baecontacos-blog · 4 years
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Geisha's Blade. A company synonymous to the word "quality".
Geisha's blade, in my opinion, is by far, the most famous company in the Philippines that sells the highest quality Japanese style swords, or Shinken, a modern Katana using excellent quality of modern steels, made with the tradition and the same level of respect and technique as the masters of old.
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Not only that, they also sell weapons for Cosplaying ( an increasingly popular event where people of all ages dress up as their favorite character from their favorite anime and shows).
Geisha's blade is an online company based in the buzzing city of Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, Philippines. Owned and managed by the eccentric and energetic Aldwin P.
While being a business man, Aldwin is also a student of the sword. He studies Aikido, which clearly explains and defines his thoroughness and attention to detail when it comes to selling and providing Japanese style swords and armors (Yoroi). And yes, they do sell those, too! More on that later!
Okay, let's rewind a little bit. You are a Katana fanboy living in the Philippines. The year was anywhere whenever you were born and 2007. Finding, and let alone OWNING a good samurai sword was akin to finding a hen's tooth. Your only possible chance to hold one (or if you had the cheaddar, buy) a World War Two era sword from your neighbor, who got it from his grandpa, who got it from the war, which was also, like finding a hen's teeth. Look, the point is, it was almost impossible, okay? But all that was changed when some cool people decided to put an end to that. Enter Aldwin and Jaimee. The dynamic duo. Both had the passion and curiosity for all things Japanese.
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Jaimee, who studied and graduated as an Interior Designer from UP Diliman, was also studying Japanese Linguistics. She is an avid collector of vintage Kimonos and Getas.
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Aldwin was just starting his Aikido training in Aikido Yuishinkai Philippines. But he was already into Japanese swords and everything in relation. So it was just the right and obvious thing for them to do! So in 2008, Geisha's Blade was officially born. Offerining the highest quality swords and armor!
The date was set for the HistoryCon2017!
I actually had the opportunity to meet the Geisha's Blade crew! It was held on August 10, 2017. Well to be honest, I already had the plans to go way before the official dates were set. I meat lots of good people. Katana and Yoroi experts and enthusiasts, bladesmiths, knife sellers and collectors, and Aldwin himself. He personally showed me the swords they were selling that week. I was giddy when I picked up and held a sword. It was everything I imagined it to be! The balance was impeccable. The polish on the blade was masterfully done. The edge was keen and razor sharp. (Although I never touched the blade and the actual edge, it was pretty plain to see.) Needles to say, it was love at first sight!
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Here's a shot of the booth. It shows some of the swords they were putting up for sale. It was a full house everyday! I was too distracted to take lots of photos.
I even got to meet Ryu Lim, the Forged in Fire Champion! The pride and joy of every Filipino who are into everything concerning swords, knives, and the art of Bladesmithing. He was an honored guest at the Geisha's blade booth. He even demonstrated his cutting prowess using a Geisha's Blade katana! Lots of banana trunks were harmed that day, lol. It was the highlight of the day! HistoryCon2017 was indeed, a spectacular event. Lots of fun memories, swords, and friendships!
But I could not get enough! So a year later, I decided to go back to attend the HistoryCon2018! Below is a picture of me with the swords and armor that was up for sale at the Geisha's blade booth. Ignore the smile, I was too excited to get a hold of their swords!!
At that time,  I went and sold my own knives along with my friend Ram, a fellow bladesmith and sword enthusiast. Not only did I have the honor of selling my blades, but I also came to help the crew in fitting the Yoroi (Samurai Armor) to the excited guests and customers! Fitting the Yoroi was just as awesome as getting to wear one. Of course, it wouldn't be a perfect week without carefully handling and examining the swords once again! But all that excitement was nothing compared to bonds that were made, and the friendships that were built and created while spending time with the crew!
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Tameshigiri (試し斬り, 試し切り, 試斬, 試切) is the Japanese art of target test cutting. The kanji literally mean "test cut" (kun'yomi: ためし ぎり tameshi giri). This practice was popularized in the Edo period (17th century) for testing the quality of Japanese swords
Here are some pictures of the Geisha's Blade crew performing Tameshigiri. While it can look fun, cutting also serves as a training sesssion for the swordsman. He hones his skills ability everyday by making cuts.This also tests the strength and integrity of the sword and its ability to cleanly cut the target. Now i'm no master swordsman, but I think it's about the mindset of the swordsman, and a very good sword that makes the perfect cut!
You can view the videos here! Please enjoy!
Someday, I will have the honor of performing the same cuts using my very own Geisha's Blade Katana!
Wanna know a secret? They are actually giving away one of their most expensive katana!! That's right! Head on over to their website and click the From the Blogs corner down below to know more!
And our blog ends here.
Also, be sure to follow them on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube! They even give away their swords on occasion like Christmas!
If you're looking for high quality swords and armor, look no further. Visit Geisha's Blade, and awaken the warrior in you!
All pictures, videos, and links are used with permission from Geisha's Blade. Please feel free to share and repost!
Article written by Don Reenmon Labang.
April 25, 2020
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