bamsuriyasenee-grad604 · 11 months
Final A2 print poster
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I went to PinkLime in AUT library to print out my A2 poster.
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This is the final outcome of this project that I put effort into. I have enjoyed the process until now. The writing part is very challenging for me to express my thoughts in text. This project helped me narrow down what I was really interested in and understand more about myself as a creative. Also, it makes me realize the direction in which I want to go in the future.
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bamsuriyasenee-grad604 · 11 months
Final Layout of writing poster
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The object poster has an impact on this layout in order to strengthen the connection between them and give it a more cohesive appearance. Also, make the number bigger than the first version, which is quite hard to see.
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bamsuriyasenee-grad604 · 11 months
poster draft (Fix numbering)
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Feedback :
-Move number 20 down to the bottom
-Make the number to read across as right now it quite hard to follow the line
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bamsuriyasenee-grad604 · 11 months
First version of writing page poster
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Feedback For lecture :
-Created a grid system similar to the layout of the object poster.
-Don't need title
-Make the number across (follow the image poster)
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bamsuriyasenee-grad604 · 11 months
Poster print draft (testing)
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Left Image: For this one, the colour of the cyanotype tends to be a lighter and warmer tone. Also, it got more texture from the brush with a clean line of grid box.
Right image: For this, the colour is brighter than the left one. The grid box got a brush stroke effect on the edges.
Paint strokes applied to the cyanotype were inspired by my creative work and the element that I got on the poster. I chose to go with the left version of my poster, as the effect that appears on the print looks more like a refined version of the right poster. It looks more together and gives a more cyanotype feel.
Change the effect in Photoshop
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For these two posters, I edited the effect in Photoshop to make the objects look clearer and not blend in with the background because I wanted to emphasize the objects. The right poster is the one that I develop and that I choose to be my final poster.
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I laid these two posters next to each other to see how they went with each other.
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Feedback from lecture for the writing poster :
-Apply the grid system like the object side so it link to each other more
-Numbering (change to make it across so it easy to follow along), move number 20 down to the bottom.
-Does not need the title.
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bamsuriyasenee-grad604 · 11 months
WK12- Feedback in class
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Question :
Numbering should read across, Hard to follow or is this purposed?
I haven't think of the final layout to put the numbering in my poster. This suggestion could be my other draft that I could try numbering my elements.
Has the grid been broken on purpose?
The grid system is inspire by the tiles work that I did. As a tiles that have a square pieces I think broke each object into pieces are related to the idea of tile making form.
What is the significance of using only blue?
Blue is a colour of the cyanotype print. As this technique is something that could represent my creative work identity.
Are your more important elements bigger? is there a reason behind which element is where? coordinated by theme?
The scale of the elements is from the tile work that I did but I try to group them together with this grid system that inspire by my tile work.
Have you thought about a title? (To give some more context)
I thinking go putting title on to the writhing poster side and I want to keep the elements poster layout just the image of objects.
Where is the inventory going to go?
I have done the first draft of my writhing poster but I quite struggle how to make it cohesive with the cyanotype poster that I did.
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-This is the first draft of my writing poster side that layout is follow the numbering on the objects page. but I think it could be better layout to make it more connect to the other of my cyanotype poster.
-Maybe adding a frame of cyanotype could be the idea I can move forward.
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Develop Poster Version2
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This seems to be a successful layout; it achieves a very clean look and has a grid system, with each element complementing the other well. We can clearly see the detail of each object, which is good.
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New Inspiration/layout sketch
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This is my tile work that inspired my poster layout. This project is inspired by Thai culture and architecture. So I want to use this idea of grid layout in my poster, as it will create a connection between my culture and my poster.
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This sketch place helps me visualize how the poster is going to look and saves me time to layout in digital as I know where each element should be.
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Cyanotype process
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I went to level 7 to do the cyanotype frame to make an edit with the object in Photoshop. So the mood and tone when I edited in Photoshop looked more realistic and close to a cyanotype print. I think this way is better than printing the elements onto the cyanotype because I will be able to keep developing my layout.
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The first try I failed because I think I did not leave the print in the dark room long enough and I might use the paper surface that is shining side so when I soak in the water the cyanotype does not stick to the paper.
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For this one, I created like a grid box for the print inspired by my cyanotype work that I did, but I forgot to put it in the UV light machine before I soaked it in water, so the cyanotype just faded away.
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For the second try, I did everything right, and the print came out as well as I expected. I try to play with the paint brush to get the brush effect on the print as it relates to one of my 20 objects.
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After I did the cyanotype frame, I edited the frame with the object in Photoshop to make it look like a cyanotype print. And after the editing, I laid it out using InDesign because it was more convenient to use a grid in InDesign.
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Development (poster)
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For this poster, I think the layout looks too busy and makes it hard to see the objects. and the cyanotype effect that I edit in Photoshop does not really give the tone of the cyanotype well.
What to fix.
-Grid system
-Cyanotype effect
-Negative space
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Sketch plan (poster)
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Inspire for new poster layout
Mixed Media
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These two are my works that inspired the development of my poster. The mixed media work influences the layout of my poster, and the cyanotype influences the poster by the way that I will represent it.
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20 Object (Writing)
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WK 10 feedback from peer/lecture
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The layout of this poster is inspire by Jerry Takigawa's work of the project called 'False Food' and the cyanotype is making a connection to what I interested and my creator that influence my work.
Jerry Takigawa - 'False Food'
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What they can see from my poster (peer) :
- photography
-Culture related
-particular technique that I into : cyanotype
Feedback from lecture
-Consider about the grid system
-Look too busy
-Take the background photo out
-Try different layout with inspire from my tile work or the mix media work
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WK 9 (1st Feedback from peer)
Feedback for this 2 posters :
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Feedback :
-Try different layout
-As I interested in painting, I could try add effect of brush as a background
-Add text in to my poster
-Arranging the object into a group make it clear of the categories
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Inspiration - the layout for poster
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These are the inspirations that I find on Pinterest. I want to keep my poster clean and minimal, with text included. But the problem with this layout and the mood and tone is that it is a bit too modern; it might be hard to make it speak to the concept of culture.
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Rating my project at this point allows me to know where I am up to and what I need to improve. I feel like at this moment, I need to go deeper with the research and keep developing my poster to get the best result.
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