bangastrology · 3 years
𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔦𝔡 𝔥𝔢𝔨𝔞𝔱𝔢 (100)
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❦ 𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔦𝔡 𝔥𝔢𝔨𝔞𝔱𝔢 100 is about where we can go to find answers; shows where our deepest self trust lies and can be developed. shows you where your gifts of deep knowing, trust and magic lies.
❦ asteroid hekate in aries - means that you go to people who you see as leaders to find answers, perchance, it could be celebrities who went through the same thing you have went through and you attempt to behave how they did. or it could be a leader in your life, or someone who is doing very well. for intuitional signals you might get signs in your head, like a headache.
❦ asteroid hekate in taurus - means that you surround yourself with nature, it aids you to come up with better answers for your issues. many of you can have deities that are mainly involved with nature like Gaia. however, with asteroid hekate, you need to build self esteem, for intuitional signals some of you might get signs of itchy throats when your abilities are developing, be aware of ringing noises.
❦ asteroid hekate in gemini - means that you go to your siblings/relatives, or someone you view as a sibling when you want to find answers. you might find yourself speaking a lot or you need to start speaking a lot for your abilities to start developing. majority of the people who have this placement are most likely going to get intuitional signals in their hands.
❦ asteroid hekate in cancer - means that you go to your mother, or a mother figure when it comes to searching for answers. it could even be spiritual guides/ancestors you go for to search for answers, going back to your home might help you to start thinking better as well. people with this placement are most likely to get intuition signals stomach issues or tender breasts as a signal.
❦ asteroid hekate in leo - this asteroid gives you ego drive to trust your own instincts. this is a placement that searches for answers through media, you guys may have faith of a child, there's a sense of naivety within you guys. on the other hand, you might surround yourselves with cats, (they can be your comfort animal) hekate can take the form of a cat, whenever you see cats randomly it is her way of saying that she is near; her familiar was a cat as well. you might get back pain as a signal for your intuition, or heart aches.
❦ asteroid hekate in virgo - this asteroid can make someone search out for an answer through alternative medicines. something that is apart of their daily life, as virgo rules pets, many of the people who have this placement seek answers and comfort through their pets. these people are most likely going to seek other people for assistance, for intuition signals, you might get stomach aches. i see people who have this placement go for hotlines.
❦ asteroid hekate in libra - this asteroid can make someone search out for an answer from a partner, any relationship, can be a friend, lover, business partner or family member. i see these people searching for answers through the law as well, the placement that wants to be fair when they're searching for an answer as well, for their intuition they might get signals on their skin as if it is tingling. and if people with this placement arent careful, they might seek out to open-enemies.
❦ asteroid hekate in scorpio - this asteroid can make someone search out for an answer through what other's have been through in life. people with this placement are most likely going to search for answers secretly, the type to not let others know that they are searching for an answer. kins with this placement are most likely going to search for answers through "taboo" books as well; on the other hand they can get slight pain on their colon area for their intuition even the reproduction area.
❦ asteroid hekate in sagittarius - people with this asteroid placement search for an answer through people who teach them, philosophers, the internet, grandparents, in-laws, howbeit, they could also find their answers through their morals along with the religion or spirituality they practice. when people with this placement are attempting to find out if their intuition is right, try and figure out if you get sensations on your hips, thighs or sciatic nerves.
❦ asteroid hekate in capricorn - people with this asteroid placement search for an answer through authority figures. they can also go to father/male figures for advice, teachers as well, im sensing grandparent figures as well, to people who dont like authority, in these moments, trust them. when people with this placement are attempting to find out if their intuition is right, try and see if you get sensations on your knees or joints of your body.
❦ asteroid hekate in aquarius - people with this asteroid placement search for an answer through their friends, along with their community, to their trusted connections as well. people with this placement dont just connect with anyone, so if they do, they wont mind going to them for answers. when people with this placement are attempting to find out if their intuition is right, try and see if if you get a sensation on your lower leg, (including calves and ankles) and teeth.
❦ asteroid hekate in pisces - people with this asteroid placement search for answer through their spirit guides. they turn to spirituality, they're most likely the ones to go to therapists; to ones who know how to do it, they astral project to realms where people can help them in situations. however, if it goes bad, they might seek drugs and alcohol; however, when people with this placement are attempting to find out if their intuition is right, you might get pins and needles in your feet and toes.
❦ asteroid hekate in the first house - people with this asteroid placement are most likely going to be a psychic, you need to educate to feel right in your body. trust your body, especially when a situation feels off, if you feel a knot in your body you should know that the path you're taking is wrong but if you feel butterflies it's the right path, however if you get a headache, dont ignore it.
❦ asteroid hekate in the second house - people with this asteroid placement need to build self esteem where they start listening to themselves. doing the things you thought it was impossible, to build self trust you need and deserve, when you are in search for answers, look to what feels right to you.
❦ asteroid hekate in the third house - people with this asteroid placement a normally find themselves in a communication crisis. when you are doubting yourself, start talking, (trust yourself) you will start to feel sure of yourself and achieve a sense of direction. especially self analysis, start reflecting on yourself.
❦ asteroid hekate in the fourth house - people with this asteroid placement should find the right path while being patient and quiet. at times, it is okay to be alone and gather all of your thoughts. a very divine placement; for the people who have this asteroid, it is okay to rely on female and maternal figures.
❦ asteroid hekate in the fifth house - this asteroid can make shows how you can return back to your sense of play for comfort. dont take things too seriously, and when you finally relax, you will realise answers will come to you easy. you can get psychic answers through your creativity, to those who paint, look at those paintings again and you will realise your paintings are telling you something.
❦ asteroid hekate in the sixth house - this asteroid can make you achieve trust in your daily life. turn to the amenity of your health practices for education when you feel lost. look for education in other medicines. find bliss when you're with pets, this is a good placement for vets. people with this asteroid in the sixth house are good at communicating with other life that is not human.
❦ asteroid hekate in the seventh house - this asteroid can make you have the ability to overpower your ego, like, asking for help, listening to other people's advice. your intuition can get stronger when you're in a relationship or when you're around your friends; you'll be able to identify or humble your enemies faster if you have this asteroid.
❦ asteroid hekate in the eighth house - this asteroid can make you have the abilities of a medium, for those who are capable of it and practiced, you can find answers through the dead. find answers through occult practices, reflect on yourself and do shadow-work. a very divine placement.
❦ asteroid hekate in the ninth house - mean this indicates the wisdom of philosophy and morals. higher education, spirituality and the higher mind. when you dont know where to go meditate and study, howbeit, some of you might have teachers who educate you on spirituality, dont hesitate to turn to them. others might seek answers through travelling.
❦ asteroid hekate in the tenth house - means you can either be known for your lack of emotional confidence or how much you have of it. trust your authority figures, especially father figures, you can even turn to a male brother or male cousin. or a male friend, learn to trust people older than you. sometimes you can turn to the public or even the government, if it goes that bad.
❦ asteroid hekate in the eleventh house - can belong to a spiritual community, a coven as well. when you have no where to go, dont be afraid to turn to them, turn to your friends for advice as well, this house is very intuitional, so it is okay to listen to yourself as well. on the other hand, you can get advice from people online.
❦ asteroid hekate in the twelfth house - can get advice from spirit guides and astral realms. spirits are most likely going to advice quickly to people who have the hekate asteroid there. if it goes wrong, these people tend to get their answers from drugs and alcohol. focus on your mind and try and see the unseen, a very psychic placement. your radar might go very high when people who try to hide the fact that they're your enemies as well. once again trust your mind when these people are around.
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pluto ❦
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bangastrology · 3 years
𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔦𝔡 𝔫𝔢𝔯𝔣𝔢𝔱𝔦𝔱𝔦 (3199)
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❦ 𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔦𝔡 𝔫𝔢𝔣𝔢𝔯𝔱𝔦𝔱𝔦 to indicate drawing power from or in relation to others and where you have beauty.
❦ asteroid nefertiti in aries - having asteroid nefertiti in aries causes these natives to draw power from people who are authority figures and even leaders. they're people who are perceived as very powerful with having this masculine archetype to them causing them to dominate over others. they have strength, will power, drive and courage that can cause them to easily draw out powers from others, they could've learned their power from their brothers. on the other hand, these natives are seen to have beauty in their passion and ambition.
❦ asteroid nefertiti in taurus - having asteroid nefertiti causes these natives to draw power from people who are known to have money, they get powerful because of how beautiful they carry themselves, but how they can get power is because of how stubborn and adamant they can be, standing on their ground but not allowing others to anger them quickly, but these asteroid nefertiti in taurus natives know that there's always a limit. these people are very likely to get power when they're around nature, they could've learned their power from their sisters. on the other hand, these natives are seen to have beauty in their charm and affection.
❦ asteroid nefertiti in gemini - having asteroid nefertiti in gemini causes natives to draw power from people they communicate with. they're people who seem very authoritative when they speak with others, they sometimes get the centre of attention because of how powerful their expression is. they're the type of people who can get information from others because of how curious, witty and comical they can be when talking with others, on one hand, these natives can have the ability to boss others around. they have an influence that can make others do it, as the social-butterflies they are they seem to draw power from the people they hang around with, they could've learned their power from their relatives. on the other hand, these natives are seen to have beauty in their energy and youthfulness.
❦ asteroid nefertiti in cancer - having asteroid nefertiti in cancer causes natives to draw power from people they're nurtured from. they take that ability and use it on others, they begin to care for these people and behave sympathetic, not all of these nefertiti in cancer natives use it for good intentions though, some use their nourishment to exploit others. these people often come from very powerful families or had a mother figure that was very powerful, these kins could've learned from their matriarch figure and used it to lead others in their family. on the other hand, these natives are seen to have beauty in their innocence and sentiment.
❦ asteroid nefertiti in leo - asteroid nefertiti in leo causes someone to draw power from the people who admire them. they're people who are going to have a big influence over people as they're magnetic and appealing, majority of these people who have asteroid nefertiti in leo are considered to be very dramatic, might be a bit too snobby and will put themselves on a higher pedestal. they're unafraid to call themselves people who are "better" or more "talented" than others, but they have reason to be, they have charisma, they're very independent and they're very creative. these people most likely learned how to use their ego and identity from people who are perceived as father figures or higher ups. however, these people are seen to have beauty in their bright aura and entertainment.
❦ asteroid nefertiti in virgo - asteroid nefertiti in virgo causes someone to draw power from the people who they service or from people who service them. they're people who are going to have favourable health, these are another set of people who are very drawn to nature, and are most likely to receive power from it as they tend and take care of it. these are the type of people who draw power from people they communicate with everyday, even people they walk past every day. they excel at being people who are analyst and people who are very skilled. perhaps in communication and journalism, these people are the type to conquer their enemies, they are the type of people to want everything their way; they can draw power from people they work with and they're enemies. they could've learned their skills from people who are in their work area and learned how to be better than their enemies. however, these people are seen to have beauty in their modesty and humbleness.
❦ asteroid nefertiti in libra - asteroid nefertiti in libra causes someone to draw power from the people they get into relationships with, perhaps these folks feel more powerful in all types of relationships, romantic, platonic, friendship, business and so on. these are another set of people who can conquer their enemies, they can easily draw out people who dislike them, so it's basically seeing your open-enemies even more clearer. these asteroid in nefertiti people become skilled when it comes to declaring justice, fairness and equality. they also become good at when it comes to materialism and sometimes become people who are very materialistic, though they're very chic, know the law and are perhaps good with makeup. these people learned their assets from people they've been in relationships with (all types of relationships). however, these people are seen to have beauty in their graceful and diplomacy.
❦ asteroid nefertiti in scorpio - asteroid nefertiti in scorpio causes someone to draw power from the people they get information from. these people are excellent at getting secrets from other people, using it for controversy. they're brilliant at knowing how to get under people's skin and they're people who know how to get stronger and stronger from every incident or life problem that is thrown towards them. these people like to have money on them all the time, fantasised about being spoiled by others, they can draw power from people who have money and even use them if they could, this is a placement for social climbers. these people learned their skills from people who have hurt them and used it to transform themselves. however, these people are seen to have beauty in their depth of emotions and magnetism.
❦ asteroid nefertiti in sagittarius - kins with asteroid nefertiti in sagittarius makes them someone who draws power from the people who teach them, they're also someone who draws power from the people they interact with when they're in different countries. they could draw power from spirituality, draw power from husbands, children, teachers and religious figures. they have a colossal philosophical mind and they become someone who is broadminded and knowledge seeking and often becoming someone with the most information in a room. knowledge is their power, and they learned their skills from their teacher figures and people from different ethnicities/races. furthermore, these people are seen to have beauty in their generosity and boldness.
❦ asteroid nefertiti in capricorn - kins with asteroid nefertiti in capricorn makes someone who draws power from people who have authority over them, well used to, these are the type of people who can overpower anyone who has a higher status than them. these people master the arts of discipline and perseverance to the point many others dont see it when they're taking over someone, time is their power, as they're people who are practical, realistic, responsible and of status. they learned their assets from people who used to have authority over them, perhaps people older than them, older siblings, fathers and leaders. furthermore, these people are seen to have beauty in their discipline and determination.
❦ asteroid nefertiti in aquarius - kins with asteroid nefertiti in aquarius makes someone who draws power from people who are their friends, connections, social groups and crowds. these are the type of people who get power more when they're outside being with other people, they get more powerful when they feel free and independent. especially when they come up with something authentic, these people become powerful when they rebel, if not becoming powerful, power is what they feel, they're unpredictable in their movements so the people around them are always uncertain with what these natives will do in the future. probably the best at being unpredictable, on the other hand, these kins become people who are logical, intellectual, rational and eccentric which can cause people to look at them in awe, when it comes to their originality and authenticity they were inspired by people who were innovators, perhaps politicians, astrologers and revolutionaries. furthermore, these people are seen to have beauty in their progressive thinking and solidarity mind.
❦ asteroid nefertiti in pisces - kins with asteroid nefertiti in pisces makes someone who draws power from people who self-sacrifice themselves to them. they get more powerful when they intake people's energies, sometimes it is not always in a negative manner, its just their power, therefore kins with the asteroid in pisces have a very powerful presence that it could overwhelm others. but to people who wont understand spirituality would think that their presence is negative. these people are very likely to know how to control their dreams, and can bring their fantasies to life, perhaps great at manifesting. when it comes to their diverse and adaptable self from people who are musicians, mystics, artists, holistic healers, performers and social workers. furthermore, these people are seen to have beauty in their mystic and spirituality.
❦ asteroid nefertiti in the first house - kins with asteroid nefertiti in the first house makes someone who is seen as very powerful. specifically if it comes to first impressions, with their pharaoh like aura, they're the type of people to turn heads when they walk into a room and immediately earn respect. you might even perceive the world in a pyramid scheme; the type of people to have others make space for them without even saying anything. this is a very powerful placement, as they're the type to draw power from the atmosphere they're in. as it is in their life path to become someone who is mighty. on one hand, these people have a royal like attitude and mannerisms and some like to be treated like royalty. on the other hand, it is thought that those with asteroid nefertiti in the first house are very beautiful, a very magnetic beauty they have, the type to make others do anything for them.
❦ asteroid nefertiti in the second house - kins with asteroid nefertiti in the second house makes someone who is seen as very important in their immediate family (mother, father and siblings). they are also the type of people to hold a very powerful position in their home, perchance someone who is very spoiled. they are someone who wants to be valued, and they're someone who values a lot, dont be surprised when this person has high expectations, you could even hear by the tone of their voice that they're someone with high maintenance. they're someone who studied things they thought as vital, were very picky about their early childhood studies, and when it came to their possessions, a lot of their possessions are of high value and these people are the type to be very materialistic and spend money on clothes. might like to collect a lot of jewellery, those with asteroid nefertiti in the second house belong to a very beautiful immediate family and could even be the most important in their immediate family or would like to think that they are, could be said that they're the most beautiful in their immediate family or have a very beautiful one, it could be thought that their tone of voice is very beautiful and supreme.
❦ asteroid nefertiti in the third house - kins with asteroid nefertiti in the third house makes someone who is seen as a very powerful relative (siblings&cousins), perchance drawing power from their siblings, like asteroid nefertiti in the second house, this placement can make someone very vital in their family, but specifically between their siblings and cousins. people with this placement are very likely to be one of the older relatives or perhaps the youngest siblings. as when they are speaking, it is observed that these kins communicate in a very prevailing way, to show that they know what they are talking about. aside from relatives and communications, those with asteroid nefertiti in the third house often belong from a known neighbourhood our is a very known neighbour. they're people who like expensive cars and they type to want things delivered to them all the time; in the early life time, those with asteroid nefertiti in the third house had friends that might've been known or was the more popular friend. they could be someone who is known on social media. those with asteroid nefertiti in the third house belong to a very beautiful neighbourhood, could be perceived that they're the most beautiful relative perhaps has beautiful relatives, early childhood friends and cars.
❦ asteroid nefertiti in the fourth house - kins with asteroid nefertiti in the fourth house makes someone who is upmost powerful in their family, however, this placement could indicate that their mother holds a very powerful place in the family, perhaps, these people draw power from their family and for people who dont understand spirituality would think they're an energy vampire, but what queen nefertiti does is make other people's energy attracted to that kin so much that it exhausts them. with their emotional core, they're very expressive and want their emotions tended to, causing them to be perceived as someone who is clingy. these people have much devotion when it comes to learning especially about their roots, like asteroid nefertiti in the second house, these people are picky when it comes to what they want to learn; on the other hand, these kins were most likely taught their confidence, self-value and high maintenance from their mother figure. pretty strong family traditions run here, and these are the type of people to have very expensive cars and vehicles, it would be studied that the objects or just their home in general was very expensive, looks expensive and is always taken care of. it would be said that these people have a very beautiful home and mother.
❦ asteroid nefertiti in the fifth house - asteroid nefertiti in the fifth house causes someone to draw power from the people they're in affairs with. they're even people that get powerful when they're around children and are the type to have powerful children. their children are people who are going to be high maintenance, and people with this placement could like to articulate to the media that they're people who have high standards, they're people who have a lot of talent and come off as very powerful when showing off their talent and want to hear the applause when they finish expressing their abilities. they're people who want to be entertained and are the type to have their "side-chicks" when it comes to relationships. but there can be moments where people who have asteroid nefertiti in the fifth house were the side-chicks, they can be very giving people but want to be served in relationships. they're very expressive when it comes to romance and want the same given to them, they will never settle for less. this is a placement for champions and people who always want to be first. they can be people who are divas in relationship. those with the asteroid in the fifth house are very talented and have very beautiful children.
❦ asteroid nefertiti in the sixth house - asteroid nefertiti in the sixth house causes someone to draw power from the people they're around every day. they're the type to head on life with prestige, they can be frugal and always want to the most expensive things. these are a set of people who draw power from their enemies, causing them to be in a triumph all the time, their enemies can be people who think they have authority and power over them but people who have this placement would always prove them wrong. these are people who have skill and always want to master their skills, like those with asteroid nefertiti in the fifth house, these are people who always want to show they're the best at something. these are natives who like to be serviced and are always nagging others to do their bidding for them. they might be perceived as people who are spoilt and lazy because of that; as it comes to pets, these are people who are likely to breed pets they want, or buy expensive pets and receive pets that behave like they have royal status. these people need to become people who are aware of other people's feelings and not tire people out. those with the asteroid in the sixth house are very hard-working and have very beautiful pets.
❦ asteroid nefertiti in the seventh house - asteroid nefertiti in the seventh house causes someone to draw power from the people they're in relationships with. it can be all types of relationships, romantic, platonic, friendship, business relationships and the people they're around every time. they're people who wanted to be treated like royalty when they're in a relationship, another group of people who would never settle for less, their open-enemies are people who are envious with the confidence these natives shine, they can be people who attempt to copy them or even rival them when it comes to power. when it comes to romantic relationships, people with this asteroid in the seventh house attract people who are high maintenance, people who like to boss others around, people who are attractive people who have dominance and power perhaps even money. when it comes to expressing themselves to the general public, having this asteroid in the seventh house makes them someone who articulates themselves to be someone who is dominant, mighty, untouchable and perhaps materialistic. those with the asteroid in the seventh house know how to present themselves to the general public and have very beautiful partners or even a nice ass.
❦ asteroid nefertiti in the eighth house - asteroid nefertiti in the eighth house causes someone to draw power from the people that have hurt them or even drew power from the people they had physical intimacy with. the people they had physical intimacy could've been very tired after the whole exchange. they're people who are best at finding out people's secrets, they can even be people who are great at sex, though they can either be someone who is very dominant and they are people who want to be served throughout the entire exchange. these natives were hurt by people who thought they had power over them, could've been women with a high status or a woman who thought they had high status. howbeit, people with this placement, transformed themselves to be people who value themselves, people who have authority over others and people who now know how to handle their money. people with this asteroid can be people who spend money on things extravagant, another set of people who have high maintenance, they will only spend money they think has value. those with asteroid in the eighth house are people who are great the occult and probably have been told they have a pretty sexual area.
❦ asteroid nefertiti in the ninth house - having asteroid nefertiti in the ninth house causes someone to draw power from the people they meet on trips. these can be a placement of people who can create cults, as they draw power from the people who come to them to learn about higher education, these people can form an ego because of it. these are people who can come from countries that have a lot of high power, or countries that many people dream to go to but it might be difficult because it is too expensive, these folks can come from religious like Islam, Christianity and Judaism etc. On the other hand, these natives are prone to celebrate themselves or like to be celebrated, expect their parties to be very expensive. as when it comes to travelling, these people like to travel in vehicles that could be considered as high maintenance they want to travel in high quality things never in vehicles that'll make them feel dirty. they would even have the nerve to get a limo, they wouldnt want to be seen in driving in vehicles that could be considered as cheap, as travelling they would like star quality treatment, these are people who like to be doted on, even though some wont openly express it, they silently wish for it. they get power from great understanding, many of these kins have a motto of "knowledge is power". having asteroid nefertiti in the ninth house can make people to be studied to belong to very beautiful countries and have expansion of information.
❦ asteroid nefertiti in the tenth house - having asteroid nefertiti in the tenth house causes someone to draw power from the public. it causes someone to draw power from people in their work area and their authority, people with this placement are studied as people who are powerful, they have this energy that makes people automatically look at them, as if they're always glowing. these people can get respect easily, especially from authority, some authority might even see these people as "one of them" since they're so impressionable. these folks might even have a status that is royal-like making them admired everywhere they go. (might've considered to get a nefertiti tattoo or a tattoo of a pharaoh) they can even have high positions in their work area or their managers seem to have trust on them so easily, once again, being able to draw power from people who supposedly have power over them. however, because of how people trust on them to do stuff so easily, it gives them burdens, so much responsibility and things to live up to, howbeit, these are the people to do things wrong and still get away with it. they can easily climb to the top on a pyramid scheme, which can make others believe they slept to get to the top. having asteroid nefertiti in the tenth house can make people be perceived a beautiful by the public and have an elevated status.
❦ asteroid nefertiti in the eleventh house - having asteroid nefertiti in the eleventh house causes someone to draw power from people they're friends with. it causes someone to draw power from people on the internet, a lot of people on the internet might look up to them, feel power from them or even feel intimidated by them. people with this placement attract people in friendships who are popular, divas, authoritative and sovereign. this is also a placement for people who are friends with celebrities, people with this placement can have a mass of followers. on the other hand, people with this asteroid in their eleventh house might be the "main" friend in their friendship group or even community. people might always make these people important as if they're very special people and because of that, that can bring many envious people around them. it gives these people a powerful intuition, specifically when it comes to drawing out real and fake friends. people with this placement are people who can draw a large crowd very quickly if they wanted to, these people might even aspire to have a royal-like status when they're older, they have this want to be connected with people who have good status and connections, like a friendship of powerful people. having asteroid nefertiti in the eleventh house can give you friends who are beautiful and these people are likely to be internet famous.
❦ asteroid nefertiti in the twelfth house - having asteroid nefertiti in the twelfth house causes someone to draw power from the spirituality they practice. they can also get power from the public because of how people admires them as they can be people who work for the public because they have sympathy for them. they're either the people who sacrifices themselves for others or have others sacrifice themselves to them, either way they get very capable. as if they universe and the cosmos has their back, it is like a spiritual debt being paid to them, they're people who are very spiritually protected causing them to be people who have this high and almighty energy. these people are most likely to be the twelfth house placements to learn that escaping isnt going to help them with anything; on one hand, these are people who can get very strong and vigorous hidden-enemies who are very spiritually intelligent, but with the universe being their guide it can make it easier for them to learn who those enemies are, or to not be impacted by their enemies attacks. on the other hand, it can make these kins scout out secrets very easily; these people are even considered as magical and can get away with many things. having asteroid nefertiti in the twelfth house can give you dreams that are beautiful and are considered to be that person who is the most spiritually intelligent or protected in whatever group format they're in.
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❦ masterlist of asteroids
pluto ❦
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bangastrology · 3 years
Some Thoughts on the Seasons
Reminder that the Greek Zodiac’s associations are heavily influenced by the northern hemisphere seasons. 
Aries, Taurus, Gemini  🌼
Spring time signs, all 3 do have a certain focus on the self. We all know about Aries and their self-assertion and self-love. Taurus focuses on pleasing the self, especially the body, feeling comfortable, feeling secure. Gemini is learning how to process emotions and understand the self. There is the theme of learning about others and connecting with others to learn and connect with the self. Aries and Gemini aren’t afraid to get in touch with their inner child and I think Taurus may be able to tap into a primal part of their inner child, a younger spirit grounding themselves, interacting with the physical world, trying to enjoy the heartbeat and warmth of mother earth either literally or metaphorically. 
Cancer, Leo, Virgo ☀️
Summer time signs, there is a radiance, a warmth, a type of giving all 3 can have if you look close enough. Cancer with their nurturing and healing, Leo with their generosity, playfulness, and passion, Virgo with their willingness to help, reliability, and caring. There is an association with the vibrancy and activity of life. We see Cancer’s deep and changing ocean, a connection to creation through water and motherhood. Leo and their association with creativity, leadership, and the heat or life force of the sun, and Virgo with cultivating, preparing, working, efficiency, the small things or details that make up the big picture. 
Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius  🍂
The fact that Libra holds everything in the balance when the equinox comes around. Scorpio and their association with transformation and… darkness or spook! 👻 Sagittarius to be that unexpected, inspirational glow in your lantern. Sagittarius is about truth and sometimes the opposite of truth, risky, wild, about belief and zeal, a burst of energy we feel during the beautiful but harsh transition between summer and winter. All 3 ask us to look inside and outside of ourselves. Libra by relating to others, Scorpio with depth and intimacy, Sagittarius with knowledge or truth seeking and holding our beliefs close. All 3 may ask us to face our fears. Sagittarius with our world view, Libra within our relationships, and Scorpio within ourselves. 
Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces ❄️
There is either a cold or other worldly feel to these signs, and that can make sense with the winter time. There is depth, contemplation, and enlightenment or progress that comes within the forced resting, isolation, or battle that winter forces on us. Capricorn represents enjoying the fruits of labor or harvest, they also represent preserving and have their own connections to death. Aquarius is about radical ideas, doing things your own way, rebellion, chaos, but also social intuition and connecting on a collective scale. Dreamy Pisces is usually described in terms of rivers, pools, mermaids, but a winter wonderland where you get lost in your fantasies and believe in magic again works too. Pisces is death and rebirth, healing, intuition, imagination, dissolving, romance, drama, and flowing. 
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bangastrology · 3 years
Moon in the 4th House
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☽ Your home is a major focus in your life. 
☽ You may feel that you need to frequently move to find your true home or focus on the look and feel of your home. 
☽ Others may see you as too changeable and not as reliable as you could be.
☽ You spend a lot of time “nesting” and trying to make things feel as comfortable as possible inside your home. 
☽ You want your home to be as comfortable as possible and to make others feel as comfortable as possible within your home. 
☽ You’re a natural caretaker towards anything or anyone that needs care.
☽ You will learn to adapt positively to changes in domestic life to overcome your fears of instability in the home. 
☽ You likely want to live by the water. 
☽ Your home and your biological family has a deep impact on you, whether this is for positive or for negative. 
☽ Your emotions will be focused on your family and loved ones, which can extend to close friends or chosen family. 
☽ You’re incredibly attached to your loved ones and may struggle with emotional independence due to a need for validation. 
☽ Your devotion to your loved ones is incredibly deep and you crave validation from those who are closest to you. 
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bangastrology · 3 years
Virgo men in love are romantic and selfless, they're not the type to shout out their love for You but rather show it through kind actions... However if they're confused or not sure about your feelings for them they withdraw and in some cases may reject you before you reject them...
Virgo men also tend to hide they're insecurities by being overly confident... They're not the type to show off...
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bangastrology · 3 years
I feel like Aquarius Venus and Leo Mars is such a hard combination when it comes to love, like they want something easy,free of drama,something that is very spontanaeus;feelings are so difficult to deal with and expressing them cause them discomfort at the same time they wanna be pampered, they want to have the exclusive attention of their partner, they one to be one and only, they want their partner to shower them with love and affection (both with words and actions), these people are complex.... They sometimes cannot even stand themeslves let alone their partner (even of they love him/her to the moon and back)
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bangastrology · 3 years
moon signs
Moon in Aries
A moon in Aries is spontaneous and enthusiastic. They are the first ones to follow a crazy idea. They are optimistic and impatient, and they have no problem sharing how they feel; with their heart ruling their head.
A moon in Aries may have outbursts of emotions; telling off those who have sighted them. At their best, the Aries moon can be positive, inspiring, and sympathetic; with their eyes and heart tirelessly aiming for a cause. At their worst, overconfident, aggressive, and over-indulgent.
Moon in Gemini
The Gemini moon is sociable, intellectual, and slightly finicky. The Gemini moon is usually more comfortable when analyzing feelings, as opposed to actually feeling them. A Gemini with a problem or decision to make, is a wildfire of questions, “talking it out,” and analysis; trying to get the bottom of their mysterious emotions.
They can be pretty helpful when dealing with others’ problems, as they want to find the quickest, and most clever way through the problem at hand. A Gemini is subject to change at all times, as they are bored easily, and need to jump from endeavour to endeavour.
Moon in Leo
The Leo moon is dramatic and funny. They have a knack for organizing social settings with their take-charge attitude that can sometimes border on bossy. They can be attracted to power and status, with their stubbornness helping them get where they want to go. Leo moons are easily caught up in the moment, and usually interested in some form of art or fashion. Though they may not take advice well, they are happy to give it to others, and are quick to share their good fortune.
Moon in Libra
Libra moon do not like to be alone. Whether they maintain a relationship for this purpose, or just want company on an errand; the Libra believes there is power in numbers. The libra moon is both charming and gentle, argumentative and indecisive. They are prone to arguing a point until they win, and must get the last word. The sign of balance; libra moons are encouraging and affectionate, but can easily be swept away in noticing the flaws, and going back and forth on a decision, looking for the balanced, right choice.
Moon in Sagittarius
Sagittarius moon love a good adventure. They are naturally upbeat, positive, and active. They can be competitive and love the outdoors or big spaces. They may either be athletes, or interested in various athletics. Sagittarius is a non-materialistic sign; choosing the value of experience over possessions. They are impatient, and at times very blunt.
They also enjoy leaving an impression on others, and may therefore be prone to boasting or exaggerating. These moons tend to be creative and have a philosophical edge to them. They love to learn, and can grow very restless with routine or the lack of intellectual stimulation. The Sagittarius moon is always searching.
Moon in Aquarius
Aquarius moon is a very observant sign, as they want to know about human nature. They can seem somewhat aloof and have the sense that they are different from others; often feeling that they do not fit in, and will not conform to fit the mainstream. Aquarians love freedom in every sense, and therefore have a playful and child-like demeanour.
Moon in Taurus
A moon in Taurus likes the familiar. They are set in their ways and will do anything to keep their life safe and secure. They can be quite conservative, and make those around them feel comfortable, calm, and secure. But when their routine is interrupted, they can be as stubborn as a bull; easily becoming slaves to their routine.
They enjoy companionship, don’t enjoy messiness, and like to finish one project before they move onto another. The Taurus moon is also very romantic. In their relationships they are faithful, affectionate, sentimental, and unwavering.
Moon in Cancer
Moon in Cancer is a sensitive creature. In touch with their feelings and those of others, they have both the ability to be self-absorbed and sympathetic; unable to accept an “I’m fine” as an answer. They tend to cling to family, friends, and possessions; even a relationship that has turned sour. They appreciate peace and quiet, and will set up their possessions around them as comfort.
Moon in Virgo
Moon in Virgo likes the little things in life. They enjoy feeling secure, and everyday chores like running errands make them feel good. They are excellent at micromanaging and can be a great source of advice. They may be prone to low self esteem and stress, and feel best and content in their comfort zone.
Moon in Scorpio
Scorpio moons are emotionally charged. They can sense other people’s emotions easily, which can make others’ either wary or intrigued. They do not like their life to stay still for long, and live for the ups and the downs.
They are known to create drama in their own lives, and those around them, for the sake of excitement. They are passionate, fearless, and intuitive. They have a tendency to test relationships, but are deeply loyal when they’ve committed.
Moon in Capricorn
Moon in Capricorn are collected, dignified, and calculating. They want everything planned and mapped out, and don’t easily get swept up in emotions. They want goals and boundaries and don’t like to take many risks. Capricorn moons are their worst critics and are very aware of their weaknesses; making great pains to compensate for them.
Though they may seem cold, they are just not comfortable letting their emotions free, and can often suffer from illness or depression from holding onto too many emotions. They can also hide their sensitivity behind a sarcastic demeanour. They need to learn to show affection to others, but they are usually a good source of friendship and advice in others’ lives.
Moon in Pisces
Moon in Pisces is a sign with strong psychic abilities. They are natural empaths and are compassionate, and full of love. They can be easily lost in other people’s problems because of this. Moons in Pisces need the time to daydream and space out, otherwise they can become overwhelmed by the demands of everyday life.
They can be talented actors, writers, musicians, or artists, as they have an uncanny ability to understand others’ experiences without having to experience them first-hand. Pisces moon are very sensitive and easily walked on; it is very important for them to know when to step back and recharge for a bit.
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bangastrology · 3 years
well i kida mean it since don't really wanna explain it but basically is how others perceive us so our "secret acendant or midheaven" (from what i understood if it's wrong feel free to correct me)...
oh and this is ONLY for entertainment purposes
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JIN/SUGA/JHOPE- vertex in libra
This position of the vertex is very dependent on others,people with this vertex must learn to make choices and detach from others otherwise they might cling to a past that is no longer valid, this vertex is all about balance,harmony,fairness....also since in libra all this is to be applied to relationships on any kind....
NAMJOON- vertex in cancer
with this vertex people are pushed to deal with the public, media and other people emotions or with issues connected with women in general, people with the vertex in this sign might have emotional issues wih the family or with their wives or women in general....here people need to learn how to deal with women, be emotional and care...
JIMIN- vertex in scorpio
this placement indicates anti sociality, extremism, aggression....here people are drawn into dealing with situations that are complicated, or to assist others in achieving financial security,here people have a strong desire or need to feel irresistible and irreplaceable on all levels of intimacy... emotions  may explode without any reason...
V- vertex in leo
with this vertex people need to learn to be creative and to be individual they need their own personal approach to dealing with people rather than a objective orientation. This placement connects very well with the inner world, here it is difficult to stand the limitation and authority,this Vertex expects others to become a strong individual and not just a member of the group...
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bangastrology · 3 years
astrological Synastry notes ♡
Based on my personal experiences and things I've read and heard.
■ someone's Mars in your 7th house makes them want to rush into relationships w you. They might see you as an their ideal partner.
□ venus&mars conjunction: the Mars person is the one that approaches/makes the first move but venus is the one seducing all the way.
■ mars&moon trine/conjunction: is a baby maker aspect! Mars could even dream about having a baby with the moon person.
□ your 5th house is the you in the beginning of relationships and dating style (first dates, first kisses) while your 8th house shows the you when feeling the real connection, it shows your kinks, what you like sexually and how you like it.
■ someone's moon in your 8th house can be felt as too much for the moon person. It's an intimidating aspect because there's always something frightening about opening up to the house person. This could also indicate obsession from the house person (mostly).
□ the house that your venus and mars are in says a lot about who are you attracted to (ex. Your venus is in the 11th house, your crush has a venus or mars in aquarius, and so on.)
■ moon&ascendant conjunction: these people have an undeniable attraction. You may not know why you like that person but you do...
□ you can look at a man's moon and venus to know what type of gal he likes. And for women is mostly moon and mars.
■ someone's mars in your 2nd house might really like your voice. Also, they can be very blunt when commenting on your appearance, this could either be in a positive or negative way.
□ venus&mars opposition: creates a sexual attraction between these two. Mars could even daydream about having sex w venus. But venus feels it just as much.
■ pluto&venus square: can be a little scary. It brings obsession and possessiveness from Pluto. Lots of jealousy!!!
□ someone's venus in your 3rd house shares info about their love life with you so easily. They might enjoy you giving them advice.
■ moon&moon conjunction is beautiful♡ these two understand each other on an emotional level. This aspect can even make these people like each other right away. There's something about them that makes you feel comfortable.
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bangastrology · 3 years
Astro-Observations #8 @queenlianna
1).  Even if they have a ton of friends, Aquarius suns tend to feel like they are loners.
2). Taurus moons have a very grounding and calming energy, especially the men. My favorite planets for taurus to be in is the moon, mars or venus, but a chart too heavy in taurean energy = TOTAL NARC
3). fixed venus signs are in it for the long haul. if they really like you, they will really like you for a really long time. however once they are over you, BYE BITCH.
4). pisces and virgo are drawn to each other. They are so alike but so different. both so giving, compassionate, helpful, and interested in knowing the real you. But pisces can get lost in the dream, while virgo has trouble dreaming the dream. (moon sign connection is best here or mars)
5). Sun + pluto aspects have endless deaths and rebirths. they can weather the storm of life. they can begin again. This gives them an inner strength that cannot be taken away.
6). mercury in the 5th house loves to talk to their crush, like way more than any other placement. they love games in love. they love the chase. they love to figure you out. they love a smart and witty guy/gal. your mind has to be sexy ;)
7). pisces moons NEED to be around good influences. They are very influenced by their environment and the people that surround them. They need grounding. And they need people who won’t take advantage of their kindness, which is why 2 pisces moons together are a big FUCK NO!
8). Libras are the biggest hypochondriacs. next in line, Aquarius!
9). moon + pluto aspects have overwhelming emotions. Their mother was overwhelming in their childhood too. they need people to hold space for their big feelings, and someone who cares deeply for them. they love hard, but sometimes can push people away.
10). North Node in scorpio has to let go of comfort, and be fearless! trust that this life can hold you. Part of evolving from our south node and coming into our north node is facing fears. Being brave enough to tell your truth. scorpio likes to keep secrets, so finding people you can trust is important. but trusting yourself and your intuition is of the utmost importance. You are powerful as fuck!
ps my asks are OPEN!
ask away xoxo
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bangastrology · 3 years
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hi everyone! today we’re going to find out what the best version of yourself is like, and how you will become or know you are becoming that person. pick the image that sets your thoughts off and scroll down to your respective pile for your reading! 🐣
Continua a leggere
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bangastrology · 3 years
Bts mtl to be attracted with a person with taurus sun/pisces moon/cancer venus?💞
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bangastrology · 3 years
hello !! can you guess who's my bias in bts based on my placements?? XD
Sun in pisces
moon in pisces
mercury in pisces
venus in aries
mars in taurus
jupiter in cancer
sagittarius rising
hiii!! i’ll try! 
Honestly i think Yoongi is for you....maybe is not even your bias but seeing your placements he just came to mind....
Looking at your placements the first think i noticed is that you have 3planets in a water sing,this can make you have a dreamy aura overall and veryin tune with your emotion so you may like someone who’s sensitive as well and holda emotins in hight regard; you’d like someone who’s funny and adventorous too,not afraid to step up when needed(sag and aries)...so yes i think yoongi is the main then the other 6(the problem with pisces is that they’re indecisive so your bias may change depending on the day)....i also think that out of the 7 you don’t really connect with jhope and jin...This is it...hope there’s something true in this...
#bts astrology #bts astro #bts suga #bts bias
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bangastrology · 3 years
Oh my god!😱 I had asked you to guess my bias by referring to my astrological placements and you got them right!! Like how??✨✨ I am an OT7 fan tbh, but I have a special place for Tae and Suga....🤗 This was so cool!💖✨🌸
Hahaha I'm glad i was able to guess it right!!! ❤😂😅
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bangastrology · 3 years
MTL to accept dating a virgin and wait until marriage for her??
MOST dating a virgin
Jhope(top dominant, would love to be the first)
Yoongi(same as hobi)
Namjoon(he too would love to take controll)
MOST to wait till marriage
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bangastrology · 3 years
Can you guess my bias based on my astrological placements? I am an Aries Sun/Mercury, Leo Moon, Capricorn rising, Taurus Venus and Aquarius Mars🦋
I'm bad at guessing but I'll try 😅😂
I think you'll like someone who's strong(Aries sun and capricorn rising) and raw when talking(Aries mercuries just say what they want without filters) that can be translated in someone who's bold...then i think you'll like someone who come across as composed, cold and hard to know(cap rising) but has passionat/strong emotions(Leo moon)...now my guess is based on how i imagine you to be; so either you like this person or you hate it... My guess are either Jin, Suga or V...let Me know if i guess something right...
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bangastrology · 3 years
Mtl to be attracted to an Aries Sun, Leo Moon, Capricorn rising?💕💕
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