bacookies · 2 years
Diabe Choice Cookies - The Best Diabetics Biscuits
According to Ayurveda, a poor diet is one of the leading causes of diabetes. It is recommended to avoid foods that are high in sweets, sugar, dairy products, alcohol, fat, and slices of bread.
In other cases, diabetes can also be caused by obesity, inadequate sleep, lack of exercise, excessive sex, stress, anxiety, or heredity.
However, diabetes cannot be cured permanently, but Ayurvedic approaches can help manage it.
The Diabe Choice Cookies from Butterfly Ayurveda are a perfect, tasty, and healthy option for people with diabetes. It is packed with protein, calcium, antioxidants, and vitamin C. 
These natural cookies can make the bones stronger, pacify the Vata and Kapha doshas, and boost the nervous system of your body. Overall, these diabetics biscuits are made with ingredients such as cardamom, cinnamon, fenugreek, barley flour, and coconut palm sugar, which has a low glycemic index score as compared to the ordinary sugar that we use every day.
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bacookies · 2 years
Tejas Cookies - Pitta Balancing Cookies
Tejas cookies by Butterfly Ayurveda, which are Pitta Balancing cookies, help to balance the excess heat in the body caused by Pitta Dosha. Butterfly Ayurveda makes the Tejas cookies using the best ingredients.
Generally, the consumption of high potency foods like ginger and heavy spices can cause excess body heat. 
The cooling and soothing effect of whole wheat flour, chestnut, green gram, gram & refined wheat flour, cardamom, fennel, watermelon, musk melon, and cucumber seeds promotes digestion and enhances immunity.
Besides, these ingredients can also be found in Tejas cookies. If you are looking for cookies that will soothe and cool down your body, Tejas cookies will be a great choice.
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bacookies · 2 years
Tejas Cookies - The Best Elaichi Biscuits In India
Tejas Cookies are Ayurvedic digestive cookies that calm Pitta in your body.
These cookies boost your appetite. Besides, it has a soothing and cooling effect. Tejas cookies are eggless and freshly prepared. It is made with cow ghee, brown sugar, and other natural ingredients.
You can enjoy these cookies as a breakfast snack or with your afternoon tea. 
The fact that they are naturally low in sugar means that they will make a great afternoon snack for children as well. 
These healthy and yummy Elaichi biscuits are made without artificial colors or preservatives and are 100% natural, so you can enjoy them without worrying about your health.
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