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bounce bounce snowflakes chaos
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The Beatles Radiating Young & Dumb Boyfriend Vibes
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appreciation post for john’s go-to “alright that was fun, now get that camera out of my face” expression
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Reunited and it feels so goood but this time it’s George
It was a sunny and bright day today and I’m on my way to see one of my favorite people ever, George Harrison, which made the day seem even brighter. The boy was on vacation from being one of the most famous person on earth and even though I knew him way before his fame, it was a joy getting to rediscover everything I adore about him. When he got back from touring we decided to meet at my house because he didn’t want fans to invade. Frankly, I was a lot scared because I was terrified of talking to a new, egotistical, bastard George. But after just five seconds of finally being with him again, it wasn’t the case and we clicked again almost immediately. He made my heart flutter and if I wasn’t such a scaredy cat, I would ask him out right then and there. Instead, I called him that night asking if he wanted to go downtown with a few of my friends. Of course he said yes but god I wanted it to be a date so badly but I had to word it like that because I wasn’t thinking and I am sTuPiD. But, I promised myself I wouldn’t get my hopes up because most likely he doesn’t feel the same way. He is after all a Beatle.
I finally arived downtown, looked for a place to park, and started looking for my friends. I headed down every single street I could,looking in every store/restaurant/anything along the way but I had no luck. I spent about an hour doing this too. I concluded that, not only am I a bad planner but I had no chance in making this day a fun and enjoyable one so I just headed back to my car in angsty way. It was far away, and I had no one to accompany me. Plus downtown can be scary.
I was looking down at the sidewalk when I felt a droplet of water on my nose. I though it was hopefully nothing but then it started to smell strongly of, you guessed it, rain. Now rain makes downtown look amazingly beautiful but it sure as hell doesn’t when you still have to walk about twenty more minutes to get into your car. The rain was pouring now and it was making me real cold. I heard a loud crash. “Shit” I swore to myself. I had to get inside. I searched for the closest place I could and at last saw a restaurant. I opened the door to see a ton of people waiting in line. When I looked around I realized the long line was understandable because this was a beautiful place. It reminded me of a very fancy place but it had good prices. I got in line deciding that this would be a good place to cool down after this hectic situati- “Y/n!!”
I heard someone call my name from the door. I didn’t think it was for me and assumed it was for someone with the same name but I looked back and saw... George!! I ran over to him and gave him a huge hug happy that I finally found someone to end my loneliness. He kissed the top of my head as I had my arms wrapped around him and asked“Where were you silly?” “I really don’t know and I am a horrible planner” I replied kind of embarrassed. “Ah it’s ok, at least we found eachotherooohhhhshite” “What’s wrong?” “Lots. Of. People.” “Oh right. Wanna get out?” “Eh I’ll take my chances cause I’m starved but is it alright if we go somewhere private afterwards?”
He sounded kind of nervous asking that. As if I would get frightened by the thought of being alone with him. It made my heart do a flip flop at the possibilities but I wasn’t scared so I said, “yeah of course we can” with a smile. He smiled back, grabbed my hand and kisses it making me turn into a giggly school girl. We ordered and got our food thankfully not being noticed by anyone. Once we had gotten out of the restaurant we made sure to stay out of the rain. When we had to get in the rain though, George would hold me tight and try to cover both of us like an umbrella. It was funny and quite cute honestly. I was subconsciously following him but finally decided to ask where we were going. “Oh right. We’re going to my car and I was hoping we could drive somewhere so that we’re not just looking at a wall” “That’s understandable”.
A short walk and an even shorter ride later and we were parked on top of a mountain where you could see all the beautiful lights of the city. Me and George were in the back of his car having just finished our food when the situation hit me
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It seemed all too perfect. Besides all the chaotic searching for your friends earlier, all that seemed to be a thing of the past even though it happened not too long ago. Here you were, having finished some great food, in a car looking out into a blanket of diamonds with a person you’ve been longing to be close to for a seriously long time. Was this even real.
Suddenly I felt a soft peck on your cheek snapping me back from my lingering thoughts. Wait what just happened?!?! I turned to George who now had his arm wrapped around my shoulder. “Wa- was that you?” He quickly brought his arm back to where it was. “Oh Christ I’m sorry y/n I thought maybe this was a date and it seemed all too romantic for it not to be and you just look so beautiful and I’m sorry I just gotta” before I could tell him that it was ok (more than ok) I felt his soft lips on mine. He kissed me slowly. Slow enough that I had enough time to kiss him back. When I did kiss him back, I felt both of us relax. While the kiss got more and more passionate I felt him leaning me back into the car seats and I felt that both of us wanted to be close to eachother as possible. Not out of lust (yet wink wonk) but out of love. In between one of the kisses he whispered
“I missed you so so soooo much”
And he began kissing me again without giving me a chance to respond so I parted our lips myself after a while
“I missed you mo-“
“Shut up no you didn’t”
And we were back to kissing. I chuckled into the kiss and let myself enjoy this moment for as long as I could. It was like a dream. A VERY good dream. After a while the kiss got too much and we needed to break apart or I think both of us would combust. Even when our lips were separated it wasn’t enough and George placed small pecks all over my face before bringing me in for the loveliest hug I’d ever experienced. Then he looked me in the eyes, took my hands and confessed to me. “Y/n. I don’t know how you felt about that but that was the best I’ve ever felt in my life and I would love to have more moments like this all the time. With you.”
“I ohmy I’m yes! I mean like I would love too aswell!”
George smiled and laughed
“I love you y/n”
Turns out you can make a sunny turned rainy turned awful day around
“I love you too George”
To the person that requested this, thank you so so soooo much for reading my other fics and I really really hope you enjoyed this one!!! If not just ask me to do a rewrite or something and I’ll do my best :)))
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hiiiiiii. can you do another George fic plsss? maybe with surprise oh-look-he-loves-me kissing? :) I loved what you did with the John fic 💖💖💖💖 thanks love!
I certainly will!!! I have a lot of free time today so hopefully it’ll be up soon! Also Thank you so much I almost cried reading this 💜💜💜
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How y’all shleep
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Speniding a night in bed with George is without a doubt a very peaceful experience. Once he takes you in his arms, gets comfortable and you both have your eyes closed there’s no turning back until the morning. He does snore a little but only the kind of breathy snores that you think are really cute and soothing. He can say the same about whatever type of noises you make :) When one of you can’t sleep or one of you has a nightmare, you’ll both go hand in hand, with blankets and pillows, into his enormous garden to find some peace and hope the sounds of nature will calm you down. Wherever you are wether that be his garden, a random motel or just your shared bed he always holds you close.
You and John are kind of restless at night tbh. Him especially with that running brain of his. Nevertheless, he still lets you cuddle him. And he cuddles back of course basically always having his arm wrapped around your shoulder. It always takes him a bit longer to fall asleep but when he does he’s ooouuuttt. When you can’t sleep and you somehow manage to stay awake for longer than he has, he’ll take the closest book to the bed and start reading it to you in almost a whisper. And let me tell you. This. Never. Fails.
The cuddliest. The ABSOLUTE cuddliest. He has his legs and arms on top of you, while you have your legs and arms on top of him. You would think it’s very uncomfortable and claustrophobic but with him you feel like you could stay in this type of weird position forever. If one of you had a nightmare or just couldn’t sleep in general, you would both turn to music. If you were the one who couldn’t drift off Paul would sing you a lullaby of your choice. Same thing if Paul cant sleep. If you’re a shite singer like me, a record will do the trick and soon he’ll be entangled with you once again.When you wake up you’re tooo tangled. It’s a mess. But it’s a lovely mess.
You guys are literally like kids at their first sleepover. Every. Night. When you’re both lying down under your blankets one of you will say something cheeky. And so will the other. And it goes on and ooonn. He’s still really cute though and when he can tell that both of you NEED sleep or you won’t cope in the morning he’ll just pepper small kisses all around your face and it calms you down almost immediately. Ringo does snore. Looouuudddlllyyyy. But it really doesn’t matter because after a while you grow to love it. When one of you can’t seem to sleep for whatever reason the magic word to use in this situation is I love you. It calms you both down and having that as the last thing you hear before you sleep is the greatest feeling in the world.
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How the george helps you relaxxx
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“Rough day?” George asked when you got home and immediately hugged him tightly. “Mmhhhmmm” you responded while leaning your head on his chest. He softly ran a hand through your hair for a while until he lifted your chin up so that your eyes would meet his. “Do you want to talk about it?” He asked. “Mmm not really I just kinda want to sleep.” You said, just wanting to forget about everything. “Then I shall join you” he took your hand and led you toward your shared bedroom.
Even though you obviously knew your house from top to bottom you still found joy in rediscovering it every day, especially when you’re stressed. It reminded you that you were very, very lucky to be where you are. Once you reached the bedroom and both of you got comfortable and snuggled on the bed you sighed.
“Are you ok love?” George asked while holding your hand and gently caressing it with his thumb. “I guess I’m alright. To be honest nothing really made me feel this way, I just kind of can’t help it” you said truthfully.
“It seems like you’re just a little off balance with the world. It happens. To everyone. And you will be completely fine. One bad day doesn’t mean a bad life” he said. You let out a big sigh of relief. “You’re right George. I love you. More than you’ll ever know. And even if you did know you probably wouldn’t even be able to really comprehend it.”
“I love you even more than the incomprehensible y/n”
And with that he kissed your forehead and snuggled into you even more before you both drifted off into one of the most peaceful experiences ever. With both of you hand in hand, with the ambience of silence and occasional snores, all of your troubles were a distant memory.
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Reunited and it feels sooo gooooddddd
Aahhhh!!!! This is my first request from anyone ever ahhhhh!!!! Here you go I hope I delivered!!!
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It was so weird.  Just a week ago I felt like I didn’t know John anymore even if we did call eachother and send letters all the time.  It’s strange that even though we haven’t seen each other in what felt like years we would still be able to click the way that we used to.  It makes me so happy that I have a person like this in my life even if we hardly see each other.  The fact that he was one of the most talented musicians ever was just the cherry on top.
We decided to meet at the most awful and badly run restaurant we could possibly think of because even here there was a high possibility John would be noticed.  It actually wasn’t that bad though because while the restaurant looked kind of disgusting the food wasn’t as terrible as the cleanliness.  “So how was the tooouuurrr?” I asked curiously.  “Pfff tiring. Don’t get me wrong I love music but doing it constantly even though you can’t hear yourself is really draining.  What have you been up to recently?” He asked. “Pffff very VERY boring stuff.  Uni is ballistic and all I want to do is get out.”  “You know, I could find you a job.  Knowing me is basically like knowing the pope which basically means you’re hired anywhere you go” He said.  “Yeah but I don’t want to use you like that.” He smiled at that and came over to sit next to me.  He looked at my eyes and smiled. “Honestly Y/N I really appreciate that.  It seems like everyone I talk to just wants to know me because they want something so it’s nice to hear a different story for once. You’re a strong girl. And I love that.”
I blushed like you couldn’t imagine at this comment. I reallly missed him and I really hoped he wouldn’t go away. He was always my best friend in school and even though he was a trouble maker, it didn’t seem to phase me and I absolutely loved being his friend. He was so funny and sweet and caring and- “Hey let’s go outside and just walk for a bit yeah? My legs are killiiiing me” he said snapping me out of my thoughts. “I’m doooowwwnnn” I answered him chuckling. He took my hand and lead me out the door... only thing is he didn’t let go. Which I was fine with but I’ve known him for years and he hasn’t done this before. “You realized how much I missed you right?” He asked. “I mean maybe I don’t know I wasn’t there” you said jokingly. “Well I really did. When things got hard your letters and calls would always cheer me up. It’s crazy but even with crazy girls screaming my name you’re the only one who can really keep me grounded” he said. “Awe John I really appreciate tha”I began to say but was cut off by a girl screaming “OH MY GOD JOHN” John rolled his eyes. “Here take me hand. We gotta run” and with that he took your hand and dashed down the concrete looking for somewhere to hide. “Ooo empty alley way!” I said with the little breath I had. We stoped over there and catched our breaths while laughing. “You see what I gotta go through” “I can only imagi” “AHHHHH” I was interrupted again.
“Shit Y/n I’m deeply sorry if you hate this but I must do this” “Wha” “Shhhh no questions” he said putting his hands over my mouth. He looked hesitant when he took them off but he gently replaced his hands for his lips against mine. It shocked me at first but after like two seconds I gave in. And it was magical. With every second the kiss got better and better and I never thought it would never end. I didn’t want it to either. With every lip lock I could feel him pulling me closer and closer. Holy moly it was a more than a lovely moment. After what seemed like a beautiful enternity we parted our lips and widened our eyes. “Well I think we lost them” he said. “Yeah haha definitely”
“Hey y/n?”
“Yes John?”
“Did you enjoy that”
“Mmmm very much so”
“Well you should know that I’ve been wanting to do that for forever. I understand if you feel rushed and need time to you know be comfortable with me again since we’ve been apart for so long but”
“Shhhh John it’s ok. I love you so much this doesn’t even seem rushed.”
“Be mine?”
“I thought you’d never ask”
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I woke up tossed in a cuddly mess with my love, Paul, sleeping right next to me. I could’ve stayed this way for ever but unfortunately I had to get up. It was hard but after a few minutes of me enjoying this moment I forced myself out of Paul’s arms and out of our bed. Surprisingly, I didn’t wake him up so I showered, got dressed, etc.
Just when I was about to brush my hair I felt the brush get stolen from my arms. My heart did a flip flop and I screamed a little because of the sudden movement but I over reacted because it was just Paul. “Where was my good morning kiss darling” he said as I looked into those gorgeous eyes of his. I put my arms around his neck and started kissing him. His lips felt so good against mine, as always. I felt him pull me closer from the small of my back and I felt the kiss getting more heated... and more heated... and more heated... and...
sudenly he broke apart from the kiss and put his forehead against mine as he let out a sigh of contentness. “You know I could kiss you all day long” he said “There’s nothing stopping you” “Are you sure cauuuussseee you seem to be late to that thing you were getting ready for...”
He was right.
“Oh god” I gasped. He chuckled, almost as if he purposely made this happen. “You’re a twat you know that?” “It’s quite alright sweet heart. I’ll drive you with my speedy but not illegal skills and you can finish getting ready in my car! Deal?”
“Deal..... you absolute idi” and just like that he cut me off with another make out. It was silly but somehow, it was still out of love and wanting to stay together as long as we possibly could.
“You’re gonna be even later love”
“Ehhhh It’s worth it”
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This is going against my morals...
But I really wanna write about these dorks so please if you have a request make one!!! Just not smut I can’t write that sin (maybe I can tryyyyy but I won’t do anything that makes me feel eeekkkyyy so yeah)
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