bapbops · 4 years
don't blame yourself when someone you once supported turned out to be an awful person.
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bapbops · 5 years
I'm officially abandoning this blog
At least for the time being. B.a.p has been a source of great happiness for me for a very long time, but that's changed now. I don't feel the same excitement when I listen to their music, nor do I get that spark in my heart when I think about them or watch their old videos or anything. It's sad, but with everything going on and with the state the fandom is in I'd rather leave it like this with my happy memories than to continue and grow bitter towards the group and babyz. I've found new groups that I feel similar love and dedication towards that take up all my attention to the point where I don't really pay much attention to Instagram or twitter notifs, and I honestly don't really care. Some might say this makes me a bad fan but it doesn't matter, I've come out of this learning invaluable things from b.a.p and with memories I can wrap myself in when the world gets cold and that I can use to light a fire when everything gets dark. Someday maybe I'll feel differently, maybe they will come back someday and then my love and interest will be rekindled but for now, thank you and see you later.
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bapbops · 5 years
[Pops in Seoul] Solo Debut ! ZELO(젤로) Interview for ‘Questions(알고싶어)’
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bapbops · 5 years
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Zelo will perform at Music Bank on June 21st! 
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bapbops · 5 years
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✨ 💜
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bapbops · 5 years
Is anyone else not getting notifications on the tumblr app for the blogs you have post notifs on for?
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bapbops · 5 years
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bapbops · 5 years
My Fancy and 27 albums r finally in my possession (๑òᆺó๑) they're absolutely beautiful
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bapbops · 5 years
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moonjongyeup: 어제 대현이형 콘서트에서 오랜만에 만나서 좋았어요 다음에는 꼭 새롭고 멋진 모습으로 찾아가겠습니다 🤙 아 맞다 그리고 저 연극 잃어버린마을 2019/05/11 오후 7시에도 하게 됐답니다 호호
I��m happy that we met yesterday at Daehyunie hyung’s concert after a long time. I’ll definitely present to you my new cool self next time 🤙 Ah that’s right, I’ll be on stage for The Lost Town on 2019/05/11 7PM Hohoho
trans by Kathymyon ; take out with full credit.
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bapbops · 5 years
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dh_jung_bap: 날씨조오오오오타~! 맛있는 점심 챙겨먹어요! #baby
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bapbops · 5 years
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bapbops · 5 years
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bapbops · 5 years
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dh_jung_bap: 또 한번 너에게 반해버렷다 짜식 #잃어버린마을 #종업
I fell in love with you again, boy #TheLostTown #Jongup
trans by Kathymyon ; take out with full credit.
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bapbops · 5 years
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om ñom ñom 
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bapbops · 5 years
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basking under the sun in a field of flowers | fancy jacket + mv making behind
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bapbops · 5 years
byzelo: 맛있다(Delicious)🤪
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bapbops · 5 years
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