balladofaspider · 2 months
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Questioning Sentences, Vol. 7
(Questioning sentences from various sources to ask all kinds of muses. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"So, what makes you think I'm lonely?"
"So, who's trying to kill you, and how can I help?"
"Would it not have been simpler to just tell me?"
"Would you agree I'm an excellent judge of character?"
"Have you ever known me to be intimidated?"
"Did she look like she'd been murdered?"
"You don't think I'm interfering, do you?"
"What did you think you were doing? You could have got us killed!"
"How much do you know?"
"You seem angrier than I'd expected. May I ask why?"
"Were you two close?"
"Couldn't you see I was in love with you?"
"Do you dance?"
"You already know who we're looking for, don't you?"
"How's your head?"
"What sort of revenge did you have in mind?"
"Do you think you could make a huge effort and behave yourself?"
"Since when did I need to be shielded from the truth?"
"How much do you really know of my father?"
"Are you alone here this weekend?"
"What would I do without you?"
"Dear God, what is the matter with the men in your family?"
"As long as we're together, what does it matter?"
"Why are you still here?"
"Do you always ask questions that you already know the answers to?"
"Why do you think I would need your forgiveness?"
"Were you under the impression that you were dealing with a nice man?"
"You're very quiet. What are you thinking about?"
"Do you still love me? Like you used to?"
"You think this is an exercise in self pity?"
"I suppose you're going to suggest I try online dating next?"
"So, what's this delicate matter you need to discuss? You're not in trouble, are you?"
"I can't find my dress shoes! What have you done with them?"
"You don't believe in angels, do you?"
"Is that a resignation speech?"
"He quite likes you, you know. Do you like him?"
"Will you be away a very long time?"
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balladofaspider · 3 months
75 starters. CW: cussing, sexual themes. Coffee Talk is a visual novel game developed by Toge Productions. Feel free to change words and pronouns as needed!  [PART 1]
"Different isn't always good."
"It's a neat concept, but you need to handle it carefully and gracefully."
"He needs to learn how to communicate his thoughts nicely though."
"Let's not make the mountain even higher."
"What we have here now is more than enough for me."
"I'm taking a break from work. I need to work on a few personal matters."
"I'm curious... How did you guys meet? If you don't mind me asking..."
"Now, will you let me continue without interruptions?"
"And without even thinking about it, I punched _____ in the face."
"Yeah, I landed that one punch... And he beat me to a pulp. Easily."
"How was she doing? She hasn't returned any of my calls or texts..."
"I'm sick and tired of my family."
"Why would you say that?"
"Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to be an artist. I love drawing and creating art."
"_____ is the only person that can make me feel alive."
"I have no problem leaving my family, you know. I would happily leave them for the both of us."
"I never thought of it that way before."
"There's nothing to feel bad about!"
"It's easy for you to say that now, but you don't know what the future holds."
"You know... Love is like a flame. It might burn fiercely at first, but over time it will die down, if you don't maintain it."
"Life is full of storms."
"Marriage, it will not survive on love alone."
"There are consequences... It shouldn't be taken lightly."
"Perhaps a hot drink will give you some inspiration."
"Aren't vampires supposed to be... you know... tough?"
"Just because I'm a vampire, it doesn't mean I know kung-fu."
"Thanks for not leaving me on the street, _____."
"He might be an annoying asshole, but he's not a thief."
"What a stroke of luck, the universe sending me a guardian angel in my time of need."
"Hey, I took you to breakfast! Don't tell me that counted for nothing."
"I have to say, it wasn't my proudest moment."
"_____... I'd prefer if we skipped that part. I'm sorry, but I don't want to go into any details about it."
"Thank you for sharing your story with me. I didn't expect such a tale from you."
"I've no interest in flirting with you. I've got high standards, you know."
"Please don't forget to take a break. It's easy to get carried away by work when you're on a roll."
"That's not even a word, _____."
"Are you trying to squeeze the story from me?"
"I saw you from afar when you left the coffee shop a few days ago. So, hello! My name is _____. You could say I'm a regular here."
"Wow... It turns out pervs exist everywhere in the universe."
"You're quite dense, aren't you?"
"People often mistake me for someone who gets around a lot."
"All this information is too much to process in one evening..."
"Oh, showing some concern now, are you?"
"My, my... You really have a knack for starting trouble..."
"That sounds dangerous, liking someone without knowing the reason..."
"You really need to be more careful, _____..."
"So... Umm... How are things going in the office?"
"I want to say please don't forget to rest, but I'm sure it won't be easy for you and the team."
"I wish I could help you. Or at least say something to boost your morale. Sadly, I'm not the right person to give you advice about that."
"Getting used to unhealthy working conditions shouldn't be a norm."
"Every game has its own market, you know."
"You shouldn't waste your time on me! Relax, or something!"
"I'm coming with you! Whether you like it or not!"
"I think I should celebrate with a special drink. Something sweet."
"You are sorry... I don't have anything to be sorry for."
"Please just go home after you finish your drink."
"I know _____! He's not a good person!"
"He hasn't changed much... And even if he has, it wasn't for the better."
"You're just being paranoid!"
"What's next?! You'll lock me in the house because you're afraid of the air I'm breathing?!"
"You're just too young to understand!"
"Then make me understand! Because this is definitely not helping. There are better ways."
"TRY HARDER! Because right now, you're not helping anyone! Not me, not you, no one!"
"It will take time for me to learn. But I am learning."
"_____, are you out of your mind? You've been out of touch for so long."
"If I take things slow, I'll lose all my momentum."
"Of course I heard them. I just chose to ignore most of it. It's none of my business, is it?"
"Sometimes we don't even realize what we're capable of doing."
"And I thought I was the only one who brought bad news..."
"You've never looked like someone who needs help."
"I'm sorry, _____. I'm not really in the mood for this sort of conversation."
"You're still trying to get laid?"
"That sounds like the best plan you've had since you got here."
"It's nothing. We're just friends, you know?"
"It was a slip of the tongue, okay! I'm sorry!"
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balladofaspider · 3 months
markiplier Resident Evil: Village quotes as ask memes - PART 2:
well that was a wasted bullet, sorry
that was probably a mistake, i don't care though, whatever
this is where my adhd is really going to come in handy
all right come here you bastards, i know how to block now
oh, get stabbed
you're gonna get a face full of stab if you keep that up
i'm gonna use that the shotgun
you think i can't kill you with a knife, i can.  i'm probably going to have to
good thing he doesn't pull out his machete that would really be an advantage for him
unfortunately for him my arms are super sturdy
can i block with a gun? i can, okay. hey bud!
that's dope as hell, is there vodka in it?
i was in stealth mode, how dare you?
i want to save my gunpowder because i'm insane
maybe you should have locked it
you all right?  you need a knife to plug up that wound?
if it's just the one of you i shall stab thee, if it's two i am going to run away
oh i didn't think there were so many of you
okay watch this, you want to see something sick?  watch this watch this, watch this sickness
am i supposed to be able to shoot all these guys?  because i'm about to run out of bullets
you're gonna pay for that one in dividends
well money has value depending on who you ask otherwise it might just be rocks
okay so i something tells me i'm probably not supposed to try to kill all these dudes
hold on i gotta get more bullets
well that's good for me and bad for you
oh well good thing i killed all those dudes because otherwise they would have absolutely murdered you both, but i'm a hero
why is there chem fluid in the bathroom?
seems like you actually know how to lock things
yeah, you get far in life like that
look, i'm doing all the work here, if you want to sit in the house
there's so much blood, oh god
oh, maybe step out of the way of the gun
okay cool, just wanted to type out my life story real quick
don't mind if i look at all your things do you?  all right here i go, um ah, very interesting…
i wonder if this is all the places where there's like, secret stuff
who's talking to me?
you should put your faith in someone taller someone more uh, robust, powerful-powerful is really the word that we're all thinking of
whatever dude, you want to go outside?
uh okay sounds really convincing
that was a spell just to get the tea going
I have a gun, i ha- i have a gun, i have a gun, i got a gun
that voice sounded familiar
well uh you didn't do enough of the right thing
okay well that's fine this entire place is collapsing yeah, well, we'll be safe in here
no we're getting out of here together you and me, bestie, we're besties now, come on
yeah you know i gotta go, everything's on fire
but how about that cup of tea?
all right well i'm leaving and you can stay if you want i guess
what the hell do i do? am i stupid?
the answer is no, but also you guys probably got a wrong answer because you're stupid and said yes, so really who's this stupid one?  might be you
let's move, come on bestie, we got this.
let's go and try not to breathe in the smoke
uh oh i shouldn't have said something like that because that guarantees death
yep here's the guaranteed death
well that seemed unnecessarily dramatic.  if only you were nine feet tall, you could have reached me
i get that that one was very tragic but there was everything she could have done to prevent her doom
i feel like she would be screaming in agony from the fire burning
if only she knew about what a window was
good god i smacked my wound hand
i know i should feel like more remorseful but to be perfectly honest, that was a bit ridiculous
it's my fault for saying the magic words that gets people killed
oh hey, old bag of rats
all right man that was a toughie
nothing but blood and death
apparently i'm just i'm a badass
that wasn't cold at all, i'm fine
just taking a little soak, cleaning myself off, i want to be respectable and presentable
hey what's up? oh didn't think anyone was left, you must be pretty tough, huh?
you're not local, even better
oh i'm sorry, the metal spike in my chest is a little whine-inducing
i'm used to this, i run for my life like, a lot
oh wow this is just cruel
hey thanks for the money and the ammo
you didn't even take my gun, you amateur
do they not have cameras here? probably not, they only got an extremely intricate system of spinning blades why would they have cameras anyway?
extra baggage, okay, emotional or otherwise
shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up
all right, i got a dope ass gun
yeah, i'm sure that was nothing
oh, i'm just gonna let you do that apparently
how many horrific stab wounds have i sustained?
ow, that's my wound hand
this is not a sexual thing, it's about power right?
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balladofaspider · 3 months
send me questions you have about my character!
anything and everything. favorites. thoughts on people, on events. what they would do in a certain situation. how things would be different if something had/hadn’t happened. simple questions, complex questions. have at it!
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balladofaspider · 3 months
a collection of quotes and quips from popular internet posts. change & alter as needed.
"I've been a prime suspect in over thirty murder cases."
"You'd be amazed at how many times I've fucked around without finding out a single thing."
"Well, you know what they say: you snooze, you lose. It looks like you snost and you lost."
"Bipolar disorder has nothing on the epic highs and lows of high school football."
"Without a queen to lay eggs, how will more British people be born?"
"Mentally, I am a little corn snake in a winter hat."
"If you pass the drug test at Domino's, they fire you."
"Mobsters are part of a mob. And so you'd think lobsters would be part of a lob. But life just isn't that simple."
"Dudes don't get lost at sea like they used to."
"Old McDonald had enough!"
"You are small potatoes to me, and brother, I'm about to start mashing."
"Every time I think I have a new hobby, it turns out I just like to buy stuff."
"As soon as she unblocks me, the wedding is back on."
"The word 'coward' should really mean 'to move in the direction of a cow'."
"Being bilingual means double the sad songs you can cry to."
"Here are some fresh ibuprofen pills for you to snack on."
"I'm so scared of bugs. A motherfucker could rob me with a centipede."
"I'm having the hamster urge to die tragically and abruptly."
"You swear on your life? Bitch, you're suicidal half the damn time. Swear on something else."
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balladofaspider · 3 months
★ Some First meeting Starters! ★
As always, feel free to edit/add context as needed!
"What... what the heck are you doing?"
"Hi. I'm ___ . I know we just met, but can you do a huge favor for me?"
"Umm... you alright there?"
"Whatcha got there?"
"Are you in danger?"
"You need directions? I can show you the way."
"Can I borrow a few [currency] off you?"
"I'm really sorry! I didn't break it, did I?"
"Can you walk? I can give you a hand."
"Hey, have you seen [item] around? I can't find mine."
"Run now! Ask questions later!"
"I didn't mean to hit you, sorry you got wrapped up in that mess."
"Woah, what the heck is that!? That's cool!"
"Where you from? I've not seen you around before."
"Hope I didn't make a bad impression. Can we start over? I'm ___ ."
"Shh! I hear something."
"You looking for a fight? Because I'll give you one!"
"Who the heck do you think you are?"
"Get out the way!"
"Coming through, coming through!"
"Awee, I love your dog! What's it's name?"
"What the heck is going on here!?"
"Someone please explain this to me."
"Woah, I'm friendly promise! Calm down!"
"Can... you pretend you didn't just see me make a fool of myself?"
"Ack! Where the hell did you learn to drive?!"
"You almost hit me!"
"I'm suing you."
"Don't mess with me."
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balladofaspider · 3 months
“Well, I guess when you’ve got nothing to go home to, you’ve got nothing to lose.”
— Manuel Calavera, Grim Fandango
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balladofaspider · 3 months
Hi, so as a lot of you know things have been pretty awful for a really long time in my real life and I’m unfortunately now scrambling to get my kids half way across the country just so I can keep a roof over their heads because that’s where their closest family is.
So if you could please share this with anyone, just push it along even once and it could mean everything in keeping kids who don’t deserve their shitty situation to somewhere safe.
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balladofaspider · 3 months
you ever look through your likes to find memes to reblog and find all the starter calls you liked that never went answered to you?
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balladofaspider · 3 months
𝐖𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃  𝐘𝐎𝐔  𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑  (𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟑)  -   a  collection  of  movie  sentence  starters.   adjust phrasing, pronouns,  etc.  as  necessary.   tw:  drinking,  death,  violence.   
i had no place to turn.
you mad at me or something?
why would i be mad at you?
i feel like i let you down.
you can’t always be the hero.
i could really use the quiet.
it’s gonna be fine. we’ll get through this.
i trust that you will be on your best behavior tonight.
i mean, really. what’s the point?
why are you doing this?
i want to help you.
you have no idea how hard i’ve worked.
is all this necessary?
there’s no better window into a person’s character than the decisions that they make while under duress.
what the hell is this?
i knew this was too good to be true.
someone’s had a little too much to drink.
you go to hell, you sick motherfucker.
i don’t think i can do this.
you’re fucking crazy.
the least you could do is show a little fucking respect.
psycho little bitch.
you heard me, bitch.
opening your mouth was a big mistake.
i will fuck that guy up if i get the chance.
they want us to turn on each other.
yeah, we’re fucked.
they’re gonna kill us.
i’ve been through worse.
let’s just get it over with.
what the fuck is the matter with you people?
what did i ever do to you?
it’s just like life, isn’t it? no do-overs.
he needs medical attention.
can i stab her anywhere?
put some pressure on it.
can you breathe?
she’s not unconscious. she’s dead.
i tried to help her.
you made a decision and there’s a consequence.
keep your sarcasm to yourself.
they shot him.
is there a way out?
you’re lucky you didn’t get us all killed.
keep your petulant mouth shut.
why are you pointing a gun in my face?
now he’s dead.
i can’t do it.
that isn’t possible.
it’s over. we’re done. we can go home.
i think we have some things in common.
you’re here for someone else, right?
i’ll bet you’d do anything for him.
i know exactly how you feel.
i believe a “thank you” is in order.
oh my god, what did you do?
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balladofaspider · 3 months
*there’s a heavy, wet splat noise as I trip and fall back on to this blog*
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balladofaspider · 6 months
Injury starters
"Oh my gosh, are you okay? That looks like a nasty injury!"
"I'm in pain, but I'll survive. Just caught me off guard."
"Let me take a look at that. We need to assess the severity of your injury."
"It hurts quite a bit, but I think I can still move it."
"We should clean the wound and bandage it as soon as possible."
"I can't believe I let this happen. I should have been more careful."
"Don't blame yourself. Accidents happen. Let's focus on getting you some help."
"I just can't believe how much it hurts."
"Let's get you to a hospital."
"I hope it's not too serious. I don't want to burden anyone."
"Hold on, I'll grab something to elevate your injury and ease the pain."
"The pain is becoming more intense."
"Stay with me. Help is on the way. You're going to be all right."
"I'm trying my best, but it's hard to stay calm when it hurts this much."
"Let's keep pressure on the wound to minimize bleeding until we get professional help."
"Remember to take deep breaths. We need to keep your stress levels down."
"Stay positive. We'll get you the medical attention you need and make sure you recover."
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balladofaspider · 6 months
Ayo is the spiderverse RPC dead or is it just interest for Holly that is-?
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balladofaspider · 6 months
𝐁𝐔𝐙𝐙𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐃 𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐃 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 (a collection of prompts from the YouTube show “BuzzFeed Unsolved”, feel free to adjust phrasing and gendered terms as necessary)
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"I'm ghost-proof."
"Shut up, [NAME]."
"This is the worst."
"It doesn't make sense."
"Stop serial killing."
"Don't try it, demon."
"Hey there, demons. It's me, ya boi!"
"Why do you not believe that ghosts are real?"
"Are you scared right now?"
"Friends murder each other all the time."
“Hey, you demon fuck.”
"I'm gonna be so pissed off if we die."
"Teenage boys are the worst."
"Hey, look. Steal from the rich. Do it."
"Why won't the ghosts talk to us?"
"I'm starting to think you want to die."
"He does have a hell of an ass."
"I love it when serial killers have a fun little thing."
"What is it about killers that they want to get caught so bad?"
"I don't have a nervous system. I am a nervous system."
"The aliens would get tired of me. They'd kick me off."
"Please ignore my tall idiotic counterpart."
"[NAME], every room you're in is a panic room."
"Would you break me out of prison if I got, uh, if I got arrested?"
"I guess I'll go into town this weekend and murder some people."
"My demons are chasing me and they're doing the Naruto run."
"It costs $400 to see a therapist. But it’s free to just tell yourself, 'It be like that sometimes.'"
"If you slit my throat tonight I'm gonna have a hard time forgiving you for that."
"I did meet some of the most insufferable people. But they also met me."
"'That’s a guy I wanna share a cold one with,' is what Bigfoot would say. About me."
"If you're gonna kill a bunch of people, you might as well have fun with it."
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balladofaspider · 6 months
"I DIDN'T KNOW YOU COULD DO THAT" PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
when did you learn how to do that?
that was... weird.
that was you, right? you did that?
i'm imagining things, aren't i? that didn't just happen.
i'm going to pretend like i didn't see that.
who on earth taught you that?
that was a bit scary, i have to admit.
i didn't know you were capable of that.
could you always do that, or was that something you just learned?
just felt like you could spring that on me, i guess?
i have... so many questions.
so... when were you going to tell me about that?
i must be dreaming.
i guess i don't know you that well after all.
did they teach you how to do that?
where did you learn that?
so that's what you learned while you were away.
all right. start talking.
you can't just pull that out without telling me!
warn me next time!
that was... that was incredible.
was that magic?
we'll talk about whatever that was later.
a little warning next time would be great.
wait wait wait, before we go any further, i need an explanation.
don't just walk off! tell me what that was!
and here i thought i knew you well enough.
i don't like it when you keep secrets.
next time, tell me beforehand. that way i'm not freaking out the whole time wondering what's going on.
you don't see that every day.
can you do it again?
show it to me again.
i liked that a little more than i should.
give me a second to pick my jaw up off the floor.
you never told me you could do something like that.
you can't just do that stuff and expect me to be okay with it!
so that's what you've been learning.
could you teach me how to do that?
how long did that take you to learn?
i'm beyond impressed by you.
now that's more like it!
that was excellent.
you really are extraordinary.
i've never seen anyone do anything remotely as cool as that.
that must have taken you years to perfect.
show me again, and this time, let me see if i can do it, too.
when we're through with this, i'd like you to teach me how.
i never thought i'd see the day.
my heart's pounding.
you're starting to really impress me.
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balladofaspider · 7 months
moon knight (show) starters
❝ still wake up every morning still feeling like i got hit by a bus. ❞   ❝ i need you to listen to me very carefully. ❞   ❝ what’s the worst that could happen? ❞   ❝ you look scared. ❞   ❝ every time i learn something new about you, i think, “that’s it. there can’t possibly be any secrets left between us.” ❞     ❝ do you want to know the truth? there’s chaos in you. ❞   ❝ darkness. sometimes it hides in our very hearts. ❞   ❝ it’s like we’re in heaven. ❞   ❝ call me sentimental, but i worry about you. ❞   ❝ you were nothing more than a corpse when i found you. ❞   ❝ you’re a liar. i don’t believe you. i don’t trust you. ❞   ❝ tell me what it is you are. what are you? ❞   ❝ you know i’ll protect you with everything i have. ❞   ❝ it’s like i’ve not known you at all. ❞ ❝ oh, god. is that fresh blood? ❞ ❝ i don’t need protection. what i need is honesty. ❞ ❝ i need you to keep an eye out, because i’m being followed. ❞   ❝ this has to be a dream. this has to be a dream. ❞   ❝ i thought that you were in danger, or kidnapped. ❞   ❝ that thing’s about to break through the door. we’re out of time. ❞   ❝ i didn’t do that on purpose. ❞ ❝ i only punish those who have already done harm. ❞   ❝ this would be a great time for you to say something. anything. ❞   ❝ it’s maddening, isn’t it? the voice in your head. relentless, forever unsatisfied. ❞   ❝ no matter how hard you try to please, it devours you until there’s nothing left but a hollow shell. ❞   ❝ oh, my god. you’re alive. ❞     ❝ i don’t care what you can offer. i don’t trust you. ❞     ❝ do not let the pain of the past control you. ❞   ❝ sometimes we need the cold light of death before we can see reality. ❞   ❝ i’m sorry it had to be this way. ❞   ❝ i’ve heard it all now. ❞   ❝ this doesn’t need to happen. this was all so avoidable. ❞   ❝ i’ve never been able to just talk about everything. ❞   ❝ do you see the spiral you put me through? ❞   ❝ are you asking me out? ❞   ❝ why fight, knowing you will fail? ❞     ❝ tell me to spare you, and i will. ❞     ❝ why do all men like you feel it necessary to be just so condescending? ❞ ❝ not worried you might’ve burned too many bridges? ❞   ❝ you weren’t supposed to see any of this. ❞   ❝ it’s a hard thing, exhuming the pain of the past. it’s easy to get stuck. ❞   ❝ you’re not so innocent anymore, eh? ❞   ❝ there can be no progress without understanding. ❞ ❝ that was a bit over the top, don’t you think? ❞   ❝ just leave it. get out. go away from me. ❞   ❝ time has been cruel to you. ❞   ❝ i can’t believe it worked. ❞     ❝ i can’t believe you live in this mess. ❞     ❝ i survived because i knew i wasn’t alone. ❞     ❝ you’re looking pretty rough. ❞     ❝ i cannot allow you to proceed. ❞         ❝ i feel the pain inside of you. ❞ ❝ you’re lying. you’re just trying to upset me. ❞ ❝ everything reminds me of my past. ❞ ❝ i only punish those who have chosen evil. ❞     ❝ i was supposed to die that night. ❞   ❝ what the hell are you doing here? you shouldn’t be here. ❞   ❝ it’s just you and me, and the open road. ❞   ❝ you can never contain me. i’ll never stop. ❞     ❝ i know i’ve made you angry. i’m sorry. ❞   ❝ you’re in danger, and i can save us. ❞ ❝ i can’t have you interfering in what i have left to do. ❞      
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balladofaspider · 7 months
i often have these ideas that have no real origin, but i can actually tell you precisely why my brain wanted this: i was listening to "hey, soul sister" by train on a loop and i got thinking abt the fact that we really do just say "hey" for so many reasons. and i wanted to make that your thought of the evening! so happy november, bon appetit, wrap up warm, DO NOT ADD TO THIS LIST, and enjoy your writings!
[ GREETING ]: sender says "hey" as a greeting to the receiver.
[ ATTENTION ]: sender, having just noticed something strange or remarkable, calls for the receiver to get their attention.
[ REASSURE ]: in a bid to steady the unsettled receiver, the sender lightly says "hey" to help them calm down.
[ ANGER ]: the sender sharply snaps "hey" at the receiver, clearly angry about something the receiver has just done or had done in the past.
[ IDEA ]: having been presented with a predicament, the sender suddenly unravels a solution, introducing it to the receiver by saying "hey…".
[ GUILT ]: having just done something that they know the receiver won't be pleased with, the sender sheepishly greets them once they arrive to see the damage.
[ GOSSIP ]: the sender turns to face the receiver conspiratorially, clearly eager to share some new gossip with them.
[ URGENT ]: the sender rushes to the preoccupied receiver, desperately shouting "hey!" to get them to focus on a far more pressing matter.
[ SOOTHE ]: after finding the clearly distressed receiver, the sender pulls them into a careful embrace, gently murmuring "hey…" to try and soothe them.
[ SMILE ]: the sender (who hasn't been smiling up until they actually see the receiver in front of them) lights up with a smile as they greet the receiver.
[ TEARS ]: the sender greets the receiver while very clearly in tears.
[ FAKE ]: alternatively, the sender (who has just been crying in private) hastily wipes away their tears and tries to greet the receiver casually (to varying degrees of success).
[ WARNING ]: when the receiver begins to say things about subjects that are off-limits to the sender, the latter gives them a warning by saying "hey…".
[ LAUGH ]: having found the receiver to be decidedly unhappy, the sender lightly catches their attention before doing something to make them laugh, or at the very least, grin.
[ PROTEST ]: after the receiver does or says something that the sender deems to be unfair, the sender tries to exact justice by saying "hey!".
[ BREATHLESS ]: having clearly just sprinted down to the receiver, the sender tries to catch their breath while greeting them.
[ SAVE ]: after just saving the receiver's life in a very heroic fashion, the sender smoothly greets them while helping them escape.
[ FLIRT ]: the sender meets the receiver in a social setting, and attempts to flirt with them with the very traditional pick-up line: "hey.".
[ APOLOGY ]: the sender, having recently done something that hurt or upset the receiver, reunites with them and addresses the elephant in the room by greeting them with a sincerely apologetic tone.
[ AWKWARD ]: after a particularly rough first encounter, the sender meets the receiver again, and awkwardly greets them with more than a touch of embarrassment.
[ GENTLE ]: having found the receiver in an emotionally compromised position, the sender closes the door and approaches them carefully, gently saying "hey…" to try and get them to communicate what has upset them.
[ HARD ]: preparing to deliver what they both know will be bad news, the sender tries to prepare the receiver by quietly greeting them in a solemn tone.
[ WAKEN ]: walking into the receiver's bedroom, the sender gently shakes their shoulder to waken them, and whispers "hey." to encourage the process along.
[ WHISPER ]: the sender gently whispers "hey" to the receiver to discreetly get their attention without drawing the attention of others.
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