nothing is funnier than the phrase “biological pronouns”
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HoLy FuCk
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We can be happy, you know we can. We can have a rich life together.
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We call musicals unrealistic because people randomly burst into song but I’ve been home alone for like 3 days and I start singing about what I’m doing every 5 minutes
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Illustrations of Homophones
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Credit to: Homophones, Weakly.
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It’s my favorite thing when a lesbian is just like “I got extra fries with my meal, gay rights” or an enby is like “wow trans rights I just got a free gift card to the movies” or a bi dude is like “finally found a plant that won’t die, queer rights I guess.” Like that is the funniest shit I don’t care.
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A shark mistaking a human for a seal is like a human mistaking an oatmeal raisin cookie for chocolate chip.
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just dropping in to let everyone know there are twice as many tiny roman/tiny cowboy from night at the museum fanfics as there are fanfics for james cameron’s avatar
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run in here and come get yall juice
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[terfs dont interact, also: dehyrdate]
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WHO is going to have a subtextually homoerotic swordfight with me that stems from our major unresolved sexual tension
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Calling a canon bisexual woman a lesbian becuase she has a female love interest or is in a wlw relationship is bisexual erasure and biphobic!!!!
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peter parker in the 2002 movie is fuckin…. incredible. he gets bitten by a fuckin jacked red blue spider and he doesnt say “hey someone should take me to the hospital mayhaps?” he just goes home. then the bite swells to the size of a fuckin jawbreaker but he’s like “nah i just need a nap.” then he wakes up the next day and discovers that he DOESN’T NEED HIS GLASSES ANYMORE and he has a fuckin six pack. does he flip his entire Fuck? no. he says, “cool.” iconic.
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“Do you have to make everything gay?”
If i dont, who will?
No really, if queer people aren’t constantly fighting for their right to exist, if queer people aren’t constantly “making everything gay” in an overwhelming hetero world, who will?
The straights? Lol. No they won’t.
Because they’ve shown time and time again that they won’t.
So yeah, I’m gonna make everything gay.
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