baneofdagon · 1 year
please not another wave of sex bots
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baneofdagon · 2 years
More OC shit:
His main weapons are a long range combat rifle, a short range pistol, and Pickmans Knife (he's a fan hehe)
He needs glasses to see, he's nearsighted
He can read exceptionally and collectsGronak The Barbarian and Astoundingly Awesome Tales comics, his favourite is Astoundingly Awesome Tales: My Brain and I
His chem of choice is Psycho, he mixes it with Nuka Cola quantum and Irradiated Blood.
Hes a cannibal, eats ghouls, people, hell he munches on the fake skin of a synth
Has a bad experience with grenades, doesn't use them
He doesn't like power armour, he can't fit into it :(
Drinks but doesn't smoke
That's all I got for now, I'll probably do a full one of these later on, also I'm drawing him hehe
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baneofdagon · 2 years
Got the cure for MacCreadys son, am a happi boi
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baneofdagon · 2 years
My Sole Survivor <3
His name is Vincent and he's trans (ftm), my boy is 7'2 with black ghoul eyes. He was married to Nate pre war and they had a child (Shaun) before Vince fully transitioned.
He's basically in love with MacCready and Hancock, he helps with Duncan sometimes. He also is quite fond of Nick but he doesn't come around enough for V to develop actually feelings.
He's got a poor relationship with Danse (for obvious reasons) and Piper (she's annoying.) Is quite content with the rest of the companions, especially Codsworth.
My man's is internally ghoul (hence the ghoul eyes) and has been awake for longer than the regular sole survivor originally is.
Got remarried around 20 year's ago to a guy named Josh McCree, had two kids named Lilith and Daniel (Lily and Danny.) Josh was having an affair and the girl he was having an affair with convinced him to help her kill the kids. They were both promptly murdered afterward <3
Doesn't like the BOS, thinks Liberty Prime is cool though.
He's sarcastic most of the time, likes to crack jokes (especially dad jokes), but can be serious when needed, also hates when people are unhappy with him.
Hasn't confessed to either MacCready or Hancock yet, don't believe in poly but can't decide which he wants more.
Calls MacCready "Robbie", Hancock "Zombie" and Nick "Nicky"
Nothing else I can pull off the top of my head, I may post more later on, here's some photos of him
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baneofdagon · 2 years
i have decided to rise from the dead with some fun completely random headcanons for my fav companions
nick valentine:
- nick's favorite music genre is jazz. ESPECIALLY 1950's - 1970's jazz. he also dabbles in a bit of opera from time to time, but he's gotta be in the right mood for it.
- he's the opposite of claustrophobic. he actually really likes tight, confined spaces and sole often finds him hiding in a little cubby under his desk reading case files.
- despite being a synth he still yawns??? when sole questioned him about this he looked at them wide eyed because he didn't even realize he did it until they pointed it out. some habits from pre-war nick never died
- he collects pre-war stamps. ellie has never understood the fascination with something as seemingly menial as stamps, but she supports him nonetheless.
- nick LOVES the smell of peppermint and gets overly excited when he smells it because it's so rare to find in the commonwealth
- he brings ellie fun trinkets he finds while on his adventures
- the reason his bedroom is under the stairs and ellie's is upstairs is mostly because he wanted to give back to her for all her hard work by giving her the bigger room. however, he will insist it's actually because he just "doesn't actually need a bedroom."
john hancock:
- he once found a pre-war shopping cart while high and cruised around goodneighbor while making farenheit push him. she was not amused but obliged anyway
- hancock is surprisingly cat-like. he stretches weirdly over all furniture, kneads things with his hands idly, makes soft, purring-like noises when you pet him, and sleeps a lot. it's no shocker that he's a major cat person
- this man cannot sit normally for the life of him. he takes every opportunity to sit like a fucking gremlin
- he's actually a really good cook. he makes a MEAN deathclaw steak
- hancock and daisy are gossip FIENDS. it's very common to hear them both giggling together
- deacon is a really good knitter. like really good. they have knitted sole and desdemona many scarves over the years. of course, it goes without saying that they've made many ridiculous items throughout the years. he has a knitted penis collection that he is VERY proud of
- they have a SERIOUS biting problem. if you get too close, he's going to bite you
- he always has his nails painted. different colors for different disguises. where the hell they get nail polish in the wasteland is a mystery to all
- extremely lactose intolerant and makes it everyone else's problem. he refuses to just NOT have dairy and instead chooses to suffer the consequences. unfortunately, everyone else also has to suffer the consequences along with him
- they get cold really easily, but they always play it off. sole eventually catches on and starts hugging them whenever they start shaking
- also a nail biter
- his favorite pastime other than reading comic books is cleaning his guns. he'll put on the radio, hum along, and get to work
- maccready snores. like insanely loud. it's incredibly annoying but also kind of cute in a way
- he hides a stash of nudie mags under his mattress like a hormonal teenager
- he has dyslexia and has to make sole read things for him
- maccready is a major baby when he's sick. he begs sole to take care of him and hold him when he's sick. he makes them spoonfeed him soup
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baneofdagon · 2 years
My Fo4 Height Headcanons!
Vincent (sole survivor oc) : I hate my guy being short asf, I look up into the noses of people I'm talking to, its stupid, so I put a mod on that makes me super tall, I would calculate myself around 7'2 thankfully
Hancock: He's got versatile energy, I can't tell if he'll be super short or super tall. I personally enjoy the thought of a tall ghoul man, so I'm going to pop him into 6'5. If you'd prefer short Hancock, id say 5'6
MacCready: Idk he gives off average man energy, id give him 5'8-5'10, no more no less. (Also thankfully I found a mod that doesn't alter his face because I love his dum face but it helps his nasty ass teeth)
Nick Valentine: I think all synths should be 6'0- 6'4, id personally put Nicky at 6'1.
Cait: Small angry energy, 5'2 Most definitely
Piper: hate her but I'd give her 5'4-5'6
Codsworth: I personally love the Mr Handy robot, I think as a synth he'd be about 6'0 like the rest of the synths
Curie: ahem, big mommy, 6'2
Danse: there's no universe where I'd put Danse any less than 6'3, he may be mega racist against literally his own people but he a biggin
Deacon: 5'8, definitely 5'8
Preston: 5'11, maybe an inch taller
X6-88: 6'4, maybe taller
Ada (Automatron): 6'0
Longfellow: 5'9, idk it just speaks to me
Gage: I dunno, I think he personally has short king energy so 5'7
Strong: he big, 7'8-8'3
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