ballroomofmarz · 1 month
Jagged Edges
I have loved the dark many a time
What is there not to love in the dark
Where we can cleave ourselves of expectation
Where the blackness soothes the fire in our minds and the weariness in our hearts
It is something of a hobby of mine
To love a broken thing
To scratch and tinker at its edges, feel the roughness scrape at callouses
To give it new life and hope
Oh it is easy to love the dark
But never before has it felt like gazing into a shattered mirror
And flaying my skin from the bone
Never before have I loved
Not the cold heart of darkness
But the supernova of heat and life that came before it
I fall before you on my knees
As one kneels before the whalefall of a dying God
I love the corpse of who you were
And the ghost of who I was
Never before has it felt
Like the bittersweet agony of coming home
And finding it was never there
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ballroomofmarz · 1 month
Crystal Lore
LONGGG Text Post full of just some basic information regarding my girl. TW: Mentions of substance abuse and depression
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Crystal was originally from the city life of Brooklyn, though her time there was shortly lived. She ended up in Georgetown, Texas a few streets away from this squirrely kid she'd later know as Leland.
Their first meeting, Crystal was eight and ended up pelting Leland in the face with a baseball, resulting in him getting a bloody nose. For some reason he kept coming back, and younger Crystal wasn't sure if she found the persistence annoying or endearing. The blonde ended up eventually taking up for the kid after a dispute that occurred in the neighborhood one day. She punched another kid for harassing Leland about his more sensitive nature. The blonde felt it was okay for her to be mean to Leland, but apparently it struck a cord if anyone else did. From there, she grew a little less cold towards the boy and even eventually learned to call him her friend. Crystal hadn't ever really had one of those before. The blonde was fairly well liked once they got into high school, gaining a reputation for being the life of the party. She spent her weekends drinking and spending the night with strangers. Crystal was a stranger to commitment and had little interest in something serious. Between her interest in journalism and learning about the issues in the world, Crystal also grew fond of bikes and music, spending most of her time working on modifying her bike and listening to The New York Dolls or T. Rex  in her backyard.
Oftentimes Crystal would invite Leland over, and he’d watch her work, while they talked about whatever came to mind.
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School Life:
Throughout elementary school, Crystal was a bit of a troubled child. She always found something to scrap with a kid about, didn’t play well with others, and spent most of her time isolated.
She didn’t seem to want to make friends or listen to what she was told. Crystal was a mean spirited kid and typically treated any kindness towards her with a bitter attitude. This would scare off most sane kids, but something about Crystal drew Leland in.
It wasn’t until Crystal witnessed someone else being mean to Leland that she started to develop a liking for him, being annoyed that anyone could be so mean to such a sweet kid. It also kind of showed her some insights about herself.
Later in life Leland explained that he witnessed Crystal’s father being neglectful towards her at points and just saw a kid who needed a friend and not some bitch.
Middle school was when Crystal started to calm down a little, though she never dedicated her time to doing well in class, instead opting to focus on whatever made her feel good. Crystal’s aggression was channeled into her writing, where she started putting focus on journalism and being an activist for current world issues.
In High School Crystal became well known for her party girl persona, often trying to be the center of attention everywhere she went.
The blonde had a pretty promiscuous reputation as time went on, becoming pretty well known for her not so classy behavior as well as her brash nature. She had an ability to kind of blend in anywhere, always adapting, but never really letting people know the real her.
Senior year was roughest for Crystal, and that seemed to be when the blonde lost most of her motivation.
No one really understood why, but it was as if Crystal’s personality changed overnight. For a period of time she didn’t even want to leave her bed, believing that her life would end once high school did. That everything was going to change. 
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Home Life:
 Before ending up in Georgetown, Crystal lived in Brooklyn for a period of time. Though only eight years of her life were spent in the city, many of Crystal’s most memorable events occurred there. The blonde has few fond memories of Brooklyn.
While her father would travel abroad, Crystal and her siblings would be left home with her mother. She recollects little of her time then, unsure what kind of person her mother truly was.
From as far back as Crystal could remember, her mother had been aloof, never entirely all there. No one realized how bad it actually was, until Crystal ended up going outside in the middle of the night one winter.
Crystal had woken up to find her mom wasn’t in bed. The young eight year old wandered out into the snow, only to find her mother unresponsive in the cold.
Crystal ended up waking up her siblings, who went to their neighbors for help, however the situation put Crystal and her siblings in the care of the state until her father returned.
Crystal’s mother was hospitalized and her father ended up filing for divorce once he returned.
Wanting an entirely new change of pace and scenery, the family ended up settling in Georgetown, Texas in hopes of being able to help grow and move on from the experience.
Unfortunately however, Crystal’s father still always prioritized his work, resulting in him being rather emotionally negligent of Crystal and her siblings.
From there the blonde would do any and everything to gain her father’s attention. Typically only receiving it when she’d acted out.
This ignited and fueled Crystal’s rebellious nature, causing her to do any and everything. The blonde grew impulsive, reckless, and aggressive over time.
She spent most of her days home alone, often throwing parties and having strangers stay in her bed. The one thing Crystal yearned for the most however, she always seemed to turn up empty handed.
She spent many nights laying awake and wondering just what kind of mother her mom could’ve been. If she was anything like her mom. Did she inherit that self-destructive nature from her?
Crystal did any and everything to cover up that void that ate away inside of her. Having no one to really guide or talk to her, she grew unfamiliar with the concept of love and stability in relationships.
Crystal usually opted for quick hookups, though her longest lasting relationship was on and off throughout Highschool with James Righton.
The blonde had about as good taste in partners as her parents however, typically opting to cling to people that didn’t value her as they should.
Perhaps it was a lack of understanding her self worth, or maybe it was a chance to prove that she could fix anything, and not feel like she failed her mother.
Crystal felt more like an object than a person most of her life, often spending her time skipping classes to be with whoever she was obsessed with at the time, or getting high at home in bed. 
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ballroomofmarz · 1 month
Crystal and Leland are the trope of two idiots hopelessly and pathetically in love with each other, though both aren't clueless. Crystal is fully aware of Leland's feelings, however her issues stemming from her own lack of self worth and the belief that Leland deserves someone "whole" result in her completely ignoring all of his attempts at flirting. And Leland genuinely is just like "Wow. She's so great. I have no clue if she even likes me."
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ballroomofmarz · 1 month
Crystal will get in an intense argument with James over something, be like "Idgaf" then cry listening to Iron Butterfly while getting high with Leland.
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ballroomofmarz · 1 month
Us in another universe
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ballroomofmarz · 1 month
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