babyrusek · 8 years
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V-day fun. Got home in time to still have about 2 hours of sunlight with kids and hubby and grandma.
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babyrusek · 8 years
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Be ready to carry your kids when their legs give out... The La Chua Trail is about 5 miles long, but it feels longer when carrying a precious cargo. Also, when your child tells you he does not want sun glasses, you take them anyway, because next thing you know he will be asking you for yours.
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babyrusek · 8 years
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One of our favorite walks out on Paynes Prairie is the La Chua Trail. It supplies with plenty of nature views, and wildlife observation (birds, alligators, horses, bison).
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babyrusek · 8 years
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One of those days we spent in pajamas for most of the morning and then on reading and playing the rest of the day. We all need those days. Rest up.
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babyrusek · 8 years
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If you are ever in Orlando and you make it to downtown for whatever reason, you will have to go to Trevi Pasta, a family owned Italian restaurant with not much to look at, but so many delicious things to eat. The owner made our pasta in front of our eyes before boiling it. What a perfect little place to take your family to, relaxing and homey. No surprises, Justyna slept through the whole meal and woke up to the sounds of gelato.
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babyrusek · 8 years
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This nano tube turned out to be a lot of work, like all the activities that made us think a little before actual doing. Also, I think we could handle only two rooms with water activities. As even after the two we encountered, the clothes were soaked and shoes were wet. We knew it was time to go.
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babyrusek · 8 years
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Flying paper plains and helicopters with Sebastian and Justyna, testing the topographical map by moving some sand around, and revisiting the center of the museum with every floor we discover.
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babyrusek · 8 years
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Playing in the dinosaur area, and testing the hurricane tube. 
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babyrusek · 8 years
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The museum had a pleasant food court, and we enjoyed the lunch while talking and sharing pictures. Justyna and Sebastian were really interested in seeing their little friends from the group we had in Rochester. Believe it or not, when face with fish tank or the glass-encased elevator, the latter won in being more interesting.
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babyrusek · 8 years
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At the museum, we were looking forward to the newly open space exhibit, and even though the take off module was well done, it left a lot more to yarn for. To be fair, I am not sure if anything there would be enough mind blowing after a visit to Kennedy Space Center.
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babyrusek · 8 years
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Museum of Science in Orlando.
We met up with Cathy and her husband in Orlando this passed week, they came down to Florida from Rochester, NY where we know them from. Cathy runs the Sabbath School we used to go to back in Rochester. She has a special bond with Sebastian and Justyna.
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babyrusek · 8 years
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Celebrating Grandma’s Day by planting some trees. Btw, Sebastian wants me to read to him even with Grandma around. See, I can translate an English book into Polish while reading it and Sebastian loves that. Yes, Sebastian loves that.
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babyrusek · 8 years
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The last day with Grandpa Miecio.
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babyrusek · 8 years
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Bye Bye Miami, hello home sweet home!
We did get to shower Justyna with additional gifts that trickled in slowly (we could not have had possibly taken all of it with us), celebrating her 3rd birthday. She is one lucky girl to have received so many cards, gifts.
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babyrusek · 8 years
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The long trek through the zoo was over, and we were ready to head out home. It was a good time to start driving all the traffic and reach our home within 4.5 hours as opposed to what happened on the way in (6 hours).
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babyrusek · 8 years
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babyrusek · 8 years
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I finally used my telephoto lens again, it has been stored away since my med school years. And I definitely did not try to take it out with kids around, as they have not really wanted to be far enough from me to get a good shot. With some family around and them being older, now the lens is very useful. No better place than the zoo in trying to get my skills back in shape.
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