balancedhealthcare · 2 years
kids chiropractor
The principle that children are different persons going through the process of human development, not just "little adults," is the cornerstone of pediatric kids' chiropractic practice. Care should be delivered by professionals who have a wealth of real-world experience and an awareness of how children's systems differ from those of adults. In-depth training in healthy growth and development as well as a specialized understanding of the many pediatric illnesses that frequently occur should be required of all chiropractors who wish to deal with newborns and young children. The doctors in this practice are Drs. Emily Siegert and Amanda Boyd.
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A pediatric chiropractic Flemington is a clinician qualified to provide a kid with gentle chiropractic therapy, always keeping in mind the clinical parameters that can necessitate referring the child to other medical specialists.
Amanda Boyd, M.D.
The musculoskeletal disorders that affect newborns and children particularly interest Dr. Amanda Boyd.
After completing three years of postgraduate training to earn a Diplomate in Clinical Chiropractic and Paediatrics, she graduated from RMIT University in 2000. (DCCP)
Other healthcare providers frequently send infants and young children to Amanda because they value her training and experience in the field of chiropractic pediatrics. This includes recommendations from pediatricians, physicians, nurses who specialize in maternal health, and midwives.
Some musculoskeletal conditions treated by chiropractors:
Lower back pain
Neck Pain
Piriformis syndrome
Visit our website to know more about our services.
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balancedhealthcare · 2 years
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balancedhealthcare · 2 years
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Discover the best Craniosacral Therapy in Flemington, VIC. To book a chiropractic consultation please call Balanced Healthcare now at 03 9376 4666. https://balancedhealthcare.com.au/our-services/cranialsacral/
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balancedhealthcare · 2 years
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balancedhealthcare · 2 years
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Since 1996 Balanced Healthcare (formerly Flemington Chiropractic) has provided care to members of our local and extended community including Flemington, Kensington, Moonee Ponds, Essendon, Ascot Vale, Maribyrnong, Maidstone, Footscray, Yarraville and beyond All types of conditions are confidently managed by our chiropractic team including headaches, neck pain, back pain, whiplash, work injuries, motor vehicle injuries, and chronic back conditions. In addition to this, we also provide chiropractic care to infants and children.
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balancedhealthcare · 2 years
Beginning around 1996 Balanced Healthcare (previously Flemington Chiropractic) has given care to individuals from our nearby and expanded local area including Flemington, Kensington, Moonee Ponds, Essendon, Ascot Vale, Maribyrnong, Maidstone, Footscray, Yarraville and then some.
Is there a difference between a Dietitian and a Nutritionist? It can be confusing as both terms are used regularly.Chiropractic Flemington A Dietitian, specifically, an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD), is a university qualified health professional. They undertake ongoing training and education to make sure that they are your most credible and up-to-date source of nutrition information. On the other hand, the term nutritionist is not regulated and can be used by anyone! Their credentials can range from no formal training at all through to university level.
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Nutrition plays a vital role in all elements of our health. The dietary choices we make today, not only have an impact in the short term but can map out our future health & wellness. We understand that breaking old habits or making dietary changes can be a challenge and it takes time. Motivate Nutrition can offer you advice and support on a wide range of nutrition areas from weight management through to diabetes.
Our clinic is open: Monday – 9am to 7pm Tuesday – 9am to 7pm Wednesday 9am-6pm Thursday – 9am to 7pm Friday – 9am to 6pm Saturday – 8am to 1pm Sunday – Closed
Our Nutrition and Dieticion services are coming soon to Balanced Healthcare. Stay tuned for more information.
A wide range of conditions are without hesitation overseen by our chiropractic group including migraines, neck torment, back torment, whiplash, work wounds, engine vehicle wounds, and constant back conditions. What's more, we likewise give chiropractic care to babies and youngsters.
We are committed to assisting our patients and their families with accomplishing further developed wellbeing and prosperity through a more prominent comprehension of how the body functions and in doing as such, permitting all of our patients to be all that they can be.
Contact24 Ascot Vale Rd, Flemington VIC 3031 03 9376 4666 [email protected]
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balancedhealthcare · 2 years
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balancedhealthcare · 2 years
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Over 65? Here’s how to ensure you add life to your years by reducing the risk of falls. In 2016, a study was published by the New Zealand college of Chiropractic research team which made a huge impact on chiropractic care worldwide. Dr. Kelly Holt led research investigating the effectiveness of chiropractic care in preventing falls in elderly. Dr, Holt was inspired to conduct this research after his grandmother had a fall, which resulted in significant loss of quality of life, and death within 9 months-still in hospital care.
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balancedhealthcare · 2 years
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Do you suffer from any of the following?
If you have answered yes to the above keep reading below to see what SD Protocol is and how it affects you.
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balancedhealthcare · 2 years
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balancedhealthcare · 2 years
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Remedial Massage
Massage is a gentle and effective form of therapy that helps stimulate the body’s own healing abilities by:
Increasing circulation, allowing the body to pump more oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs stimulating the lymph system, the body’s natural defense, against toxic invaders.
Easing and relaxing those tight muscles which rob the body of energy.
Promoting a relaxed state of mental alertness.
Reducing levels of anxiety and mental stress.
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balancedhealthcare · 2 years
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Cranio-Sacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle hands-on method of evaluating, enhancing and balancing the body. It works with the cranium (head), the sacrum (the triangular shaped bone at the end of the spine), the spine and the pelvis, including the fascia and soft tissue of the body.
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balancedhealthcare · 2 years
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Breathing happens whether you think about it or not- so what’s the big deal?
Introducing…the phrenic nerve
The phrenic nerve is a nerve that originates in the neck (C3–C5) and passes down between the lung and heart to reach the diaphragm (Science of Touch, 2019). The nerve controls the contraction of the diaphragm as well as the relaxation.
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balancedhealthcare · 2 years
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Psychology is devoted to understanding how people think, feel, behave and learn
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balancedhealthcare · 2 years
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balancedhealthcare · 3 years
Psychologist Flemington | Balanced Healthcare
Psychology is devoted to understanding how people think, feel, behave and learn.
Psychology is the study of the human mind and its wide-ranging functions and influences. Psychological research allows us to understand human emotion, personality, intelligence, memory, perception, cognition, attention, and motivation, as well as the biological processes that drive these functions and behaviors.
Psychology studies individuals and groups to better understand how people, communities, and societies function and assist in developing ways to help them thrive. CranioSacral Therapy Flemington .
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The goal of psychologist Flemington is not just to study human thinking and behavior, but to help people, communities, and society to solve day-to-day problems and improve their quality of life.
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balancedhealthcare · 3 years
The practice of pediatrics within the Chiropractic Near Me profession is based on the principle that children are unique individuals undergoing the process of human development and not merely ‘little adults’. Care should be provided by practitioners who have extensive hands-on experience and knowledge of how children’s systems differ from adults. All chiropractic practitioners who choose to work with babies and small children should be extensively trained in normal growth and development plus have established expertise in the different pediatric conditions that are commonly present. In this practice, we have Dr. Amanda Boyd and Dr. Emily Siegert.
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A pediatric chiropractor is a clinician capable of delivering gentle chiropractic care to a child, observing at all times the clinical parameters which would require that child to be referred to
other health professionals where necessary.
Dr. Amanda Boyd:
Dr. Amanda Boyd has a special interest in treating infants and children’s musculoskeletal conditions.
She graduated from RMIT University in 2000 and has since completed 3 years of Postgraduate training to receive a Diplomate in Clinical Flemington Chiropractic and Paediatrics (DCCP)
Amanda regularly receives referrals for babies and young children from other health professionals who recognize her training and expertise in the field of chiropractic pediatrics. This includes referrals from pediatricians, medical doctors, maternal health nurses as well as midwives.
Some musculoskeletal conditions treated by chiropractors:
Headaches Migraines Lower back pain Neck Pain Whiplash Piriformis syndrome Sciatica
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