balancegym · 6 years
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Grab a friend and join us Jan 29th. All guests welcome. Special promotions on memberships, free samples and giveaways. Get a FREE MONTH credit (up to $99) when a friend joins before Jan 31st! (at Fairmont Washington, D.C., Georgetown) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs8amUqhMcA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=o1w66nx4rx91
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balancegym · 7 years
Member Spotlight: Ricardo Figueroa
Ricardo Figueroa decided to try CrossFit after a friend challenged him to join, and now he’s one of the most consistent and hard working members day in and day out. In 2017, he completed all of the CrossFit Open workouts Rx’d, and looks forward to getting stronger and leaner in 2018. Read on to learn more about him!
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Name: Ricardo Figueroa
Occupation: Engineer
Balance Location: Thomas Circle
How long have you been CrossFitting? 
I have been on and off for the past 3 years.
Why do you CrossFit?  
After trying many other workouts, Crossfit was the one workout that was fun, think about it, random exercises all put together to make for an awesome full body workout.
What made you decide to try CrossFit? 
A friend challenged me to join and I accepted.
What's your favorite CrossFit workout/movement?  
Definitely Murph is the top.  It has most of the movements I enjoy and you can actually do the workout anywhere without the need of a gym. 
What's been your proudest CrossFit moment so far? 
Performing this years 2017 Crossfit Open workouts Rx.
What are some of your fitness goals? 
Increase my heavy lifting and continue to get leaner.
What do you like most about working out at Balance? 
The community hands down.
What do you like to do outside the gym for fun? 
I play many sports, Tennis, Volleyball and Golf.  Also a foodie!
What’s your favorite quote? 
"Smart has the brains but stupid has the balls", Can't recall who said it but definitely it has been on my mind since I heard the quote.
Tell us something we don't know about you (fun fact): 
I used to DJ back home for parties during my college years
How do you fit working out into your busy schedule? 
I make sure I reserve an hour of my day to workout no matter what I do through my day.  It's a commitment I have made to myself
#BalanceLife is: Life Changing
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balancegym · 7 years
Class Of the Month: YOGA
This month, Yoga is our Class of the Month! This month, we chatted with five of our Balance yoga instructors to learn why they love yoga, what their classes are like, and why you should try them out!
What’s your name, where do you teach yoga, and how long have you been teaching?
SF: Shayna Frankel, Balance Gym Capitol Hill. I’ve been teaching yoga for 4 years.
AH: Alexandria Hall, Balance Gym Thomas Circle and Foggy Bottom. I’ve been teaching yoga for 4 years.
RH: Rebecca Holland, Balance Gym Glover Park. I’ve been teaching yoga for almost 4 years.
AW: Amanda Wilson. I’ve been teaching yoga for three years.
BH: Betsy Huffman, Balance Gym Glover Park. I’ve been teaching yoga since 2005.
Tell us about your background - how did you discover yoga, and why did you decide to start teaching?
SF: I first discovered yoga during a previous career in a very fast paced, stressful setting. After many practices, I realized my true calling was moving away from my current job and towards something more fulfilling. I immediately jumped into teacher training, the practice spoke to me more than anything ever had and I knew that this was the path for me. I started teaching as soon as possible and life has forever changed for the better.
AH: I took yoga in college as an elective and found it exactly what I needed to stay grounded. Then I went to a yoga retreat 5 years later in Costa Rica and realized my purpose in life was to share yoga. I ended up my corporate life cold turkey and here we are. With lots of faith, tears, struggle and joy I’m living my purpose.
RH: I truly discovered yoga at Balance Gym actually, taking Betsy's classes on Tuesday and Wednesday every week. I started to expand and take more teachers at the gym. I eventually pushed myself to do yoga teacher training just to learn more. I had no intention of teaching when I started on the journey; however, it turns out I did enjoy it. When I was offered a class at the gym I jumped at the chance and have been teaching it ever since.
AW: As a lifelong dancer, I have always connected to movement as a way to manage stress and express myself. In college, a friend introduced me to yoga and it soon became a staple of my daily routine. I decided to start teaching yoga to deepen my practice and increase my understanding of yoga philosophy and anatomy.
BH: I was a competitive swimmer throughout my college career and have worked out ever since. I discovered yoga in the late 1990’s as a perfect way for me to maintain strength and length in addition to working out in the gym, and let go of a little bit of my competitive nature to find balance on and off my yoga mat. I learned so much from that early yoga practice that it led me to want to share the benefits of yoga with as many as I could.  
Why do you love yoga?
SF: I love yoga because it is one of the few places in life where theres no competition, no ego, just a chance to search deep inside learn more about the person you are.
RH: I love yoga because it is moving meditation. You can push yourself or you can take it easier on your body. There is no competition to be the best, just do what is best for you. I was doing Crossfit when I started, so it helped me move on off days and feel like I did something, without it having to be all my energy. 
AW: I love yoga because it helps me find peace and balance in a chaotic world. The skills I have learned on my mat, have been immensely transferable to the rest of my life. From the mat, anything is possible.
BH: I love yoga because the work we do on our yoga mats is a perfect metaphor for the work we do in our lives. We put our bodies into difficult and challenging yoga poses and learn to use our breath and our minds to find trust in ourselves and find personal power through them.
Why should people add yoga to their workout routine?
SF: Yoga is an amazing opportunity for the mind to take a break. Constant thoughts and stress puts a lot of pressure on the mind and body, give yourself time to relax, explore and breath.
RH: I added it as a way to de-stress. Sometimes I would do heavy lifting before and consider it my warm down. And sometimes all I did was yoga and learned a new arm balance or better alignment. It is great, because depending on what you want to get out of the class, usually you just need to adjust your mindset and tell yourself "Today I will just breathe" or set a goal and say "today I will try the challenge pose". There are always so many options you can take to challenge yourself or to take an active rest that it was perfect for me, and probably perfect for others as well.
AW: Yoga is a great way to compliment other exercise routines. Many rigorous forms of exercise can be taxing on the body; yoga helps recover and restore the body, specifically by focusing on ligaments and connective tissue. Additionally, breath work is one of the most transferable skills fromyoga to other forms of exercise. For example, many runners find that yoga helps them control their breathing better while running and makes their strides longer.
BH: Power yoga is the perfect companion to a lifting regimen because it offers strength, flexibility, balance and most important, strength in length – holding muscle strength at the fullest extension of movement. In a lifting program, muscles tend to get tight with limited range so a good yoga practice gives them room to find a fluid range of power.
What are your yoga classes at Balance like? Why should people come and try it out?
SF: I teach the Monday night Vinyasa yoga class @ 7:30pm. We work through our practice to link breath and movement and to bridge the gap between the mind and body. My classes are all levels so even if you are a beginner, I welcome you to join us a learn how yoga can positively affect your life.
AH: I teach Soulful Yoga classes. I ask you to open your hearts to change via movement, breathe, Meditation and self awareness.
RH: My classes start out a little slow, but usually I try to have a creative standing sequence in there somewhere. I try to keep it similar enough week to week so everyone can see when their strength or flexibility increases. I cue breath a lot, because I know when I started I held mine a lot, and one of the most important parts of yoga is breathing. I love sequencing, so if students have requests I try to prepare a new sequence to help them open hips or get deeper into the poses they enjoy.
AW: I teach an all levels Vinyasa flow class that emphasizes alignment and breath work. I offer variations of poses so that students can increase or decrease the intensity of their practice. Students can expect to work hard and feel great. 
BH: My classes are a blend of strength, balance, and an aerobic challenge. Oh, and they’re fun too! We have an amazing group of Balance yogis.
What’s your number one tip for someone who’s new to yoga, or someone looking to make their practice more challenging?
SF: I would say, "let it go". Theres no need to compare your ability to others as yoga is not a "one size fits all" type of practice. For someone looking to make the practice more challenging, I offer tons of intermediate and advanced modification options in my classes.
RH: For someone just starting I would say to find a pose that you are comfortable in and pause there whenever you need to. There are no goals. Once you make it to your mat you've done all you need to do. For someone looking to challenge themselves, I would tell them to listen as the teacher cues. You can always go deeper into a pose just by small adjustments. We also love to offer our students options, so you can always let your instructor know what you are working on and we will usually try to incorporate it into the class to give you the opportunity to practice.
AW: Continually pause throughout your class to take internal assessments. I recommend that students check in and ask, "How does my breath feel? How does my body feel? How does practice change the way my breath and body feel?" Periodically checking in with yourself during class allows students to cultivate not only a practice of strength, flexibility, and balance, but also one of awareness.
Anything else you think people should know about yoga?
SF: Yoga is a spiritual journey, in order to get the most out of the practice, approach it with an open mind and an open heart.
AH: Every teacher is different every style is different you will only find the one for you when you start exploring! And when the student is ready, the teacher arrives.
AW: Don't take yourself or the practice too seriously! Don’t be afraid to push your limits and try something new, yoga is all about self exploration.
BH: Check your ego at the door and be willing to experience yoga as a personal journey. Yogis will learn new poses, breathing techniques and their personal power through challenging poses and great work. We might not get into crow post on the first day of practice but yoga is exactly that, practice!
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balancegym · 7 years
Member Spotlight: HEATHER
Heather joined Balance in December 2016, and has since lost more than 90 pounds with the help of our classes and personal training. She recently celebrated her 40th birthday and newfound love of fitness with the ultimate bucket list experience: hiking to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro! Learn how she lost the weight, and how Balance’s GX and personal training programs helped her prepare for the hike.
Name: Heather 
Occupation: Marketing
Balance Location: Thomas Circle
How long have you been coming to Balance? Since December 2016
What made you decide to join Balance? 
It was time to get serious about working out! I had started eating healthier and needed to complete the picture with regular exercise. I belonged to another gym, but never made it because it wasn’t convenient. Balance is super close to work so I can fit gym time into my daily routine. Plus, I prefer classes and Balance offers a wide variety at times that work well for me. Initially my goal was to join just one class per week. Ten months later, I’m here nearly every weekday.
You've lost more than 90 pounds since joining Balance. How did you do it?
Eating well, exercise, and accepting that I’d have to be hungry occasionally to make the desired progress. After the weight started dropping, it motivated me to stick with it. Now I’m working on that last 5 pounds before the truly hard part starts  — maintenance. 
In terms of my day-to-day approach, there are a lot of little steps that add up to my overall program. It’s nothing you haven’t heard before — I track my steps and calorie count in the Fitbit app, focus on more vegetables and fewer carbs to maximize nutrition, take my lunch to work, and plan ahead so that I have healthy options. And, of course, exercise! As I’ve approached my goal, I’ve refined my diet and paid more attention to macros. I’ve also increase the exercise intensity in order to continue making progress.
Because I had such a long way to go when I started, I concentrated on losing just 5 pounds at a time. It was less overwhelming than focusing on the end goal and I got to celebrate the small wins along the way.
How did you feel like Balance's personal training program aided in your weight loss?
After a few months of steady weight loss, I decided to try personal training. I had been coming to the gym for a few months and felt that I was ready to take things up a notch and needed some guidance. Plus, I hadn’t been doing any strength training and needed to add that component to my regular routine. I knew that a personal trainer could help establish a program that was appropriate for my ability level while pushing me to improve. In the training sessions, we focused on strength training with short stints of cardio. Jermaine sent me the routines we completed so that I could do them on my own between personal training sessions.
Personal training helped me form the habit of regular gym sessions. On training nights, Jermaine was waiting, so I had to go even when I really wanted to head home and relax. He also held me accountable for exercising between training sessions.
What was the hardest thing about changing your lifestyle and losing weight? What was the best part of the process?
Hardest thing: Not only is it a long-term commitment, it’s not a comfortable process. Planning is a huge time commitment and getting healthy had to take priority over some other things. I had to accept that it wouldn’t be easy and stay committed when it got uncomfortable.
Best part: I’m so much more confident now. Not only do I feel great and energetic, but facing this challenge has increased my confidence in everything I do.
You recently hiked Mount Kilimanjaro. What made you decide to do that? How did you prepare for the hike?
I’ve wanted to reach the top of Mount Kilimanjaro since my 20’s. At the time, I was fit enough, but it seemed out of reach for a variety of other reasons. When I turned 40 last year, I wrote out my official bucket list which included this long-time aspiration. I just couldn’t let it go! Since then, I’ve been checking off bucket list items and setting my sights on Kili seemed like a great next step in my weight loss and fitness journey. To prepare for the hike, I upped the number of days I visited the gym, spent more time hiking challenging trails, and started running bleachers at a local high school on the weekends to simulate the steep climb. At the peak of training, I did 200-300 floors per session. I spent a lot of time on those bleachers! Having the upcoming trip really helped me stay focused on being active and gave me the motivation I needed to make a real effort in training sessions instead of dialing it in. Getting to the top gave me such a huge sense of accomplishment.
Do you have any gym must-haves (can be gear, music, post-workout snacks, etc.)?
Music and group exercise classes. During classes at Balance, I’ve picked up a ton of songs that I’ve added to my personal workout playlist. I couldn’t have gotten through those bleacher sessions without my headphones and workout playlist.
How do you fit working out into your busy schedule?
I visit the gym just before or after work. Adjusting my commute time from Tyson’s Corner has improved my commute and given me time to fit in group exercise classes.
What do you like most about Balance? How has Balance helped you achieve your goals?
The people and the group exercise classes are what I like best about Balance. Everyone at Balance is so encouraging and supportive. Michael’s Thursday night endurance spin class in particular has helped me improve and played a key role in preparing for Kilimanjaro. It’s a challenging class and I’ve been able to see tangible progress since starting the class in February. Now I even hear Michael’s voice in my head when I’m trying to convince myself to run one more lap around the track. I’ve also felt a real difference in my hiking abilities after starting a consistent yoga practice. One day on a hike, I suddenly realized how much easier it had gotten to scramble over big rocks.
#BalanceLife is: empowering.
Anything else you'd like to add?
Feeling stronger, not just lighter, has been really satisfying. And it’s exponential! The better I feel, the more motivated I am to get even stronger.
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balancegym · 7 years
Trainer Spotlight: Gabe Free
Gabe Free has been with Balance since 2015, and was recently promoted to Director of Personal Training at Balance Gym Capitol Hill! He first got into lifting to become a better athlete for rugby, football, and lacrosse, and now trains clients and teaches our Bells and Brawn class at Balance. Read on to learn what he loves about Balance, his favorite types of workouts, his go-to pre-workout meal, and why everyone can use a personal trainer!
Name: Gabriel Free
Occupation: Director of Personal Training at Cap Hill
Hometown: Capitol Hill, Washington DC 
At Balance Since: 2015 
Tell us a little about yourself, your background, and your fitness background?
My dad got me lifting in high school because I wanted to be a better athlete for rugby, football and lacrosse. I saw immediate progress and significant changes in my body and ability on the field. It made me feel like a winner every day. I became obsessed and knew I wanted to pursue this as a career to help other people reach their athletic potential and be winners themselves. 
How did you get started with fitness training/teaching?
In high school I actually helped coach other teammates who came into the weight room and asked me for help, as we did not have a strength coach. Officially, I started teaching some outdoor bootcamps during my summer breaks in college right in Stanton Park. 
What do you think are the most beneficial things about personal training, and how can people benefit from Balance's personal training program?
Always having someone to push you and guide you is key. Even trainers have trainers. It's really easy to fall into patterns and do the same lifts, same routine, same runs, every day. The key to growth and development is variety and getting better at your worst attributes. A good trainer should always help attack weaknesses in a client. Balance personal training is great because of the equipment variety at each gym. We trainers love our toys and Balance has the most! 
What are your favorite types of workouts - either to do by yourself or to work on with clients?
My favorite workouts are simple, use compound movements, are low volume and heavy. I love to finish with some high intensity strongman cardio as well. Example workout:A - Power cleans: 5 x 3 B - Back squat 5 x 5 C1 - DB Bench press 5 x 5 C2 - Walking lunges 5 x 5 D - Sled drags and pushes and bear crawls until I hate myself  Recover - Lots of protein and 8 hours of sleep - BOOM.
What are some of your gym must-haves?
My gym must haves are barbells, bumper plates and a squat rack on an 8x8 platform. With the right guidance, anyone can do just about anything with that. Foam rollers and lacrosse balls are a must for recovery. 
What’s your favorite healthy meal or snack to cook at home or eat on the go?
I live by my pre-workout oatmeal with a big scoop of peanut butter and lots of fruit. Sticks to your ribs and wont slow you down. Post workout I go for 25g of lean protein with as many colorful vegetables as possible. Eat a rainbow! Vegetable/fruit color variety will help with your micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). Your pre and post workout meals are the most important of the day because your brain is most vulnerable to adaptation; never skip these. 
How do you suggest people fit working out into their busy schedules?
It doesn't take more than 20 minutes. Shoot, you can do 5 minutes of burpees/squats/sprints straight and be FRIED if you push yourself. I encourage people to be ready at all times because you never know when you will have spare time. Eliminate excuses. No one has time, everybody makes time. Bring sneakers and some compression gear with you at all times. People will think it's weird until you're jacked and they aren't.
What advice do you have for someone who’s new to working out?
I encourage new people not to fear judgement. Everyone started where you were. Some people will start even worse than you. The worst thing you can do is nothing. Take classes even if they intimidate you, seek out a trainer or friend who's in good shape and can workout WITH you.
What are your favorite things about Balance?
I love the culture of Balance. We don't have an elitist vibe like many gyms in the area, which cause the judgement that keeps people from growing. At Balance it's not about how expensive your exercise clothes are, how much you lift, or how many likes your selfie got - it's simply about getting better.
Complete this sentence: #Balancelife is: all sport, all people, all life, all winning 
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balancegym · 7 years
Class Spotlight: POUND
This month, our Class of The Month is POUND! We sat down with Katja and Chandra, two of our POUND instructors at Balance Gym Foggy Bottom, to learn more about the class, why they love it, and their tips for anyone interested in checking it out!
POUND is a full-body cardio jam session, combining light resistance with constant simulated drumming. The workout fuses cardio, Pilates, isometric movements, and plyometrics into a 45-minute series. You’ll drum your way to a leaner, slimmer physique – all while rocking out to your favorite music!
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Why do you love POUND?
Katja: POUND is unlike any other workout I have ever done. It is a cardio-centric, full body workout, but since it is set to fun music, you get distracted by how fun the class is before you realize how much effort you have actually put into it. Before you know it, 45 minutes have flown by and you’ve had an amazing workout!
Chandra: There are so many amazing things about POUND. There's an awesome playlist with music that will move you and make you smile. There's the cathartic element of hitting things on the ground! I think my favorite thing about POUND is what a supportive fitness program it is. It encourages everyone to find their inner strength and inner rockstar. And it really is for any one and any body.
Why should other people try POUND?
Katja: If you’re looking for a new challenge and a new way to get your cardio in other than on a machine and also enjoy fun, upbeat music, you should definitely give POUND a try. 
Chandra: It's different! It isn't like anything you've ever tried before. It's like a rock concert where you're the star! It's also so fun and challenging all at the same time.
What’s your number one tip for someone who wants to try POUND for the first time, or someone who wants to make the class more challenging?
Katja: My number one tip is to always give the class 3-5 tries if you really like it, even if you feel like you’re not following it as well as you should. Since POUND is such a different style of class, a lot of people get discouraged because they think it’s too fast or they can’t keep the beat with their sticks. It takes a few classes for anyone to really get the hang of the rhythm and patterns that the class entails, so I always tell them that if they had fun and enjoyed the workout, but felt like a “fish out of water” at times, just give it time and they will be feeling more and more comfortable and confident with each class. My number two tip is to just have fun with it! And if someone is looking to make it more challenging, they can always go deeper into their squats (since we do a million during a typical class) or they can add jumps after their squats and go deeper into their lunges. 
Chandra:  Remember that everyone else in the class has been in your shoes before. They've each been new to the class. They've all made it through and have decided to come back! Don't worry about messing up, because there are no mistakes - only drum solos.
Anything else people should know about POUND?
Katja: Just to reiterate, it takes time to feel comfortable with the style of the class. It’s a very cathartic class where you can release a ton of stress by hitting your sticks on the ground. So many people comment after class how it was such a great end to their stressful work day. It also burns TONS of calories and works the entire body so you’re building lots of full-body strength in POUND.
Chandra:  This class isn't about being perfect. It's about having fun, letting go, and getting a little bit stronger - a little bit better each time you come.
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balancegym · 7 years
Just For Kids at Balance Gym - Fall 2017 Youth Programs
Balance Gym is partnering with Just For Kids DC for our youth programs this fall. Just For Kids DC encourages children to stay active and healthy through exercise and classes that foster growth, increase skill development, and build team sportsmanship. Peak Performance Teens and Junior Fit Kids programs will be running out of Balance Gym Glover Park this fall.
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About Peak Performance Teens and Junior Fit Kids:
These programs utilize constantly varied functional movements, which are fundamental to all things kids need to do when they play and compete in sports - pull, push, run, throw, climb, lift, and jump. Classes cover a wide range of movements, are scalable for participants at every level of fitness, and most importantly, are fun! No two classes are the same so kids and teens never get bored and the novelty of each session keeps them engaged and challenged.
Peak Performance Teens (12-18)
Mondays - October 16th 4:45pm-5:30pm :: $200 (10 week session)
Wednesdays - October 18th 4:45pm-5:30pm :: $200 (10 week session)
Sundays - October 22nd 12pm-1pm :: $200 (10 week session)
Junior Fit Kids (7-12)
Sundays - October 22nd 1pm-2pm :: $200 (10 week session)
Register online at http://www.justforkidsdc.com/fall-2017-classes/, and contact Andrew Shniderman with any questions.
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balancegym · 7 years
Class Of The Month: BALANCE STRONG
This month, our Class of the Month is Balance Strong! We sat down with Devin Maier, Balance Gym Managing Director and creator of the class, to tell us more about Balance Strong and why you should check it out!
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What is Balance Strong?  
Balance Strong is a roof top class at our Thomas Circle gym that takes cues mainly from Strong Man style training. Think amazing feats of  (relative) strength while working on your tan and having a beer after with friends.  
Why did you decide to create the class?  
I was looking for a good excuse to utilize our amazing roof top space as well as all of the great toys in the gym that all members may not always have access to like D-Balls, Slosh Pipes and Yokes.
What is the format of the class?  
Class starts at noon with a 30 min period of dragging up the equipment for the day. So the real class is actually at 12:30 and starts with some mobility work and introductions. From there we do some skill work before breaking out the toys and playing.  
How is Balance Strong different from other strength-based classes at Balance, such as bootcamp or Balance body?  
Just being outside in the sun can feel like cardiovascular exercise for some so we avoid a lot of the conditioning work that you'd expect to see in a Balance Body or Bootcamp class. If it were a meal it would be all meat and no sides. This can be attractive to many of our members that typically train on the second floor and avoid classes. With that being said we do move heavy things fast so plan to break a sweat and bust your butt.  
Do people need to have any lifting/strength experience to take the class, or is it open to all levels? How is the class modified for people who are new to lifting?  
Strength is relative so all levels are welcome and it's awesome to see the encouraging environment this class fosters between the participants.  My favorite thing to see is when a newcomer learns how to move something heavy properly and shocks themselves on how capable and strong they actually are. 
Will Balance Strong be moving indoors once it starts getting cooler out
The plan is to take a break once the weather doesn't allow us to work on our tans.  Half of the fun is to be outside so this class is destined to be seasonal.
What are some of the benefits of Balance Strong (or of lifting heavy things/learning how to do this properly), and why should people try it? 
While I could name hundreds of benefits the one that comes to mind first is caring as many groceries as possible from the store and looking cool doing it.
Anything else you want to add?  
Don't hesitate to come if you doubt your strength because everyone has potential to get stronger and be a more capable human. That and it's BYOB and I like sour beers.
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balancegym · 7 years
Member Spotlight: Brad Reichard
Brad Reichard first joined Balance in 2009, where he took our Bootcamp classes in Kalorama. Now, he takes advantage of our CrossFit programs at three different locations, and describes Balance as “an integral part of his day.” Learn why he loves Balance, how he fits workouts into his schedule, and his trick for making Bulletproof coffee!
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Name: Brad Reichard
Occupation: Marketing Communications Consultant
Which Balance location do you belong to?
I have the passport membership, so I like to take advantage of all of the unique things happening at each location. I can’t start my day without the 7:15 am CrossFit class at Foggy Bottom. I also like the 11 am yoga class on Sundays. I also only live a block from Thomas Circle, so I get there for some of the holiday workouts and other classes, and I also love doing outdoor CrossFit workouts at Glover Park.
I also only live one block from Thomas Circle, so I get over there for some holiday workouts and other classes. who doesn’t love running the hills at Glover Park for outdoor Crossfit workouts…
How long have you been a member?
I joined in June 2009, when Balance was operating out of a Catholic Church in Kalorama. We did these boot camp runs out to Dumbarton down behind the Italian Embassy where we ran hills and did crazy things. We had a blast.
How often do you come to the gym?
Every day I can – usually six days a week.
Why did you decide to join Balance? What do you like most about the gym?
Businesses talk about brands and culture all the time, but too often they never get where they want to go. Balance is exceptional because its culture, people and members are all a part of the community that lives up to the its brand promise.  
What kinds of workouts do you like to do? Do you mostly take classes, do personal training, or work out on your own?
CrossFit is definitely my go-to Balance activity. I love the camaraderie – everyone is super friendly and we’ve become friends – and I think the coaching is super. For me, it’s about being mindful about how I move, and when I have good form, I do more. The coaches are what get me to the next level every time.  I also love the yoga classes at Foggy Bottom - and the pool!
Do you have any gym must-haves (snacks, gear, etc.)?
I’m obsessed with Laird Superfood is completely indispensable for me right now - it’s an amazing coffee creamer that combines oils and fats with delicious natural flavors that takes the hassle and time out of making bulletproof coffee. I add it to my coffee every morning, hop on my bike, and hit the gym. I totally recommend it to everyone!
How do you fit working out into your busy schedule?
I wake up every morning and I hit the gym – I make it the way I start my day.
What do you like to do outside the gym for fun?
Travel, hike, eat, and be with my friends.
What are your favorite things about Balance?
The culture is great, and the diversity of the people who go and find ways to lend others at different levels a hand is phenomenal.
How has Balance Gym helped you achieve your goals?
Balance Gym has pushed me in ways that I never thought would be possible, and it’s created new horizons and goals I didn’t imagine before. The gym is an integral part of my daily life.
Complete this sentence:
#BalanceLife is how I get to do the things I’ve dreamed of doing and live the life I’ve dreamed of living.
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balancegym · 7 years
Member Spotlight - LIZ VEHMEYER
Name: Liz Vehmeyer
Occupation: Archeologist and Program Coordinator, National Park Service (#FindYourPark)
Balance Location: Thomas Circle
How long have you been CrossFitting? 2.5 years
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Why do you CrossFit? 
To challenge myself and do things I never thought I'd be able to do; to see measurable progress; to workout in a group setting where others actually care about your improvement and successes. 
Why should other people try CrossFit? 
Others should try it if they are looking for a motivating fitness community. Trying CrossFit was intimidating, not going to lie, but know that Balance sets you up with Foundations and an automatic support. Plus, it’s important to keep in mind that everyone started at square one with CrossFit at some point.
What made you decide to try CrossFit? 
It was a combination of friends talking it up, husband being inspired after watching the 2014 CrossFit Games, and feeling like I was in a rut with my fitness. Before starting CrossFit I was mostly running, doing some team rec sports, and light weightlifting - emphasis on the light. I think there was a Groupon in there somewhere, too. 
What's your favorite CrossFit workout/movement? 
Deadlifts are my jam. Also, while most Hero workouts make you question why you voluntarily pay money for this, I appreciate their inclusion into Crossfit and what they represent in the larger scheme of life. 
What's your least favorite? 
Burpee box jumpovers can go away right now. 
What's been your proudest CrossFit moment so far? 
Finally getting double unders this past winter and then completing 4/5 of the 2017 Open workouts Rx'd. Measurable progress!
What are some of your fitness goals? 
I want to continue to feel strong in my body, better my mental game of CrossFit (less self doubt), and hit a 95lb snatch. 
What do you like most about working out at Balance? 
The people, location, and Coach Anthony's playlists.
What do you like to do outside the gym for fun? 
Play trivia, dance, go on adventures with my husband and chocolate lab, cook, visit historic sites, museums and parks, play lacrosse, catch up on reality TV.
Favorite quote? 
"I want bacon...bacon is good for me!" - Curtis, 7 year old from Wife Swap
Tell us something we don't know about you (fun fact): 
One time, as a side job, I translated a book about bonsai trees from French into English. I never told the French author that I once killed a bonsai tree when I was 19.
How do you fit working out into your busy schedule? 
I prioritize working out as the most effective way for me to relieve stress and relax after work.
Complete this sentence: #BalanceLife is: sweat, blood, and cheers.
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balancegym · 7 years
Registration Open for Bluemont EOD Warrior Foundation 5K and 10K Races
Balance Gym is proud to sponsor the Bluemont EOD Warrior Foundation 5K and 10K Race on September 17, 2017. 
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“Trusts and Estates Attorney Kerri Castellini, a Washington D.C. based lawyer, who also practices in both Maryland and Virginia is sponsoring the Arlington, VA Bluemont EOD Warrior Foundation 5K & 10K race and is encouraging members of the community to participate. The EOD Warrior Foundation serves the military community by providing financial support to veteran and active-duty wounded, injured, ill and fallen EOD warriors by maintaining their memorial. This is a perfect opportunity for community members to come together and run for a deserving cause on September 17th at the Washington & Old Dominion Trail. The 10K race starts at 8:45 am and 5K begins at 10 am, taking place until 11 am. Additional Perks include T-shirts given to participants arriving around 45 minutes before the race to get registered for the event. Make sure to stop by our booth for a chance to grab well-earned swag bags after enduring a long run in the park! For more information on the race and to register, visit our website here.”
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balancegym · 7 years
Balance Burn Member Spotlight: Cam Mackey
Cam Mackey joined Balance Gym in 2013 after losing 120 pounds on his own (read his original member spotlight here!), and had been focusing on lifting and mobility when his trainer, Shawn Morris, told him about Balance Burn - Balance’s Megaformer program. Cam has been doing Burn since the very beginning - he even came to the first demo class! - and now he takes Burn classes three times a week in addition to lifting/training twice a week. Read on to find out why he loves Balance Burn so much, how it’s helped him become a better, stronger lifter - and why being the only guy in the class is NBD.
Name: Cam Mackey
Occupation: SVP of Operations for a nonprofit
Balance Location: Glover Park
How long have you been coming to Balance? How long have you been doing Balance Burn?
I've been coming to Balance for 4 years now, and doing Burn since it started at the beginning of 2016. I was there for the first demo class, in fact!
What kinds of workouts were you doing before Balance Burn? What made you decide to try out the class?
Before Burn, my go-to workouts were lifting and training. My trainer (Shawn Morris) told me about Burn, and since he's pretty much the most amazing person on earth, I jumped at the chance to try something new.   
How often do you take Balance Burn classes? Do you take other classes outside of Balance Burn, or is that your primary workout?
I do Burn 3 days per week, and then do weight training 2-3 days per week. I've found Burn and weight training are very complementary. Thanks to Burn, my squats are deeper, my lower back doesn't hurt anymore, and I can do a plank to pike without wanting to die.
Why did you decide to participate in the Balance Burn Spring Challenge? What kinds of results did you see during the Challenge?
I'm competitive, and really liked the idea of pushing myself.
What were your favorite parts about the Challenge? What were the most challenging?
While I was really pleased with my results (fat loss, increased flexibility, etc.), my favorite part of the challenge was the camaraderie. I enjoyed meeting some great fellow Burn-ers, who've actually turned into great friends.
What is your favorite thing about Balance Burn? Why should other people try it out?
My favorite things about Burn are actually my favorite things about Balance. The workouts are great, and so are the people (both the members and the coaches). Because the Balance Burn community is so strong, it really helps with accountability and sticking to a program. When I know my friends are taking class at 6 am and expect me to show up, there's no way I'm going to miss it.
Shawn's done a fantastic job building a great team of Burn coaches, like Baihly, Kathryn, Micha, Stephanie, and Cassia. I've been to several Megaformer studios around the country, and without a doubt Balance has the best coaches. Their programming is top notch, they make the workout fun, and best of all, every day they help us become better versions of ourselves.   
Specifically, what would you tell other men who were thinking about trying Balance Burn?
Yeah, sure there are some classes where I'm the only guy. But so what? It's a dynamite workout, the coaches are outstanding, and it feels great knowing I'm getting stronger and more flexible than other guys who only lift.
Do you have any gym must-haves (can be gear, music, post-workout snacks, etc.)?
Balance Burn makes me sweat like nobody’s business, so a water bottle is a must!
How do you fit working out into your busy schedule?
We all have the time to work out. It's just a question of how important it is to us. It's part of who I am, so I make the time for it. It's that simple.
Complete this sentence: #BalanceLife is: a better me.
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balancegym · 7 years
Member Spotlight: Chi Anh Do
Chi Anh Do discovered Balance Burn on ClassPass, and has since joined Balance Gym in order to make Balance Burn her primary workout! She recently completed the Balance Burn Spring Challenge, and loved getting focus on the megaformer workouts while also honing in on her diet. Read on to learn why she loves the class and how she fits working out into her busy schedule!
Name: Chi Anh Do
Occupation: IT Auditor at PwC
Balance Location: Glover Park
How long have you been coming to Balance? How long have you been doing Balance Burn?
I officially became a Balance member in March 2017 after trying a few Balance Burn classes through ClassPass.
What kinds of workouts were you doing before Balance Burn? What made you decide to try out the class?
Before Balance Burn, my workouts primarily included barre and yoga+weights classes. However, I was plateauing during class, no longer waking up sore, and needed to take things to the next level. My first megaformer class completely gave me life, and I was hooked!
How often do you take Balance Burn classes? Do you take other classes outside of Balance Burn, or is that your primary workout?
I aim for 4-5 Balance Burn classes a week. Outside of Balance Burn, I'll dabble with other fitness classes throughout the DMV area.
Why did you decide to participate in the Balance Burn Spring Challenge? What kinds of results did you see during the Challenge?
While I maintain a pretty active lifestyle, I struggle with a well-balanced diet. I may skip meals during busy work days, and overindulge during the evenings/weekend. So I wanted to train myself to better manage what I eat. As a result of the Spring Challenge, I could tell I was becoming stronger and more conscious of what/when I ate. I also lost a few pounds and some body fat, which was a great plus!
What were your favorite parts about the Challenge? What were the most challenging?
My favorite part of the challenge was working with our nutrition coach, Jason. Jason was so knowledgeable and provided great insight on a variety of topics throughout the 8 weeks (even gave me nutritional advice for better skin!). He broke everything down so well, and really kept us engaged. I also loved how he was very candid about his own fitness journey, and it was comforting to know he's truly been in our shoes and has made tremendous progress. Jason was awesome about setting everyone up with a successful meal plan and the foundations for changing your lifestyle. The hardest part of the challenge was definitely sticking to the nutrition plan and tracking everything you ate, but I quickly learned that discipline and willpower are the only way to results. 
What is your favorite thing about Balance Burn? Why should other people try it out?
What I love about Balance Burn is that EVERY class is different, and I feel like I'm doing a new move on the Megaformer every other class. There's no script or set sequence instructors use, but you know every class will be hard no matter who the instructor is / what the routine is. Plus, the instructors are amazing and make the classes fly by!
Do you have any gym must-haves (can be gear, music, post-workout snacks, etc.)?
Love my pre-workout snack bars.
How do you fit working out into your busy schedule?
Before leaving work, I draft up a to-do list for the following day. If it turns out that it's going to be one of those crazy days, I plan (or at least try!) to go to bed early that night so I can wake up at zero dark thirty and start crushing the work day. That way, I can get what I need to get done and leave guilt-free for my classes. On weekends, I work out first thing in the mornings so that there's no conflicting priorities or excuses to put it off.
What do you like most about Balance? How has Balance helped you achieve your goals?
I love the people at Balance. I receive the warmest welcomes every time I walk through the doors, the motivation from the coaches is incredible, and all the members are so friendly!
#BalanceLife is empowering!
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balancegym · 7 years
Team CrossFit Balance Competes in the CrossFit Games
Congratulations to Team CrossFit Balance placed 29th in the Team Competition of the CrossFit Games, which were held from August 3-6 at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, WI. We’re so proud of the team and all that they’ve accomplished over the last year, and we’re already looking forward to seeing what they do next!
“All of these guys, put in so much work over the past year to compete at this level,” said Danielle Dionne, Managing Director of CrossFit Balance and coach of the CrossFit Balance team. “A lot of people aspire to be here and don't realize the sort of discipline and commitment it takes, including nights focusing on sleep rather than meeting up on a Friday or Saturday night with friends, early mornings at the gym on the weekends at 7 am and then starting up that same day at 12 pm, working with each other's schedules to meet up even it's not an ideal time, and putting in the individual grunt work in between...I couldn't be happier with the effort that went into getting to the Games, the fortitude they all showed over the past week, and what they all accomplished this season!”
Day 1: Run-Swim-Run Event (photo by CrossFit Games)
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Evan Locke and Jon Wier take off for the Run-Swim-Run event (1.5 mile run, 500 meter swim in Lake Monona, 1.5 mile run)
Day 2: Clean and Jerk (photo by CrossFit Games)
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Christy Phillips Adkins prepares for the 1-rep max clean and jerk event, where she set a new personal record of 217 pounds.
Day 2: Obstacle Course Event (photo by Devin Maier)
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The ladies of Team CrossFit Balance prepare for the obstacle course event.
Day 3: Worm Rotation Event (photo by Patrick Kelly)
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The CrossFit Balance team prepares for cleans with “The Worm.”
Day 4: Burpee Litter Event (photos by Devin Maier)
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Rachel Weiss, Emily Newton, and Christy Phillips Adkins during the Burpee Litter Event.
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Jon Wier, Evan Locke, and Craig Williams during the Burpee Litter event.
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balancegym · 7 years
Meet the Balance Gym Bike to the Beach Team: DEVIN MAIER
This weekend, several Balance members will be participating in the Bike to the Beach 100-mile bike ride, from Washington, DC to Dewey Beach, DE, and raising money for Autism Speaks. Today, we’re highlighting team member Devin Maier, Balance Gym’s Managing Director, who will be riding in his ninth Bike to the Beach this weekend!
You can support the Balance Gym Bike to the Beach team by donating here, and you can donate to Devin’s ride here.
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Name: Devin Maier
How many years have you participated in Bike to the Beach?
This will be my ninth year.
What made you decide to participate? 
I was looking for a challenge and I love the beach so I figured that would be the perfect "carrot on a stick" for me.  
What has your training looked like so far?  
Not where I need to be, but I've done so many at this point I can hopefully wing it at this point.  
What has been the best part of training so far? The most challenging?  
I biked to Baltimore a few weeks ago to visit my baby niece. That was cool. Finding time for long rides in general has been the most challenging.
How has Balance Gym helped with your training and helped you achieve your goals?  
I'm taking a Balance Ride class tonight!
What are you most looking forward to about the event?  
Reaching my fundraising goal, the finish line and celebrating on the water all weekend.
How do you fit training into your busy schedule?  
I bike to work whenever possible, and try to plan out longer rides on the weekend.
What are your "must-haves" for a long bike ride (can be music, gear, snacks, etc.)? 
No headphones are allowed due to safety precautions but in general water and sunscreen and snacks is all I need for a 100 miler
Why do you Bike to the Beach?  
Because it's one the the best weekends of my year.
Complete the following sentence: #BalanceLife is: having fun.
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balancegym · 7 years
Meet the Balance Bike to the Beach Team: CASSIA DENTON
This weekend, several Balance members will be participating in the Bike to the Beach 100-mile bike ride, from Washington, DC to Dewey Beach, DE, and raising money for Autism Speaks. Today, we’re highlighting team member Cassia Denton, Balance’s Director of Human Resources and Operations Oversight, who will be riding in her second Bike to the Beach this weekend!
You can support the Balance Gym Bike to the Beach team by donating here, and you can donate to Cassia’s ride here.
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Name: Cassia Denton
How many years have you participated in Bike to the Beach? 
This is my second year.
What made you decide to participate? 
I have always been afraid of biking, but Devin and Robbie were huge mentors in helping me conquer my fears and push myself. They really changed the way I think about biking, and now it is one of my favourite things to do!
What has your training looked like so far? 
Ever since I participated in my first B2TB, I have used a bike to commute to work (in all weather!). As soon as the weather turned warm, I started adding miles to that commute as well as a few big rides on the weekend.
What has been the best part of training so far? The most challenging? 
Realizing how much better I am this year has been a really gratifying experience, but now it is tough to get outside my comfort zone with speed. Last year I was so concerned with just getting through the ride, but now I want to get there in a good time.
How has Balance Gym helped with your training and helped you achieve your goals? 
Balance lives by the motto Train for Sport, Train for Life, and all of the training I have ever done is really functional and meant to translate to my outside activities. Whether it is pulling a sled or burning it up on our Megaformers, Balance training gives me the foundation to be a stronger, faster, healthier rider.
What are you most looking forward to about the event? 
The elation of the ride! Everyone on this ride is so friendly and the atmosphere of the ride is welcoming and fun.
How do you fit training into your busy schedule? 
A little bit every day goes a long way, just like any other fitness :)
What are your "must-haves" for a long bike ride (can be music, gear, snacks, etc.)? 
A really jamming Spotify playlist, some thick sunscreen, and a pair of solid padded gloves. Gloves can make the difference between a great ride and miserable slog.
Why do you Bike to the Beach? 
I bike to be a part of something greater, and to celebrate the way movement can bring people together to make a difference.
Complete the following sentence: #BalanceLife is: Living better!
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balancegym · 7 years
Partnership with Territory Foods Helps Members Meet Their Nutritional Goals
We’re thrilled to partner with Territory Foods, a company that provides healthy, balanced meals to help athletes meet their nutritional goals. We sat down with co-founder Robert Morton to learn more about Territory Foods and how their services can help you become a stronger, healthier athlete.
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What is your role at Territory Foods?
As one of the co-founders I’ve worn plenty a hat over the years but the most consistent threads have been leading the marketing and building lots of relationships (including our first meet with Devin, then Danielle, at Thomas Circle way back in 2012!) with great folks in the local fitness and nutrition community.
For those who haven't heard of it, what is Territory Foods? How did the company get started?  
We’re all about fueling up active people so they can go off and do what they love doing. We do that with prepared meals in weekly plans (ordered online in advance, crafted by a network of talented local chefs and delivered to your gym) that both support your nutrition goals and that you’ll love eating.  
That’s often a hard combo for people to nail consistently on their own. So we’ve found we can really help folks with a service that makes it easy to integrate unquestionably healthy eating into a super busy life AND have a good time for your tastebuds in the process.
That’s the two-step that sparked the creation of the company. Patrick had found the magic of working out differently and eating better. He was seeing great results in the gym, waistline, etc.  But he hit a sustainability wall on the eating front where he got super sick of, and ran out of time for, cooking meals for himself that met his health goals and actually tasted good. Beyond his own cooking, he couldn’t find other options that fit his newly intentional dietary needs. Restaurant delivery services often didn’t hit the health goal and were a pain to do with any consistency, and meal plan-oriented services either failed on taste, on actually being healthy, or both.  So Territory was born.
Territory Foods started out as Power Supply. Why did you decide to re-brand the company? Has anything else changed since the re-brand?
We wanted the flag we carry to speak more clearly about the main thing we’re ultimately trying to help people do… get their well-being dialed in so they can go off and do all sorts of awesome stuff in their life, whatever that stuff is.
Territory, and this notion that we all have interesting ground to go explore that’s pretty unique to each of us, felt really good.  And the idea that we can be useful to people down that kind of path is super motivating for our gang.    
Yeah, lots of improvements came along with the rebrand. Few that I like the most… more sustainable order packaging that folks have really dug (and taken lots of photos of), photos of meals, and ways to personalize the menu to a broader set of nutritional approaches from Paleo, to low carb, Whole 30, tuning for macros, etc.
How is Territory Foods different from other meal delivery services?
Most food companies are created to solve for “I’m hungry, feed me now/cook for me tonight”. Territory was started to solve a fundamentally different problem: “How do I consistently eat food that I trust is really healthy and meets my nutrition goals...AND not hate it?”  A problem that also requires a different approach to great tasting food.
Why? Customers rely on us for multiple meals a week so variety becomes super important - even if you ate at your favorite restaurant multiple times a week, you’d go crazy.
Thus instead of stamping out meals from a big central kitchen somewhere, we work with more than 10 independent, local chefs (caterers, restaurants, food truck operators, and more) who work out of their professional kitchens to craft meals that not only fit the nutritional approaches our customers care about but that also taste awesome.  So customers get access to the diverse styles of multiple professional chefs interpreting healthy food each week, all in a single order they can manage and personalize online.
How does ordering work? (How do you place an order, how much does it cost, how often can you pick up your food, what if you need to skip a week, etc.)
Super simple.  Order online at territoryfoods.com by Thursday midnight, pickup your meals the following Monday and/or Thursday from the Territory fridge at Balance Gyms.  
You can order breakfasts, lunches, dinners… in plans from 3 all the way to 15 meals per week. Meals run from just under $10 bucks to $16 per meal depending on size (small all the way up to xl).  
Most of our customers choose recurring plans for the easy-factor.  I.e. you can set your order once and meals will roll your way automatically each week, whether you let us do the choosing for you, or opt to customize what you get some weeks. All without any commitments/contracts. And you can pause anytime if you’re going to be out of town, etc.  
I was looking through Territory's website and wanted to see if you could comment about the local aspect of Territory Foods, particularly regarding sourcing and giving back to the community?
The local piece has been super important to us from the first delivery in Alexandria way back when.  
Local chefs first of all. We love working with local professional chefs to craft the food.  These are folks who are building great businesses and hiring people right here in the region.  Like Chef Anna from DC Empanadas who has food trucks, a presence at Union Market and a new restaurant.  
And local non-profits too.  From the very beginning we’ve always loved this idea that together with customers we could support the work of non-profits doing great work in the region.  Thus our Giveback program, which allocates a portion of proceeds to fund non-profit programs like our longest standing collaboration… Arcadia’s Mobile Farmers Market which brings high quality food to underserved communities around the region.
Why is Territory Foods' service important for athletes doing CrossFit, yoga, or any other athletic endeavor?
We’ve built the company ground up to serve people who want to eat better and move more.. because we’ve personally seen how great the results can be when people get eating and moving dialed in together… and stay with it.  
That’s really the big piece, and what we talk about with people a lot… staying with it.  It’s comparatively easy to try something new to fuel your movement and life better.  But sustaining healthier eating is hard.  If you can find the right mix though, and keep with it, the results can be so incredible from body, to mind, spirit, you name it.
So we’d say any resources (our service, diy resources, restaurants, grocery spots, etc.) that can help you put together a sustainable healthy eating mix (and make your mouth happy too) is a good thing.  
How can Territory Foods help Balance athletes achieve their goals?
Make it easier to achieve your nutritional goals and have a good time for your taste buds doing it.  
If you haven’t yet tried us, go to www.territoryfoods.com/yum/BALANCELIFE for $25 off your first purchase. 
Anything else you'd like to add?
If being a Devin Maier fanboy is wrong I don’t want to be right.  
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