{ ♔ } As the blond was just staring at him Kouha thought that he already figured out and was about to freak out. Carefully Kouha took a step back. With a very soft voice he spoke though. It could be that the guy is truly not feeling well right? Why does this all has to go wrong on his first day with his first customer?
‘’A-are you not feeling well…?’’ 
And another step was taken back. Slowly he hides his face a bit behind the serving tray. As the guy finally speak his eyes widen a bit but that’s it. He couldn’t sigh because that might be suspicious.
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‘’Thank you very much master, I’ll bring your coffee as soon as possible~’’ 
Well at least everything seemed to be okay. So Kouha quickly left to have the maid behind the bar make a coffee for his customer. But was he truly cute? Damn… This would basically ruin his whole feelings . Yet it is probably for the better. If this university student falls for it everyone would and he would be able to keep this job. Only for hopefully a short time. He was forced in this by his older brother for some unknown reason. 
Once the coffee was finished he puts it on the tray and heads back to the blond. Carefully he puts the coffee down on his table but he isn’t planning to leave yet. He must make sure that the customer is 100% satisfied. When the manager explained it all to him such seemed to be important. And for sure his brother would get angry if he would get fired.
‘’Here is your coffee, is there anything else you would like master~?’’
He was too amazed by her looks that he didn’t even heard what she said before. But after a while, when he snapped out of it, he was staring at her again. Her smile is just so beautiful and she even thanked him. He could only think of her smile while waiting for the coffee. He wonders if she got a boyfriend. Well of course someone as cute as her should already have a boyfriend. But maybe she doesn’t have a boyfriend. It would be great if he would become her boyfriend... And so his fantasy began.
“Oh darling, let’s have a date shall we?”
“Oh Alibaba, you’re such a gentleman. I really love you~”
They holds hands together, then the she would hug him and at then... Then they would... K-k-kiss each other! He almost screamed in his head and shakes with his head blushing hard. He really shouldn’t imagine such things. He looked shocked at the maid when he heard her voice. He hopes that she didn’t see him act like that. He couched a bit to clear his throat and smiled kindly to her.
“Thank you very much. Actually there is something I would like... I... would like to if you could accompany me if that’s possible. But I must be asking to much...”
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He was smiling quite awkwardly, maybe he really shouldn’t have asked that. It was quite rude and she still got her job after all, she must also service other people. He shouldn’t think selfishly about himself. Though he really really wish to talk with her more. Maybe he should just go here every day. But what if she would think he’s some stalker and call the police? Or kick him out of this cafe? Then he would never see her again. He’s such a idiot.... 
The loveable mistake || Balbaddsformerprince
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{ ♔ } Why did he take this job again? As he stares at his small legs he pulls the dress down. For him it was feeling so short and it feels like if anyone would stand behind him they could see everything. But they said he was suited for the job… And now he’s standing there, dressed up as girl in a maid outfit. The worst things were the cat ears and tail, there were some bells on those and whenever he walks you ear them ringing. From his white/black frilly dress he stares at the black tights, which just reach above his knees, to finally the shoes. Sighing softly. It was funny how his female colleges weren’t bothered by this and even asked him questions how he takes care of his hair.
‘’You can take that guy.’’ 
One of them whispered to him. As Kouha looked up he could see a blond guy entering the café, it was an university student. It seemed to be just a casual guy and he would be Kouha’s first customer. Quickly Kouha headed towards him. The high heeled shoes weren’t bothering him at all, so everything was looking rather natural. Just his luck, not? The shoes also made him slightly taller but definitely not taller than the blond guy. He was was tall as most of his colleges around here. Some were even taller than him.
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‘’Welcome~ Would you like to drink something~?’’ 
He stopped at the blond his table and smiled brightly while holding the serving tray. Kouha couldn’t help it but to feel slightly nervous. Hopefully everything would turn out to be okay and the blond male would leave satisfied.
He was going in the cafe his friend recommended him. He said that there were really cute girls working there, so he just decided to take a look. That wouldn’t hurt and hey, maybe there’s indeed a cute girl. He’s quite a cool guy himself, so maybe he could just some chick. He smirked at the thought and walked in the cafe and then sat down at the table next to the window. He took the menu and looked at it. It’s quite difficult to choose something to eat, everything looks delicious. 
He heard a very cute voice. It was a bit low, but still lovely to hear. He looked next to him and saw a very cute girl in the maid outfit, with cat ears and a tail. She was really beautiful, pretty, but most of all, very cute! He could feel that his mouth was a bit open. He doesn’t know how long he was staring at her, but it took quite a while. 
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“Oh my god, you’re really cute...” 
He blinked a bit after saying that and then blushed till his ears. He waved with his hands and smiled a bit awkward. 
"I-I’m really sorry! E-ehm, I-I meant... I... I would like some coffee please! Hahaha..ha...”
He hopes that she doesn’t think that he’s just here to hit on some girls. He surely doesn’t want to get kicked out. Though he does want to hit on her, but then she would think that he’s some creep. He hopes she doesn’t really mind this.  
The loveable mistake || Balbaddsformerprince
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He was glad that Kouha liked the story. He smiled happy to him. Those stories are actually always obvious about how it would end. But if their would be a sad ending, Kouha might get depressed. He pats Kouha’s head lightly and gently.
“I’m glad to hear that, Kouha. I will always tell different stories to you if you like.”
He likes to tell stories after all. It’s good to actually be creative and fantasise about those things. He wishes to have a happy ending too... Of course he might have one, like being with Kouha. Ah, but then Kouha would have a sad ending... After all, he won’t live forever like Kouha. Maybe he should just become a vampire too. That is indeed possible if he drinks Kouha’s blood... But that’s also a very dangerous thing. They already tested it on a human, but he didn’t really survived for a long time... It seems like the vampire blood was too strong for him. 
He hugged Kouha back, he was really happy that Kouha did that. He seems a bit surprised that he didn’t realise that he was actually so tired at the moment. 
“Ah, I’m quite tired indeed. Sorry...” 
He smiled a bit awkwardly, but it’s not something that he could help it. He’s human after all. He sometimes wishes that he wasn’t human at all. But he shouldn’t regret that. If he wasn’t human, he wouldn’t be a researcher and also would never met Kouha’s mother and Kouha. No, he won’t regret his life. After all, he got Kouha now. 
"I’m going to sleep now. Let’s talk tomorrow again, okay?”
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He smiled and put a kiss on Kouha’s forehead. He slowly fell asleep, till it was already the next day. 
I'm not the monster here
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It seems like he must give up for now. Kouha wants to be alone and he must respect his wishes. He let go of him, though he’s still sad. He slowly backed away from Kouha, and smiled faintly at him. 
“Fine, I will leave you alone Kouha...” 
It might be better if he doesn’t talk too much to him. He already said a lot and it didn’t improve the situation. No, he only made a worse. Though Kouha seems calm now, so that’s a good thing. He walked towards the door, but stopped when he stood just in front of the door and turned around with a smile. 
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“Kouha, even though you don’t want to be friends with me. I’m fine with that. But you could always come to me if you’re very frustrated. You could even hit me as much as you like if that would make you feel better...”
He’s actually really stupid... If he wished for Kouha to hit him so much as he likes, he will surely die. However, he believes in Kouha. That someday, someday he would be accepted. Even though they might not become friends at first, but if Kouha would just accept him, even for a little bit, that’s already fine with him. 
He left the room and closed the door. He walked towards the garden with a lot of things on his mind. He must give up getting close to Kouha for the time being. Though it might help a little bit to stick around with people so they would open themselves up a bit more. But it seems like with Kouha he would get the opposite effect... 
Change of Heart [closed]
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There he goes again with his insults. He isn’t really sure if he actually really means it or not, maybe he just really want him to be hurt. Kouha hates him after all... But he won’t give up on Kouha. He really cares about him, he really does. However, it seems like Kouha wouldn’t accept it. It also seems like his words aren’t helping at all. He was saying kind words to him, despite being hurt. He doesn’t understand why Kouha is making this so difficult. Of course he’s in an extremely emotional state, but still.. Why won’t he accept his comfort at all?
“Maybe you’re right, maybe you’re not. I might know what I’ve done to you and I’m really sorry. I’m a selfish person, but every human-beings are. But I could still see where my faults are and if I have regretted my actions. I really do and I’m really sorry...”
He knows this won’t help either. It seems like he really is making it worse. Kouha gets more frustrated now. Though what he said were no lies. That evi-... His brother really said those things. It was actually more to insult him, instead of just showing off how amazing his little brother is. He sighed a bit and let go of him, just for a little while. He looked straight in Kouha’s eyes with a serious, but also pained expression on his face, of course he’s still hurt too. 
“Kouha, you brothers really care about you. I tell no lies to you. I see how much your brothers care about you by their actions and the way they behave with you around. Besides IF you think that they don’t like you anymore or think you’re useless or something like that, then there must be, no there IS a misunderstanding. Even though I don’t know them as well as you do, but I do know that they would never talk badly about you. YOU of all people must know that. You’re just being....sensitive, but you actually already know that what I told you is the truth... Please Kouha, tell me what happened. What makes you so...sad?”
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Ouch...!  He thought when Kouha hit him with the pillow, though it didn’t hurt that much, but still it kinda... hurts. Anyway, he saw that Kouha was getting quite....weak again and he really didn’t like to see that. Again, he hugged Kouha, a bit more slowly and more gently than before. He pats Kouha’s head very gently. He knows Kouha doesn’t want him to touch him, but still, he can’t leave him be like this. 
“Please Kouha, talk about it with me. It will help, it would ease your mind if you would speak about it aloud..” 
Change of Heart [closed]
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balbaddsformerprince · 10 years
"Ohh, you're blushing~ How cute~" 
He couldn't help but tease him even more after that blush. He really looks cute when he blush like that. He couldn't help but smile too. He wants to tease him even more, but maybe that's not a good idea. 
"Of course. And I'm glad that I'm able to be friends with you." 
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He smiled happy to his friend. He always wanted to be friends with him, but he didn't got the nerve till now. He's glad that they've become friends. So he comes from Sakura High school, that school is pretty far away. 
"Hehh, so I'm actually your senpai~ Neh neh, what is actually wish? Like, going to some place or something like that~" 
Maybe he wants to go to an amusement park once. It would be fun to go there together. Though he could also go somewhere else, like the zoo or a water park. He could even try to introduce him with some other people if he wants to. Of course, he must become best friends with him first. 
Coffee Shop AU
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balbaddsformerprince · 10 years
He heard Kouha’s mumble and chuckles, he hold Kouha’s head closer to his his chest. He patted his head more. It’s quite bad that he told those bad things. They aren’t nice at all, but he would give them a happy ending. And indeed, they would marry each other, what’s pretty obvious even to Kouha. Maybe he should have tried something more surprising.
“You will hear that later, Kouha.”
He put a kiss on Kouha’s forehead and smiled. He would just continue on the story now. The story is a bit like how it was between Kouha’s parents, though he made some changes. He would also change the ending. He just can’t help it, but dream about such ending. 
“He ran to the princess, who was sitting on the ground, crying over her death lover. “Princess…I’m really sorry…” Princess Amora looked up, at her personal soldier. “Alirex…J-James…James is…” Alirex couldn’t watch it anymore and hugged her. “I know… Don’t say anymore. I’m sorry princess, I’m really sorry…” While he kept apologizing, the princess kept crying. It took a long time till she calmed down. “Alirex… It’s not your fault…” She wiped her tears away and looked at James’s body. “Let’s go home now, princess…” She hit him softly at his chest. “I…already told you… to call me Amora…” Tears were coming out of her eyes again. “Amora…” This is the first time he called her by her name since he becomes her personal soldier. Firstly they were just childhood friends, ever since she saved him, she also took such great care of him. However, he became older and wiser. He must show his loyalty and respect to the princess. They couldn’t be like what they were in the past.
Weeks have passed since the death of prince James. Princess Amora was still very sad about it, every single night. He hears it every time, even though she tries to hold it in. He couldn’t take it anymore, so he knocked on the door and then invited himself in. “Princess…please don’t cry…” The princess looked up in surprise. “Alirex…why?” He walked towards the princess and hugged her, just like on that day. Because of that hug, she cried even more. After a while, she looked at Alirex in the eyes. The soldier wiped her tears away. “Princess… No, Amora… Please don’t cry anymore. I don’t want to see you sad. I would do anything for you to see your happy smile again. Please…” She looked quite confused at him. “Why...? Why is it important for you if I’m happy or not…?” “Because I care about you. No one wants to see the one they love being sad.” She still looked at him quite confused, but when she realized what he said, she blushed till her ears. “Alirex…Are you saying that-“ “Yes, I love you…” Of course this is actually not possible. Of course she wouldn’t have feelings for him. However, he wanted to tell her his feelings. It’s better than keeping it in his heart. “Alirex, this… I,” she stuttered and tried to think about a reply for his feelings. “Stop, you don’t have to reply. I know you don’t have feelings for me. But at least understand what I mean…” She nodded slightly. She understands why he doesn’t want her to cry, but instead of that be happy. However, she can’t be happy whenever she thinks of…prince James.
Days have passed since Alirex’s confession. Somehow, princess Amora is sort of avoiding him. He feels a bit bad about that. Was it better to not tell his feelings to her? Ah, but she isn’t really sad anymore. It’s more like she gets really embarrassed whenever she sees him.
It’s already been a month since the confession and she keeps avoiding him. He gets a bit tired about that. He grabbed her arm and took her to her room. “Princess, please stop avoiding me.” Again, she tries not to look at his eyes. He holds his hand on her chin and makes her look at him in the eyes. “Princess, why are you avoiding me? I already told you there was no need for a reply. You should just treat me like your soldier.” Her eyes got teary and he holds both of his hands up and backed away. “W-what’s wrong princess? D-did I scare you…?” She shook her head and wiped her tears away. “I… I can’t treat you like my friend, nor like my soldier anymore!” He looked quite confused at her. “What do you mean by that?” “I… I don’t know why, but ever since your confession… I thought different about you. I didn’t… I didn’t see you as my friend anymore… I kept thinking about you…” “So, you’re saying…” She blushed and looked away. “I-I… I love you!” He was really surprised to hear that, why does she loves a mere soldier. “Why?” he asked. Princess Amora hit his chest because of that question. “Love can’t be explained… You know that…”
After some time, he asked for the king’s permission to marry his daughter. But strangely enough, the king gave his permission. Even Amora was surprised about that. But since he gave permission. They could marry each other. After the marriage, they even got a son. And with their new family, they lived happily ever after.”
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He patted Kouha’s head and smiled at him. This was the ending of the story. It’s time to go to bed. He’s suddenly getting very tired. And he must also work tomorrow morning pretty early. He wonders it’s alright for Kouha to sleep too.    
I'm not the monster here
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balbaddsformerprince · 10 years
"Hmm, you're actually pretty skinny~ If you were a girl, you could be a cute model~" 
He chuckled on the last part. It was actually a joke, but he hopes Kouha wouldn't think as it as some sort of insult or something like that. He does look like a girl, but he didn't mean to say that. He's very cute and pretty, though he's still a guy, so...those words aren't really the right words to use. Boys wouldn't like to hear that they're cute, well, most of the guys at least. 
"It must be really delicious~" 
He smiled kind to his friend. His mother always cooked for him too, but not anymore... But Kouha still got his mother. Anyway, he listened to what Kouha's about to say about himself. So he doesn't like coffee. No, he doesn't like bitter things. Now he knows a bit more about Kouha and he's very happy about that. 
"Yeah, I do like coffee. But I like a lot of things. Though the coffee you make is the best~" 
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He wonders what kind of school Kouha goes. But is it alright to ask about it? Maybe he doesn't want to tell about it. Though he would just where he goes, maybe he would also talk more about himself like that. 
"I'm going to Couren High School. I'm in my second years. How about you?" 
Coffee Shop AU
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balbaddsformerprince · 10 years
He doesn’t seem tired at all as expected. He’s a vampire after all. He looked at Kouha when he said something about love. Indeed, love is something weird. It’s just a weird human feeling. Because of love, there would be happy things, but also sad things. It’s a human strength, but also a weakness. Though he was happy to hear that Kouha loves him. He hugged him closely against him and smiled happy.
“I love you too, Kouha.”
Since he’s not really tired anymore and Kouha’s not the slightest tired, he would just continue with the story. Thought he stopped at a pretty good part, right? He could stop, but he could also continue… He would just continue with the story. He would stop again at an exciting part.
“I will continue. I’m not really that tired anymore.” 
He patted Kouha’s head and smiled kindly to him. He was ready to continue his story. What was the last thing he said again…? Right, those black soldiers were about to catch up.
“They come closer and closer. If they would catch up, he would block them. He must protect them with his life. He still hopes that they would be able to arrive at the secret pathway. But no, they caught up with them. Alirex stopped his horse and grabbed his sword. “Prince James, please protect princess Amora in my place. Go! Now!” He screamed and tries to hold the black soldiers back. “If you want them, you have to go through me!” He swayed with his sword, slayed at the leg of the horse. The horse fell down with the soldier. It was a real bloody battlefield. He was really strong, almost every soldier lost their lives. However, two soldiers out of ten still survived. One of them knew his way through him. The other one slayed his sword to against him. Alirex blocked him with his sword and tries to attack him, however, his opponent is much stronger than the others. He seems to be the leader.
The other soldier went towards the prince and princess. He was able to catch up, the prince saw that and screamed to the princess to run away. He would protect her with his life. He grabbed his sword and pointed it out to the black soldier. The black soldier laughed and threw something to the prince. The prince looked at what the soldier threw, it was just a rock. When he looked back again at the black soldier, he was already very close, too close. The prince felt some pain on his chest and his back. He looked down and saw the sword, piercing through his heart.
The princess tried to escape, but when she looked back, she saw the black soldier piercing his sword through her fiancée. She knew she would be the next target. She knew she should actually escape. But she stopped the horse and looked at her lover. Tears were flowing down and it’s like she couldn’t breath anymore. “Why… Why does this happen to us…?” She could only ask herself this, while watching James die.
After Alirex killed the leader of the black soldiers, he went towards the prince and princess. He hopes that they’re not injured. However, it was too late. Just the moment he arrived, he saw that the black soldier put his sword out of James body. His body fell forward, off the horse, on the ground. He heard a scream from the princess, screaming ‘no’ and he saw her crying.
Before the black soldier would go towards the princess, he killed him from behind.” 
I'm not the monster here
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balbaddsformerprince · 10 years
He was glad that Kouha was eating the food and he even liked it! That's good, he was really relieved to hear that. He was really worried he might not like them. He actually wonders what he eats at home. Maybe he should ask, but somehow he feels like it's not a good idea to ask... 
"Yeah, it's really delicious~!" 
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They were already eating the desserts. They were really delicious and looked very cute. He glanced at Kouha and somehow he only noticed now that Kouha's quite skinny. When he was also done with eating, he poked at Kouha's waist. 
"You're quite skinny, aren't you~ What do you eat at home?" 
Yes, he was able to ask it in the end. He really wants to know more about Kouha after all. He's his friend now, right? He does have the right to know a bit more about him or not? Of course Kouha also got the right to know more about him. 
"Kouha, can you tell a bit more about you? Like what you like or dislike, what you like to do in your free time or something like that." 
Coffee Shop AU
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balbaddsformerprince · 10 years
He looked at the food, indeed, it was quite a lot. The whole table was full of food and two glasses of limonade. But they could always just keep the leftovers, like the sweets in the fridge. So they could eat it tomorrow, though it might be weird to eat some sweets in the morning as breakfast... 
"Yeah, but I will keep the leftovers in the fridge. So you don't need to eat everything." 
He smiled kindly to Kouha. He also thanked Kouha for helping him unwrap everything. They put everything out of the paper and they were ready to eat. Just then, he hears Kouha's stomach rumbles. That was really cute. He chuckled a bit and smiled happy to him. 
"It's alright. I'm also feeling hungry, so let's eat now~" 
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He was really getting hungry. So he started to eat the hamburger. It was still so delicious warm, the cheese melted, so it's even more delicious when you would take a bite of it. 
"Hmmm, this is so delicious~!" 
Sometimes he glanced to Kouha. Since he hadn't eaten anything when he came here, he might hesitate to eat now too. He doesn't want that. So he would keep an eye on him. He must eat after all, his stomach even rumbled. He hopes he would like the food too. 
Coffee Shop AU
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balbaddsformerprince · 10 years
So he wants to hear something nice. Then he would just tell a nice fairy tail, they mostly have a good ending anyway. He sounded very happy in the beginning, but when he said it again, je sounded quite…down or sad. He’s not sure why. But it might be better to not ask, since he’s trying to hide it by hugging him. He patted his head gently and hugged him back.
“Okay, I will tell you a nice story.”
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  He put a kiss on his forehead, while still patting him. He will think of a nice story. He was thinking for a while, but then come up with a good story in his head. He put the blanket to Kouha’s chin, so he wouldn’t feel any cold. Though it’s colder in the cage where he was before… But he would just tell the story now.
“Alright, this is a story about a young princess and a very strong and smart soldier… Long, long time ago, in a country named Amouria. There lived a young princess named Amora; she got a very handsome fiancée James and her loyal soldier, Alirex…”
From now, try to tell the story livelier. Kouha might like the story more like that. Thought it would be a long story, he hopes Kouha wouldn’t fall asleep too soon. Of course he could also make some comments while he tells the story. He would stop then to answer to Kouha’s questions or just listen to his comments. 
“Princess Amora lived with prince James. They always did things together, like horse riding and picnicking. However, they were not alone. One man, the soldier of princess Amora, Alirex, was always with them. They never know when there would be danger, so he would just guard them. Of course he would just protect the princess with his life, since princess Amora saved him. Because of that, he would always put her happiness before his own, that’s also his duty as her personal soldier. Just when he was in such thought, he saw the princess running to him. “Alirex~! I’m going to the waterfall with James. So what do you think about this dress?” Alirex looked at her, she’s always beautiful whatever she’s wearing. But the most beautiful thing is her smile.
He smiled kindly at her and answered: “Princess Amora, you’ve asked me about things before. But I’m a mere soldier. But just to be honest, you look beautiful in everything.”  He could see a slight blush on her cheeks and she looked a bit shyly away, he really loves to see that, she would just act so cute. “I told you to just call me Amora… We’re friend, you’re not just a mere soldier to me,” she pouted.
Friends…Yes, they were kind of friends. At least she sees it like friendship. But it hurts him a bit whenever he hears that. Of course, it’s a real honor to be friends with the princess. But he got some…special feelings towards her. But those feelings are of course forbidden. A mere soldier couldn’t marry a princess is always what he thought, and not only that, princess Amora even has a future husband who she loves. But being by her side all the time is also good, sometimes it hurts, but he’s still happy whenever he knows princess Aroma is happy.
The princess and soldier went to the waterfall with the prince. It was a beautiful sign, the sun was reflecting beautifully in the water. The water was so clear, that they could see the fishes swimming around. Princess Amora was linking her arm with prince James. They look very good together. Both of them were sitting on the edge of the river, while Alirex would watch them from behind, in the shadow under the tree. He keeps an eye on everything, making sure if something dangerous would come, he would be able to protect them, that’s his duty after all.
After a while, he heard some noises. Like…a lot of horses are coming this way. He climbed the tree, to see from afar if it’s the enemy who comes this way. Those soldiers were wearing black, the color of the enemy… He jumped down and ran to the royals. “Princess Amora, prince James, we must go now!” They seem very surprised, but moved as fast as they could to their horses. Alirex told them the way they must take, so they could go back to the palace safely. But the echo of horses step behind them never stopped, it’s like they’re coming closer and closer. “Hurry!” He screamed towards the princess and prince, who were in front of him. They must be faster, or else they would be in danger. “Get them!” He heard from behind, it seems like they’re pretty close. Soon, they would able to catch up…”
He looked at Kouha, if he was sleeping or not. If not, he would continue with the story. If he did sleep, he would also sleep. Though he was tired, he never feels tired when he would tell a story. 
I'm not the monster here
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balbaddsformerprince · 10 years
When she heard his son's voice, she got really happy. She listened to Kouha and smiled a little. So he really going to stay there for the night. He must had a lot of fun. She won't be a horrible mother, so she would just allow him to stay at his house. She's happy when he's asking so nicely to her. 
"Of course you can stay, dear. Have fun and don't worry about me, I'm fine. Come back tomorrow safely, okay?" 
She talked a bit more that he must rest well and mustn't go to bed too late. She also said some other things what mothers would say, like eating good and have some nice breakfast. After that she would just wait till Kouha would hang up. 
Alibaba was waiting till their conversation finished. Just before their conversation ended, he heard the bell. He walked towards the door and got the food. He came back to his own room and placed the food on the table, with some drinks. 
"Kouha, I got the food." 
He placed the food nicely on table. It was smelling really nice, it would make your stomach rumbles a lot. He put the plates on table too and put the hamburgers on the plate. 
"Let's eat okay?" 
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Coffee Shop AU
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balbaddsformerprince · 10 years
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I’m obsessed with toto’s height
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balbaddsformerprince · 10 years
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Toto being cute
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balbaddsformerprince · 10 years
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balbaddsformerprince · 10 years
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