Written for the 30 days writing challenge.
Day 7 - Formal.
It’s after ten years, ten long lonesome years that she meets him again. At one of those blasted Mikaelson formal balls.
She hates them. She truly despises them and she doesn’t really want to be here.
But she thinks he...
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Anna was helping Ruby with her boots when Kol dropped onto the floor next to their daughter and groaned. Anna smirked. “Again?” “It’s like watching paint dry.” Ruby babbled something unintelligible, waving her hand in the air for Kol’s attention. He flashed a grin at her, scooping her into his arms and pressing a kiss to her cheek. Anna shook her head and glanced over her shoulder. “Think we should do something about it?” “Dagger Elijah until he gets his shit together?” “Shhh,” repeated Ruby, unable to get the hard consonant sound out. Anan’s head whirled back around, her face scrunched up angrily, and punched Kol in the thigh. “Ow!” “You deserve that,” she said, jabbing her finger in his direction. “She’s been trying to repeat everything you say for days, clean it up.” Kol stuck his tongue out at her, snickering when she leaned forward to flick him on the nose. Kol hid behind the baby, making Ruby giggle shrilly when he snapped his teeth playfully at her. “Mummy’s being mean,” he told her, pouting. Anna shook her head and stood, dusting off her jeans and grabbing her coat off the rack near the front door. “You never gave me a serious answer.” “About?” “What to do about Elijah and Caroline.” Kol made a face. “I don’t want to bother with them,” he said. Ruby looked up at him, frowning dramatically at the tone of his voice. He frowned back at her, leaning down to press his nose against hers. “They are no fun.” Anna smiled softly at the pair of them, after three months with Ruby she still wasn’t used to Kol being all ‘Daddy-like’, so moments like this threw her. She looked up as Caroline and Elijah walked around the corner, Caroline smiling like sunshine and Elijah looking pleased to just be in her company. Elijah stopped short, allowing Caroline to go on ahead while he stared at Kol in confusion. “Why are you on the floor?” Kol raised up one of Ruby’s booted feet. “We’re going to play in the snow.” “Ooo, sounds fun!” said Caroline excitedly, bending down to stroke Ruby’s cheek affectionately. “I’m going to the store to get stuff to make pie.” Kol’s eyes widened childishly. “We get pie?” “It’s almost Christmas, of course we get pie!” Elijah chuckled, handing Caroline her coat. Anna watched, unimpressed, as his fingers lingered next to hers and Caroline keep eye contact just a little too long. Kol caught her eye and raised an eyebrow, she sighed. “Are you going with her, Elijah?” “Hm?” Elijah looked up at her, startled. “Oh, no I have business to take care of-” “Boring,” sighed Kol, climbing to his feet, bouncing Ruby in his arms. She squealed, Anna swooned; it was a never ending cycle. Kol swooped close to her and kissed her cheek, handing Ruby off and grabbing his own coat. “Elijah can help you bake when you get back, Caroline,” he said. “Ruby too.” “Kol, I don’t think-” “That’s a great idea!” agreed Anna, interupting Elijah. “We’ll be back in an hour or two, that gives you enough time to finish whatever you need to get done,” she raised an eyebrow, daring him to contradict her. “Right, Elijah?” “Ahum…yes, that will be fine.” “Great!” said Caroline brightly. “I guess I’ll see you in a few.” Elijah waited all of three seconds after the front door shut behind Caroline before he whirled on the pair of them. “What are you two planning?” “You two have been doing this dance for almost a century,” snorted Kol, shoving his brother away. “When we invited Caroline to stay with us it wasn’t to watch you become her gay friend.” Elijah opened his mouth to sound insulted, but Anna interrupted him before he had a chance. “Don’t argue with us, we’re sick of it.” “Sick of what exactly?” “Just…” Anna struggled to find the right words, looking to Kol for help. He rolled his eyes. “Just help her make a god damn pie, Elijah.” “Ah! Now look who’s swearing. Ruby, don’t listen to Mummy, she didn’t mean it.” . Ruby was shivering in her highchair as she watched Caroline whirl around the kitchen expertly. She was pink faced from the cold and smiling so widely she looked like her face would split in two. Anna had presented her to Elijah in clean, warm clothing and declared that she was going to take the worlds longest and hottest bath, leaving her daughter in the kitchen, Kol following behind her with a wicked smirk on his face. Caroline had decided that Elijah would be in charge of entertaining the baby, which was good, because while he could cook, he could not cook with Caroline. Because she was insane. But he liked watching her cook, she moved gracefully and with ease, sparing a few moments every so often to press kisses against Ruby’s cheeks. Elijah watched a lock of blonde hair fall from the ponytail on top of her hair and swallowed. Perhaps Anna and Kol were right, he fancied Caroline, he had for years. Ever since they desiccated Niklaus it had been easier to move on from Elena and return to what made him happy. Caroline was every Klaus had been convinced she was; bright, kind, strong…and she got along with his family. His family was everything to him, and over the years, after Stefan had convinced her to come live with them, she had become family too. He loved her, he really did. A small, sticky finger poked him in the cheek, startling him out of his reverie. Playfully, Elijah stuck his tongue out at his niece, reaching out to fix one of her pigtails while she giggled at him. “I can’t believe how much I love her, sometimes.” Elijah looked up, finding Caroline leaning over the island counter with a spoon in her hand and a dreamy expression on her face. “I mean, I hate Kol for not giving us any warning, because you know I’m going to spoil her rotten…” Elijah chuckled as Caroline trailed off, nodding along with what she was saying. “I never expected this of him. I can’t say I hate the change, though.” The lapsed into silence again, the smell of cinnamon tickling his senses from where the bottle spilled earlier. Ruby yawned sleepily, reaching for Elijah once again. He lifted her into his arms obediently, stroking her hair back while she snuggled against him. “Elijah?” said Caroline softly, watching him instead of Ruby when he looked up at her. His eyebrows drew together curiously, leaning back slightly in his chair. “Yes?” She blinked at him, the dreamy expression gone from her face and replaced with an expression that he could only describe as ‘caught in the headlights’. Caroline straightened suddenly, turning away. “Nothing, never mind.” Ruby blew a raspberry in her direction, looking up at Elijah with the same dramatic pouty face he had seen her share with Kol on occasion. Caroline glanced over her shoulder with narrowed eyes. “Did she just-” “Despite all odds it seems she really is Kol’s daughter,” said Elijah wistfully, returning Ruby back to her chair and standing up. He walked over to Caroline, leaning his hip against the counter next to her. “She’s right though.” “She’s two.” “Not in the conventional sense then, but she has a point,” Elijah tried to insist. Caroline was avoiding his eyes, then she made the mistake of reaching up to brush her fallen hair behind her ear and he caught her wrist, turning her to face him. There was a beat of silence between them before he leaned down and kissed her. He pulled away after a moment, testing the waters. When he received no protested he leaned back down, pressing his mouth against hers more surely, wrapping his hand around the back of her neck to keep her from pulling away before he was done with her. Her hands brushed against his hips tentatively, then pressed against his abdomen, pushing him away even as she arched into his mouth. “Mama!” Elijah and Caroline sprung apart, Caroline breathing hard and whipping around to find Anna and Kol staring at them from the kitchen door. Anna was grinning triumphantly at Kol, who crossed his arms over his bare chest, looking only slightly put out. “Ha! I win.” “I don’t think that counts.” Anna snorted, skirting around him and heading for her little girl. “Oh it so counts.” The minute Anna turned her back on him the frown on Kol’s face disappeared. Elijah watched his brother stare at his wife and child for a moment, before the pain in the ass he knew so well was back, smirking at Caroline and him. “You guys making out?” Caroline sputtered incoherently, and if Elijah could he would blush. He had to settle for glaring up at the ceiling. Kol snorted. “We’ve been standing here for like a minute, don’t even try it.” “So what if we were?” asked Elijah, placing his hand on the counter near Caroline’s. “Are you disappointed?” Anna clicked her tongue. “Only that it didn’t happen any sooner. Really, it’s about time.” Caroline shot Elijah an exasperated look over her shoulder. “That’s probably my fault.” Kol interrupted any further conversation by waltzing into the kitchen and shoving Elijah toward the oven. “Great! Now that that’s settled, I vote we eat pie.”
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Written for the 30 days writing challenge.
Day 12 - Knowledge.
It’s the knowledge of its existence that haunts her.
She finds in his closet, meticulously bundled up in one of his shirts.
And she recoils into her shell thereafter; doesn’t talk much, doesn’t do too much, no...
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Their journey started with a glance across a crowded room. Two lonely souls gravitating towards each other. 
It ended in tears. 
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AU: Elijah as Caroline’s gay best-friend.
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The other Mikaelson brother.
A/N- AU/AH All human. Klaus/Caroline/Elijah. No one is Vampire and never will be. Klaus and Elijah are brothers. Kol, Rebekah and Caroline are siblings (will come in later chapters). This is loosely based on ‘The other Boleyn Girl’ only it’s two guys and One girl. Do NOT know how this well end, I will go with whatever you guys want. WILL ME ‘M’ IN LATER CHAPTERS.
I am only posting this here until I get a few chapters done and then on FF.net. So if you want me to continue please let me know somehow or I’ll just move on to my other fics.
It was always said that she would be their end.
  Caroline Forbes had always been a pretty girl; with her blonde locks, baby face and piercing blue eyes and the sweet disposition that any well bred girl of her age must have. In her prettiest of prettiest of blue dresses she was a sight to witness, as more than half the men of her village did.
But since pretty little Caroline was barely 10 years into her life she had been given a not so pretty life plan by her mother. Become the beauty everyone claimed she possessed, imbibe all the mannerisms of women above her, entice the most powerful of men into wedded bliss and spend the rest of her life at his beck and call.
This life was not acceptable to Caroline, she was born in the age of arranged marriages and business deals but she was a romantic at heart. What she wished for was not a wealthy, socially important man to wed but to fall in love with a man, any man who would love her back and not keep her as a trophy.
But it was not to be.
Her parents only means to survival now was the much debated upon nuptials of their daughter.
And it was sitting ahead of them in their withering old house.
Stefan Salvatore, once upon a time neighbor and now the kings advisor smiled nervously as he tried to not to cringe at the horrifying tea Elizabeth Forbes had presented him. His five years at the palace had him accustomed to things nowhere within reach in this shamble. He eyed his childhood blonde friend tensely as he considered how best to convey his sudden visit here at their house.
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Klarolijah: Elijah/Caroline/Klaus
Years pass. People change. But they will always be there for her.
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He has always stressed the importance of choices to her over the many years. How one single different choice can change the entire course of your life, send you tumbling into a completely different direction.
He’s deep like that.
Always thinking - aloud mind you. Thinking about such...
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They stopped running away from their feelings. And now they did not want to hide what they have any longer. 
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So now pretty much the 1st 10 pages of my blog are all Carlijah.
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Today will forever be the day Carlijah exploded everywhere.
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He had seen appalling things in his 1000 years. Things that could make your skin crawl, things that could horrify you, things that can shatter even the coldest hearts, things that can gain sympathy from the cruelest hearts, things that can bring tears to the evilest. But he had survived it all,...
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