balbutire-blog · 10 years
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I need to do more stuff on here tbh... so this afternoon Ima work on drafts and maybe post a starter call I dunno...
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balbutire-blog · 10 years
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Oh man. Okay, so I reached 200 followers and I thought I’d do something. Since I don’t really have the time to do a giveaway (i don’t want to say I’ll do it when I’m not 100% sure I’m capable of it), I’m just putting together a little thing to show the blogs I really like and such. If you’re not on the list, please do not take any offense. This isn’t meant to dishearten anyone and I probably just don’t know you too well, or we haven’t had any interactions or haven’t had the time to read any of your writing.  The Harry Potter Fandom Gang (These are harry potter blogs that I either rp with, talk to, or admire with a fiery intensity). | makesgrawplooklikeagentleman | curlytailed | cowardiism | freexdobby | lavendxr | balbutire | diggvry | hufflexuff | hufflexuff | narglewitch | alchiimiste | bloodtraiitor | corripere | constantquibbling | ereptum | itsjustfredweasley | durmstranged | frayednott | chosensavior | inconsequentixl | cervosx | thekingofweasels | severiity | wixardings | fidemcanem | voldemortsprettyboy | hopefulpuppet | notasquib | grawpiish | flamedbones | wrackspxrts | italianmagiic | The Malfoy Harem (Because lbr, I’m following a number of malfoys and they should be in their own little category)                                 | lvlalfoy | malf0yd | malfoydl | contristatum | fxther |  Not Harry Potter Related (These are some people I rp with or admire whose character is not related to harry potter or who have au harry potter verses for them) | dreadedpirate | bobbypendragxn | ofstatistics | feelpotent | areyoutellingme | klutzyswan | causariia | fracturedxinnocence | jxstanillxsion | venerxum | weestley | 
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balbutire-blog · 10 years
"I may have been admiring you not so secretly."
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          He was rather surprised, and didn’t quite know how to              reply at first — at least not without stuttering and stammering             his tongue off, it seemed. Of course he thought that he had              pick up some hints, whenever they hang out together, but he             would quickly brush them off, as he thought she only did it to              be nice to him.
             But now it seemed differently, showed him that his first thoughts              were the rightful ones. And didn’t he always say that to the students               that came to visit him as well? They would tell him his games              were stupid, the moment he would shout a word at them or show              them a picture, but he was not so different now himself, as he hadn’t              accepted his first thoughts as well.
             Still there was a difference, as these thoughts were good ones,             ones that warmed that heart of his that seemed to have been              touched by such a cold, he thought he could never feel its radiance              throughout his body every again. He had not hoped for any sign of             affection for years now, but Hermione was different, and she was              different in a lot of aspects, but that only made her a better person,              and one that should be admired by many. But maybe he was a little              biased, as she was the only one that would try to be around him.
                            And admire him, so it seemed.
             So he swallowed, and tried to find the right words to say in return.
                  “That’s s-something I haven’t heard often, H-H-Hermione. Actually, it’s                    s-something I n-never hear. But to me it’s still s-secretly, or well, not                     anymore. Though… y-you didn’t have to tell me that on a d-day like                    this, r-really, just because it’s V-Valentine’s….”
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balbutire-blog · 10 years
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                      ❛ a TALL, black haired witch in emerald green robes stood there.                                   She had a stern face, and Harry’s first thought was that                                                     she was not someone to cross. ❜                                                                    ( i . ii . iii )
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balbutire-blog · 10 years
"He loves me, he loves me not… oh."
"She loves me, she loves me not… oh."
"I don’t think it’s love…"
"So, is there anyone you’re secretly crushing on?"
"I don’t even like chocolate."
"Yeah, nothing says ‘I love you’ more than a bouquet that’ll die in two days…"
"I’m not sure if they’re a secret admirer or a stalker… but at least they have good taste in gifts."
"Oh! It’s my favourite time of year."
"If I send a mass text to all the people I like, I don’t need to get all of them gifts do I?"
"I’ve never had a Valentine."
"Will you be my Valentine?"
"Do you have a Valentine yet?"
"No one ever serenades me any more."
"Just don’t write a song and play it in front of everyone again… it’s embarrassing."
"Any secret admirers?"
"Oh, so you’re my secret admirer?"
"I may have been admiring you not so secretly."
"Just because you like me doesn’t mean the feeling is mutual."
"Seeing as we’ve both not got anyone, do you want to come to mine and watch a film?
"We’re never getting back together."
"So, he got me a teddy bear, but we fought and he tore off it’s head."
"How about instead of being ridiculous on one day of the year, you just be a decent partner for the other 364 days?!"
"We’re not together any more."
"If you haven’t booked a table we definitely won’t get to eat there on such short notice."
"It’s just Valentine’s day… I don’t see the big deal."
"What do you mean you didn’t get me anything?"
"I’m feeling sick, is it okay if we arrange our date for another night?"
"I’m not sure if they’re a secret admirer or a stalker…."
"Well… they don’t know I’m going out with you so we’re going to have a girls night sitting in and cry about being single…"
"I’ve got the lube and strawberries, we’re all set!"
"I got out the whipped cream and she slammed the door in my face."
"I am not wearing that."
"When he said he would give me a pearl necklace, I thought I was getting actual jewelry."
"It would have been a lot more romantic if you de-thorned the rose before you put it in your mouth…"
"I’m all for dressing up… but, how do you wear this?"
"If I see another couple holding hands, I’ll… I’ll-"
"Young love, isn’t it sweet?"
"Who did you get all these roses for?"
"I don’t love you, I’m just here for the chocolate."
"So, let me get this right, you want me to be a stand in to make the person you like jealous?"
"Valentines? Pft!"
"That’s the least romantic thing anyone has ever said to me…"
"What are you doing? Why are you on one knee? Get up! Get up!"
"My mum gave me a rose because she felt sorry for me."
"Look, you can buy me all the chocolates in the world, I still won’t go out with you."
"A diamond ring? I appreciate the offer… but don’t you think this is a bit… excessive?"
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balbutire-blog · 10 years
Age Difference Starter Sentences
"Are you even old enough to be here?"
"What did I tell you about coming here? You're too young."
"Age is but a number."
"Will you just drop my age and go on one measly date?"
"If I was just a few years older, I'd marry you."
"You can't tell anyone about this."
"You're too young for me."
"You're too old for me."
"Hey, I'm over 18. It's perfectly legal."
"My feelings for you mean more to me than your age."
"Ask me again when you're done with high school/college."
"I'm old enough to be your mother/father--okay, maybe not THAT old, but still!"
"This isn't a lifetime movie, I could get into some serious trouble."
"I didn't know you were that young!"
"So I may have lied a bit about my age.."
"This never happened."
"You're not being professional."
"I'm not a kid, you know. Stop treating me like one."
"So you like older men/women, huh?"
"Go home, your parents are probably wondering where you are."
"I'm a lot more mature than you think."
"I don't know if I can handle this."
"But think about it, in ten years it won't even look like that big of an age difference!"
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balbutire-blog · 10 years
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                                         CHOSENSAVIOR’S 400+ FOLLOWER BIAS LIST
Otherwise known as, ‘its 12AM, and where did my hours go, but its worth it because look how many people i tricked into following me??' Okay so in all seriousness, I felt like I did my last one not that long ago, and so I once more want to tell you guys how much I appreciate you, and even if you don't follow me, I'm still going to love you forever from afar because you're perf?? So without further ado, my Bias List!!
alicejrlongbottom, balbutire, bloodtraiitor, booksmarting, defiantcharms, detxrminedbelle, @diggvry, doreaiisms, drxmeda, duursley, ereptum, exxosso, fortiscervus, frayednott, grawpiish, gryffindorsheart, hufflefinch, hufflexuff, itsjustfredweasley, lilypadpotter, loyalintelligence, lvlalfoy, narglewitch, notasquib, not—weatherby, parselmouthedprince, pvrseltongue, scorpixsm, slytherrus, teddylupinxx, theslytherxnheir, xtoerag, weaselkiing, wellroaredjames, wildmoored
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balbutire-blog · 10 years
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         “I  h-have never said I d-didn't have any f-friends! A-Also,           I can't h-help my stuttering, it's s-something I have a-always           struggled w-with. At least s-some have m-more patience           and m-manners than y-you do.”
                    ◤════ ♚ D M ════◢
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balbutire-blog · 10 years
Favourite hp blogs?
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Oh gosh, I have so many!!! Alright, this is probably gonna be long, but duursley | makesgrawplooklikeagentleman | cowardiism | freexdobby | lavendxr | balbutire | diggvry | hufflefinch | hufflexuff | narglewitch | alchiimiste | bloodtraiitor | corripere | constantquibbling | ereptum | itsjustfredweasley | durmstranged | frayednott | chosensavior | inconsequentixl | cervosx | thekingofweasels | severiity | wixardingsThese are some rp partners and some blogs that I stalk and follow that I think are awesome and have very spot on portrayals.Thank you so much for the question!!!
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balbutire-blog · 10 years
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         “You w-would be s-surprised really, to            know h-how many p-p-people are actually            k-kind to me! E-Even at H-Hogwarts not all            a-are kind.”
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“I’m sure someone is kind to you.  Afterall, you are surrounded by people  at H o g w a r t s”
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balbutire-blog · 10 years
mentioned by: booksmarting the bae
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mun: Manon age: 21 relationship status: I have a thousand husbands in my mind and a wonderful gf sugiis character(s): As in muses??? HAHAHAHA... Okay... Dulinhel, Lumornor, Mello, Light, Link, Zant, Dartz, Kaoru, Cho, Shishio, Nine, Ludwig, Duncan, Pippin, Clover and of course Quirrell... I think that's all for now :') Only Pippin, Quirrell, Clover and Mello are active now though... or well, Mello is not so active anymore but yeah :')
do you follow other Quirrells?: There aren't any other Quirrells for as far I know :') But even if there were, I probably wouldn't follow them because I get so insecure easily....
flaws: I'm kinda lazy sometimes and tend to be picky with replies sometimes? Besides that I seem to have one overwhelming muse and then ignore my other muses because of it and I shouldn't do that. roleplaying experience: Pfff since I was 12 or something? first character you’ve ever played: Mello  ships: I HAVE SO MANY SHIPS BUT NONE THAT INVOLVE QUIRRELL??? Well yeah I've got the AU ship now with Hermione but??? I ship Monaboyd though like REALLY hard. anti-ships: When it comes to Quirrell? Ehhhh... Quirrell and Voldemort tbh... favorite character besides your own: SO I CAN'T PICK PIPPIN OR MELLO AS WELL?!?! FFFFFFFF.... I guess... Merry?
do you play AUs? Yep! angst rps? Oh yes. nsfw? Yep! fluff? Yep! crack? Is this even a question?
are you selective? Yep...
other blogs you’d like to recommend? SO MANY THOUGH?!?! All my followers tbh <3
final words? One day I'll be more active on here... that is in the weekends, probably, cause work. Uggh.
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balbutire-blog · 10 years
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Well oops, sorry for showing no activity here, dearies! I'll try to get on here tonight... I've just been busy with well... life tbh =|
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balbutire-blog · 10 years
So, tomorrow (02-02-2015), I will be starting my internship. This means that I’ll be working full-time (40 hours a week), which leads to the fact that I’ve got around 2/3 hours a day to do stuff for myself and yes, that includes Tumblr.
What this means is that I won’t be as active during the week anymore. I’ll probably take longer to reply to threads, and most replies will be written in the weekends. I will put most of them in a queue though, so my activity won’t be too slim throughout the week. 
This doesn’t mean that I won’t be here at all anymore. I won’t be dropping threads, it’s just that my activity will be a little lower. I’ve got 4 (active) blogs (Pippin, Mello, Quirrell and Clover), and I want to give each of them enough attention. Now, Pippin will most likely be my main account to linger on throughout the week, but still.
Anyway, I’m excited!! Huzzah!
Important activity notice!!
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balbutire-blog · 10 years
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balbutire-blog · 10 years
 you  bring  out  the  best  in    whatever’s   left        of        me
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balbutire-blog · 10 years
five times kissed {For the AU thing I guess yes give me the feels}
five times kissed.
                                    anything we have known: the first time.
                                   it’s raining outside   & she’s not really happy at all. for the first time in forever it’s raining and the scent of wet grass & the soothing sound of water falling doesn’t really calm her. there’s a STORMbrewing inside her heart and there’s really only one thing that can calm it. or rather one person. she came to his flat at three in the morning unsure of what to do or what to say; she just showed up at his door, like that. at three in the morning. she knocked — four times, just like she said she would when she came in need of something. he answered the door wearing his pyjamas & a worried look on his face, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. it had been the most ENDEARING sight to behold, & she had wanted to tell him right there. she wanted to kiss him & make him laugh; that sweet, unadultered giggle he let escape whenever he was happy. WITHOUT FILTER.                that laugh was partially to blame for her being here, right now. for her having fallen deeply in love with the bald, funny man who stuttered and seemed to struggle with the h in her name. he’s talking about the book she gave him for christmas: the time traveler’s wife & she was debating which sound she found more beautiful, his voice or the water falling outside. the truth is, she doesn’t really know, because LOVE is strange & new to her. she hasn’t really loved anyone before. she doesn’t have anything to compare it to. no previous experience or knowledge. all she knows, she knows from books and movies and those are not relliable. at all.                 so when he comes over with a mug of tea — her mug of tea, mind, the one she gave him but was really hers because she always used it when she came over, and she came over a lot. his flat was a mess and she liked cooking him dinner on sundays; plus his sofa was really comfortable — she looks up at him, warm hazel eyes gleaming in a way that meant she was about to cry. ’ gui? i… i… i think i’m in love. ’ he’s a councelor, so he immediately takes on that serious, doctor-y look and hands her the tea, sitting down in front of her and she wants nothing but to crawl close to him and lay her head on his lap and feel his fingers run through her hair… 
               ’ i’m not really sure when it happened. i just know that i feel my heart beat fast when i’m around him. i’m sad when i’m not with him. i long to be with him, to hear his laughter, the sound of his voice. i often find myself wondering what he’s doing during the day… what he’s thinking about. where he is. if he’s eaten. if he slept okay… i’ll go out shopping picking out certain foods as if he’s ever going to decide he wants to be with me and i know he doesn’t like certain things so i’ll always buy what he likes and i— ’ she spoke in that way she did when she was nervous; all to fast and at once. she wasn’t sure what to make of his expression, but he had that calm, non-judgemental smile he saved for the children. ’ s-s-sounds like l-l-love to… m-mee. ’ & that was all she needed to hear: his confirmation this was LOVE. she gets up all at once and drops the mug of tea on the floor — she hears it breaking, mentally curses herself for ruining his perfect cream carpet, but then he’s getting up and she’s on him the minute after.                she’s soaking wet, still, hair clinging to her face, but she kisses him like her life depends on it. she’s not really sure how to do it — she’s only been kissed once & it feels strange, funny, but wonderful all at once and she lets her body take over, her hands gently resting on his chest, fingers feeling the softness of his teal shirt; recently pressed. he tastes like spearmit toothpaste and happiness. suddenly the rain sounds louder and soothing. the scent of wet grass fills her nostrils and his body feels warmer against hers as she presses into him.                i love youis what she says next, between another kiss and a gentle laugh, arms slipping around his neck.
                                    anything we forgotten: the second time.                                   she hasn’t been avoiding him  but she’s been avoiding him, and when he finally seemed to brew himself a courage potion and shove her inside a broom cupboard in the school hallway to cronfront her about it, she’s realized how STUPID she had been to avoid him, in the first place. he’s going on about how heartless she is to kiss him & tell him she loves him, to give him memories he’d never forget, and she’s just smiling. he’s angry about her smiling, and she simply says: ‘ you’re not stuttering. ’                                   and that’s the second time she kisses him. in a dusty, small, windowless broom cupboard in the middle of the school corridor whilst there are dozens of students running about outside. & it’s almost like the entire world has stopped spinning and in that moment it’s just her & him — she can hear the sound of her own breathing and feel his heart beating against her palm as she presses it against his chest, tugs at the ridiculous swear he’s wearing. she kisses him deeper & wants to CLAIM a part of his soul that no one will ever have. he’s like a rare painting in an abandoned gallery that no one really pays attention to… beautiful & alone. unappreciated; but that only means all his beauty is entirely hers for the taking. and she truly feels like every moment has led up to this one.
                                 in the rain, in the dark, we’ll lay: the third time.                                 he’s the only one   who understands what crookshanks meant to her, even if the cat had never liked him & once attempted to murder him. he doesn’t judge her that her best friend since high school had been a grumpy cat. he understands, and he supports, and he holds her until she’s cried her heart out. he’s the one who suggests burying crookshanks in he park they’d often take afternoon walks, where just two days ago she had held his hand for the first time, & maybe they weren’t the tradional couple but they looked cute together and she didn’t care what anyone else said or thought. in her head they were cuteer than brangelina. but he’s about to leave, to go back to his flat & she’s not ready to let him go. tomorrow is monday and they go back to work, to REALITY but all she wants is to stay like they are. like they have been this weekend, & so she grabs his hands and pulls him back down on her sofa. it’s almost like they’re linked, now, because he knows what she wants and he smiles before leaning forward. she’s always the one kissing him, but this time it’s him. it’s his hands that are in her hair, his lips that touch hers first.                                    it’s their sweetest kiss & she’s sure that she’s going to melt. his nose is pressed against hers and all she smells is his cologne. he tastes like coffee and his hands are warm against her cold skin. she pulls the knot of his coffee free and giggles against his lips. he sighs against hers. he knows he’s not going anywhere. she’s mourning her cat.
                                 in your arms: the fourth time.                                 it’s been one month  of pure bliss. she has never known happiness to this scale. he’s incredibly smart, surprisingly funny & no one looks as adorable as he does in the morning, when he wakes up. she likes the sound of his voice after his cup of coffee in the morning, and the wrinkles around his eyes when he smiles. when he truly smiles. she’s proud of herself for punching donovan for insulting him, and she ADORED how he blushed after she announced, no, warned people to back off her boyfriend. he thinks, somehow, she’d be embarrassed to call him her boyfriend in front of other people. in front of their co-workers, & she just laughed so loudly at him people looked funnily at her. it’s been one month of pure bliss and somehow he still doubts that she’s anything but proud of being seen out in public with him. in her eyes, he’s the most wonderful man in the world. perhaps he could do with a new fashion sense, but nobody is perfect, and she tells him so.                                    it’s when he blushes, that cute, adorable, boyish blush that should be ILLEGAL for a man in his early fourties to manage, that she can’t really help herself. even if public displays of affection had never really been her… thing; she had always been the one scowling at nearby couples snogging in the middle of the streets, in the park, or in the train on the way to work. yet here she is, snogging him on the queue to the pin machine in tesco. it’s not just a peck, either. their hands are clasped together and she’s giving him a proper snog, her free arm locked around his waist. she hears someone giggling, someone making disapproving noises. and she feels like a rebel, feels ALIVE. you’re bonkers, she hears him say, and she simply laughs, leading him forward.                                    nothing makes her as strong as his fragile heart. she’s surrounded the person she had once been for who he is, and somehow they fit PERFECTLY, and she’s never been more social, happier, smiling all the time, affectionate… she’s in love, and it’s so disgustingly contagious she wants the whole world to know how wonderful it makes her feel.
                                 in your arms, i’ll stay: the fifth time.                                 she’s twenty seven   and he’s forty-three. her mother thinks he’s too old and her father thinks he’s intelligent, but too quiet — her friends all think he’s no even her type, but her new cat, shakespeare, is really fond of him, so that counts for something. at least it’s what she tells him, and it makes him smile so she’s happy. but she knows it affects him. their age difference. his… lack in social skills. there are a lot of things that she knows affects him, and it saddens her. all she wants to is show him how much she loves him. what he means to her.                                    so when he came to pick her up for their dinner date that night, she was waiting for him in her pyjamas, a book on her lap and a glass of wine in her hand. he’s confused, to say the least, when he looks at her, and she simply smiles like she knows all the secrets in the universe; there’s a key on the kitchen table, on top of one of his shirts — the red one she stole last time she was in his flat — and she’s acting as if it’s the most casual thing in the world, adjusging her reading glasses as shakespeares purrs loudly from his throne on the arm of the sofa. ’ that’s your key. and that’s your shirt. you can move in tomorrow morning. ’                                    maybe this is her way of settling down. her way of asking him to take this seriously. her way of saying: maybe i want to spend the rest of my life with you. and she’s all smiles when he picks her up from the sofa to kiss her. he’s stuttering like never before, and she’s grinning like an idiot. but it doesn’t matter, because this is another step they’re taking and she’s HIS like she’s never been anyone’s — and well, maybe the bookworm & the weirdo will get their happy ending, after all. she’s found her happiness in him, her other half. someone who undertands and loves her for who she is, all flaws and qualities; how can she ever let of that?
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balbutire-blog · 10 years
lvlalfoy answered:
MEME: himym starter STATUS : accepting (ish )
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❝ Is this what you just tell yourself to make up for the fact you don’t have a life ? Can’t imagine anyone inviting you to anything —— no offense.❞
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          “Th-That's n-not exactly what I u-use as an excuse.             I d-don't use an excuse, r-really. Contrary t-to your             believe, I do h-have a life -- I d-don't have to be i-invited             to anything b-by anyone for th-that.”
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