bangtansmysuperhero · 5 years
take me home
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take me home (best friend AU) | ongoing updates
I was going to break up with him, I really was. I even told you that yesterday, that I was going to break up with him. But I couldn’t. Not even for you, Kim Taehyung.
Copyright © 2020 bangtansmysuperhero
prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | epilogue
19 notes · View notes
bangtansmysuperhero · 5 years
take me home - chapter 1
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take me home (best friend AU) | ongoing updates
I was going to break up with him, I really was. I even told you that yesterday, that I was going to break up with him. But I couldn’t. Not even for you, Kim Taehyung.
Copyright © 2020 bangtansmysuperhero
prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | epilogue
chapter 1
“Are we still on for tonight? 7:00?” I asked my best friend, Taehyung, over the phone as I tried to balance myself on one foot to take off the other heel.
“You know I’ll be there. Just you and me, right?”
“You, me and Joonie,” I pursed my lips, not liking where this was headed.
“Ah, Kim Namjoon. The imaginary boyfriend whomst the great Y/N has been dating for the past few months-”
I rolled my eyes. “27 months. 2 years.”
“Whomst I have met maybe twice-”
“You’ve met him-”
“Once. It was just once wasn’t it?”
“Whomst made you cry because- wait why did the fucker make you cry again?”
“Whomst isn’t even a word! Taehyung-ah!”
“Yes, Tae?”
“Why are you still with him?” I let out a huge huff of air and stared at the clock on my stovetop. 5:42.
Why was I still with him? “I have to start making dinner now,” I said defeatedly as my eyes wandered to the note on the fridge and hung up.
I mindlessly stirred the spinach in the pan to sauté it. Looks like Taehyung was going to be right again: Namjoon wouldn’t be able to make it to dinner again. It would seem that Namjoon cancelling on dinners with Taehyung was a normal reoccurrence, but Namjoon cancelling on dinners with me was no different. The countless nights I spent sitting in our apartment in silence, watching the food get cold, definitely outweighed Tae’s count and it wasn’t even a number’s game that I wanted to win.
Tae was annoyed and annoyed for me. Yet I couldn’t even get annoyed if I wanted to. Joonie had been working overtime these past few quarters to make sure he had the results to prove that he was worthy of a promotion. “I’m doing this for us,” Joonie murmured against my lips as he held my face in his hands. “We could move out and into a better apartment if I get promoted. And maybe even start a family. Don’t you want that?” I had no choice but to nod at the time. He was trying to give us a better life, was I supposed to oppose that? “I love you, Y/N-ah. Please be patient with me.” He kissed my forehead and then gazed into my eyes. “Please, baby.”
“Love you too, Joonie.”
I did. Despite spending many nights alone waiting for him to come home and have dinner with me, I really did love Namjoon. He was the perfect boyfriend. He remembered all of my preferences, changed most of his to suit mine, always knew how to make me feel better, never looked at other girls, and he never made me feel insecure. But best of all, he saw a future with me: a future he was working very hard at, for me. He was the perfect boyfriend when he was around.
However, those late nights didn’t always end up in an embrace. The lock clicked and the doorknob turned, the front door opened to welcome a staggering Namjoon into our apartment. Our eyes met as I was clearing off the dinner table. “Y/N-ah, were you waiting for me? You shouldn’t have.”
“Where were you?”
His grin dropped and he scoffed while wrestling with his tie. “At work. Where else would I be?”
“You were drinking at work?” My brows furrowed in disbelief and I turned around from the fridge.
“We had to entertain some clients tonight.”
“Right… And you couldn’t have told me that?” I slammed the fridge door closed and went to clear off the rest of the dinner I made.
“Oh come on, don’t be like that. Y/N-ah,” Joonie cooed as he walked towards me and the food I made for our anniversary. “Did you make this?” His dimples showed as he leaned over me and tasted the food. “Ah, brisket?” The hand on my hip gave me a familiar squeeze. He licked his fingers and said, “It’s delicious. A little cold though.”
“Of course it’s cold, it’s been sitting on the table for a few hours now!” I gritted my teeth and set the food back down on the table, pushing him away from me and stalked to our bedroom. It was going to be my room tonight.
Namjoon’s footsteps followed mine and he tried to grab my arm to stop me but he wasn’t fast enough. “Why? It’s late. You should’ve-”
“I was waiting for you!” With that, I slammed the door in his face and locked it.
At least he left me a note this time: Don’t wait up - Namjoon. “Asshole,” I muttered. Suddenly I felt hands on my waist and lips hovering my ear, causing me to shriek at the contact.
“Are you going to stir that? It’s burning.” I whipped my head around to look at the assailant and saw Taehyung raise an eyebrow at our dinner and then back at me.
I put my spatula down and whacked my best friend’s arm. “You scared the shit out of me, Taehyung-ah!”
“I did knock,” he pouted as I wriggled out of his hold.
“How did you get in anyway?” I poured the rest of the ingredients into the pan, hoping that the spinach was still edible.
“You left your door unlocked again.” Tae spun me around and had a stern look on his face. “How many times do I have to remind you to lock your door? Hmm?” He tucked some of my bangs behind my ear and surveyed my eyes and briefly my lips as I bit them, nervously awaiting a reprimand for my carelessness. When I didn’t answer him, he pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head. “Did you miss me?”
I looked up from his chest and hastily nodded. “Did you miss me? Or were you too busy in Los Angeles to remember your best friend? Hmm?” I placed my head back on his chest where his heart beated heavily and poked his ribs when he least expected it, making him shudder and groan.
“Y/N-ah! Aish! Why would I have been too busy in LA?” He rubbed where I poked him and began to wail dramatically. “You’re my best friend and-”
“I’m your only friend,” I looked up at him with a blatant poker face, earning me a glare.
“You’re my best friend and the only one I care to talk to,” he declared.
“That is such a lie, Tae!” I scoffed, hitting his chest.
“What?! How is that a lie? You are my best friend and the only one-”
“Remember Tania?” I tried to escape his embrace to cross my arms but failed as Tae tightened his embrace of me.
“Who?” His face contorted in a genuine state of confusion, trying to remember who Tania of our summer ‘19 New York City trip was. “Tana-”
“No, not Tana. Tania!” He furrowed his eyebrows and still had no clue who I was referring to. “We went to New York last summer, you guys met at a Starbucks, and had me third-wheeling for the entirety of our trip!”
“Tania?” I nodded with affirmation. “You mean Tina?” Who? “You weren’t third-wheeling-”
“Oh yeah, I sure as heck wasn’t third-wheeling you guys when she was all like, ‘TaeTae, can you come in here and help me with this dress? I think the tag got caught with the zipper,’” I raised my voice an octave higher and channelled my inner valley girl, flipping my hair from side-to-side.
“I sure as heck am sure that I most definitely came that day,” he grinned and wiggled his eyebrows up and down.
“Oh my god!” I hit Taehyung’s chest again in disbelief. “You’re so gross! Let go of me!”
“Come on, Y/N-ah. You know you love it,” I was almost out of his hold when he turned us around and trapped me between him and my kitchen counter.
“No, I don’t!” I squealed and wriggled. My back was against his front and a very prominent bump on his front was against my back. I froze but my breathing became more frantic at the sudden realization that I was essentially grinding on his dick. What a dick it was… Oh my god! Y/N, what are you doing?!
“Really?” Taehyung swept my hair back and held it in his hand while stroking the side of my neck with his thumb. I couldn’t answer him. What was he even asking? I wanted to say something, anything, but I couldn’t. “I asked you a question, Y/N-ah,” Tae’s voice dropped an octave and I felt my legs begin to weaken their stance.
“Huh-uh,” I swallowed. Oh my god, am I salivating right now? His close proximity allowed the scent of his cologne, shampoo, or maybe even his aftershave to fill my nose. Mmm. Me likey. So woodsy and masculine, just so Tae. I felt myself pulse, but that was just my body telling me that I’m alive right? Right?!
“So answer the question then, sweetheart.” He murmured into my ear, his soft lips brushing against my earlobe before he dipped his head into the skin he cleared from my hair and planted a chaste kiss behind my ear. And I shuddered internally and externally. Fucking hell, what is he doing?! Stop this, Y/N!
“W-what was the question?” I closed my eyes and my lips parted carefully not to make any sounds that I wasn’t supposed to make. My best friend didn’t answer me. Instead, Taehyung placed another chaste kiss on me, this time a little lower than the last and with more suction. And another. And another. And another. And then his lips backtracked on my skin, lingering once they reached the sensitive skin behind my ear. “T-taehyung-ah…” Fucking hell, just fuck me.
“I’m not sure Namu would appreciate that,” Taehyung’s lips lifted off of me briefly.
“Huh..?” Wait, what? Put those suckers back where they belong, I demand it!
“But I’m not here for him, am I?” Him? Oh my god, Namjoon! My boyfr- Taehyung sucked on my sensitive spot harder than before and I screamed.
“Tae!” My hand came down from gripping onto his arm as I threw my head back into him and made accidental contact with the pan. Shit, my hand! “Fuck! Taehyung, stop!”
He stopped immediately as if he was the one whose hand got scorched and growled, “Why?!”
“The spinach!” It was definitely not edible.
author’s note: what do y’all think of our little incident here? a case of too many cooks in the kitchen? please follow, reblog & like this story if you’d like to see where this goes!!! it really does help with motivating me in the writing process <3 the next chapters will be at least doubled in length for some character development. also, i love me some joonie irl but he’s not the ideal man for Y/N in this fic... or is he? xxx, LALA Jan. 28/20
word count: 1747
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bangtansmysuperhero · 5 years
take me home - prologue
Tumblr media
take me home (best friend AU) | ongoing updates
I was going to break up with him, I really was. I even told you that yesterday, that I was going to break up with him. But I couldn’t. Not even for you, Kim Taehyung.
Copyright © 2020 bangtansmysuperhero
prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | epilogue
2 years ago
“Taehyung-ah...” I let out in the thick of our silence. “Taehyung,” I peeked at him from behind my bangs and saw his knuckles turn white while clutching the stem of his wine glass. “Tae, I-” He took a massive swig out of the glass, emptying it before he slammed it down onto the dinner table. My back straightened instantly. His nostrils flared and I knew then that his patience was wearing thin. I swallowed a lump in my throat and tried to continue on, “Something must have come up-” He picked up his utensils and began to cut into his steak with aggression, making screeching noises on his plate as a result of it. “I’m sure of it. I’m sorry-”
The dinner table shook when he slammed the utensils down. “You’re sorry?” He scoffed.
“T-t-taehyung-ah, I-”
“I told you that I didn’t want to meet with any more of your boyfriends, yet you insisted that this one was different.”
“He is!” I pleaded. “He is diff-”
“Of course he is, at least the others showed up! This Namu couldn’t even-”
“Namjoon, Taehyung-ah. His name is Namjoon.”
“Whatever, Y/N.” Tae rolled his eyes. “He didn’t even have the decency to text or call you to let us know that he was going to be a no-show. Do you know how long we’ve been sitting here, just waiting for him?”
“Tae, I’m-”
“Sorry?” I pouted and nodded. “For making us wait for him? Or for making me eat this steak cold? Do you know how much blood, sweat, and tears I put into cooking this juicy thing nice and medium-rare? Do you? Some people will never have the honour of tasting my cooking and-” His jaw jutted out at our plates and the corners of my lips curled a bit.
“What?” He grunted.
“I’m really sorry.”
“I know.”
author’s note: hello to all of my ARMY moots here on Tumblr! i’m new at this, so please give me whatever encouragement you have <3 and reblog & like this story if you like it so far and would like for me to continue writing it. as of right now, i’m thinking that this may be a 10 chapter affair. xxx, LALA Jan. 28/20
word count: 308
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