badgerstarshine · 11 years
Pepper shook her head as the video played on her roommate's computer, wondering what else she had been expecting.
"You can't tell me that's not you and your Russian spy buddy."
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badgerstarshine · 11 years
Rune looked up from her Sim massacre as Pepper Potts entered their room, looking worn and weary.
"Were you on a worldwide spy rap tour with your super spy buddy?" Rune asked her roommate.
Pepper looked up at her, a glazed look in her eye. "I've got no idea what you're talking about," she admitted to the other redhead, not for the first time in their short acquaintance.
"A worldwide rap tour with your spy partner," Rune repeated slowly. "You know, you and your spy partner go out and sing rap songs about yourselves. Well, just that one song. That one rap song with your names in it." When Pepper didn't reply, Rune sighed and launched into song. "S-s-salt'n'Peppa here! Yo baby pop!"
(A/N I did just tie in Salt [from that movie] and Salt'n'Peppa for the sake of an easy pun)
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badgerstarshine · 11 years
dear diary
i think im gonna put pepper in pepper's jamaba juice when she leaves it and walks away because... it's funny to me ok?
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badgerstarshine · 11 years
Okay, Crisis averted. I wound up having to heroically destroy the laptop (along with several blocks worth of city sidewalk at the same time) to keep it from using its optical drive laser to behead a foreign dignitary (shame about his car, though. It was a nice car), but I have good news. I saved the Jamba Juice. Well, Mostly.- Tony
thank you sir ur now my jamaba juice hero pepper doesn't look too happy but hey jamaba juice > pepper right now
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badgerstarshine · 11 years
Darunia- Have you seen Pepper? I lent her one of my laptops after hers went busted but it turns out it was one I was tinkering with and long story short, don't let her take it within 30 feet of a Jamba Juice. I'll be by later to fix the issue. -Tony
no sorry bro i haven't seen her bet she's out doin like her super spy things where she steals pictures of guys with nice hair and interrogates sisters. but you should probably get your fixing done quickly 'cause she's always brining jamaba juice cups back to the room so i'm pretty sure she goes there a lot and hey the jamaba juice is good pls don't let something happen to it ok?
im puttin my faith in you now sir. pls save the jamaba juices.
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badgerstarshine · 11 years
The music from the student lounge blasted its heavy anthem as passerby as Rune creeped up to it. Nervously- it was her first college party- Rune whipped out her phone and texted Temari, who had invited her, that she had arrived. Not long after, her grunge-rock blonde friend emerged from behind the door, grinning.
"Rune! Come on in! The party's just starting!" Her black eyeliner rimmed her blue eyes, the same onyx-black as the fishnets that crept up her arms and legs to the tattered black denim shorts and black top. Rune grinned. Temari was her secret style icon, as was evident in the redhead's own fishnets (just gloves though, she wasn't as daring as Temari yet) and black clothes (black pants and tank top).
Emboldened by her old friend's reassurance, Rune sauntered in, Temari joining her. The music was loud and raucous, and the lots of the other people seemed to be on the same style frequency as Temari. Rune was pleased.
Until a voice from somewhere behind her groaned out...
"Aww man, who invited fucking Rune Rune?"
(A/N This whole thing happened solely because I wanted to make the Rune Rune pun)
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badgerstarshine · 11 years
"I am a vengeful god!" The gleeful cackle that accompanied the rather violent-sounding proclamation was cause for many a wandering student to go wide-eyed and scurry quickly past the where the vengeful god lay in wait.
Inside the dark room, Rune clicked her mouse furiously, the computer screen casting an eerie glow over the vengeful fire in her blue eyes. "You shall perish, Dahlia352!"
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badgerstarshine · 11 years
Galenna was halfway finished with her History of Fanfiction extra-credit assignment (to read the entirety of My Immortal in a single night) when a tall woman appeared soundlessly behind her.
"Welcome back, 'Mione," Galenna mumbled sleepily. By now, she was more than used to her roommate's utter disdain for the common door.
"Miss Okami? Miss Galenna Eris Proserpine Okami?"
Galenna whirled around, startled, nearly falling out of her practical black swivel chair. A woman whom she had never met stood behind her. In a moment, Galenna's sharp eyes assessed the newcomer - tall, blonde, business casual dress, irritated/worried look on her face. From the descriptions she had received from her spastic sister (and from the photographs clutched in the woman's hand) Galenna knew this could only be one person: Rune's roommate, Pepper Potts.
"Ah, Miss Potts. I apologize for asking you to meddle in business which probably has nothing to-"
Pepper cut her off. "Miss Okami - do you mind if I call you Galenna - what do you know about this man?"
Galenna shrugged. "He's in my Life Drawing class - i-it's one of the requirements for the Fanfiction major, r-really, it's not like I'm taking it for fun or anything - and his behavioral patterns are incredibly bizarre. He refuses to give out his real name, referring to himself as such nicknames as 'Your New Leader' or 'Emperor of Mankind'. He also appears to be a Norse mythology buff, as he called himself King of Earth and Asgard. He shows no respect for anyone in the class, not even Professor Harkness. He has b-" She cut herself off before she could mention anything about the mysterious boy's NOT AT ALL ATTRACTIVE eyes.
"Thank you for your assistance. I will say that your instinct was correct. Subject L0K1 is a very dangerous individual. You would be wise to steer clear of him."
With that, Pepper disappeared, leaving Galenna wondering if she hadn't dreamed the whole thing. Oh well, the elder Okami thought, and went back to her homework.
Aboard the Catbus on the way back to Spearmint University, Pepper pulled out her cell phone.
"Professor Fury? Put in a call to Saint-Just. We're going to need his assistance."
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badgerstarshine · 11 years
I'm just going to put it out there now that i'm sorrynotsorry that Rune's way of writing is inspired by Tumblrspeak. Maybe it's an unintentional metaphor. I dunno. Whatever. It's fun for me to write like that. More stream-of-consciousness. Which is pretty much how Rune is.
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badgerstarshine · 11 years
I see Ms. Potts is familiar with a certain egomaniacal, dark haired man that Galenna is interested in. So, you think they dated?
dis rune here. mmm my money is on no, i can tell by the hair
you see pepper, based on her basic and businesslike ponytail, probably wouldn’t be inclined to date someone with hair as MAJESTIC as the guy in the photo. it goes against the Hair Attractivity Principle. Majestic-haired people tend to date other majestic-haired or semi-majestic-haired people. pepper has business quasi-glamorous hair. she’d probably date people whose hair falls more into either business or semi-glamorous categories, rather than majestic. hair is a science, my friend.
oh, i’m gettin a text from my sister…
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badgerstarshine · 11 years
On the Catbus, Pepper's phone blipped that she had a new message.
New Message from D. Okami
hey pep that guy kinda reminds me of that lion from the lion king
New Message from D. Okami
you know the one that killed hamlet's dad
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badgerstarshine · 11 years
Pepper scooted her desk chair up next to her roommate's desk, where Rune was busy killing Sims on her laptop. She pulled a photograph out of her backpack- one of the ones she had taken from Rune earlier. Casually gazing at her roommate, like the two were the best of friends, Pepper place the photo over the keyboard. "Who is this man?"
Rune sighed and paused her removal of doors from a burning house to look at the picture. "That guy? I don't know. But he's got wonderful hair," she said wistfully. "I wish I could get my hair to shine like that."
"I need to know who he is," Pepper said, still friendly.
"I dunno," Rune reiterated. "My sister gave me those pictures to see if I could get any information from you. If you don't know who he is, well, that's a dead end, I guess."
Pepper's brow furrowed. "Where did you say your sister went to school, again?"
"Astral University-" Rune's response was still hanging in the air of their room when Pepper darted out for the second time.
Sighing again, Rune moved the picture and continued her Sim slaughterfest. "That's right, BURN, Dahlia274," she cackled.
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badgerstarshine · 11 years
Testing the ask system.
k ur good bro, ask system is a go
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badgerstarshine · 11 years
no words from pep. she just ran out and like called her teacher or somethng, rude much.
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badgerstarshine · 11 years
What did Pep say?
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badgerstarshine · 11 years
Nee im not sayin but im just sayin, that guy has nice hair. id let him be mye emperor anyday. hair power.
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badgerstarshine · 11 years
Dear diary,
Poisoned emerald <--PERFECT!!
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