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John quickly began laughing at what Brie said about Nicole having her ass. Which is absoutely true, knowing her twin sister. John’s been with Nikki long enough to know the way she may react on certain topics. “I think the last thing we need is for us to experience the wrath of Nicole.” The older male said with a smile. “Is Bryan excited about having the baby? It’s felt he’s been saying one thing but actually thinking another when I saw him.”
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Brie smiled softly, all anger towards John dissipating as her hand rested on her stomach and she thought about the upcoming parenthood. She tried not to think about the fact that her and Bryan weren’t doing so good, tried not to think about any of that and just think about the fact that she was finally going to become a mother. “He is, he’s just...” she responds with a thoughtful pout of her lips before shrugging. “I honestly don’t know if he’s truly happy. We’ve been--” she pauses here before sighing softly. “It’s complicated.”
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“Eh, I know enough to get by,” he replied, head shaking. “It’s my first period class so half the time I’m just struggling to stay awake,” he added with a small laugh. There was a pause in his tone as he placed his backpack on. “I could help you out though. If you need the help.”
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She found herself flushing, biting on her lower lip as she thought about Colby’s offer. She could really use the help in math, and even if he wasn’t the best, she knew he was definitely good enough to help her, and any sort of help was worth whatever time spent. And, she could admit, she wouldn’t mind spending more time with him. “Yeah, that, uh. That sounds like a great offer.” She smiles.
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He pulled out his cellphone to take a glance at his phone. “Yeah, it is…” He slid his device into his pocket before he started loading everything back into his backpack. “What class do you have next?” He asked as he continued to load his folders in.
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She let out a tired breath, getting out her own phone and scrolling through it quickly before growling lightly. ‘Math. I hate Math, I am way too bad it,” she groans, packing her stuff up and letting out another exasperated breath. “What about you?”
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John sighed in response, that did scare him. It really did scare him that maybe Nikki could grow to be resentful of him one day. “I have thought about that. It scares me every single day. But that is the reason why I always tell her, she does not have to stay.” John rubs his forehead and sighs once more. “I am stuck in my ways and I know I can be stubborn. If there is a woman, who I would want any of this with….it is Nicole.” John needed to be honest. If there was anyone he would do this with, it is her. He knew telling this to Brie instead of Nicole could be costly. “I am just begging you, Brie…Keep this between us. For now.’
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Brie listened to him carefully, nodding her head as she listened to her -- well, she called him brother-in-law, even if he technically wasn’t. The more she listened though, the more Brie liked what John was saying, liked the fact that at least he had thought about his future with her sister, that if he ever did have kids, he could see himself having them with Nicole. That, in of itself, made Brie calm down and let out a small smile. ‘Of course I’ll keep this between us, John. Are you kidding, Nicole would have my ass if she learned I decided to talk to you,” Brie giggles lightly.
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lolotoituaiga / ballvrbvlla and so on is such a genuinely nice person even if shes misunderstood. her writing can be so beautiful too and i know this is meant for her but i also just want to add that im glad youre writing with her since youre my favorites to read
Send me some positivity about your favourite blogs on anon and I’ll @ them || @ballvrbvlla
//I’m hella late on this, but yes! I agree. I think Jamie is a great writer and from what I can tell she seems hella sweet as well. Aw. I’m glad you’re enjoying what you see. ;-;
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thebriebella: Weighed myself today and I have put on 10 lbs…it’s weird because I thought to myself is that to much!?? 😬 I really carb it up the first trimester! This stage can be hard because you kinda look pregnant but not really. You lose your waist but gain boobs and a butt (mine are really starting to look like Nikki’s 😎) but then I thought how much I’m loving how voluptuous I’m becoming. Michaelangeo only painted voluptuous Goddesses so I’m enjoying the greatest transition a women can go through!! #pregnancy #12weeks #bodypositive #bodytransformation #nofilter ✨
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Brie snorts in response, shaking her head.. “I wouldn’t make JJ godfather anyways, Nic. I love him, but he is not ready to be any kind of father. Even if he is becoming a dad,” Brie chuckles, shrugging lightly. “Annd in a few weeks, I believe.”
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“Well, JJ is our brother, but you won’t make him the godfather, right?” Of course she was joking, but in all honesty, it didn’t matter who would be the godmother or godfather. What matters the most is that the baby is healthy and happy. “I’ll do my best to be the most awesome godmother to this little one”, patting Brie’s stomach, Nikki glanced back to the road. “So, when’s your next appointment?”
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thebriebella: Would love to know what everyone thinks I’m having!!!! Boyor Girl at the end of the week you’ll find out  #babydanielson #babyreveal #boyorgirl
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verses can be found here.
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“Nicole, you can be godmother all ya want. You’re my sister.” Brie responds softly, trying to go for fun but coming out way more sincere than intended. “And I know I’ll be amazing.” Brie responds with a smirk, not finishing her very obvious thought. “And you’ll be a great aunty and godmother.”
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Letting out a small breath, Nikki saw the light turn to green and continued driving. “Yeah, with us it’s totally a possibility that you can have twins. But I’m still calling dibs on the godmother role!” She was so excited when she heard that Brie was pregnant, and that she would be “Aunty Coco” once again. “Brie, you’ll be an amazing mother, no matter how many kids you will have”. 
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