barbaraphoetathoes · 2 years
TW: Mentions of suicide and weird story plot that my mind has generated outta nowhere also some drunk moments and dark humor (?) it's my first time posting int this app idk how tf it works
Warning MDNI!
I had a dream a few weeks ago about the MC (my POV) as a suicidal angst teenager type of kid (literally fucked an emo boy who was their previous client's kid) who is the ideal student model until every summer starts where they work for their 'adoptive' parents (more like employers tbh but that's a more detailed story for another time) as like some sort of bodyguard job as a family. MC is like some sort of intel gatherer and just basically doing disguised spy jobs for info for their adoptive family. Every summer is an opportunity to attempt suicide in the middle of their jobs but the only thing from keeping them from taking their lives is their twisted thought of their real parents as those understanding of their suicidal tendencies and they just have to find them and connect with them.
" ---- you've been try to make a cute little knot with that thick shabby looking tie."
"It's a hanging knot. Need to look hot when I'm soul fucking Lil Nas X."
"That's crazy I thought you said touch grass now I'm like grass dancing in the wind."
"If fucking someone is inserting 'IT', does that mean I fucked that emo with my Nen abilities?"
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