bangladeshiweb · 1 year
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bangladeshiweb · 1 year
Means of Mastery
(Sauron's Influence in Off-screen Meetings)
I'm in the process of outlining all of this on the blog (yes, chapter 6), so this is relatively short. But I just realized something that I NEED to get off my chest, even if you don't have the full context yet. I've been plunking the same note on the keyboard for months now (that Sauron is scary, and not to be trifled with), but this one little aspect proves my point.
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Sure, it may seem like everything just magically fell into Sauron's lap, but if you really think about it, he has always been in the background. He wasn't just sitting in his chair, waiting for Galadriel to do everything for him, crossing his fingers, hoping that by chance, he would automatically be pushed to the top of the power pole. Here is the little indication:
We saw many secret councils between those in positions of power, involving Celebrimbor, Elrond, Galadriel, Gil-galad, Míriel, Elendil, Pharazôn, etc. All of these councils were important, and led to important decisions being made.
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But out of ALL the planned secret meetings that were mentioned, there were only two that we did not see. These two meetings had the most significant results.
But first, for a little context...
Fear of the Eldar and the Edain
When Gil-galad showed Elrond the decay of the Great Tree, he said:
"We first took notice of it just prior to Galadriel's return. We thought that by sending her away, and so bringing an end to the last vestiges of war, that we might arrest the decay. But despite our every effort, our decline has only quickened." (1x05).
Earlier, he said:
"We foresaw that if [Galadriel's search had continued], she might have inadvertently kept alive the very evil she sought to defeat" (1x01).
How did they foresee?
What is this random dish of water by the Tree?
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...isn't there someone who knows how to manipulate such things?
When Galadriel asked Míriel why she was not faithful to the Elvish ways, Míriel informed her of the recent rebellion in Númenor. After Galadriel foresaw Númenor's future, the following exchange ensued:
Míriel: "It is Númenor's future you saw. [...] It has already come to pass. The vision begins with your arrival. [...] The Valar gifted us this isle in a day of virtue. They can take it away, should we turn to the paths of darkness." Galadriel: "The virtue you speak of was your ancestors' loyalty to the Elves!" Míriel: "My father believed that. His path nearly destroyed us! That is why tomorrow, I will announce that you are gone, and this crisis ended" (1x04).
How did they foresee?
What is this random ball they call a Palantir?
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...isn't there someone who knows how to manipulate such things?
(sidenote: It is interesting how everyone believes that sending Galadriel away will solve all of their problems.)
What is the common fear between Elves and Men?—Extinction.
Now, let's get to the point:
Unseen Meetings
Everyone knows this:
"In an instance like this, it seems to me that you'd do well to identify what it is that your opponent most fears. [...] Give them a means of mastering it, so that you can master them" (Sauron, 1x04).
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Is it really a coincidence that the only two meetings that we did not see were the two meetings that made Sauron rise to the top? Why are they the only two meetings in which "a means of mastering" the fear of Elves and Men was given? Why are these meetings the ones we DIDN'T SEE?
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The first meeting that was mentioned was the one that Elrond was not permitted to attend.
"The Council regrets to inform you, you won't be permitted to attend the next session. Elf-lords only" (Elf-maid, 1x01).
This meeting involved Celebrimbor, Gil-galad, and other Elf-lords. Presumably, it was here that the song of The Roots of Hithaeglir was discussed. Mithril was suddenly brought into the picture, and Celebrimbor (an artificer, who heals) proposed a Forge, powerful enough to handle crafting the sort of power they needed to survive.
Why does all of this sound like Sauron's intriguing suggestions (mithril being the means of mastering their fear, so that he can master them)? How could mithril be a means of mastery given by Sauron, if he was not in attendance?
He would not have to be physically present in order to have an influence. Recall that 'random dish of water' by the Great Tree.
Here was the ultimate result of that meeting:
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The second Unseen Meeting was first mentioned by Míriel, who was particularly intent on Sauron's attendance:
"This council will reconvene at first light to make a final decision. See to it Lord Halbrand attends" (1x05).
Galadriel informed him:
"Tomorrow, the Queen will call you to audience. Your voice at that meeting may well decide whether this mission stands or falls. Help me" (1x05).
The meeting involved Míriel, Galadriel, Sauron, Elendil, and Pharazôn. What did Sauron say to convince Míriel to save the Men of Middle-earth? Perhaps there is a hint in her conversation with Bronwyn.
Bronwyn: "What I owe you. My people are alive because of you." Míriel: "As I understand it, they are alive because of you." Bronwyn: "A burden I never sought to take up." Míriel: "Few of the finest leaders do. [sees Halbrand approaching] But if you would like some relief in carrying it, I may be able to help." Sauron: "You called for me, Your Majesty."
What was the means of mastering her fear? Galadriel gave it when she said, "Choose not the path of fear, but that of faith." This is probably why Sauron corrected Galadriel in the end: "You convinced her. I wanted to remain in Númenor." All Sauron had to do was reenforce that idea to Míriel with flattering words.
So, if we just change some names around in the above dialogue, the following exchange seems very plausible:
Míriel: "Your people will live because of you." Halbrand: "As I understand it, they will live because of you." Míriel: "A burden I never sought to take up." Halbrand: "Few of the finest leaders do. [pause] But if you would like some relief in carrying it, I may be able to help."
In any case, here was the result of that meeting:
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Here's a funny sidenote:
That means of mastery may have been aimed at Míriel, who was afraid of the kind of death that comes with the Fall of Númenor. But we know that all of the Kingsmen become increasingly afraid of their mortality, and the means of mastery that Sauron gives is a bit dismal:
"[...] Darkness alone is worshipful, and the Lord thereof may yet make other worlds to be gifts to those that serve him, so that the increase of their power shall find no end. [...] he that is their master shall yet prevail, and he will deliver you from this phantom; and his name is Melkor, Lord of All, Giver of Freedom, and he shall make you stronger than they" (Akallabêth).
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