Major areas in corporate litigation.
There are few major areas in corporate litigation. They are as follows buying and selling of real estate, financing, commercial leases.
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What are the matters closed by corporate lawyer?
The matters closed by Corporate lawyers are as below:
Employment issues
Breach of contract
Compliance with regulation
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What is Section 334 in Thailand Law?
What is Section 334 :
Section 334 Whoever, dishonestly taking away the thing of other person or which the other person to beco-owner  to  be said  to  commit the  theft,  shall be  imprisoned  not out  of  three years  and fined not out of six thousand Baht.
If you are not sure if any of these acts is illegal in Thailand or not. You can contact an attorney for inquiries
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What is Section 336 in Thailand Law?
Snatching in the face means snatching in front of the face as follows. Theft by snatching in the face is an act against the property that is in the possession of or close to the possessor of the property by the possessor seeing the snatching or feeling of snatching. Snatch that, for example, jerk a gold necklace behind the owner of the property. The owner of the property was aware and saw the incident as a frontal action.                                                                              Judgment of the Supreme Court No. 1200/2481 of the offense of snatching that property The law aims that the owner of the property must be in close proximity to the property while the theft is deemed to be snatching the property away in the face.
If you are not sure if any of these acts is illegal in Thailand or not. You can contact an attorney for inquiries
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What is Corporate litigation  in Thailand?
Corporate litigation is focus on providing legal consultation and also representing businesses and corporations in lawsuits.
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Do we have any verdict from Supreme Court for Section 329?
Do we have any verdict from Supreme Court for Section 329? The answer is yes. See as below:
Supreme Court No. 4815/2543 the plaintiff has more relationship with the wife of defendant 1 than usual, resulting in the relationship between defendant 1 and the wife break up. So the fact that defendant 1 made a letter of complaint to the plaintiff's supervisor in order to take disciplinary action against the plaintiff is a good faith comment, a fair review of which the plaintiff's inappropriate conduct is a vision that defendant 1 can do. The defendant was not guilty of defamation.
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What is Section 329 in Thailand Law?
Section 329 Whoever, in good faith, expresses any opinion or statement:
(1) By way of self justification or defense, or for the protection of a legitimate interest;
(2) In the status of being an official in the exercise of his functions;
(3) By way of fair comment on any person or thing subjected to public criticism; or
(4) By way of fair report of the open proceeding of any Court or meeting, shall not beguilty of defamation
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Is there any supreme court case under section 60?
Yes, there is a case in Supreme court as below:
Victim must have been abused since the act must be done intentionally against the victim 1, while the victim 2 must not have intended to do so. If the act is deliberately committed against the victim 2, it will not be a mistake. There were 2 victims (Victim 1 and Victim 2), here we call them Victim 1 as “V1″ and Victim 2 as “V2″ as below:
Supreme Court Case No. 3161/2559. While the defendant threw a burning oil bottle at the table of V1, V2 sat close to V1, defendant could see that the combustible oil would splash on the V2, who sits close to the V1, the defendant's actions are intentional and foreseen. It is not an act by mistake under Section 60.
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What is Section 60 in Thailand Law?
Section 60 Whenever any person intends to commit an act against a person, but the effect of the doing of such act occurs to another person through a slip, it shall be deemed that such person intentionally commits such act against the person who suffers from the bad effect of such doing. But, in case of the law provides for the infliction of heavier punishment on account of individual status or the relation between the doer and the person suffering from the bad effect, such law shall not be applied so as to inflict the heavier punishment on the doer
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What is a verdict from Supreme Court for any Section 59 in Thailand?
What is a verdict from Supreme Court for any Section 59 in Thailand? There a verdict from Thailand Supreme Court for Section 59 in Thailand as below:
The accused raped the woman and woman was died before the accused committed the assault. There was not all fault elements and not guilty of rape. Supreme Court case No. 7144/2545, when the deceased died, the accused thought the victim unconscious, and then raped the victim. The accused was not guilty of rape because the deceased had died before, so the victim was not in a person' condition.
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What is Section 59 A in Thailand Law?
Section 59 A person shall be criminally liable only when such person commits an act intentionally, except in case of the law provides that such person must be liable when such person commits an act by negligence, or except in case of the law clearly provides that such person must be liable even though such person commits an act unintentionally.
To commit an act intentionally is to do an act consciously and at the same time the doer desired or could have foreseen the effect of such doing. If the doer does not know the facts constituting the elements of the offense, it cannot be deemed that the doer desired or could have foreseen the effect of such doing.
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What is Section 326 in Thailand Law?
What is Section 326 in Thailand Law?
Under Section 326: This is offense of defamation ...
Whoever, imputes anything to the other person before a third person in a manner  likely to impair the reputation of such other person or to expose such other person to be hated  or scorned, is said to commit defamation, and shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding one year or fined not exceeding twenty thousand Baht, or both.
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What is Section 32 in Thailand Law?
What is Section 32 in Thailand Law? Under this section 32, any property is prescribed by the law that any person makes or processes to be an offense, such property shall be forfeited wholly, irrespective of whether it belongs to the offender and there is the person inflicted with the punishment according to judgment or not.
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What is Section 18  in Thailand Law?
What is Section 18  in Thailand Law? Under Section 18, there are some punishments which are imprisonment, death, fine, confinement, forfeiture of property.
The life and capital punishment shall be not enforced to offender less than 18 years of age.
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Garn English Speaking Thai Lawyer in Bangkok Thailand
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What are the areas covered by Family law in Thailand?
Q: What are the areas covered by Family law in Thailand?
A: Family Law in Thailand: The major areas of family law in Thailand are Divorce and child custody. The other types of ares of family law in Thailand are child support, Marriage Law, Prenuptial Agreements .
If you are looking for the Best Family Lawyer in Bangkok Thailand then Garn Tunsatityanond & Associates is the best choice for family lawyer in Thailand and family law cases in Thailand.
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What are the areas covered by Civil law in Thailand?
Q: What are the areas covered by Civil law in Thailand?
A: Civil Law in Thailand: The major areas are Civil Litigation and Disputes. The other types of disputes are Real Estate Disputes, Partnership & Shareholder Disputes, Defamation Claims, Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury, Breach of contract, Trade disputes, Employment disputes and Many other types of disputes.
If you are looking for the Best Civil Lawyer in Bangkok Thailand then Garn Tunsatityanond & Associates is the best choice for civil lawyer in Thailand and civil law cases in Thailand.
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