balletflatslove · 8 years
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balletflatslove · 8 years
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balletflatslove · 8 years
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Super Silky Summer Legs
Next time you are feeling down, about to binge, going on a date, or just need to pamper yourself, do this. I just did it and I can not stop rubbing my legs together. It feels like I paid for that over expensive pedicure at the salon.
1 1/4 C Sugar (Yup, plain, good-ol’ white sugar)
1/2 C Oil (I used olive oil, but you can use any oil, coconut oil, baby oil, canola oil)
3 tablespoons Citrus (Lime or lemon)
1-2 Razors
Mix everything together in a bowl.
Soak your legs in the tub for 5 minutes.
Shave your legs.
Rub some of this mixture all over your legs. The sugar will help rub off all dirt and dead skin. Rub, rub. Feels like a mini massage.
Rinse it all off, shave again. I would use one razor per leg if you have two. You will be rinsing this razor a lot. I was GROSSED out by the amount of dead skin I was “shaving” off. It was insane! Trust me, you’ll see.
Rub your legs again! Second coat of wax, oh yeah.
Rinse off! You can use a mild soap to help get some of the oil off.
Lotion your legs up, and feel the silkiness!
Now this isn’t just geared to ladies…. guys, if you want to get lucky, I suggest you offer to rub your ladies’ feet with this mix too. It feels awesome, and when you get lucky, you will be thanking me that her rough grandma feet aren’t cutting your legs, if ya know what I’m saying… hahaha.
I have silky arm pits too!!
Try it, I swear, You will want everyone to touch your legs.
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balletflatslove · 8 years
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Photo - http://bit.ly/1iP6KGE
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balletflatslove · 8 years
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