banana-yo-gurt · 1 month
tw: theft, body horror, facial disfigurement
Hee hoo I got your nose!🫰👃
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banana-yo-gurt · 1 month
"I don't really understand it myself but I don't have to understand it to support you ☺"
A common sentiment among women tumblr you'll often read paraphrased a number of ways and to this I got to say: please absolutely do try to understand the things you're supporting. You have the brains to understand anything you put your mind to, do not turn them off! Do not uncritically lend your support to a cause, whatever it may be. Be curious and question everything. If something doesn't make sense to you, always dig deeper. Even if you were to end up with the same opinion that seemed correct in the first place, I promise you the journey to get there will still have been worth it.
No stance is above critical analysis and if someone makes you feel like it is, that's all the more reason to look into it. If there's any value to what's being said, it will stand to examination and if it doesn't... well you have your answer.
I know it's easy to rely on feelings alone and that being the good guy feels good. But please do consider that women are socialized into being supportive and feeling guilty when we fail to be so, even when it comes to supporting ideas that are harmful to us. Feelings should not be the only thing to go on to make up your mind about a subject, for they can be manipulated and are subject to cultural influences which, when it comes to women's issues, are often by design not playing in our favour.
You're not limited, you're not stupid, you don't lack for anything. You have every tool you need to understand the world around you. Use them and remember that an unquestioning woman is a subservient one.
They want you to feel intellectualy lacking enough to refrain from asking questions and passively accept everything you're told. Do not let them win.
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banana-yo-gurt · 1 month
People on tiktok love to repeat "lesbians have always had a complicated relationship with gender!" ad nauseam but never follow it up with any critical thought.
The reason lesbians tend to have a difficult relationship with womanhood is a combination of sexism and homophobia. We are expected to conform to strict gender roles, have heterosexual relationships and center our lives around reproduction - of course homosexual women are going to feel alienated by all this. But that doesn't mean we are lesser women or not women at all.
It genuinely upsets me to see people celebrate our estrangement from womanhood. Lesbians shouldn't be expected or encouraged to identify as "non-women". There is nothing wrong with us. What needs to change is society's idea of what it means to be a woman, not us.
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banana-yo-gurt · 1 month
to no one's shock and surprise, with XY chromosomes and testosterone levels in the "typical male range" (which is 10 to 30 times higher than the average female btw), Imane Khelif wins olympic gold
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banana-yo-gurt · 2 months
having to explain why someone buying another person’s genitalia to serve as a fuckable hole or rape/sexual aggression vessel is WRONG, kills all hope I have in humanity every time.
every leftist argues that amazon and factory workers deserve better but cannot fathom that most women whose entire livelihood is perpetuated by constant sexual affliction, misuse and abuse isn’t ethical or moral. “but they’re being compensated!!!” compensation isn’t an indicator of morality…??? What happened to your anti-capitalist beliefs?
I strongly align with radical leftist views but I hate most leftists. You all talk smart but have no true morals or grasp on the world. You quote Marx to evangelize leftism and communism to others but refuse to adhere to his most basic tenets.
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banana-yo-gurt · 3 months
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banana-yo-gurt · 3 months
mid-conversation I toss a pistol onto the table not to suggest or imply anything but just to change the situation a little
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banana-yo-gurt · 5 months
amber heard had to legally change her name, abandon her career and move to spain because she had the audacity to write an article about how she was abused (without even naming the abuser) and the fucker sued her for it and made sure it was televized for maximum humiliation. I truly hope depp never knows a moment of peace for the rest of his pathetic life and the same goes for anyone who supported him. you people are genuinely the scum of the earth
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banana-yo-gurt · 6 months
so the occurrence that almost every woman was sexually harrassed by a man at some point in her life is just a cluster of a few individual experiences that you cannot formulate any general conclusions based on BUT a few reddit porn addicted losers not having a girlfriend assigned to them as soon as they're born or being rejected by three girls in middle school is a world scale epidemic that gets its own name, psychologists and media and useless video essayists devoted to finding out what its causes are and to figuring out how to solve it, and every woman is now responsible for solving it. i love living in this world i am totally not chewing on my arm right now!
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banana-yo-gurt · 6 months
how life feels when everyone on tiktok is finally shitting on Dylan Mulvaney and recognizing how misogynistic he is
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banana-yo-gurt · 7 months
Makeup and acrylic nails and feminine clothes and high heels are so restricting! you can't touch your face, you can't blow your nose, you can't cry, you can't kiss your partner, you can't go out in rain, you can't sit however you want, you can't move freely, you can't walk or dance painlessly, you can't even open a can soda or type a message on your phone without having to develop a special technique for it. You can't even attempt to play a string instrument. What's the point of going outside if you can't do anything? You are so much more than something to be looked at and admired. You are human. Allow yourself to live.
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banana-yo-gurt · 8 months
so many peoples concepts of gender could literally be replaced with style
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banana-yo-gurt · 8 months
Finished 'femininity and domination' and i'm just gobsmacked. in a world full of propaganda about "reclaiming femininity", it feels like resistance to remember that femininity is not a harmless collection of traits and aesthetics but a politicized value system that demands the subordination of women. femininity not only demands women be subordinate but teaches them how to be subordinate and take pleasure in their subordination. and it makes power, real power, seem dull and abstract. it's an excellent mechanism for producing docile persons
this was something i intuitively understood at a young age and which was slowly eroded after a decade of "feminist" attempts to reclaim the value system that demands our subordination. gender was and still is about power
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banana-yo-gurt · 8 months
since i was little i have basically always preferred the company of women, both for religious and personal reasons. in short, i’m used to being with women and i love the friendship between us women. but i hate the fact that the older you get, the more beauty-focused conversations with women become. NO, I DON’T WANT TO KNOW THE WAYS YOU SHAVE AND MAKE UP AND YOUR SKINCARE, I WANT TO KNOW YOU AS A PERSON. tell me about what you like and what you don’t like. tell me about your ideas and thoughts. tell me about what makes you angry and what relaxes you. tell me about YOUR TRULY SELF and not the one that you’re building because of the society. why do we necessarily have to be obsessed with our physical appearance?
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banana-yo-gurt · 8 months
"OP is a terf btw" erm okay thanks for recommending me another beautiful woman to follow
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banana-yo-gurt · 8 months
It's an odd and alienating experience being a woman attracted to other women while also finding the performance of femininity unappealing.
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banana-yo-gurt · 8 months
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