from the universe. What they feel for each other goes beyond words, it is a connection that they hardly felt with others.
🤎Sun sextile Pluto: No matter what changes you go through in your personal lives, the other person will always reassure you that they will be there for you. They will feel that the other is capable of reading their soul and they will feel an inexplicable connection that will only grow as time passes. You both will feel that you change as a person at deep levels due to the relationship. An unforgettable relationship.
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🤎Sun opposite Moon: They may seem very different at first, but over time they realise that they are quite similar and compatible. They feel that the other complements them in many ways and that they provide what the other lacks. They may have a similar vision of bonds but different emotional needs.
🤎Sun opposite Mercury: They can have very different interests and even opinions. There will be a lot of teasing and banter between you. You will both help each other expand your mind and can help your partner see things in different ways. Even if it seems tense, the communication can be fluid due to the nature of both. You’ll be able to learn a lot from both the other and yourselves in this relationship.
🤎Sun opposite Venus: You can fall into the trope of opposites attract, there will be great magnetism between you and despite the differences things can progress smoothly. From the beginning there was a romantic attitude towards each other, but most likely due to the nature of the aspect there was shyness involved. Both will teach each other to be more demonstrative and loving in the relationship.
🤎Sun opposite Mars: The fascination they have for each other is powerful and the other seems difficult to ignore. They fill each other's lives with life, dynamism and fiery spirit. Their temperaments may clash, so patience will be necessary. They encourage each other to improve independently and can help each other put healthy boundaries in their relationships.
🤎Sun opposite Jupiter: They will have a lot of spiritual growth and this relationship can change their views on relationships for the better. They will feel satisfied and happy with the presence of each other in their lives and they will learn to enjoy life a little more. They know that they want to enjoy their partner and relationship in the present. They are inspired to live present at its fullest.
🤎Sun opposite Saturn: Both can develop a lot of maturity thanks to the relationship, as well as they can feel that thanks to it they have a balance. The loyalty they have for each other is very strong and they take their relationship very seriously. One of the parties [in some cases both] may find it difficult to express their most vulnerable side.
🤎Sun opposite Uranus: The arrival of the other into their lives was unexpected and the relationship could happen quickly. Both may feel that they never stop getting to know each other, because they are full of surprises. Life next to each other is something completely different from what they know and they can take each other out of their comfort zone.
🤎Sun opposite Neptune: It is likely that before and during the relationship they dream about each other. They awaken empathy and sensitivity in others. They become each other's dream and yearning. They could sense that the other was out of their league in some way. They seek to help and understand the other throughout the relationship, in some cases there may be a saviour complex.
🤎Sun opposite Pluto: There was a lot that they didn't understand about each other, a very attractive mystery to the other and as time went by the attraction only grew. You thought that the other was very different from you but as time went by you saw things about yourself reflected in them. There’s a lot of closeness and a very great metamorphosis in you individually.
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🤎Sun square Moon: Both can be very different in personality and temperament. The emotional needs may be different but despite this it is likely that they are willing to learn a lot from each other. They do their best to understand each other. They teach each other new things and can help each other not repress their emotions.
🤎Sun square Mars: From the beginning there was a lot of attraction, a very intense one. They can excite each other easily. There may be some tension between you, especially at the beginning of the relationship. They always allow the other to express and say what they feel, they won’t remain silent nor will they feel that they can’t say what they think.
🤎Sun square Jupiter: They both learn to relax and not take things in a hurry in this relationship. They enjoy every moment as a couple and can feel very optimistic about their future together. One of the parties (or both in some cases) may find it difficult to take things seriously. The aspect does not eliminate the good qualities of Jupiter.
🤎Sun square Saturn: It is very likely that there is a large age or maturity difference between you. They can feel a lot of devotion to each other. One party [or both in some cases] may have a hard time expressing their needs or emotions, which can create some friction.They take the other into consideration when making important decisions.
🤎Sun square Uranus: Physical distance may have played a role in this relationship. They do not control the other and love to see them be as they are. This relationship will bring great changes to both of their lives. They may feel very different from each other and may have different approaches to life and relationships.
🤎Sun square Neptune: Although there is devotion between you, there may be this tendency to idealise the other. This couple is in their own world and doesn’t give importance to what others think about the relationship. Warmth, appreciation and inspiration abound in the relationship. May be afraid to show their flaws for fear that their partner will be disappointed.
🤎Sun square Pluto: There is a powerful sexual attraction between you, a desire to want more and more from each other. There may be jealousy in this relationship. Both may have problems trusting people so it may be difficult for them to open up. They feel intensely about each other. It’s necessary that they work on their insecurities, if they don’t do, it can have an impact on the relationship.
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🤍If you have any tense aspects, it's not the end of the world and you can work on it. The aspects can show us things to work on with your special one in the relationship, but it is not a sentence. Relationships are not perfect, but they can be good and a great source of happiness for you. Of course, if the relationship, regardless of the aspects, causes you more negative emotions and you perceive questionable behaviour from your partner, it is valid to want to end it and it will most likely be the best for you.
🤍Always talk to your partner, good communication will not only help you understand each other, but also make clear what you want and look for in the relationship.
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