bangays · 2 days
It's the twentieth anniversary of Canada's first gay divorce tomorrow!
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bangays · 2 days
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dog election
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bangays · 1 month
*slams you with my fucking PUSSY
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bangays · 2 months
wheres the cocteau twins summer tweet
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bangays · 2 months
You are mean to Taylor Swift.
You should be mean to her too it rules.
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bangays · 7 months
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bangays · 9 months
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it must be said the ancient greeks got a little funny with it
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bangays · 9 months
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bangays · 9 months
being american w ethnic origins during this time is crazy (esp if you’re ethnically arab) bc you genuinely get the vibe that americans who don’t hail from multicultural backgrounds (typically white people) do truly think that the us is basically The World. they have no concept of actual societies, civilizations, just actual human beings existing outside of it. and that is both devastating and embarrassing
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bangays · 10 months
what they dont tell you about adulthood is that it’s startlingly easy to go long periods of time without having any fun at all not even a little bit. btw this causes ur brain to try to kill you with knives and hammers.
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bangays · 10 months
yeah yeah he died wealthy and old and at peace but he still died and we get to live the rest of our lives in a world without kissinger in it
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bangays · 10 months
"Every single empire in its official discourse has said that it is not like all the others, that its circumstances are special, that it has a mission to enlighten, civilize, bring order and democracy, and that it uses force only as a last resort. And, sadder still, there always is a chorus of willing intellectuals to say calming words about benign or altruistic empires, as if one shouldn't trust the evidence of one's eyes watching the destruction and the misery and death brought by the latest mission civilizatrice."
Edward W. Said, Orientalism.
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bangays · 10 months
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bangays · 10 months
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bangays · 10 months
the two sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are NOT Israel and Palestine— it is those who are open to working toward peaceful coexistence in the region, and those whose extremist beliefs and actions contribute to perpetual violence
it is worth asking yourself whether your activism is functioning to amplify and support the peaceful coexistence people, or the perpetual violence people
to be clear, there is absolutely room for vocal protest and activism in this paradigm; it is a necessity
but you need to understand that the total vilification, and therefore dehumanization, of one people or the other will only dig this hole of horror deeper
and if you are only able to perceive the existence of extremism among Jewish Israelis or among Palestinians, but not both, or if you are only able to empathize with the collective narrative of one people, but not the other, then I don’t know what to tell you, except that you have lost your way and have become a tool for those who would perpetuate violence
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bangays · 1 year
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bangays · 1 year
that mythic dawn museum in skyrim is extremely funny. imagine if someone opened a bin laden museum in kansas and the owner said that his dad flew the 9/11 plane. also its in his one room house. i am standing on his bed
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