Baldur’s Gate Cheats List , Item Codes, Spawn NPC and Glitches
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Hints and Tips for: Baldur's Gate 3. Baldur's Gate 3 Cheats. Breaking this wall will give you access to the area the quest can be picked up in. You could collect the large amount of weapons note that the masterwork weapon will require a sythe, greatsword, or dagger so you could leave one of those there for later. After picking up the quest from the chest and realizing you need susser bark, the bark can only be found in the underdark and is protected by several level 4 hook horrors which can be devestated to an unprepared team. The hook horrors can be more easily managed by bringing them up onto this ledge here and after taking a swing you can push them off the ledge for some heavy fall damage, they will then waste their next turn getting back up onto the ledge. Defeating them you can now loot the tree of it's bark. Heading back to the forge and using the bark on the fire will turn the flames blue. Now use either a greatsword, scythe, or dagger on the forge to finish the masterwork weapon. Enjoy your new Sussur weapon! Sorrow is a unique 2-hander with a powerful ability. A successful pickpocket will yield the room and navigating back to the statue surrounded by runes and placing your own newly commandeered rune will open the secret passageway. The legendary weapon is now available to be obtained and is sitting on the table. While looting all the other goodies you will also obtain the Robe of Summer, granting a resistance to cold damage. Useful Tips and Tricks: Written by Crunchie Just a collection of stuff that is not immediately obvious when playing the game. Also some ideas for characters and stuff. Top tip: Avoid teleporting spiders. Very important for high dex characters. Seriously, is not a good idea. Keep an eye out for them. Play your cards right and you can have some fun. Or turn down everyone like the socially awkward person you are and realize why you are still single IRL too. Or you can just punch them in the face and feel like a badass for 0. Not sure which. Not judging, just thought you should know that the spells and stuff are on loan. Hence only two spell slots. The type of ability score you hex will determine the affect of the hex. So, if it's a big strong dude who hits really hard in melee, hex strength so he can't hit you. Hex the dexterity of the archer, so they also can't hit you. Or combine and hex to wisdom and a spell from another caster to give that spell a better chance of working. Sleepy sleepy trolls. But it's more fun to say squishy. Movement, attack and healing spells are the most valuable in my opinion. But you do you. This is more important for people in the front with light armor. This should be your highest score. In general though this is str for fighter, dex for rogue, int for wizard, wis for cleric, and wis or dex for ranger. It is merely another path. Which all your characters must take. If only one or two die, it'll be fine. I think. So expect to get flanked, put to sleep, have a single character focussed down, and all the things your DM could do to you IRL but doesn't because he wants you to come back and play with him next week. A lot can happen, personal drama, cinematics, new friends, and it's very easy to put a foot wrong when you you were just trying to be funny. Just like real life. So save, it's not save scumming if it was unintentional! The bigger the die being rolled for your weapon damage, the more damage it will do, however, more die, of a smaller number, offer more consistent damage If you want to know the nerdy math behind it, 2d6 cannot roll lower than a 2, but have a lower chance of rolling two 6's. Overall, the affect is debatable but more die tend to feel more consistent than larger, but fewer die. This matters because Backstab is a thing basically you get a bonus to your attack roll if attacking from behind this applies to all enemies and your characters too. Preferably from stealth. With a rogue. Anything that can stun, terrify or put to sleep the enemy. They aren't fancy or flashy but boy howdy are they effective. Cleric FTW. As you level up you can use a bonus action to hide again as a rogue. However, you need to make sure you are out of line of sight of the enemy to do this. It is more effective to be a dual-wield melee rogue. As you get to attack again with your off hand as a bonus action. Letting you get as much as four! Get horns It's an RPG, stop playing human fighters, ugh. Healing word is a bonus action that lets you pick up allies from a distance. There is no reason to ever not have healing word. Keep healing word in your spell list! Bane anti-bless is more situational but more useful in those situations. I wonder what they do? Nice to have, but not necessary for survival. Do not make fun of their noses. I just.. Everyone will think you are probably stuck up because you think you're better than them. Which is quite unfair. You know you are better than them. It will want to but be afraid of leaving the goblins. It showed up at my camp after a few long rests. They are not necessarily the most powerful, but they are simple and straightforward. The Warlock is the simplest class to understand if you are aiming for magic-users. If you want a little bit of both, the Cleric is a great martial class with healing magic. If you have three party members taking turns at the same time, then an enemy afterwards, you can swap your party member turn around however desired before the enemy turn. You can do the same if you just have two characters taking turns at the same time. This can be very useful. However, the breaking glass does cause damage -- so do not use this technique if your ally has almost no health. You can also throw potions on the ground to create a little pool of healing your party members can stand in. If there is a weak wall, make sure to inspect it to see which type of damage needs to be applied. Force or Blunt damage will knock down walls, while piercing or slashing damage will not help at all. Lure Enemies to Death: The Find Familiar spell summons a Familiar you can command and lure into advantageous combat areas. Summon a Familiar and lure enemies under a rooftop so you can easily snipe them. The distraction can be very useful. Use the Environment to Your Advantage: Using the environment can be your best weapon. Pushing enemies off ledges, luring them into traps, or setting off explosive barrels are great strategies for tough fights. You can also throw a poison potion on the ground in a chokepoint and defend that position, poisoning incoming enemies as they try to reach you. Instantaneous spells are cast immediately on use, but Concentration spells take some time. If you are attacked while trying to summon a Concentration spell, you will have to make a successful ability check or your spell will be interrupted. You will have to take short rests to recover some abilities and spells, and others can only be recovered after a long rest at your camp. Try to save spells for situations where you are outnumbered or in a tough fight. Rogues Tricks: Rogues are normally good with bows-and-arrows, but they are also good in close-range. If you are in a fight, you can jump Free Action to avoid reaction attacks and retreat, or you can enter sneak on your turn and hug the back of an enemy for a sneak attack. It seems strange to activate mid-battle, but it can work. With bows, you can dip your arrows into fire to set them ablaze and burn enemies. Try taking the high-ground as well. You will get bonuses for accuracy and range. Additionally, if an ally is standing next to an enemy in combat, you will have a better chance of hitting that enemy. The same is the case for magic-users trying to sling spells. Throw Teammates and Enemies: If your strength is high enough, you can throw teammates and enemies. You can pick up enemies and throw them over a ledge for a quick kill. Submit your codes! Having Codes, cheat, hints, tips, trainer or tricks we dont have yet? Help out other players on the PC by adding a cheat or secret that you know! Submit them through our form. Covering more than CheatBook-DataBase Cheatbook on: Twitter Facebook.
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