bajanbacca · 14 days
As a person who feels like they duplicate plots a lot, reblog this if you’re up for the same type of plot used for different muses!
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bajanbacca · 17 days
Padme was silent as she looked at Anakin, not even sure how he would react. He had changed, and she knew that was true. So many lies had been told to him, and she knew on the outside he was not the same, but deep down, she knew there was still an ounce of goodness in him. She had to be sure that there was something left in him, even if it pained her to show him the truth. Her heart raced as she saw the look on his face as she spoke. She had never wanted to lose him that night but wasn't exactly given a choice. She had asked him to run away with her and he had refused to do so. She had never known that Obi-Wan had snuck onto the ship to follow her. How was she supposed to truly know that until he revealed himself at the ramp of the ship? After that most of the night had been a blur until the twins were born, she had nearly died that night but instead had been weak for days after. She had been forced to rest for days which made her rethink that night over and over.
The female shook her head at his words. "No, I wasn't. I never have lied to you once, in all the time we were together. I did not know he climbed onto my ship that night. I know what you saw but I was just as shocked as you when he revealed himself" she said pleading the truth to him at this point. She didn't move as he stepped closer, his presence had changed so much, and yet their son still reminded her of him all the time, looked similar to him so much which was hard for her some days. "Yes, I am telling you that it was a lie. Palpatine manipulated his way into the Senate and ruined so many lives. I begged you that night to run away with me and raise our kids. As I said before I would never lie to you. I don't have reason to lie to you either Anakin. I love you Anakin, I always did and never stopped loving you even when you turned. I know there is good in you. There has to be good in you still" she said stepping closer to him with no hesitation in her steps. "After everything that happened that night, I still will love you no matter what."
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Padme was silent as she had approached the planet. She wasn't even sure if he would be there, and it wasn't until she approached that she knew he was here. She could see another ship nearby when she parked. Even as she sat there for a moment contemplating on how to even act, it had been so long since she seen him and the way things ended she was sure he didn't want to see her.
As she approached she saw him standing there and for a moment she didn't speak. He hated her even though she had not even fully got the explain the situation that night. She was wondering if she would even get to explain her side of the situation instead of him accusing her without getting a say. "Anakin" she said softly as she stepped forward.
"I am not the one who lied to you. If anyone lied to you it was Palpatine. I was in hiding em because she assumed that I betrayed you. I didn't choose Obi-Wan that night. I didn't know he showed up until he made himself known" she said calmly. She only spoke of such because she had to have him know the truth and she couldn't keep it from him any longer. It was clear that Palpatine was feeding him lies as he had been doing for a long time now. But maybe she could convince like she should of done on Mustafar.
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bajanbacca · 21 days
Mary x Francis
Mary had been up a little early as she had gone to have a picnic breakfast with her ladies. The time had gone uneventful as they just spoke and enjoyed the breakfast that had been prepared. It felt nice to know that the threat of Francis dying was over and they could live the life they were supposed to. The actions she had taken prior were only a bed to protect him.
Once breakfast and the picnic were over she had dismissed her ladies for the time being unless she called for them later in the day. She made her way back to the castle and made her way through the halls greeting those that had greeted her. She was headed back to her chambers to see what Francis had planned for the day, she had wondered if maybe he would be interested in a ride or something. @dynastymuses
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bajanbacca · 2 months
Padme was silent as she had approached the planet. She wasn't even sure if he would be there, and it wasn't until she approached that she knew he was here. She could see another ship nearby when she parked. Even as she sat there for a moment contemplating on how to even act, it had been so long since she seen him and the way things ended she was sure he didn't want to see her.
As she approached she saw him standing there and for a moment she didn't speak. He hated her even though she had not even fully got the explain the situation that night. She was wondering if she would even get to explain her side of the situation instead of him accusing her without getting a say. "Anakin" she said softly as she stepped forward.
"I am not the one who lied to you. If anyone lied to you it was Palpatine. I was in hiding em because she assumed that I betrayed you. I didn't choose Obi-Wan that night. I didn't know he showed up until he made himself known" she said calmly. She only spoke of such because she had to have him know the truth and she couldn't keep it from him any longer. It was clear that Palpatine was feeding him lies as he had been doing for a long time now. But maybe she could convince like she should of done on Mustafar.
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Padme had spent the past few years raising her children. The past few years had been tough ever since she had lost Anakin to the dark side and the republic had fallen to Palpatine. After the fall of the republic there wasn’t much that could be done when he had played the role and manipulated so many. Even when she had gone to try and save Anakin from him she had failed and even though she failed she wasn’t about t9 give up on him. The determination was still there even after the two years, the hiding of course had teetered her actions of going after Anakin but she couldn’t give up. She had been staying with her parents and with the help of them and her trusted friend Sabe, only select few people knew of her being alive.
The former senator had left the kids with her parents on Naboo and had contacted Anakin in hopes of meeting on another planet, that of which she hoped she could try and turn him back to the light side. She moved to her ship and headed off, she had hoped to be back in a few days mostly cause she didn’t want to be gone for too long from the twins. She trusted the others but she cared for the twins so much and she hoped she would be successful in bringing their father home as well.
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bajanbacca · 2 months
Clarke had been recovering and it seemed the night blood she had taken had actually helped heal some of the burns from the radiation that had seeped through the suit when she was making her way back to the lab. Of course, she was in for a rude awakening when she got back because she was supposed to be the last one left besides those in the bunker, but Bellamy was there. He was supposed to be with the others but she hated herself because now they were both trapped with only so much to go on when everything had gotten wiped out by the radiation. In her mind, she had every right to be mad at him because now who knew if they would be able to survive. She had left to turn on the power because someone had to do it and she couldn't leave it to anyone else in her mind. For weeks Clarke had rarely spoken to Bellamy mostly cause she hated herself for it all. It wasn't supposed to be like this. She had cared for him and she couldn't deny that, she had been willing to risk her life for him to allow him to survive. For the two of them, they had been that over and over since they had landed on the earth. The two of them always put each other and their people ahead of themselves and it was something that she couldn't ever stop doing. Clarke looked up from the ground to Bellamy and took a deep breath, "I know why you stayed. It has always been me and you protecting each other and protecting the others. I'm not mad that you stayed fully, I'm mad that now we have to share the same fate as I would have had to face. The heart and the head" she said looking at him once more.
"I can't lose you either Bellamy. That's why I wanted you to leave with the others when it meant you would live and be able to come back to earth and be with the others" she said regretting treating him the way she had been but also because those feelings she felt were only showing more. @flawedxshatteredxsouls
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It had been a few weeks since Praimfaya struck, turning the air toxic and the earth into an unhabitable wasteland. Luckily, Bellamy and Clarke found shelter in an underground bunker, which was their only escape from the harsh and deadly environment. Every day was a battle for survival. However, the harsh conditions didn't trouble Bellamy the most — it was the silent rage in Clarke's eyes and the unspoken words that stung at him. He knew she was angry and he understood why. Bellamy had given up his chance to flee and survive with the others but instead chose to stay with her.
Bellamy replayed their last conversation on the cliff over and over in his mind. Clarke had begged him to leave her behind and save himself. He had even given her an indication that he understood, but leaving Clarke wasn't an option for him. They had been through too much together. The thought of her facing the end alone was unbearable, especially if she needed him and he couldn't get to her because they would have been miles apart. His survival wasn't worth that. Bellamy had chosen to stay — the only thing he could do.
Clarke's anger had begun to make Bellamy doubt his actions. He had stayed to protect and be with her until the end, even if it meant his death. Bellamy kept hoping she would see his choice for what it was — a testament to their bond. The deep connection he felt to Clarke was something more than he was even ready to admit to himself, an unspoken truth about his feelings for her. Perhaps that was the real reason he wasn't willing to leave. "Clarke. Talk to me. I stayed because I couldn't bear the thought of losing you. We're in this together. The heart and the head, remember?" His tone was unsteady, and the words fell from his lips as they sat in the dim light of the bunker.
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bajanbacca · 2 months
Padme had spent the past few years raising her children. The past few years had been tough ever since she had lost Anakin to the dark side and the republic had fallen to Palpatine. After the fall of the republic there wasn’t much that could be done when he had played the role and manipulated so many. Even when she had gone to try and save Anakin from him she had failed and even though she failed she wasn’t about t9 give up on him. The determination was still there even after the two years, the hiding of course had teetered her actions of going after Anakin but she couldn’t give up. She had been staying with her parents and with the help of them and her trusted friend Sabe, only select few people knew of her being alive.
The former senator had left the kids with her parents on Naboo and had contacted Anakin in hopes of meeting on another planet, that of which she hoped she could try and turn him back to the light side. She moved to her ship and headed off, she had hoped to be back in a few days mostly cause she didn’t want to be gone for too long from the twins. She trusted the others but she cared for the twins so much and she hoped she would be successful in bringing their father home as well.
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bajanbacca · 1 year
Mary knew avoiding the ambassador was something she could not do especially when he was only there to help. But ever since he had arrived he had found ways to make her not feel comfortable and it was something she had told Francis on a number of occasions. She could only nod as she listened to his words. When she heard her husbands voice she couldn’t help but smile and glad that there was a way out of the conversation. She knew very well that she had spoken to her uncle only moments before speaking to the ambassador. She followed Francis away from the other male and smiled softly, “Thanks” she said. “I’m fine I promise. The same things he always says, I think I got lucky that we had people around us though” she said glancing back over to where the ambassador still stood before turning her attention back to Francis.
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@bajanbacca​ commented on this for a starter {{&&francis&mary}}
francis had been walking around the party, when he noticed the ambassidor from england talking to his wife mary. of course being queen of both france and scotland, mary could not ignore the ambassador but he had a way of making her feel uncomfortable. of course the situation between their two countries is not a secret, but francis would never allow anyone to make mary feel awful. ❝mary, come i believe your uncle has just arrived, let us go say hello❞ the truth was the duke had arrived before this, and they had already greeted him. however he was hoping that it wouldn’t be noticed. once far enough away, francis asked  ❝are you alright? what did he say?❞
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bajanbacca · 1 year
Lorna understood the past that Marcos had because like him she had something very similar. They had both grown to hate their father for their own reasons. But with their past, they had not let it define them and it had made them who they were now. Ever since she had met Marcos there was something about him that made her different. She had never cared for anyone as much as she did Marcos. When it came to thinking what it would be like with Marcos here she felt as if her life would crumble without it. Sure she would manage but that part of him that she held close was something that can never be replaced. "Nothing will ever change me and you. We have had enough of saving mutants every day. The what-ifs were just that, something that they shouldn't ponder. I love You" she said with a smile.
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Lorna took a moment to let herself think. The Xmen and the brotherhood were gone and everything else in the world had gone to hell. Between mutants being hunted by sentinel services and even if the littlest things now would get a mutant locked up. She hated what the world had turned to and she wanted it to calm, but she also wasn't afraid like so many were.
"I'd be lost without you. Meeting you made me a better person" she said softly. Marcos was the first person she had ever truly cared about and now she would do anything to protect him. "I wouldn't be able to handle it either. I would be a mess" she said. She was a strong woman but Marcos kept her together despite her not always being easy to handle. "I don't want to think of a life without you," she said.
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bajanbacca · 1 year
Lorna knew it wasn’t her fault even though she still believed part of it was. She had been manipulated by the inner circle and she had believed that what she was doing what was right. Now thinking back on everything she could see where she was manipulated. It wasn’t long after she had to send her daughter away that she had seen the bigger picture. She had wished she had seen it sooner and maybe then there would of been lives saved, but she knew that there was no use pondering on the past as much as she wished could change it. 
Lorna shifted to look over at Marcos, “You have enough experience. I know I can’t change the past as much as I wish I could. But there were things I know did wrong like keeping you away from Dawn. But I plan to make up for that” she said with a small smile. The thought of her daughter was the reason she had continued with what she was doing prior and now her daughter was the reason why she had stepped away as much as she wanted to go out and help her friends recover from the aftermath.
She nudged his shoulder back and nodded. She was always grateful for Marcos especially with how he had forgiven her for what she did. He had every right like the rest of her friends to hate her and not forgive her and she would accept it. 
“It’s bad when I feel good to be here just our family but I also hate the idea that the others are now fighting for mutants and the rest of the underground and we aren’t helping them. Ever since I got out that’s all I did was help people and now it’s different” she said. 
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Lorna x Marcos Au
Lorna x Marcos Au
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bajanbacca · 1 year
Lorna took a moment to let herself think. The Xmen and the brotherhood were gone and everything else in the world had gone to hell. Between mutants being hunted by sentinel services and even if the littlest things now would get a mutant locked up. She hated what the world had turned to and she wanted it to calm, but she also wasn't afraid like so many were.
"I'd be lost without you. Meeting you made me a better person" she said softly. Marcos was the first person she had ever truly cared about and now she would do anything to protect him. "I wouldn't be able to handle it either. I would be a mess" she said. She was a strong woman but Marcos kept her together despite her not always being easy to handle. "I don't want to think of a life without you," she said.
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Even with everything going on at least with Marcos things seemed a little simple. She knew that things were never calm ever since she had joined the underground. Unlike other mutants, she had been one to accept her powers from the start and when it came to the underground she was willing to do whatever was needed. She helped people from Atlanta to cross the border in an attempt to save them from people who were after them. But with things so calm it felt like it wasn't going to last forever. For all, she knew it could have been the calm before the storm.
Sitting here with Marcos it was almost like she could almost forget everything else even for just a moment. The female glanced up at Marcos and shrugged. "When do things ever feel right anymore except for me and you. That's the only thing that ever feels right" she said.
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bajanbacca · 1 year
WIth it being just being her, Marcos, and Dawn it felt strange even if it felt right to her. They had both made the decision together to raise their daughter together and that meant that they couldn’t stay with the remains of the underground. They left them right when they were trying to pick up what was left. 
“Part of me regrets leaving them after everything that happened. After everything I thought I was doing right. And I know we said many times that it wasn’t my fault but I can’t help but feel the slightest of guilty. I should of seen it sooner” she said. She had been thinking of it more times then she wanted and was trying to fight the thought by herself, even with the reassurance she got when she first came back it didn’t help stop the guilty feeling of it all.
The change of topic was a nice change, “Ever since you left the cartel you’ve changed. Besides fighting for was right you fought for the others just as I did. When we ran the underground we didn’t really get a chance to live for ourselves because we had to defend people and do what was right. But we can change that now, for us and our daughter.”
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Lorna x Marcos Au
Ever since everything that had happened with the Hellfire Club, there was a lot that she still thought of. With everything, there was bound to be some sort of regret and she had allowed them to put ideas into her mind that she thought were true. In the end, she felt almost betrayed at regretted thinking that they were doing good, she had left Marcos and those she had considered being good friends, and now she had to mend those relationships. After the fall of the hellfire club she and Marcos had gone to visit their daughter Dawn and her aunt’s house and that was when they had decided to stay out of the underground and raise their daughter.
It was strange to be sitting things out but she had figured it would be wise because then they wouldn’t have to miss some of her firsts. She already felt bad that Marcos couldn’t be there for the birth of their child and she did not wish for either of them to miss out on anything else in her life. They had managed to find an apartment and they had moved in only about a week ago. She moved over to pick up Dawn from Marcos and went to lay her down in the crib to let her sleep.
Once Dawn was laid down in the crib she made her way out of the room towards the living room which was still quite empty since they didn’t have much and it was still a work in progress. She looked over at Marcos, “I’m glad that we chose to raise our daughter over helping the others. But it still feels strange” she said.
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bajanbacca · 1 year
Even with everything going on at least with Marcos things seemed a little simple. She knew that things were never calm ever since she had joined the underground. Unlike other mutants, she had been one to accept her powers from the start and when it came to the underground she was willing to do whatever was needed. She helped people from Atlanta to cross the border in an attempt to save them from people who were after them. But with things so calm it felt like it wasn't going to last forever. For all, she knew it could have been the calm before the storm.
Sitting here with Marcos it was almost like she could almost forget everything else even for just a moment. The female glanced up at Marcos and shrugged. "When do things ever feel right anymore except for me and you. That's the only thing that ever feels right" she said.
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Everything about this was weird about it. Things were changing around them and there was only so much that the underground could do about things. With things changing it also meant more threats were rising around them, they took the precaution so that they were all safe here. "It's so weird especially when I'm used to so much going on around here and now things seem calm, but too calm," she said. "Things are never easy for us. They never have," Lorna said, glancing over at Marcos. She shifted and leaned into the male slightly, "You're not the only one expecting something to happen cause part of me always thinks something will. But things are good and I don't mind for the first time in a long time."
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bajanbacca · 1 year
Everything about this was weird about it. Things were changing around them and there was only so much that the underground could do about things. With things changing it also meant more threats were rising around them, they took the precaution so that they were all safe here. "It's so weird especially when I'm used to so much going on around here and now things seem calm, but too calm," she said. "Things are never easy for us. They never have," Lorna said, glancing over at Marcos. She shifted and leaned into the male slightly, "You're not the only one expecting something to happen cause part of me always thinks something will. But things are good and I don't mind for the first time in a long time."
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Lorna had settled onto the couch her head resting on her hand gently. For the first time even though there weren't many people coming and going from the underground, things were calmer. Ever since she had started helping with the underground stuff this was the first time things seemed less busy. For so long she had been used to the busy setting and helping in and out of the underground and now she sat around waiting.
As much as she hated the waiting game there wasn't much to do. Sure there was probably something she could find within the place, but things were already being covered. She looked over to Marcos as he moved over to the couch and settled beside her. "Hey," she said softly. "Things are going fine, not much really going on," she said softly.
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bajanbacca · 1 year
Allison knew that she had a long road ahead of her when it came to recovering. Many of the doctors and nurses were surprised that she had even made it through the surgery let alone making it to the hospital with the wound she had. Of course, she couldn’t really remember much of the drive to the hospital since she was in and out of it. The story that they had come up with was that they were attacked and she was stabbed with a long knife, the only people who knew what truly happened were those that were there and knew of what was going on. 
“I have plenty of time to focus on healing since I’m pretty sure I wont be getting out of here anytime soon. I do have to text Isaac and end things, but almost dying showed me my true feelings that I have been avoiding for months” she said. She knew everyone was worried about her and for a moment she wondered who would be the one visiting her next, if there was any guess it would probably be Lydia. “So, how is everyone else?” she asked softly.
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Allison looked over to Scott and smiled softly. She had gotten lucky that she had lived, she had heard the doctors and nurses saying how it was a miracle that she had lived. They all believed that she wouldn’t have made it through the surgery and yet here she was alive and breathing. She may be in pain but she was given a chance to make things right. She broke up with Scott for many things especially cause she was not in the right mindset after her mother died and her grandfather thought it was best to use her and manipulate her. Not only that he had waited to tell her that her mother had tried to kill him.
But now she was able to actually able to process her feelings and it was something she had been wanting to do for a while, but at the time she was with Isaac, when she had thought she was about to die she needed him to know the truth. She felt bad breaking up with Isaac, but surprisingly he understood why. 
“I love you too and I always will” she said leaning over carefully and hugged him. It may of hurt to do but it felt perfect, everything felt right.
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scott wasn’t sure what to do next. he had believed for so long that he’d never get the change to be with allison again. then she almost died, which scott wasn’t sure how he’d survive without her.  other than stiles, he was sure there was no one alive who knew him as well as allison did. scott had respected her choice to end the relationship, and even when he tried to move on, they would never be allison. the hold she had on his heart was so tight and permanent. he never told her, but on some level he was sure she knew. 
“we will focus on you getting better. anything can wait. i will be here to help in anyway i can.” scott knew she’d have a long and hard road ahead, but it was better than the long hard road that would’ve been ahead of everyone if she had died. it wasn’t just him who loved allison. her father, lydia, stiles, other friends from school. she was an irreplaceable member of the group. “all i want you to do, is focus on that. we’ll all be here for you” he promised. he hugged her back softly and kissed her forehead.
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bajanbacca · 1 year
Leia looked over at Han watching him carefully, “So I have been told” she said calmly. Ever since she had met him there was something about him that she found she liked. Even though there were many times in which she wanted to just yell at him because he had a tendency to drive her insane. He had Luke had saved her from the Death Star and that she was thankful for, but Han always pushed buttons that only he seemed to know. But even though he drove her crazy she had taken a liking to him and she had not yet wanted to admit that she was falling for the smuggler.  The princess looked at him, “No one is stopping you from leaving. You had the go ahead from the commander and I have no reason to stop you. You got your payment and even though you are an amazing asset to the Rebels I’m not going to stop you” she said looking away from him slightly. There was many reason why Leia wanted him to stay but one of those was because she cared for him and just didn’t want to admit it to him. 
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@bajanbacca​​ liked this post for a starter {{&&han&leia}}
❝i told you princess, i am not here for anyone but myself. once luke comes back, i’m out.❞ he told her. han had been looking out for only himself for so long, he wasn’t sure if he was even capable of caring for another person. it had only been himself and chewie for years. he couldn’t care about another soul. he could not risk getting hurt again 
yet he did care. he cared about luke as a brother, and leia, leia he cared about most of all. it was stupid, because after all she was a princess, and he was a smuggler. she was beautiful, good, brave, kind, and a million other things han would never be. if he stayed, he would end up caring about her far too much, only to have her end up with someone like luke. he had to go. he had to. 
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bajanbacca · 1 year
Arwen couldn’t believe that after all the years she had been alive that she would be here. She had made a difficult choice but she knew that it was right for her, giving up an immortal life was a big change but she was ready for it. She was going to live out her life with someone she had loved and cared about. There was no regret in her decision as her father knew that it would make her happy so he had accepted such a thing. 
The day had gone by and it was already the afternoon, she had found herself in the garden sitting on one of the benches reading a book. She could hear the distant sound of footsteps and looked up seeing Aragorn and smiled shutting the book and placing it beside her. She leaned into the kiss returning it softly. “I’m doing quite well. How is your day going?” she asked.
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@bajanbacca​​ liked this post for a starter {{&&aragorn/arwen}}
it hardly seemed possible. she was his wife. arwen had chosen him, aragorn. she had given up her immortal life as an elf for him. it was too goo to be true. yet it was. the rest of his life, aragorn would be king, and married to the most beautiful woman he’d ever known. it wasn’t just her beauty that captivated him. it was her strength, and kindness, her bravery. she was so many wonderful things, and he was hers. 
it was late after noon, only a few weeks since he had taken the throne, after his quest to save middle earth had been completed. when he entered the garden, to see her reading. he smiled, and walked over, kissing her softly ❝how are you today my queen?❞​
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bajanbacca · 1 year
Lorna had settled onto the couch her head resting on her hand gently. For the first time even though there weren't many people coming and going from the underground, things were calmer. Ever since she had started helping with the underground stuff this was the first time things seemed less busy. For so long she had been used to the busy setting and helping in and out of the underground and now she sat around waiting.
As much as she hated the waiting game there wasn't much to do. Sure there was probably something she could find within the place, but things were already being covered. She looked over to Marcos as he moved over to the couch and settled beside her. "Hey," she said softly. "Things are going fine, not much really going on," she said softly.
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One would think that after half the world got wished away in an instant, there would be less work to do for the Underground. That made sense, right? Less people, less work. And in a way, it was true, because there were fewer people walking through their doors, and things had calmed down in some ways, but it didn't really feel like there was much less to do than ever. Whatever problems that were being brushed under the rug by a global trauma had just made room for more. So he was tired. Not exactly more tired than ever, but tired differently.
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And right now, that tiredness showed itself as he dropped himself into the couch next to Lorna, in the building that was suddenly far less occupied than it had been. He sighed, leaned his head against the back for a moment, and then turned his head towards Lorna. "Hey," he said softly. "How's things?"
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