barco96-blog · 6 years
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barco96-blog · 6 years
The Blind Side is a great movie and writing a memo to the athletic training staff is a great idea because this truly happens in life when incidents such as these happen in life. Memos has been a huge highlight in this class. Your memo is a great example of how they are written properly to express a message.  
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Coach Cotton, “The Blind Side”
Date: November 20, 2002
To: Athletic Training Team
From: Coach Cotton, Head Football Coach
Subject: Michael Oher’s injury
I am writing the team regarding the injury of our offensive lineman Michael Oher and his playability for the upcoming game next Friday that could determine how we end the season. I will need him to receive proper care as well as his prognosis for the upcoming game.
Here is what happened. Michael and his little brother S.J. were leaving the store in Michael’s new car he had just received. While going home, him and this brother were joking around and singing along to the radio very carelessly. Not paying attention Michael was rapidly approaching a loading truck in front of him and ended up hitting it. The crash is not what caused the injury. Saved by airbag, he also knew that his brother was too small to be in the front seat and would have been seriously hurt. Michael extended his arm to block the airbag from hitting his brother and taking some of the impact. Michael received second degree burns as well as an abrasion on his right arm.
I need the team to make sure he receives the proper care during training and after to make sure he can continue playing. I would like the team to assess the damage while he is active during exercise. Just let me know the prognosis by Wednesday of next week so I can make the necessary alignment and strategical changes if needed.
Thank you for the work you do and being so available for the team. When you need to contact me, give me call at (727) 698-3826.
 I have chosen Coach Cotton from The Blind Side writing a memo to one of his athletic trainers because that is the field I wish to be in. I have chosen to do a memo because it has been a highlighted topic in class.
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barco96-blog · 6 years
This movie is top 5 of my favorite movies of all time so i really enjoyed reading your post. I completely agree with you that that only way to be successful is to be honest, this implies for every field of study. All written documents must have truth in them such as resumes which we learned in the course because of what you said in your blog that your word means nothing if there is not truth behind it.
Jordan Belfort - Stock Broker
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Cocaine and Hookers
All I need to get me by
Emptiness inside
  Jordan Belfort is the main character in the Wolf of Wall Street. In the movie, you see him go from a modest penny stock salesman to the creator of one of Wall Street’s most lucrative brokerage firms. At first, Jordan is eager and tries to sell stocks on the up and up. He starts as a humble and truthful person. As he starts making more and more money, he turns down a dark path of immorality. Drugs, hookers, and partying start to consume his life. Eventually he gets caught up in his greediness and is arrested for fraud. Belfort swindled hundreds of millions of dollars from stock buyers as he inflated stock prices and then dumped his shares to make millions. At the end of the movie he comes to realize that he has made a mistake by living this superficial life. His life had no true sustenance and he drove away the people that meant most to him. His wife and family resented him for the pain he had caused so many people. As someone who desires to become an investment banker, this story resonates with me. Even though there are many get rich quick schemes, the only way to be truly successful is to be honest. This character could learn a lot by looking at what we have learned during this course. In the business world you can not cheat others without consequences. All of your writing and projects must have truth in their content. When presenting results, one should not lie for their own self interest as this will only make things bad. People will not respect you and your word will be meaningless. Jordan Belfort was a very persuasive person and during this course I have also learned many persuasion tactics. When I look at this course through the eyes of a professional in my field of study, I can see how we must be accountable for what we write and say.
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barco96-blog · 6 years
Farm Supervisor
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There really isn’t to many movies about the agriculture industry that demonstrates the prospective of a farm supervisor or ranch hand which is the position I am pursuing. So one show that represents my field is The Ranch and the character I see myself as is Colt Bennet which is played by Ashton Kutcher. Colt Bennet is the youngest sibling in the family as I am in mine and he does not get the recognition he deserves from his dad which is also his boss and I as well don’t when I work for my family on the farm. I am writing a memo of resignation as Colt to his father which demonstrates course themes of communication in the workplace when rhetorical situations are present such as being overlooked in the workplace. I look forward to the day where I can do this to my family and potentially be there boss one day.
Date: June 20, 2018
To: Beau Bennet
From: Colt Bennet, Ranch hand
Subject: Resignation
Today is a sad day because I am writing to inform you my resignation with Iron River Ranch as your ranch hand. It breaks my heart having to do this because this is our family ranch and it has been passed down from generation to generation. You have taught me everything I know and I could not be more thankful for the knowledge you have provided me over the years working under you.
It is in my best interest to part ways with the family business and start my own because I have
not been given the respect or recognition for the amount of work I have done. I just wanted to take the time and thank you for raising me the way you did because you made me the man I am today. Without you I would not be the rancher I am today and I am forever grateful for everything you have done for me.
Thank you for everything you have done for me, but it is in my best interest to part ways.
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barco96-blog · 6 years
As my grandfather gets older I noticed his amount of medication has increased significantly. I was thinking to myself that an uptake of so many different medications cannot be healthy. My grandfather is still very active and healthy so i found it strange when I realized how much medication he is being prescribed. With your discussion posts it all makes sense now that elderly people are being overprescribed because of doctors and pharmacists interested in doing business. Polypharmacy is highly underreported and doctors need to increase the “de-prescribing movement” because of how unhealthy taking multiple medications at once is.
The Polypharmacy Epidemic and Elderly Americans
As you may have seen on television news or within your families, as people age, the amount of medications they take normally increases. The media advertises this occurrence as a commonplace phenomenon, when really it is the continuation of a polypharmacy drug crisis. Doctors and pharmacists, presumably those interested in doing business, dismisses the hazards of over-prescribing drugs to the elderly, maintaining that is normal to take more than 20 drugs to treat acid reflux, heart disease, insomnia, or other ailments. Research shows that 25 percent people from ages 65 to 69 take five or more prescription drugs at a time, and 46% of 70 to 79 year-olds take five or more to treat their chronic health conditions. While opioid prescription abuse is highly publicized, the over medication of the elderly is often overlooked or dismissed. The issue of the health hazards that result from elderly citizens and the polypharmacy approach (multiple medications used simultaneously) is high underreported; the media and doctors have tried to cover it up for years, despite documented evidence against it.
In order to solve the polypharmacy dilemma, many doctors have started the “de-prescribing movement,” a plan that involves the encouragement of a healthy diet and exercise, as well as decreasing the number of necessary prescriptions for elderly patients. The physicians leading this movement compiled a list of overused or potentially unsafe drugs for senior citizens. One concern prevailed in the polypharmacy epidemic with the elderly – the fact that older patients have more difficulty digesting and metabolizing medicines. As a consequence, dizziness, choking, stomach pain, and overall health hazards came from the simultaneous consumption of multiple medications.
Overall, the Senior citizen and Polypharmacy dilemma is highly underreported, but it can easily be solved by blocking the prescribing cascade. An example of this is misinterpreting the effects linked to polypharmacy (dizziness, falling, choking, and so forth) as mere side effects from one prescription, causing doctors to prescribe more medicine. In order to block this movement, my news story of the De-prescribing movement will spread among physicians nationwide. They must discontinue prescription medications that are inappropriate, duplicative in effects, or unnecessary to elderly patients. As a whole, we must implement healthy diet and exercise on patients, so that they will turn to pills less often.
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barco96-blog · 6 years
As a child as well the dental industry haunted me because of its scary reputation of being painful and uncomfortable. This to this day i feel is misreported because of the misconception people give dentists not just movies. I know why I hated the dentist because when i had braces i had check ups so often where they would tighten them and be very painful when i was a kid. By now I know they were only trying to help me and people need to realize they aren't trying to hurt, but only help.
Don’t be afraid of the dentist
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Ever since I was a child, the dental industry has always had a scary reputation of being painful and uncomfortable. I believe this misconception about the dental field has been misreported on. I personally know a few of my family members that are deathly afraid of the dentist’s office, even though they have never had a bad experience.
I think that this misconception may stem from the past or from movies and TV shows, when dental practices were much different than they are today. In movies, such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Willy’s dad, who is a dentist, seems very serious and scary which portrays dentists in a negative way. Most dental practices in today’s society are extremely professional and provide excellent care. This irrational fear of the dentist can also cause actual problems for the people that are too nervous to go. It has been proven that one’s oral health has a direct correlation to their overall health. A person’s oral health can be used to indicate signs of a much bigger problem, such as AIDS.
One way that would allow people, who are afraid of the dentist, to see that there is nothing to fear would be to take a tour of a new dental office. The tour would allow the public to see how nice the office is and how friendly the staff is. Many dental offices in today’s society also have many extra benefits that people can use to make their experience better. For example, my cousin, who hates going to the dentist, is able to be receive laughing gas during his cleaning appointments. By allowing him to do this, his dentist is able to incentivize him to keep coming back.
By showing people that there is nothing to be afraid of when going to the dentist, the misrepresentation that going to the dentist will always be a painful experience will not be an issue anymore. A dentist’s main goal is to keep his or her patients happy and comfortable, while giving them a quality cleaning.
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barco96-blog · 6 years
Florida Panther Population Misreported
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For years now people still believe that the Florida panther population is still an endangered species. When people think of the Florida Panther they think of this beautiful puma because it is has been our state animal since 1981. The fact is, that this large cat is becoming a problem to Southwest Florida as the population keeps rising. Just last week on June 5th, a panther was caught on a security camera killing a family’s pet cat from Naples, Florida where I am from. This could have been someone’s child being mauled by this beast. Now neighbors are terrified and on the alert because of their kids and pets that play outside. Florida’s Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission needs to do a better job of controlling the panther population to designated wildlife areas such as Big Cypress National Preserve or Everglades National Park.
If FWC wants to save the panther population they need to keep track of the panthers to make sure they stay away from rural areas that cause fatalities to cats by vehicles hitting them. Last year in 2017, twenty-eight panthers died while 23 where by road kill and in 2016 the record was set with 42 overall deaths with 34 being vehicle kills. These deaths just prove that the panther population is thriving and eventually will get out of control because the Florida Panther has no predator to control its population. Panther crossings could also benefit the panther population and the problem of the interaction with people and their pets. Designated wildlife crossings could save panthers from being hit by cars and family pets being killed. I myself have seen two panthers in one day on my friends farm in Labelle, Florida.
The Florida Panther is thriving and needs to be controlled to wildlife conservation areas. Panthers also attack farmers livestock such as baby calves which is how most farmers make their living by raising cattle. Panthers are not endangered and if you’re from South Florida you can see the significance drop in population to other wildlife such as hogs and deer. I myself have seen two adult panthers in one day on the farm.
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barco96-blog · 6 years
Agricultural a Non Dying Industry
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Agriculture is an industry that will always be needed because everyone in the world has to eat every day. I chose this meme because it is well known and as the original the bottom usually say “But that’s none of my business”. I modified it to say “But that is my business” because farmers prosper because eating is part of everyday life. Food does not simply come from the grocery store. Farmer’s work 7 days a week most of the year making sure their crops are ready for harvest for the millions of people they feed.
Farming is a tough job because of all the obstacles farmers face from weather, natural disasters, and market value of crops. Farmers can work up to 75 hours and up a week during season. This is tough because you do not get a lot of free time for anything. Even if you think you have free time as a farmer there is always things needed to be done even long after you have been clocked out.
Weather can make or break a farmers season. If the crops are not getting enough rain it could lead to a later harvest which will mean a lower market value price for the crops. This usually leads to stress which comes with every job. But in agriculture so much weight is on a farmers shoulder because they have no option other than being successful with all the mouths they need to feed.
Natural disasters like hurricanes or droughts are catastrophic to the farming industry. These disasters cause farmers millions of dollars because of the damage done to the land and crops. Hurricane Irma devasted Southwest Florida’s farming industry where I’m from. Some citrus farmers lost up to 70% of their harvest for the year.
Every job has significant problems they need to overcome. Some jobs can be terminated with difficulties in their industry. The agricultural industry has no option to be terminated because of the simple fact that everyone must eat.
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barco96-blog · 6 years
Center Offensive Lineman
American Football is one of the most popular sports in the world. In football there are 22 people on the field at all time, eleven on offense and eleven on defense. One of the most crucial positions in the game of football that goes severely unrecognized is the center. The center is an offensive lineman that is the innermost interior person on the front line and starts every play by hiking the football. Then the center is also in charge of blocking and long snapping on special teams, even though some teams have a designated long snapper because of how difficult this task is. A center is one of the most important players in the game of football because their major role is to start every play off to a good start by placing the football in play time after time all game long.
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To begin with for any football team to be successful they need to have a great center. It is so important to have someone who knows how to snap the football correctly. Every play starts with the center because he is the first person to touch the football each down. Without a good exchange from the center to the quarterback, a play cannot be executed. When you can’t execute plays on offense a football team cannot win the game. Centers are just like the four other offensive linemen on the field, but unlike the rest they have to secure the football into the quarterbacks hand before anything else. A center is one of the most important players on the field because they are the ones that initiate the play.
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Besides the task of hiking the football each down a center is also in charge of blocking. An offensive lineman’s job is wishingto force his opponent back to reestablish a new line of scrimmage. A center though is in charge of the other four lineman as well and making sure they know their blocking assignments. Football games are won and lost in the trenches. Centers have one of the toughest blocking assignmentsbecause they are in the middle of the field and tend to have a nose guardon them and have to block them one on one. They also have to help their guards with blitzing linebackers or defensive tackles when a nose guard is not present. Blocking is an offensive linemen’s main purpose because they need to move their opponent backwards to move the ball to score points, but a center has to hike the football first which makes their job one of the toughest and most important on the field.
Long Snapping
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Special teams are also very important in the game of football because these plays can mean the difference between winning and losing. A center is in charge of long snapping on the punt team and the field goal unit. Long snapping is another form of hiking, but the center is hiking the football over a longer distance. During punts he has to snap the football back around 15 yards and during a field goal or extra point typically 8 yards which is a significant difference between shotgunand under center. Long snapping is very difficult because of how awkward the distance is and having to adjust to a new snap after continuously shot gunning or being under center.
Furthermore centers have adapted over the history of football. In the 1920s the average linemanwas 6 foot and weighed 211 pounds and now the average is 6-foot-5 weighing at 310 pounds. Center got its name for being in the middle of everyone. They are the first person to lineup on the football and everyone has to assemble around them. The opposite of a center would have to be the nose guard because they also line up in the center of the field. But a nose guard is on defense and does not hike the football, they typically line up across the center and are battling all game long.  Centers are usually the most intelligent person on the football field. They are the most intelligent because they have to be assertive and confident in their calls when they are telling their linemen on who they need to block.
In conclusion a center is a football player that does not get the recognition they deserve being one of the smartest playerson the field. The center is the most important player on offense because they ignite the start of the play while also still having to block, they are in charge of the four other lineman’s blocking assignments, and if hiking was not hard enough already they have to long snap as well. People need to understand the importance of this role because a center is a leader on the team and without a great one a football team cannot flourish in excellence. 
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barco96-blog · 6 years
i also chose a Facebook page to examine for my discussion post because I feel Facebook is the easiest social media site to navigate. Just like the facebook page that I examined all the pages are on the left side and a picture at the top of the page that pulls in the viewer. I also think that the image at the top of the page draws in the viewer because it is the perfect balance and alignment that the page needs.
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UF College of Health and Human Performance
Platform: Facebook
Handle: UFHHP
The College of Health and Human performance is the college within the University of Florida designed to educate students on the human body and its capabilities. The page on Facebook is easy to navigate as all the pages are on the left-hand side of the page. These pages range from about the college, photos, videos, and upcoming events. At the top of the page is a large picture depicting the Vitruvian Man and the building where the college resides, Florida Gym. This image draws in interested viewers by making a connection with the viewers who are interested in the college, that interest being the human body.
Near the center of the opening screen and on the right-hand side of the page are reviews of the college and their contact information. This makes it very easy to see the credibility of the college and an easy, professional way to contact them. The page averages posts of about 2 a week. These posts range from news, recent events, and basic information of what is going on within the college.
The posts done by the college draw viewers in by adding pictures with people smiling. This indicates happiness and a sense of community. One post, for example, congratulates a specific student for receiving a scholarly award as well as graduating. This post draws viewers in due to multiple reasons. The picture within the post is a darker contrast to the background. The picture is of the graduation ceremony, specifically with the award-winning student on the big-screen. The post lets the viewer know that the college cares and supports its students.
The page does a great job drawing in a viewer and keeping them interested. The page has common postings with smiling pictures with current events within the college. The page is well organized keeping basic information at the top, keeping nothing confusing, and has a good layout with color images and posts that show interest within the college.
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barco96-blog · 6 years
I chose to reply to your discussion post because of me being a student of the UF College of Agricultural and Life Sciences College. I do follow the account on twitter because like you described it is a great social media tool to keep students updated on school events and related news to CALS. I agree with you 100 percent that this site does a great job updating students on important information because I am one of the 4,500 followers.
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Platform: Twitter 
Handle: @UFCALS 
The twitter account run by the UF College of Agricultural and Life Sciences department has nearly 4,500 followers and 6,500 tweets. It serves as a platform to update students, professors, alumni and all those interested on current events related to the UF Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences as well as other main school events. 
Posts are made on a day-to-day basis, both text and graphics. Since the text per post is limited to 140 characters per tweet, all posts are concise and straightforward. Posts that are indicated to show more information often have either an informational graphic or video attached with news, facts, congratulatory remarks, and more. 
The account also makes use of hashtags such as #UFAnsci for Animal Science related tweets, #UFABE for UF Agricultural and Biological Engineering, #UFAEEO for UF Field Ecology of Aquatic Organisms and a variety of others. These hashtags allow the reader to navigate easier through their platform as it allows them to narrow down the tweets if they are looking for specific information.
UF College of Agricultural and Life Sciences’ twitter account also comments back and retweets tweets from other platforms such as other UF Clubs or organizations that relay or contain relatable and important information. All posts appear in chronological order of when the account holder; in this case UF College of Agricultural and Life Sciences; posts, quotes or retweets a tweet.
In summary, this site does an impressive job of keeping students, professors and those other interested, updated on current events and relaying both important information and interesting facts. With the use of hashtags and concise text, a student could find it easy to navigate through the substantial amount of information that the account holds. It serves as a perfect platform for students to use, as students are usually “on-the-go” and this site can be easily viewed through a mobile application on almost any smart phone or tablet. One does not even have to have a twitter account to access this information, it is just quick access information and quite simple to use.
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barco96-blog · 6 years
UF IFAS Solutions
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The social media platform I decided to observe was the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Facebook page (@UFIFASNews). The purpose of UF/IFAS is develop knowledge in agricultural, human and natural resources so that knowledge is available to enhance the quality of human life.  I chose this because without the ability of the development of agricultural there would be no human life.
The UF/IFAS Facebook page constantly posts daily about important news that relates to their purpose of enhancing knowledge in agricultural. Such as scholarships available, articles about new diseases, and opportunities available for students such as summer camps in IFAS Extensions. The Facebook page is a great tool to keep students in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences up to date with news that pertains to them. It also posts articles that students might find interesting about new studies like Gene editing to improve crops and new species of fruit flies. These articles will give students motivation to learn more about these topics and further their education in enhancing quality of human life.
The UF/IFAS Facebook page is easily accessible by the push of the like button. Once you are a follower of the page you will be able to navigate through their home page because of how good they balanced the weight of the page. In the middle of the page they have all their posts, on the right they have contact information, and on the left they have tabs to other social media sites such as Twitter, Instagram, and gallery of photos and videos. The contrast of the page makes everything so easy to use because they break up sections by grouping and keep the layout consistent.
Inconclusion the UF/IFAS Facebook page is a great social media tool to keep students updated on upcoming events, opportunities, and news. They displayed all five principle of design on their home page which makes it very easy to navigate and find information.
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barco96-blog · 6 years
This scenario is a great example of reinforcing professional ethics by the game wardens. The man clearly knew what he did was wrong and this influenced the officers decision of charging him with a lesser charge. This will influence the man to be more careful and change his ethics.
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Lone Star Law: S03E10 Poachers and Liars 
In this episode, Game Wardens from multiple county’s in Texas are shown reinforcing the professional ethics of their position through their handling of a variety of different situations. In one of the situations, the wardens drive by a vehicle with several crab traps in the bed of the truck. Since it is illegal to own these kinds of traps without the proper licenses which must be displayed on the back of the vehicle as required by Texas law, the officers decided to pull over the truck. When the driver steps out of the car, the officers smell marijuana and upon a further search they find a small amount of the illegal drug. The wardens tell the man what they have found, and the man responds saying he is a hard-working family man with five children who made a mistake. He asks the wardens to cut him some slack. After taking this into account the wardens decide to charge the man with possession of drug paraphernalia which is a lesser charge than possession of marijuana. 
The officers face an ethical dilemma when deciding how severely they should charge the crabber. On one hand, it is their responsibility as officers of the law to convict wrong doers for the crimes that they commit. However, while laws exist for a reason, not every person who violates the law deserves to be punished equally. In this case, there are several considerations that needed to be made. One of which being, how a drug possession charge would affect the man’s family in the long term. 
In my opinion, the wardens made the right choice. By deciding to charge the man with a lesser charge they ensured that he was accountable for his actions, while lessoning the devastation to his family. 
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barco96-blog · 6 years
I also believe Ian should not have been allowed to comeback to work because he lied on his application about his mental illness. Professional ethics maintain a safe workplace and with Ian’s mental illness there is not telling when he could snap and cause danger to his coworkers and himself.
Shameless S6 E12
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Episode: “Familia Supra Gallegorious Omnia!”
In this episode, Ian Gallagher is put into an ethical dilemma. In the previous episode, Ian’s EMT captain, Rita, found out that he lied on his job application, and promptly fired him from the job because lying on the application was against the company’s policy. But in this episode, Ian decides to make a stand and fight to get his job back.
Ian suffers from bipolar disorder, which is a mental illness that causes huge swings in the personality of the person. Ian lied about not having a history of mental illness on his application because he knew that it would be hopeless for him if he told the truth, even though he received perfect scores on both the verbal and written EMT tests. He knew that although he was technically fired for lying on the application, he was really let go because of his disorder.
It is when Ian goes back to fight for his job that professional ethics are brought into play. Ian provided a very strong case to Rita that he should be able to work there because people with other handicaps, such as HIV or a physical handicap, are able to. Ultimately, Rita does allow Ian to return to work with the promise that if any of the other EMT’s think he is acting strange, that he will go home immediately. In the case of this episode, I think professional ethics are challenged. They are challenged because while professional ethics does call for the termination of Ian’s job due to the dishonesty on his application, he had all other necessary requirements and qualifications to work as an EMT as well as being properly medicated for his disorder.
Personally, I believe that Ian should still not have been allowed to come back to work. There are laws in place to prevent people with mental illness from working certain jobs because of their unpredictability. Professional ethics are put in place to maintain professionalism, equality, and safety workplace.
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barco96-blog · 6 years
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The Cowboy Rides Away
In part 2, episode 8 of Netflix series The Ranch Rooster is offered a job at another ranch for being the head rancher. His father’s ethics made the decision very easy to leave the family ranch and pursue his own career. In an episode prior to this Beau, Roosters father finally gave the boys a chance to prove themselves. After they failed their first attempt Beau took the responsibilities back over and the boys were devastated.
           This episode is challenging Roosters professional ethics because he has worked for his father his whole life and his father pushed him away from their own ranch because of his moral principles. I chose this episode because I can relate to working with family in the agricultural industry and your professional ethics are constantly being challenged by family members. It is very tough to work with family and displaying professional accepted standards of personal and business behavior at all times. I love and hate working for my family because they are constantly criticizing me in anything I do wrong. Beau is the same way with Rooster and this is what pushes him away from the family ranch. Without any of this criticism from Beau, Rooster would not be able to be  have the opportunity of being offered this job as a head rancher at his own ranch. I am in college because of my family constantly challenging my professional ethics, and I am thankful for that because when I graduate I will have the opportunity of being my own boss one day just like Rooster.
           Without Beau being so hard on Rooster he would not be able to be as successful as he is now. Challenging a person’s professional ethics can help a person grow and mature such as Rooster did. Challenging professional ethics help people perform their job functions to a higher standard and make them better in life.
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barco96-blog · 6 years
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Coach knows best. #MondayMotivation #FNL pic.twitter.com/op5CVCVEiA
— Friday Night Lights (@nbcfnl)
April 16, 2018
#fridaynightlights #coacherictaylor
A post shared by Friday Night Lights (@fridaynightlights_) on Jan 9, 2015 at 4:07pm PST
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