banjoremade · 1 year
vote for traj
Round 4 Poll 1: Underlord Darwin (@year2000electronics) vs Trajothaddeus Captio (@bonetrousled)
Underlord Darwin (he/him):
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Why is he a failboy? He's the lord of the undead but he keeps fucking up. His parents let him do it because they spoil him rotten. He got a mortal form but got himself killed like Jesus and then as recompense his parents promised he could end the world in 2020. He got stopped from this by literally two teenagers. His entire plan amounts on turning everyone into skeletons. He only has two friends and they're both cooler than him. He's pathetic.
Why should he win? Because I think Darwin's only hard-earned win should be as the BIGGEST FAILIURE, baby. Also my OCs have a completed ask blog, so anyone at home can discover the pathetic aura all for themselves.
Other info: Although he may seem like a successboy for owning the underworld and almost starting an apocalypse, his true failure is written right on his face.
Trajothaddeus Captio (He/him):
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Why is he a failboy? Nepotism baby that was disowned by his father. Tells everyone that he's drowning in cash- he is not. Has no idea how to take care of himself. Has fake influencer courses and phishing emails that he uses to get peoples' money. SO fucking full of himself but cannot do anything successfully and has the bodily strength of a single sickly bird. Minor events kick the shit out of him daily and he's mean about it to everyone and then he goes up to his room and cries
Why should he win? Traj possesses one of the most integral but most overlooked features of a failboy: being unpleasant and kind of an asshole
Other info: hes an ANTBOY also. double points for being an Ant (small creature)
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banjoremade · 1 year
Round 4 Poll 1: Underlord Darwin (@year2000electronics) vs Trajothaddeus Captio (@bonetrousled)
Underlord Darwin (he/him):
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Why is he a failboy? He's the lord of the undead but he keeps fucking up. His parents let him do it because they spoil him rotten. He got a mortal form but got himself killed like Jesus and then as recompense his parents promised he could end the world in 2020. He got stopped from this by literally two teenagers. His entire plan amounts on turning everyone into skeletons. He only has two friends and they're both cooler than him. He's pathetic.
Why should he win? Because I think Darwin's only hard-earned win should be as the BIGGEST FAILIURE, baby. Also my OCs have a completed ask blog, so anyone at home can discover the pathetic aura all for themselves.
Other info: Although he may seem like a successboy for owning the underworld and almost starting an apocalypse, his true failure is written right on his face.
Trajothaddeus Captio (He/him):
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Why is he a failboy? Nepotism baby that was disowned by his father. Tells everyone that he's drowning in cash- he is not. Has no idea how to take care of himself. Has fake influencer courses and phishing emails that he uses to get peoples' money. SO fucking full of himself but cannot do anything successfully and has the bodily strength of a single sickly bird. Minor events kick the shit out of him daily and he's mean about it to everyone and then he goes up to his room and cries
Why should he win? Traj possesses one of the most integral but most overlooked features of a failboy: being unpleasant and kind of an asshole
Other info: hes an ANTBOY also. double points for being an Ant (small creature)
256 notes · View notes
banjoremade · 5 years
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happy Thursday the 20th
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banjoremade · 5 years
“The 28th of november is Puhskinti day.”
Chris   Oney Plays Dead Rising WITH FRIENDS - EP 3 - The Fun Can
(via dailyoneyplaysquotes)
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banjoremade · 5 years
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167K notes · View notes
banjoremade · 5 years
hey i’m remaking 4 real this time ! reply 2 this post if u want my new url (i might not give it 2 everyone just bc i don’t want Too Many Randos
76 notes · View notes
banjoremade · 5 years
hey i’m remaking 4 real this time ! reply 2 this post if u want my new url (i might not give it 2 everyone just bc i don’t want Too Many Randos
76 notes · View notes
banjoremade · 5 years
hey i’m remaking 4 real this time ! reply 2 this post if u want my new url (i might not give it 2 everyone just bc i don’t want Too Many Randos
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banjoremade · 5 years
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happy fall
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banjoremade · 5 years
i am surrounded on all sides by people who say words to me and well ive had it
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banjoremade · 5 years
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So basically the timeline actually is:
Nihil and Sister meet
They Get together
Sister gets pregnant
Kiss the Go-Goat
Sister Leaves and births Copia
Nihil goes to the Party in the 80′s
The two reunite and get married.
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banjoremade · 5 years
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57K notes · View notes
banjoremade · 5 years
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some zims ft. a dib! First zim design is from Aaron Alexovich
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banjoremade · 5 years
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This was so fun and stupid to make ty @orcgoth
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banjoremade · 5 years
(as i scroll through tumblr looking at all the posts) hmm… beneath me, beneath me, juvenile… petty and childish… beneath me… this one is good. beneath me, juvenile, beneath me
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banjoremade · 5 years
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842 notes · View notes
banjoremade · 5 years
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