babyproductblog · 3 years
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babyproductblog · 3 years
A Handy Guide for All the Parents Out There to Use Baby Shampoo
If you now master baby soaping with your eyes (almost) closed, the shampoo is not yet fully developed? Instructions for success with flying colors at bath time, well the same things happen with you little ones.
Be it baby dandruff shampoo or baby shampoo price in affordable range, you can get all types of products at TotsCart. They have stocked all top notch quality brands to serve everything best to your little ones.
The right frequency to use baby shampoo
Infants do not need to be washed every day. Apart from regurgitation, urine and stool, they do not get dirty and a daily bath could attack their skin unnecessarily. On the other hand, you may have already noticed that your baby's hair greases very quickly. This completely normal phenomenon is due to a still immature sebum secretion regulation system. For a pleasant look and smell, are you tempted to wash her hair almost every day between baths? No worries, as long as you use a specific product. To shampoo without having to take a daily bath, gently wet her hair when washing, massage it gently with a small amount of product, then reapply a little water to rinse.
On the other hand, around 8 months, baby moves and gets dirty more quickly: a bath a day and a shampoo every three days, it's perfect.
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The right time to use baby shampoo
Whatever the age of your child, be sure to best baby shampoo only at the end of the bath: this will prevent your baby from irritating the skin by remaining unnecessarily in soapy water.
The right product in the range of baby shampoo
It is essential to use a product designed specifically for little ones: firstly so as not to attack baby's still fragile scalp, but also to avoid any burning sensation in the eyes. If, while growing up, your child's hair is difficult to comb, choose a product containing detangling active ingredients to avoid “after-bath” tear attacks!
The right gestures to use baby shampoo
Splashes of water on the face, no matter how small, can be an extremely unpleasant sensation for a little one who is not used to it. Make sure to avoid them, by applying the water carefully: with your hand, a small container or directly with the shower head, paying attention to temperature and power.
To gradually get your child used to getting a little water on their face, go step by step, drop by drop, presenting them in a playful way and always warning them beforehand. Also know that there are small visors to hang around the baby's head to prevent drops from getting onto his face.
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 How much and how to use baby shampoo?
Use only a very small amount of product: if the hair is very dirty, it is better to do two successive baby shampoos.
Lather by massaging gently: lightly pressed circular movements will undoubtedly be very appreciated by baby.  Also remember to take the opportunity to wash it gently behind the ears. Finally, when you get out of the bath, do not delay before gently drying her head, especially when the temperatures are cool as often in the evening.
Conclusion: -
The above mentioned tips will help you in using baby shampoo for your little ones. You can check lot of products available online at TotsCart and make your life easier. Here are some quality product recommendations for you such as: - Mamaearth Gentle Cleansing Shampoo, 200ml, Himalaya Gentle Baby Shampoo - 400ml, Mamaearth Gentle Cleansing Shampoo, 400ml, Himalaya Gentle Baby Shampoo - 200ml and many more.
Happy Shampooing to you!!
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babyproductblog · 3 years
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babyproductblog · 3 years
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babyproductblog · 3 years
A Handy Guide for Hassle-free Feeding Bottle Process
Once you switch feeding bottle to the baby is no longer exclusively reserved for the mother. Whoever wants to participate: the father, the brother, the sister, the grandmother, the godfather,… And for you, even if the first times will perhaps be a little heartbreaking, it will be a new freedom!
The best feeding bottle makes your life more easy and sorted in many ways. If you are planning to buy baby bottles online, you can take a look at collection available at TotsCart.
Before that, just keep these simple points in your mind to make baby milk bottle purchase worthy:-
1.      Choosing the milk
It's very simple: from birth to four months, the baby receives milk from the first age. He then passes to the second age.
2.      Choosing water
Preferably choose low mineralized bottled water. Most manufacturers indicate on their bottles whether or not the water is suitable for infant feeding!
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Be sure to use mineral water within 48 hours of opening the baby milk bottle and store it in a cool, closed bottle. If you have to travel overseas, take your water with you and don't rely on local water.
3.      Choosing the best feeding bottle
The bottles from our childhood were made of glass. Today's bottles are made of plastic. These are the most advantageous: unbreakable, lighter, easy to handle for the growing baby, etc.
Bisphenol A is a chemical compound used in the manufacture of food plastics; it has been incriminated for several years because of its possible toxic effects on reproduction.
4.      How to clean teats and bottles?
Infants are very susceptible to infections during the first few weeks of their lives and germs grow quickly on dirty material. The immediate washing of the bottles is the most important!
•       Rinse the bottle and teat in cold water immediately after eating.
•       Then clean with warm soapy water using a bottle brush (bottle brush).
•       Rinse the bottle.
•       Check the holes in the pacifier.
•       Turn the material over to drain.
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 5.      Sterilization
It is not essential: if the feeding bottle are well cleaned, the risk of infection is very low. If you choose to sterilize the bottles, what should you do? After cleaning the equipment, you have the choice of hot, cold or steam sterilization.
•       Hot sterilization
Use a sterilizer, saucepan or pressure cooker. Immerse the bottles in the container with water. Boil the water for 5-8 minutes in the sterilizer or pressure cooker and 20 minutes in the saucepan. Throw nipples in for the last 5 minutes of boiling. Take out the equipment after allowing the water to cool.
•       Cold sterilization
Just buy tablets or a chlorine-based solution, immerse the clean equipment in the solution for 30 minutes and drain. The smell of chlorine is not dangerous for the baby.
•       Steam sterilization
You will need a microwave sterilizer. The sterilizer, specially adapted for this oven, converts water into steam. After 5 to 10 minutes, baby feeding milk bottle and teats come out sterilized.
6.      How long the feeding bottle should with spoon be sterilized?
4 months are sufficient. On the other hand, stay cautious when traveling: the risk of infection is increased.
7.      How to prepare the feeding bottle?
Remember to wash your hands before doing anything.
8.      When to give up the feeding bottle?
A 6 month old baby drinks 2 large bottles a day, one in the morning, the other in the evening. Some babies rush for the morning bottle. Others calm down by sucking the evening one. Remove first the least coveted bottle but do not forget that baby needs a delimiter of milk per day after 1 year.
Give her the time and pleasure of being a baby. This time goes by so fast!
Conclusion: -
You can easily buy the best feeding bottles online at TotsCart for your little ones.
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babyproductblog · 3 years
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babyproductblog · 3 years
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babyproductblog · 3 years
All you Need to Know before Buying Baby Toys for your Little Ones
The Baby toys often always manage to make the child calm and enjoy the time. Yes, playing with toys is one way that parents can help their children channel their energy and emotions. That's because its function is not only as entertainment, but also has many benefits in developing children's basic abilities, such as their cognitive, sensory, motor, and creativity.
Before teaching academics, children must be stimulated with basic abilities first, the way is by playing. If you are looking for the best baby toys online, you can take a look at the collection available at TotsCart.
But, before that, you should really know about the benefits and how to buy baby toys online: -
Buying Guide-
1.      Age
When you are buying baby toys, it must be adjusted to the level of difficulty playing. Toys are made based on the needs of children in reaching the stages of growth and development.
Don't let us give baby toys that are too difficult, later he can get annoyed by himself. But don't be too easy, he'll get bored quickly. So it's important to adjust it to his age.
2.      Have benefits
Besides being fun, a good baby toy provides more benefits, especially to help children grow and develop. They are such as gross and fine motor, cognitive or problem solving, language and social emotional, creativity, and sensory. Therefore, choose toys that suit your child's needs.
3.      Children’s favorite
It is also said that in choosing baby's toys, they must also match their preferences. Usually children have a favorite period at a certain time period. It's normal at a certain age, children only play with one toy. We can follow it, but that doesn't mean we don't introduce other games. Sometimes we can surprise other toys so they can continue to explore other things.
4.      Security
This is the most important thing, namely about the safety of children's toys. Good baby toys are made and designed with safety in mind. Some things that are important for parents to understand are whether there is a choking risk, the type of material, container or plastic wrap.
Benefits of Baby Toys-
1.      Practice concentration
The buy baby toys online are designed to explore children's abilities, including the ability to concentrate and focus. For example, when compiling a puzzle, children are required to focus on the image or shape in front of them. This method is very effective, because the child does not run around or do other physical activities so that his concentration can be explored more. Without concentration, the results may be unsatisfactory
2.      Cultivate self-confidence
If children are in a happy mood, then they will do activities they like by digging and finding what they want to know. When a child plays a game tool with a certain level of difficulty, for example arranging blocks into the shape of a building, at that time there is a process that the child goes through, namely experiencing a satisfaction after successfully passing a certain stage of difficulty. Such processes will be able to develop a reasonable sense of trust where the child feels that there is no difficulty that cannot be solved.
3.      Able to socialize
There is a range of baby toys online to play with other children. For example, children use sound bottles. With different sounds it can produce a melodious rhythm of children's work. To produce a melodious rhythm it requires cooperation, communication and harmonization between children so that a melodious sound is produced. So, children can interact or socialize with each other.
Conclusion: -
We really hope, this information is useful for you and you will surely find suitable baby online. You can check the collection available at TotsCart easily.
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babyproductblog · 3 years
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babyproductblog · 3 years
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babyproductblog · 3 years
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babyproductblog · 3 years
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babyproductblog · 3 years
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babyproductblog · 3 years
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babyproductblog · 3 years
A Handy Guide to Give you a Little Information about Musical Toys for Babies
Parents sometimes think differently, but for children nothing is as fun as singing and dancing and making a lot of noise on guitars, drums, keyboards and xylophones. With the musical toys for kids, you can stimulate their musical talents at an early stage.
What could be more fun than dancing across the room together? Turn on the radio or make your own music with one of our musical toys for babies. Grab a toy piano or toy drum for a cheerful sound, everything is a great fun. Take a step into the musical world with one of our instruments or musical toys collection at TotsCart.
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Music is good for development, not only for older children, but also for babies. It can indicate transitions in daily rhythm: singing before eating, brushing your teeth and a song before going to sleep. It also has a positive effect on language development.  The best way to teach your little ones some important things in learning is to concentrate better. Concentrating on the music makes the brain active and this ensures better performance. Here is some more information about musical toys for babies: -
Which toy instruments are interesting for children?
Determining which musical toy instruments are fun and challenging for children depends on age and a number of other factors. We therefore conveniently list which instrument families you can choose from, and which ages they suit well.
1.      Tests
Toy instruments with keys are ideal for young children. Simply press a key, and sound comes out! It not only teaches children a beginning of cause and effect, but is also a lot of fun. These toy instruments are therefore designed for the youngest children.
2.      Stringed Instruments
A toy guitar or violin is great fun for slightly older children. This includes children of 5 years or older. Children of this age have slightly better motor skills and can therefore really strum the strings. Of course there are also electrical variants with buttons, which, just like the keyboard instruments, can be used immediately by the little ones.
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3.      Blazers
With wind players you should think of the trumpet, saxophone or flute. A flute is usually the first musical toys for babies instrument children are introduced to. This means that wind instruments are ideal for children from 4 years old. Keep in mind that younger children also really enjoy this. However, putting toys in the mouth remains a risk for very young children, so be careful!
4.      Percussion
The percussion instrument family includes the drum set, the xylophone and the drum. There is of course nothing more fun for young children than hitting something and hearing a sound immediately.
Which brands can I count on?
There are a number of musical toy instrument brands that make good quality toys and are also incredibly challenging for children. We include a number of brands and explain exactly why these brands are good for children.
The nice thing about Tomy is that you can find an instrument for every age and therefore every child. The quality is also always high, but the prices are very friendly. These musical toys are highly recommended such as, Tomy Grip and Grab Musical Monkey Multicolor, Tomy Mr. Shopbot and many more.
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This brand has been making musical toys for kids to stimulate the imagination and senses of children. In this way they discover the world in a playful way. The many certificates and awards that the brand has won speak for themselves. Funskool guarantees quality and children worldwide love to play with the toys.
R for Rabbit
This guarantees you that children can safely play with their musica toysl. The toy instruments are mainly drums and flutes, but you can also find xylophones and guitars at R for Rabbit. So more than enough choice!
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babyproductblog · 3 years
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babyproductblog · 3 years
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