     Where was he ? Normally the chipper doctor could be found within the area, er-- If one could count hearing him and seeing him as finding him, fairly quickly, but it seemed that today was going to be different. Hopefully he was around ? A brief peek around what she could see of the Med Bay proved her search to be fruitless. Nope. Seems he wasn’t there. Maybe she should just--      Oh !      Who was that ?      Someone... New ?      Alice is silent as the individual speaks, her head being tilted some whilst a semi-uncomfortable expression takes place upon her face. Gun... Wasn’t here ? That news alone is enough to make the Pyro almost turn-tail and flee the area, maybe go rush back to her room and hideout there for awhile, long enough that the incident was forgotten about. But... Surprisingly enough, she doesn’t.       Instead of retreating out of cowardice, the smaller takes a nervous step or two into the room with the ( much taller, wow ! ) stranger, eyes sparkling with what looks to be inquisitiveness.       ❝ ...Uhm-- Could you please take it off ? It’s... Very itchy ! And uncomfortable ! I mean, only if you can ! I don’t want to be an inconvenience or anything, or take up any of your time ! ❞      She shuffles in place for a moment, body language screaming that she’s unsure if he’d want to help or not, whilst her face hints at hopefulness that he would. Obviously the man would since he’d already said it was something he could do, but it seemed that Alice had to ask anyways.       Oh dear !      ❝ O-Oh ! And ah-- My name is Alice, by the way ! It’s... Nice to meet you, Mister Emmerich. ❞
Emmerich is in the office – (he thinks of this one as Gun’s office, rather, for all that the space isn’t necessarily divided so strictly) – chatting softly to Gun’s parakeets when he hears the swinging doors open, out in the infirmary. He doesn’t actually stop though until that hesitant little voice calls out for Gun. It’s tempting to simply not answer back, if that’s the case – he’s not actually so unprofessional as to do it, he reminds himself – but all the same he draws reluctantly away from the cage with a little wiggle of his fingers and mumble of ‘bye-bye now’, moving instead to the open door and giving a wide half-wave to catch the visitor’s attention.
“Herr Guenther is out at the moment, I fear,” he supplies as helpfully as he can, though that much is likely obvious already. It's a bit flat in tone – difficult to be too enthusiastic for strangers who are about as likely to high-tail it back out the doors as they are to answer him when they realize that he isn’t the one they’re looking for – but lilts at the end like a question. “Um–. So. If–…if it is simply the removal of your cast that you need, I am happy to help you. My name is Emmerich. But, ah, if you would prefer to wait for Herr Guenther instead, or come back later, then naturally–. You know.”
Very smooth.
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     i’m gonna kick someone’s ass !
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     It’s been.... Forever, hasn’t it ? When was the last time she’d even seen him ? Well... A few years, obviously. Was it... High school, maybe ? That sounded about right !       Those big blues stare up at him in surprise-- A hint of happiness making the corners of her lips tilt upwards before there was a full-blown smile on the little Pyro’s face. Wow. Just... Wow ! Alice never really did think that she’d ever see him again, but what a pleasant surprise !       But also... A not-so-pleasant surprise. Why was he here ? Was his family having money issues or something, perhaps ? That... Seems to be the main reason why most people were here.      ❝ I-- Well, uhm ! I’m... Not the fighting type ! I’m here looking for my uhm- I’m looking for someone. Someone important to me. But... What about you ? Why’re you here, Kyle ?  And no ! I am four-foot-eleven, you... ! ❞      Cue a tiny pout. Fuck you, Kyle.
@balloonicornies, Continued from: Here
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{– ♞ –}
   There’s a sly smirk that settles to his lips, actually quite relieved that he’d ran into an old friend–his transfer to Sawmill left the team he knew behind; yet even so, they weren’t anything more than that. Teammates. Easily replaceable. 
   So, the surprise of seeing a familiar face, let alone one he didn’t mind running into again, was already making this place seem more appealing. 
        “Me? Pretty sure I should be asking you that question. Never took you as the–well, fighting type.”
   If there was anyone he’d expect to see; it certainly wasn’t Alice. She really struck him more as, the, well–gentler type. Not someone who’d be thrown out into a battlefield to annihilate various enemies. Surprise surprise. 
        “Geeze, you haven’t grown at all–what’re you now, four feet?”
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He toddles up to her and plants a big, sloppy, wet smooch right on that tiny cheek, lacing an arm around her. He reeks of alcohol and his face is delightfully red. He looks like a doofus with the mistletoe hat, for sure. This is your Dad™, enjoy.
     WELL THEN !     She could smell the scent of booze long before he’d made an appearance, and when the Medic had ( unsteadily ) approached her, that’s when the Pyro finally realized there was another individual around. Took her long enough, hadn’t it ?     WAS HE-- ?     Oh !     Alice is... Surprised, but also a little bit pleased to see that the good Doctor is so.. Affectionate to her ? It wasn’t everyday that the little Pyro got attention like this, after all ! But still, was Gun going to be alright after all the drinking ? He didn’t really SEEM like a lightweight, but it wasn’t like she really knew that for a fact or anything... Coupled with the way he tossed his arm around her, he had to be pretty buzzed, huh ? There’s a quick nervous laugh from her, along with a small hand coming up to pat at his cheek.     ❝ Gunny-- Are you alright ? ❞
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ロンパついろぐ by 理子
※ Permission to reprint was given by the artist If you liked their art, please do take the time to rate and bookmark it at their Pixiv account. Please do not repost and/or remove credit
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By お喋りうさぎ
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sleepyhead | passion pit
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     Her good hand itches for something to grab onto at the moment, her own anxiety starting to get the better of her-- Why was talking to men so difficult ? It wasn’t even like Rick was hard to talk to or anything, it was just... She didn’t want to slip up or anything in front of him ! Speaking of Rick... What was with that look on his face ? Alice tilts her head some, expression morphing into one of confusion. Had she maybe said something offensive towards him ?      Must’ve not of been all that big of a deal, since his attention is immediately drawn towards the scruff upon his face-- Phew.      ❝ You aren’t good with the cold ? ❞      That was... Surprising to her. He was big enough, and had the right build to be from someplace that more up north and less condensed with people.       ❝ Chicago ? That’s where you’re from ? I... I hope this isn’t rude of me to say, but I had assumed you were... Perhaps from Canada ? I’m unfortunately, uhm, not very well-versed in North American places and such, to be honest. Where exactly is Chicago at ? I only know of uh-- California, Nevada, and New York... Is it close to any of those places ? ❞      There’s obvious curiosity in the Pyro’s eyes, those itty-bitty hands of hers coming up to neatly clasp together against her chest. If it was obvious before, then it was pretty obvious now that she wasn’t native to the country. And... She was also very much excited ( and eager ) at the prospect of being able to learn more about him. Was that so wrong ?      ❝ O-Oh ! You... You want to help me ? ❞      Well.. He was already washing his hands-- And it wasn’t like she was going to say no to him anyways. It’d be a nice bonding activity, and it’d also be a good time to talk and learn more about one another !       ❝ You’re uhm.. You’re more than welcome to help me out, actually ! I mean... You’ve already washed your hands, and I’ve only got one good one-- And of course, you’ve got perfect timing ! I was actually just getting to the hard part. I know it doesn’t look like brownie batter right now, but if you could be a sweetie and maybe mix it for me THEN it’ll look like it’s supposed to. ❞      This was... Exciting ! Now it was her turn to show off !   
     The statement surprises him, raising one brow in confusion as he turns his head to look at her. What? Only him and Gun were the only fellas eating her goods? That was baffling to know. Really, this little Pyro could have had a bakery of her own by now, with how well she made her stuff. Not too sweet, not too bland, and all her delicacies were perfect when he bit into them. At least, some of the stuff he tasted. It was great!      Oh– his beard, huh? One hand nonchalantly begins rubbing all that thick bush of hair that had overcome his face, and he shoots a grin in her direction.      “What? This? Naaaw. Okay, well– maybe a little. I ain’t really great with cold climates, ya know, so even though No Shave November is over, I got this thing makin’ my face warm! It’s always helped during the windy days in Chicago.”      He sure won’t be shaving that thing until February comes around, most likely. Though, all that grooming and trimming was sort of bothersome to do everyday every morning. Then again, he didn’t want to run in the battlefield like some Greek god. Or hermit. Not exactly his style.      “But–! Anyway! Do ya, uh– need help with those brownies? Ya seem to be strugglin’ anyway, so I think ya need an extra pair of hands!” he wiggled his fingers, later heading to the sink to scrub them thoroughly.      “Chocolate sounds good, though. I’m kind of tired of pumpkin anyway.” 
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ダンガンロンパ絵まとめ by だだだ@二日目東イ40a
※ Permission to reprint was given by the artist If you liked their art, please do take the time to rate and bookmark it at their Pixiv account. Please do not repost and/or remove credit
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     Her steps are slow, so very, very, agonizingly slow-- Each sound of her shoe meeting the linoleum floor beneath her feet being a reminder that she’s further away from the comfort of her room and closer to the Med bay... Which normally wouldn’t be a problem for the tiny Pyro.       NORMALLY.      The reason that it was such an issue for the time being was that Alice knew that Mister Gun wasn’t going to be there... Or more that there was a possibility that he wouldn’t be there ( how terrifying ! ), as obviously there was more than just ONE Medic on base. What a mad house this place would be if there were only one of them running about, huh ? The thought is... Momentarily amusing, but she quickly shakes it off and frowns to herself. The other issue was that her shadow, Rick, wasn’t there with her either-- She’d been much too embarrassed to ask if he’d accompany her, besides, last Alice passed by his room she SWORE that she could hear what seemed to be snoring from within. Let sleeping bears lie, that was close enough to the original saying, right ?      The female pauses at the doors to the Med bay, big blues staring up at the little square windows that allow those that’re of a more significant height to see in. It’s... Quiet. Too quiet. Definitely too quiet. Normally there’d be some sort of conversation if it was Pa-- Mister Gun. Alice cradles her injured arm within the other and holds it close to her chest before sucking in a breath and pushing the double-doors open just enough so that she can poke her head in. Where... Where’s everyone at ?      ❝ H-Hello ! Uhm... ! Is there anyone here right now ? Mister Gun ? Uh-- I’m here... To get my cast removed ! Like you said... ❞      Seems like nobody was here.      SEEMS.
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     { when u tryin 2 do ur starter but ur internet is like ‘naw man’ }
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By チヨ
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holy shit
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     Why did he have to be so big ? The way he’s gotta bend down some to be able to look at her could’ve been a little bit off-putting in a way, but thankfully he’s been sweet on her, so it doesn’t make the Pyro feel anything other than just a teensy bit safe, really. The pinch to her nose causes the smaller to make a squeaking sort of noise, eyes being scrunched shut whilst a whine of his name makes itself heard.       The name he calls her is enough to make Alice give a quiet giggle, head being shook at him. Rick did have a point though, that she should’ve asked someone for help when it came to her current activity-- The fact that he’d called her out once more was enough to make those pale cheeks of hers burn some, a light dusting of pink covering them. Whoopsie ?    ❝ I... U-Uhm ! I guess so... I just know that people were resting and such after yesterday, so I didn’t wanna bother anyone... That’s all ! ❞      There she goes, a hand coming up to sheepishly play with a stray strand of hair. She looks like the kid who got caught with her hand in the cookie jar, to put it simply. Once the Heavy turns his attention towards the bowl, Alice almost claps her hands together, but instead straightens herself up and quickly shoots him a smile.      ❝ Brownies ! I thought that everyone might want to smell something else besides turkey, pumpkin, and cinnamon... So why not chocolate ? I mean, I’d rather smell chocolate than those other things, wouldn’t you ? And like I said, I’m just so-- So bored ! There’s not very much here to do, is there ? ❞      Once again the Pyro is blushing, both hands coming up so that she can cover her face whilst an apology is squeaked out.      ❝ S-Sorry ! I know I’m probably not helping either you or Mister Gun, am I ? I think you two are the only ones here who’ll eat what I make ! ❞      Fingers are parted briefly so that those big blues can look back up at him, a playful little smile taking its rightful place upon her face. Uh-oh, she’s got something witty to say, Rick.      ❝ I don’t think that’s the only thing you’re getting ! What’s all that stuff on your face, huh ? Someone’s been lazy, hasn’t he ? ❞
     “Eeeh?” is all he’s able to muster as he curls his fingers onto his hips, bending over to get a good look at her. That little bit of flour catches his eye, and he can’t hep but pinch that tiny nose of hers. Bored? Well, he could understand that. Sure didn’t stop him that one time he got stuck in bed for a stomach flu, and he still insisted on playing his guitar on bed (even if it meant hurting his head in the long run too).      “Aw, c’mon Alice in Wonderland– I mean– if you wanted to bake, you coulda asked me or someone else for help, right?” He glances at the bowl and the spoon that sat within it, taking a peek of what was inside.      “What’re ya makin’ anyway? I mean, Thanksgiving is done, and those cookies and all was tasty, but ya don’t have to be makin’ more!” His hands drum upon his belly, throwing his head back to laugh heartily.      “I mean, look! I’m already gettin’ some extra dough ‘round my waistline!”
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