bailesu · 15 hours
JJ Abrams, during the first movie period, talked about Kylo Ren as embodying the villain's descent, I have to note.
reylos crying on twitter because Adam Driver explicitly confirmed that Bendemption was never originally in the plans for Kylo....this is justice for the last 8 years, actually
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bailesu · 15 hours
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Rest in peace Nichelle Nichols, December 28th 1932- July 31st 2022
“Last night, my mother, Nichelle Nichols, succumbed to natural causes and passed away. Her light however, like the ancient galaxies now being seen for the first time, will remain for us and future generations to enjoy, learn from, and draw inspiration.” - nichellenicholsofficial
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bailesu · 16 hours
So on the Teamsters, it seems that Harris has been endorsed by
International Brotherhood of Teamsters Black Caucus
Teamsters Joint Council 7 (north and central California and Northern Nevada)
Teamsters Joint Council 42 (Southern California, Southern Nevada, Hawaii, Gaum, and Saipan)
Joint Council 28 (Washington, Alaska, and the Idaho Panhandle)
Joint Council 40 (Western Pennsylvania and Northern West Virginia)
Joint Council 43 (Michigan)
Teamsters Local 186 (Santa Babara and Ventura Counties California)
Local 237 (public employees in NYC and Long Island)
Local 572 (Los Angeles area)
Local 623 (Philadelphia)
Local 769 (Southern Florida)
so Teamster Union organizations representing hundreds of thousands of members have endorsed Harris-Walz
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bailesu · 16 hours
Voyager would have been an excellent contender for a 'universal translator breaks down' episode bcos 1) shit breaks down on Voyager all the time and 2) Kes & Neelix
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bailesu · 16 hours
i just woke up from a dream where i was being interrogated by a bunch of people asking me if “furbies are kosher” firstly…. im not jewish. secondly……..what the fuck
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bailesu · 16 hours
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bailesu · 16 hours
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I hate this so much.
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bailesu · 16 hours
This is from a real episode of Wheel of Fortune that also had Lee Greenwood.
James Brown did not know how to do Wheel of Fortune or Hangman.
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Words fail me.
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bailesu · 2 days
US-ians without health insurance would normally be able to get free covid shot access through the end of the year, but it was cut at the end of august to prevent a government shutdown.
If you, like me, are uninsured in the united states and want the new covid vaccine sooner than later, first please look into local resources/ nearby vaccine clinics/community health departments because they can offer low-cost or no cost vaccinations (albeit it may be a few weeks until they have covid shots on hand. they should have flu shots right now).
If you can’t wait, are high risk or living with someone high risk, and say “ok fine I will just pay” you can schedule a covid vaccine online at most pharmacies, but they are typically charging in the ~$190 to ~$200 range. Goodrx coupons exist (and I think so do other medicine coupon services), but searching for the correct current vaccines is unintuitive just searching “covid vaccine” will only retrieve coupons for earlier discontinued formulas. Instead, you need to search for “Comirnaty” (Pfizer’s current covid vaccine), “Spikevax” (Moderna’s current covid vaccine), or “Novavax” (for, of course, Novavax’s covid vaccine).
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bailesu · 2 days
I just have to note, WRT the op, that all the cells in your body are replaced every seven years, so every single human is a ship of thesus.
if shes your girl then why have i slowly been replacing her parts until there’s nothing left of her original body? is she then still your girl?
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bailesu · 2 days
My immediate thought was that they were wrestling and the standing doll is about to jump onto the fallen doll's stomach.
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“Rise up and BE HEALED!” An antique bisque doll attempts to rescue a fallen comrade.
Cover of Care & Repair of Antique & Modern Dolls by Faith Eaton (From my doll library - Haze Dolly / Aquamarine Dream Vintage)
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bailesu · 2 days
I'm sorry, but I'm just too fucking old to pretend that the presidential ticket of "Person who performed some of the first gay marriages in her state while it was still federally illegal" and "governor who created a trans refuge state while other states were making it illegal to transition" is somehow 'jUsT aS bAd foR QuEer pEopLe' as the ticket promising to reverse marriage equality and make trans healthcare next to impossible.
That is such a monumentally stupid opinion that I'm going to have a hard time believing that you're actually that stupid, and I'll probably just assume you're malicious.
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bailesu · 2 days
The Hobbit is published in 1937. Fantasy as we know it does not exist. There is sword and sorcery pulp fiction. But that's Conan style stories. (Though Howard's world building of his world in side documents does not in Tolkien's direction.) Or Fritz Leiber and Lhankhmar, both of which are *very* different from the Hobbit. Narnia hasn't even happened yet, nor the great tide of books unleashed by the Lord of the Rings.
For that matter, not even the Lord of the Rings exists yet.
(Weirdly, the Wind in the Willows is probably one of the closest books to the Hobbit.)
I keep thinking about Lewis' review of The Hobbit, because he claimed that the main thing contemporary reviewers compared it to was Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Was fantasy in that poor of a state that Alice was the closest thing they could think of? Comparing that chaotic fever dream to Tolkien's intricately crafted world? Lewis does specify that the comparison is that both books are by an "Oxford professor at play", but they're otherwise so different that putting the two in the same category baffles me.
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bailesu · 2 days
I’ve been enjoying Philomena Cunk recently and just found this (incredible) meme and subsequent comments while looking for a different meme
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I would give so many nauglamirs to see a Cunk on (Middle)Earth show omg
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bailesu · 3 days
This is why the song 867-5309 does not include an area code.
A thing I am currently enjoying: at the VMAs this month, k-pop group Le Sserafim performed their single 1-800-hot-and-fun. However, they had to censor the title when they sang it and rather than the normal chorus line of "one eight hundred hot and fun" they instead went with "(pause) hundred hot and fun".
Why? Because apparently if you put a phone number into American media, Americans cannot be trusted not to call it.
This is wildly charming and absolutely hilarious to me. Apparently it's why phone numbers in US TV and film all start with a fake area code, too?? What a thing to be a stereotype of your people. Americans, explain yourselves. How does it feel to know that the rest of the world sees you as happy go lucky toddlers playing with the house phone while your parents' backs are turned? An absolutely Incredible reputation.
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bailesu · 3 days
HATE when you’re inserting your email somewhere and literally from the first letter the website is like “invalid email address” like yes i know. I’m typing it right now. My email address is obviously not just the letter ‘m’. Stop
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bailesu · 3 days
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Bots/hackers are using hacked “inactive” twitter accounts now
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