badzombies-sister · 1 month
Rhaenicent in Formula 1 AU
Literally no one asked for this but idgaf
Rhaenyra Targaryen - Ferrari
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-> Born into a wealthy and renowned family of known F1 drivers (Her grandfather used to own the Ferrari team. Viserys, her dad used to be the team's manager. Daemon, her uncle used to drive for Ferrari during those times but was removed from his seat for endangering his and other drivers' life.)
-> She is aggressive in the track and has been involved in quite a lot of crashes.
-> Rhaenyra likes to be referred as Nyra. She thinks Rhaenyra is a mouthful.
-> Nyra has also joined Formula Drift for a short while but she came back to Formula 1.
-> Her and Alicent go way back to Kart racing. They've always been in opposing teams but they're always seen together. Whether it's in interviews or podiums.
-> Rhaenyra has been involved in some physical altercations and has punched another driver before.
-> Viserys owns the team she's racing for so she doesn't really get that punished when it comes to breaking a few points here and there.
-> Such a flirt to interviewers.
-> Plenty of videos of her about to fight another driver when they crash into her or cause her disqualification.
-> I cannot emphasize how close she is to Alicent like she could be seen at the Aston Martin garage and Rhaenyra has pranked her on camera by secretly putting Ferrari stickers on her back. This is a big issue to Otto Hightower who is the strategist of his daughter's team, Aston Martin.
Alicent Hightower - Aston Martin
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-> She's born into a wealthy family as well but they're not very well-known to the racing world.
-> Her older brother, Gwayne is another retired racer but only because his seat is taken from him now and he's been replaced.
-> Otto is her team's strategist. He has been ever since Gwayne started racing. He only joined when Gwayne started.
-> Alicent has tried horse-riding as a child but isn't really competitive about it. She was introduced to the world of racing by her brother.
-> She is quite smooth when it comes to her racing style. Alicent is quite sneaky and you'd think you got the lead then bam Alicent would speed off pass you. She probably has smoothly passed two cars.
-> Rarely involved in dramas and scandals but she'd sometimes just stare off the space and carefully choose her words when interviewers ask about it.
-> Before races and media press, you could see Alicent waiting for Rhaenyra to finish her interviews on the background.
-> She'd swear in the radio here and there but she usually laughs like a maniac when someone tries to push her off or something.
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badzombies-sister · 1 month
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RHAENICENT + watching each other leave
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badzombies-sister · 1 month
behind every art of modern rhaenyra where the artist draws her as masc or butch, theres always daemyras trying to prove that rhaenyra is this ultra feminine damsel because she wears pretty dresses and married a man whilst simultaneously ignoring all of rhaenyras established gender struggle at the same time, making their point so futile that they come across as repulsive people when it comes to the subject of lgbtq+ people specifically when it comes to women who don’t conform
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rhaenyras story is based upon gender struggles already well set out in westeros i truly don’t understand unless you watched the show with your eyes closed and your fingers in your ears, every time this happens it instills in me that most people who say they like rhaenyra do not actually like rhaenyra because of their unwillingness to accept that rhaenyra is within herself wishes to be different
how do you watch her scene with mysaria in its entirety and including when she says daemon is everything she wishes to be INCLUDING a man and come to any other conclusion
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badzombies-sister · 1 month
It's Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day! So go on, appreciate the fuck out of those who generously share their ideas and talents with us. Today and every day after.
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badzombies-sister · 1 month
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badzombies-sister · 1 month
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badzombies-sister · 1 month
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Rhaenicent based off that one pic
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badzombies-sister · 1 month
House of the dragon is so funny because normally if there's a big gay ship full of subtext in a show the fans will go crazy making everything about the ship and twisting the narrative to fit it while the showrunners don't actually care and try to steer the characters away from it to avoid queerbaiting accusations. Meanwhile in hotd everyone from the writers to the actors to the directors is fully yuri pilled like Rhaenyra and Alicents dynamic is the heart of the show and the narrative doesn't work without acknowledging it. And a large portion of the fans are still stubbornly trying to ignore it two seasons in and twist the characters actions in another direction even if it makes no sense. It's so funny the showrunners went sorry no you're not getting a two dimensional Cersei rip off you're getting childhood friends to enemies who long to be lovers. And the concept just would not compute in the fans brains unless they cared about female characters and the dynamic between them, which we already know the majority of most fans do not.
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badzombies-sister · 1 month
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Sometimes it seems like it’s nothing but anger and violence and hurt. It can be terrifying when you’re out there in it but if you know where to look for it, the world also has warmth and love and forgiveness. The world has joy in it. When you find a place that allows you to experience that joy, when you find people that make you feel safe and loved, like you belong, you don’t walk away from it. You fight for it. 
10 Years of Warehouse 13 July 7, 2009 — May 19, 2014
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badzombies-sister · 1 month
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badzombies-sister · 1 month
people will always blame alicent and rhaenyra or even daemon for sparking the start of the civil war but at the end of the day it will always come back to viserys and his cowardly decisions. as soon as he allowed himself to be bullied to remarry and to have more kids again, he officially sewed the seeds together for future conflict after his death no matter who he married. like if he had married laena instead of alicent and had sons with her, would the outcome have been so different? do you think rhaenys and corlys would have stood on the sidelines and watched their grandson get passed over? especially after rhaenyra had illegitimate sons that weren't even laenors? that they wouldn't have petitioned their own dance? the snake will always eat its own tail for power, and viserys doomed rhaenyra to her death with his own
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badzombies-sister · 1 month
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It was in the small touches, the quiet laughs, the cozy cuddles.
Kara couldn’t help the way her heart would race each movie night, as she and Lena curled up into their corner of the couch - and she could hear Lena’s heart race too. Is this what friends do?, Kara thought, noting how Alex and Kelly almost mirrored their positions nearby, as did Nia and Brainy.
She turned back to the television screen - as Jack held Rose close, the two tapping along the makeshift stage as they danced to the Irish band’s jig - and Kara felt a flutter in her chest. I want to dance with Lena like that, she thought, watching the third class dance below the decks of the Titanic.
But somewhere in her mind, just friends just friends just friends rang out. What if I’m misreading things?, Kara thought, a little forlorn as she held Lena a bit tighter.
Kara watched as Lena turned towards the dance floor, her hips swaying as she strode away, and Kara couldn’t help but blush.
Lena was breathtaking. She was always breathtaking, of course - but that night, as the drinks wore on, as Lena’s tiny flirtatious touches got more and more frequent, as her black dress hugged at her figure and her smokey eyeshadow - Rao.
It wasn’t on purpose. It couldn’t be on purpose. Was it on purpose?, Kara thought, feeling the slight panic in her veins. She was happy, she was giddy, she was confused - and not really sure what to do next. J’onn nudged her to go enjoy herself, to go dance where Lena had joined with Alex and Kelly. And why not?
Kara shuffled out of the booth, intent to take Lena’s hand and give her a twirl. She sensed that Lena would welcome it, that this was a feeling that went both ways.
But when she reached the floor - Lena’s dark eyes wandering over her - Kara froze in a panic. Finding the rhythm of the music, she threw her arms out, making wild and silly motions. Peak goofy Kara Danvers.
… so she chickened out. It was worth it to hear Lena’s laugh.
Kara cheered as Alex and Kelly finished their first dance as a married couple, the slow beats of the melody coming to a poignant end. Glancing around at smiling and clapping family, her eyes briefly caught Lena’s across the floor - Kara quickly looked away.
The music transitioned into something upbeat, and Kara found herself amongst the others making their way onto the dance floor. Brainy took immediately to the center, drawing more laughter, as J’onn spun Esme, and Kara found herself goofing off with Winn.
The evening passed as guests wandered on and off the dance floor, casual chatter and warm hugs creating a gentle atmosphere as the sun set. Fairy lights added a softness to the cool night, and Kara found herself feeling quietly content.
As she set down her drink, she heard a familiar heartbeat behind her. “Hey,” Lena said.
Kara turned, smiling warmly as she hugged Lena, still reeling from the emotional conversation they had earlier in the evening. Lena curled up into Kara’s arms, and Kara could feel the cool temperature of Lena’s skin along her fingers. She held Lena tighter, warding off the chill of the evening.
“This next one will be the last dance of the night, folks,” the DJ announced, as the song started coming to an end.
Kara could feel Lena tense in her arms. Kara took a small, shaking breath. C’mon, Kara, be brave, she thought to herself. It was time to take a leap. “Would you like to dance?” Kara murmured.
Lena pulled back, smiling softly. “Yes, please.”
Kara could hear Lena’s heart start to race, drowned out only by the pounding of her own as she led her to the dance floor. Is this happening, is this happening?, Kara asked herself, taking Lena’s hand into her own, feeling Lena’s other hand drift to her waist as Kara pulled her closer.
“I was hoping you’d ask,” Lena whispered.
“For how long?” Kara asked.
“For years.”
Kara grinned. “Sorry to make you wait so long.”
Lena placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. “Better late than never.”
They couldn’t stop.
Gala events. Karaoke nights. Weddings (they may have gone a little nuts at Brainy and Nia’s). Blasting an old stereo at home. Kara pulled Lena into her arms, and they danced.
It was one night in their living room - after an incredible date, celebrating their first year together - when Kara spun Lena particularly fast. Lena spun out a few feet away, laughing as she came to a halt. She turned back at Kara - a bit surprised to not be in the kryptonian’s arms already - when she saw the blonde on the floor, down on one knee, holding a ring in her hand.
“I never want to stop dancing with you,” Kara said. “Marry me?”
“Yes,” Lena said.
Their wedding was small and private. Lena had never wanted the performance of the spotlight, as much as she was used to it. And Kara was content to have their close family and friends present.
The ceremony was simple - exchanging wedding bracelets and wedding rings, as kryptonian wind chimes sounded melodically around them. Alura and Zor-El finally met Eliza, all too grateful for the Danvers family giving their daughter a home for years.
Dinner was had and cake was cut, and then music started to play. Kara swayed slowly with Lena during their first dance, twirling her new wife under her arm, Lena smoothly following. “I can’t believe we’re here,” Lena murmured in her ear. Kara smiled back.
As their slow dance came to an end, Kara pulled Lena in to cup her face, their lips meeting to the cheers of their family and friends. Kara grinned as they broke apart again, Lena mischievously quirking her eyebrows. After all, they both knew what would happen next.
A familiar Irish jig began to play. Kara tugged Lena close, slotting perfectly up against Kara’s body, as others began to rush to the dance floor. “Ready?” Kara said.
“Always,” Lena smiled.
Third Class Dance from Titanic
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badzombies-sister · 1 month
“its been a long week” me on a Tuesday
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badzombies-sister · 1 month
Sam: "I want you to shoot me....with nerf guns."
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badzombies-sister · 1 month
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badzombies-sister · 1 month
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House of the Dragon "You must prevail." "And who pays the price?"
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badzombies-sister · 1 month
I wish the world worked like it did in the stardew valley universe. If I'm strapped for cash I should be able to go grab some blackberries off the nearest roadside bush and go sell them to a grocery store for a quick ten bucks. I should be able to think "huh I wanna go talk to the wizard today" and then I go talk to the wizard in his wizard tower
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