bareebooruboys-blog · 4 years
Of course, she had no clue of the man’s intentions – and why he had been around here anyway – but she guessed that either he was getting lost or was simply unaware of the forest’s powers. Both had been rather stupid things, though she was not here to judge the man for that, she was only here to test the waters. It was her duty after all to make sure that not only the forest and its beings were intact, but also to make sure that no one from the outside was going in, for it rarely would leave them unharmed.
But little did she know that the dark power of this cursed place was already affecting the man. 
The way he was hunching and begging for help, barely audible through his voice, she leaned in a little to take a better look of him; she would be lying if she said that she was not the slightest terrified of humans, especially since them and witches never had a good run together —- all those stakes on fire and dead women, it was disgusting. But she also was scared for him, if he already was getting affected so immensely, perhaps she was too late to send him off to where he came from. Honestly, she had no idea how long he had been wandering around already —- so she could hardly make a decision here.
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Though the look he gave her clearly was not the one of a human any longer; stepping back slowly backwards, she kept her eyes on him with caution. She could just kill him if she wanted to —- but she was a witch and no murderer, it was not in her nature to harm, unless she had to defend herself. And even then, she’d hardly want to injure anyone or anything – even the most evil types of demons that were lurking around here, she’d rather immobilise them and knock them out instead of taking their lives. And that guy – he didn’t even know what he was getting himself into, right?! He was unaware of the curse, of the forest’s power, he seemed lost more than anything. It was her duty to help him —- but boy, did she just want to run away and leave him to his fate.
The moment he pounced at her, she was quick to make it seem as if she had vanished into thin air, merely transforming into a crow as she sought safety above the other; the moment she landed onto a tree’s branch and morphed back to her usual self, she tried to take in the sounds of the forest as she was still keeping her eyes onto the other – merely visualising him by his glowing eyes. It was not hard to tell that some demons had caught their attention — especially thanks to his growling and roaring, it was almost as if he was begging for their undivided attention. And she was neither willing to face them nor have him face them. 
Dropping down onto the ground, she made sure to use a spell in order to immobilise him, and as much as she hated to do so, knock him out so he was unable to pull another stunt like that. Once she had been somewhat sure that he was incapable of endangering both her and himself, she approached him slowly simply to check if it was safe to be near him – checking her surroundings once more; she really would have to hurry and drag him to her house if she wanted to make it out alive – and if she wanted to make him get out of here alive, too. Though getting out of there may have been harder now that he – clearly – became a part of the curse, too.
prior to entering the forest,  he had no idea that any of this was going to happen to him -- it seemed surreal to even think that such a place existed.  his normal life had absolutely nothing to do with witches and other supernatural beings,  but now that his body was undergoing such sudden changes,  he had no way to deny that it was really happening.  as much as he wanted to reach out to her for help,  kanji wasn’t sure that he could trust the changes going on with his body.  his body was screaming for help,  but he couldn’t put her in danger as well! he didn’t want to,  even if he didn’t know her well at all. 
after pouncing at her,  he recovered enough to look around for her,  trying to figure out where she could have gone  --  even as a creature,  he was still easy to fool as ever.  instead of growling again,  he let out a whine,  clearly trying to find help -- or try to apologize for what he’d done . . . nothing was really making sense to him at this point.  recoiling in shock when the woman finally appeared in front of him again,  he was catching on now that she was not all that she seemed either.  whatever she’d done to him put him out completely. he lost all sense of himself and ended up toppling over to his side. 
when he awoke,  kanji had no idea where he was.  the house was small,  and the area was packed tightly with books.  pushing himself up onto his forearms,  he kept looking around trying to catch sight of someone around him -- he could vaguely remember the woman that had knocked him out in the first place,  but after everything that happened it was difficult to piece together. 
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listening for any signs that someone was around,  he was scared by the silence.  if he heard the woman moving things,  or even running the sink,  that would have brought some reassurance to him that the silence couldn’t.  finally sitting himself up,  he walked towards the doorway  --  it felt weird to just wander around someone else’s house,  he also didn’t want to sit around and let his paranoia linger. 
𝕹𝖔𝖛𝖆 𝕷𝖚𝖓𝖆 | Witch!AU
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bareebooruboys-blog · 4 years
tobio wasn’t sure why the area he was placed in (   out of their boss’s choice !   )  was to be put in the casino right alongside tsukishima.  the two of them never got along,  and he didn’t see that changing when they were forced to work with each other.  arms crossed over his chest,  tobio wore a mean look on his face.  there was no making it look like he wanted to be there,  besides . . . why would he want to look nice with all of these dangerous people around him -- clearly,  he did not understand what an undercover mission was like. 
even if he tried to stop himself from looking angry,  it wouldn’t help much  --  if he tried to smile it only looked worse!  there was no covering up his natural look,  tobio just looked this way.  sure, his attitude did nothing to help,  but who cared?
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zoned out with his gaze fixed on his target,  he didn’t snap out of it until the man snapped his fingers in front of him suddenly. turning his glare to meet the man instead,  his expression didn’t soften in the least. tobio didn’t ask a question,  or hiss anything rude in the other’s direction,  he knew that the other would be quick to speak up -- he didn’t need to do anything to speed it up. he was just waiting for the other to point out that his talents were not up to par or that he wasn’t good at his job;  anything that would make tsukki feel superior to him.  
turning his face further away from their target,  his eyes closed partially to try and hide his gross glare. “i already know that.  i’m not glaring at anyone,  you know that.”  it was true that while he didn’t particularly like the blond,  they did know each other well -- especially when it came to the opposites mannerisms.  “we aren’t going to get caught,  so chill out.  stressing about it isn’t going to help.”
潜伏 | Yakuza!AU
@bareebooruboys (kageyama)
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Ever since the whole ordeal with getting teamed up with Bokuto for some assassin-action, Kei had been dragged into it more and more. While he was still more so on the casino side (especially since Koutarou himself had been part of it as the head), but it would not change for Ukai to throw him a little curve-ball to work with. And by curve-ball he clearly meant someone as erratic as Tobio.
When people claimed they couldn’t stand being around Tsukishima, he just wondered how any of them could stand being around Kageyama? He was constantly huffing and making angry sounds, his mumbling was hardly audible, but boy, was it irritating.
Snipping his fingers in front of the black-haired male’s face to get his attention, they were standing in the middle of a gathering to which they had gotten access to go to undercover. Thankfully to Kei’s constant work at the casino, he learnt how to blend in despite his funky looks, unlike Tadashi who just blended in because he kept himself at low profile. Now, Tobio… he didn’t seem to be too talented on that. Leaning closer so nobody could hear them, the man smiled at him while he spoke only so that nobody could tell that they were having some difference in opinion.
“You know, we can’t afford getting busted in here. It may be hard for you to smile, but at least try to not glare at everyone. If you can’t do it for me, do it for yourself and the fact that you wanna make it out alive.”
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bareebooruboys-blog · 4 years
he was thankful that he didn’t have to worry about things like college with his job,  since he didn’t have a job that exactly worked with that happening  -- not to mention that he wasn’t the best at school in general.  instead,  he worked in a field where he could make plenty of money without having to get an education,  it was all centered around how strong he was,  and if it was strength that he needed,  he had plenty of that.  despite how much of an airhead he was,  he didn’t have to worry about being bullied or pushed around by anyone,  once it was noted how tall & sturdy he was,  he had no problem keeping people’s anger directed somewhere else but at him. kanji never pushed people around either,  no,  he was far too soft for that back before he joined the yakuza  -- now, he pushed around anyone that he was told to.  no malice intended,  but it was all business at the end of the day.  it gave him relief at night to think that he was only doing this to arguably bad people at the end of the day.  once he was finished with the tasks that he was given,  he had more freedom than he needed,  which often ended with him loitering around,  trying his best to find something to do. 
not knowing what else to do,  he decided on paying kiyoko a visit  (  assuming foolishly that she was home  ).  kanji tried his best to remind himself where she lived,  he ended up just walking around in what felt like circles for quite some time.  he thought at one point,  he could hear some yelling in the distance,  but he didn’t think much of it  --  this area was known for having no - name thug groups going around,  and he wasn’t scared of any of them.  instead of peaking any kind of interest in the noise,  he was still set on trying to find the secretary’s house;  if he found trouble prior to arriving there,  he would likely get a good, long lecture out of her about how he needed to stop using his fists to solve his problems.  she wasn’t wrong,  he really did need to find another way.
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 feeling someone thump into him,  kanji worried that he may have unintentionally walked himself into something.  looking down at whoever had run into him,  he was quick to pick up that this man was certainly not someone that was looking for trouble  --  more like someone that was trying to get out of trouble. “ oh man --- i did it again. “ he spoke mostly to himself,  pressing his palm to his own forehead.  “i never pay attention!” it wasn’t uncommon for him to accidentally knock someone over on the daily.  he was usually with his head in the clouds,  too tall to notice anyone in front of him unless he was looking for someone.  with a confused gaze, he looked down at the man and asked. “what are you apologizing for?  it was my bad. ah,  wait -- no, i’m sorry.” it was clear that he was not understanding at all. “money? why? what do you mean?”  as if he just realized it was the right thing to do,  kanji held his hand out to the man. “you should probably get off the ground,  it’s not the cleanest around here.”  noticing the way that he squirmed at the sound of the other people approaching,  he wasn’t sure what was going on.  did he think he just walked his friends into trouble?  he really was always causing problems,  wasn’t he?  “your friends over there must be worried about you.” 
残念な | Bōsōzoku!AU
@bareebooruboys (kanji)
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Tadashi stood no chance against boys and men taller and buffer than him; he had always been such a lean guy, he wasn’t a beanpole, but neither did he have too many muscles on him – some could still be strong physically without an abundance of muscles, but he simply had never been able to defend himself all too well. The guy preferred to run away from trouble, or simply do as he was told so that nobody was going to harm him all too badly. When he raised his voice, it usually was in order to defend others – he was the first to jump in when a girl was getting harassed by some creep, even if it meant that he was going to be the one enduring a beating, it was worth it in the long run. Even as he grew older, he seemed to be a magnet for trouble —- now in college, he still seemed to cross his path with those who only want to mock him and beat him up. A simple task such as walking home late after cram school would turn into a courtyard of torture and punishment. Some areas of the city were infiltrated with gang culture, and Yamaguchi simply did not want to get involved —- not because he thought himself to be anything better than those guys, but simply because he knew that he was not going to get out of such a scenario alive, and even so, he wouldn’t want to test his theory.
Just as he was entering the rather shady area of city, he knew that it wasn’t long until he arrived at his apartment – but of course, he had to walk into some of those guys, and even if he was neither looking at them, nor giving them any kind of attitude, simply walking his way, they instantly caught sight of him. “What’s with the long face, kiddo? Seen a ghost?” That was about enough for the freckled male to twitch in fear and walk a little faster. Though as they kept on calling out to him, even following him, he picked up his pace and decided to go for a dash, running as fast as his feet could carry him.
What he was not expected though had been to run into another person as he made a sharp turn around a corner, instantly falling back flat onto his ass. “HUFF–!” It felt as if all the air in his lungs had been pressed out, he had to hold his chest and stomach with one hand as he felt pain, hardly able to breathe – only when he cracked open one of his eyes to a mere slit, he realised that he had just ran into a huge gangster! Oh no, oh shit! Staring at the scary looking guy with big, pleading puppy-dog-eyes, he crawled backwards a little, he felt so weak that he would almost lay down on his back, though keeping himself propped up on his elbows. “I’m…mmm… so– s-so sorry…” The brunet stammered up towards the bleach-blond, trembling lightly. With the sound of the other gangsters approaching from behind – whom he wanted to escape initially – he felt like he walked right into a trap and was unable to get out of some violence. “P-Please don’t hurt me– I-I’ll give you my money, it’s not much but… please… I just want to go home…”
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bareebooruboys-blog · 5 years
It was true that the two of them had been closer than regular siblings – especially since they had to take care of one another all by themselves; Lev did not mind that they were a little ‘different’ than the rest —- quite frankly, the norm was kind of boring to him anyway (which would be the only logical explanation as to why he decided that going down the criminal lane was his niche), and he was not regretting his choices. 
Though – admittedly – now that he had been part of a gang, he more or less had certain responsibilities; or more like, he had to be there on demand for his boss – for his ‘team’ – for those who live with him. On one side, he really enjoyed the freedom and the fact that he could be someone aside from the whole ‘the Haiba sibling’ deal. After some time, it would become monotonous. Not because of Alisa, but because of the fact that they weren’t seeing many people aside from each other. He’d notice that sometimes, he would get irritated about her, and he’d need the distance to realise how much he actually cared for her and how much he loved her. No matter how close they were, siblings would go on each other’s nerves big time. 
With the older sibling in front of him now, he stared at her wide-eyed, even going as far as to lean out of the window so she wouldn’t have a good look of his room; he had no issue visiting her, seeing her and such – but he had a huge problem for her to see his kind of living standard… especially since she had the tendency to be really anal about certain things. She’d worry too much about minor details like his bedding and the mess in his room, let alone the fact at how spars and empty it looked, it hardly was a homey room and more so looked like some kind of storage room with things scattered everywhere. Her gesture of poking his nose caused Lev to close his eyes tightly while he had to lean back again, groaning in annoyance. “Stop it, now! I-It has nothing to do about not wanting to see you… but coming here?!” Lev rubbed his nose as he stumbled backwards, huffing at the woman. It was really upsetting to have her here – to give her the possibility to see his room and such. It would only result in her getting her stubborn words across about how he should move back to her and whatnot, but that would not happen! Especially not because he was happy living his kind of life style at the moment – it may be a whole different aspect of life than Alisa herself would’ve aspired, but they weren’t the same person and she couldn’t expect him to bend. 
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“Anyway, just come in.” Ruffling his hair as he moved away from the window, he’d give her the option to move inside and do whatever; though, he also wanted to give her his piece of mind as he turned to look at her, pointing an index finger at her while he raised his voice a little more than he had anticipated. “I won’t have you walk out of this room through the base, you hear me? The guys here would look like starving street dogs the moment they see you, and I’d hate to get violent towards them just because you think it’s funny to walk around without my supervision. Do you understand? I need you to tell me that you understand and that you won’t wander off without me; even if it’s going to the bathroom or something. понял?” Even though his Russian wasn’t the best, he knew a few things to throw in here and there, and especially when he was mad, he would not hesitate to show off the few words that he had gathered together.
she knew that her and her brother’s relationship was strange to outsiders, and maybe even to those in their family, but that didn’t change the fact that she enjoyed their closeness. ever since he was hanging out with a rougher crowd however, she felt as if they were becoming more distant. she didn’t have him in their apartment with her each night & she found herself feeling more lonely than ever. while she knew where the gang’s base was, she knew that if she showed up too often, he would not be happy with her. it was a dangerous place ( for women especially ) and she knew that; lev made sure to make that blatantly obvious to her. 
alisa knew that coming to the base had a chance of pissing her brother off majorly, but when he said that he was not unhappy to see her it was relieving. she was scared that maybe he was staying at the base with the intent of getting some time away from her -- but they hardly ever fought! it was just paranoia speaking from the separation anxiety that she was feeling since he left. trying to beg him to come back home however would have been far too clingy of her; she loved him, but she also knew that she couldn’t hold him on a leash and keep him as close as she wanted to forever. if she couldn’t see him at home, her only option was to come visit him at his room at the base, even if he didn’t want her to step foot in it. 
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each time that she saw his room, she wanted to comment on the lack of personality to it -- and the fact that it was not clean at all! it hurt to think that he would prefer this lifestyle to living in a comfortable home alongside of her. the way that he reacted when she pressed her finger to his nose playfully truly hurt her feelings and it showed. retracting her hand quickly, she stared at him with a hurt expression. despite the fact that he was saying that it wasn’t that he didn’t want to see her, she wasn’t so sure that she could believe it. “ . . . i just wanted to see you.” the smaller mumbled, shifting her gaze away from him as she spoke. it felt embarrassing to have to explain herself to him, since it didn’t seem as if he were missing her in the same way. “you’re never home anymore, so --” the moment that her voice began to crack from her feelings, she couldn’t bring herself to say anything more on the topic. lev had chosen to leave her, so it sounded ridiculous to be standing here telling him that she was missing him so much, when he was choosing to live his life away from her. 
sliding down from the windowsill, she stepped onto the ground quietly. fixing her skirt as she stood, alisa was surprised when she  suddenly had her brother pointing his finger in her face. his tone as well was harsher than normal -- something that she wasn’t used to receiving from him. grabbing his finger gently with her hand, she pulled it down out of her face. “У меня так много бремени?” letting go of his hand, she looked back to the window, debating whether or not she should just turn around and leave. usually she felt so comforted in lev’s company, but at the moment she felt as if she were being treated like a complete stranger in his life. “Я могу уйти, если хочешь.”
衝動 | Bōsōzoku!AU
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bareebooruboys-blog · 5 years
Lifting his brows in disbelief as he deadpanned before him, Kuroo could not believe that the man was still going on, and on about the same topic of ‘tits’, really. Surely, on one hand he could very much believe it – after all, that was Bokuto and he constantly was talking about いっぱいぽおあい whenever he was given a chance to. After all they had been spending a few hours at Hooters, so it was only natural that he was still on a boob-high, so to speak. Tetsurou couldn’t point out what irritated him more: the fact that he kept on talking about boobs even though those weren’t an interest of his (not as intensely as for his counterpart), or that… he wasn’t talking about something else already. “Yeah, boy, I don’t want to see you when you’re out of boobs. You’d end up dry humping a cow.” With his snarky statement, he made sure to insult the other though in a friendly fashion – it was always something that Kuroo was good at… to appear charming, no matter how cruel his words would be.
It certainly was true that they not only confused others as to their relationship with one another as well as themselves; there were plenty – and I mean, PLENTY – of times, when either of them had been asked if they were going out, simply because they were so touchy-feely with one another, shamelessly flirting and even daring each other into intimate scenarios. Confusion was perhaps the key-element there; at this point, Tetsurou couldn’t tell if he was truly jealous or if he was just acting for the sake of joking around. Something felt wrong, he had to admit that – it was as if he was truly upset about the situation, yet he tried to hide it from himself and the other. Surely, he wasn’t all too good at it, considering that he was being rather salty and made statements that could be interpreted only one way… but he was absolutely stumped about his own emotions. He tried to shove aside the idea that he wouldn’t mind cuddling the other simply for the warmth and closeness, as well as he pushed aside the thought that he disliked how much attention he was giving other people – but… people could be possessive of their friends too, right?! It wasn’t exclusively romantic, right?! It caused him to become more and more nervous about his emotional state, while he tried to tell himself that it was not that big of a deal. 
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What the taller had not expected however was for Bokuto to be smart enough to point out something like that – to actually be aware that Kuroo in fact was the jealous type, and more so, acting out on this emotion towards his best buddy. His eyes widened some as surprised washed over his facial features, staring at the smaller for a moment – it was quite obvious that he had been caught red-handed, even if he wanted to act cool and hide it, the mere seconds that revealed such a reaction on his face was too evident. Awkwardly, he tried to laugh it off, shrugging his shoulder as he waved off with his free hand. “Me? Jealous? Oh, please, I didn’t even pay attention in school enough to know how to write the kanji for that word, man. Dunno what you’re talking about…” Of course, he had to push it aside and act as if nothing was the matter – but even as stupid as Koutarou could be, he knew that he had quite some sharp senses that even Tetsurou found eerie at times! It was like some bloodhound that couldn’t stop to sniff out whatever it had to find, a natural instinct if you will. Being this nervous about getting caught by his counterpart, he felt hot and cold showers down his back and beads of sweat starting to appear on the surface of his skin, rolling down his temples. 
Neither was it helping when the idiot thought it was a bright idea to whisper into his ear, especially with how suggestive the words were – gulping lightly, he glared to the side, averting his gaze away from the smaller so that he could find some composure and not feel like this was getting the better out of him. Chuckling lowly as he meant to find his cool again, the black-haired male’s thoughts were racing around in order to find a good response but… there really wasn’t much he could say to that! While he could shoot him down by saying something like ‘As if’, he might as well play along and be just as flirtatious – but both seemed bad options. “Depends on how you define being bad in the first place. You wanna elaborate? Getting into hot and steamy details?” Perhaps it was true that ‘curiosity killed the cat’, but Kuroo couldn’t help but to feed his questions with more answers, perhaps filling his jar of ideas here and there, so that he could picture a scene with them better. And yes, it shocked him whenever he realised that he was interested in picturing certain things with them —- but it wouldn’t stop him from doing so. It was all in his head, so nobody had to know, right?!
It did not surprise him that the smaller stopped to stand in front of him, hooking his arms around his neck even to bring their faces closer, it was something regular they’d do even in front of other gangsters, simply to see their reactions for shits and giggles, really. But what caught him off-guard was how his counterpart was inching closer and closer, dangerously so as if they were about to kiss. Certainly, they’d touch each other, but each and every time was filled with the mutual thought of making idiots out of themselves and push their limits until someone gave up. But that felt a little different from the usual – especially with how the other picked up on the seriousness of Kuroo’s words, and how he was – frankly – just very jealous about what had happened in the restaurant. His heartbeat quickened instantly and he couldn’t help but freeze up and stare at the other, unsure if this was really happening or not. Though before he could react to these actions, Koutarou had already stopped, though stayed rather close to his face, and more so being so, so taunting about what he was going to do about his friend acting a certain way beforehand. He couldn’t help but feel rather irritated, even infuriated that the other was still making this out to be some kind of game – which, granted, was both of their faults, Kuroo knew that – but the awful feeling in his chest was not helping it at all. 
Pursing his lips into a thin line as he stared down at the other, Tetsurou was not thinking ahead of his actions and merely going with the flow. Leaning down, he didn’t hesitate to press his lips on the other’s, moving one hand onto the nape of his neck so that he could hold him in place; just for the teasing factor, he slipped in some tongue just to shock the other, it was still the best kind of punishment to embarrass Koutarou, really, he made the funniest noises when his voice became more shrill and he started to scold people —- inching back then, he opened his eyes to look at him with squinted eyes, “I’m gonna forgive you ‘cause you’re a big idiot anyway. Can’t stay mad at you for too long.” he then admitted, removing his hand from his neck as he stood tall again, not making a scene for the other to let go of him, instead waiting for his further reaction curiously; of course, it was daring to kiss him, especially with how soft he did… usually, he retorted to rather rough and violent touches, hence why the smaller always made fun of him that he didn’t only like to fight with people out in the streets, but also in bed. But the Black Cat leader knew that deep down, he was capable of rather gentle gestures too, if he felt like it.
unlike most, he couldn’t find it in him to get offended over the comments that kuroo made -- if anything, he was somewhat aware of the fact that he was on the softer side of the man’s harsh words. “run out of boobs -- pft!” he said with a snort, shaking his head at the possibility that he would ever run out of things to admire. sure, he could talk on & on about something that was so straight to talk about, and yet he still had an interest in other aspects of the body that he was not so willing to openly admit to. he should have known that the other would be sick of his ramblings, since he wasn’t as interested in the same things; but regardless, bokuto was thankful that the man still made an effort to listen & joke around with him so kindly. “i could find something better than a cow to fuck.” he huffed, not truly angry about the choice of words. that didn’t change that he would still reply in his own not - so suave manner. he was always far too blunt when it came to talking about sex that it usually made people uncomfortable. 
the fact that this was actually getting to the taller hadn’t occurred to him -- in his mind, they were still just joking around about the matter. he would have changed his tune if the other was being much more transparent about his jealous feelings, then he wouldn’t be so casual about it. there was a lot of people that thought the two of them were dating, but he didn’t think that it was anything more than a mere joke to kuroo, since they often teased people that did make that misunderstanding. he didn’t think that the other would ever feel any kinds of jealous feelings because of him -- considering that the man was popular with women, it didn’t occur to him that he could ever be someone that was desired by him. he simply saw himself as a wingman to him, not so much a potential object of affection.
despite that he seemed to have a sharp moment and called out the other on his obvious feelings, he was still not bright enough to think that kuroo would lie to him. hearing that he wasn’t jealous, he took it at face value and accepted the fact without question. “yea, yea. i mean, why would you be jealous?” he said with a shrug, fully ready to move onto a separate topic. the last thing that he wanted to do was try and seem like he was attempting to force those feelings into the mix. bokuto wasn’t trying to force him to feel as if he had to feel jealous, especially since that was not his intent with any of it. all of the girls that worked at those restaurants were purely entertainment anyways; none of it was meant to be taken seriously. he wouldn’t say that he was simply seeing the women as objects, but he definitely was not seeing them as potential girlfriends. after all, he was not the only one there to look at them. it was like seeing a celebrity -- though far less renowned. 
his eyes widened when he wasn’t shot down on the spot when he said something so ballsy with a smirk across his face. though, it was only made worse by the fact that his friend was asking for details on just how he could be bad for him. biting his bottom lip with a confused expression on his face, he tried to think through just what he had in mind on the first place. it was easy to talk a big game, but when he had to allow the ideas to run through his thoughts freely, his face began to redden. it was probably vile of him to be thinking these things about his friend, while right in front of him as well! shaking his head to try and keep himself from lingering on the matter, he should have been much more careful about the situation that he put himself in.
freezing up in front of the man, at this point he wasn’t even trying to be a tease -- he was so shocked about the situation that he put himself into, he couldn’t bring himself to say anything more that would make it worse. usually when he would do these kinds of stunts with kuroo, he wasn’t previously thinking about the kinds of ‘naughty’ things that he could do for him. now, he could hardly handle the thought that he was standing so close in the perfect position to kiss the other -- not because he was disgusted, but because it was clear that he just stepped over a huge line. even if he had some confusing ideas about their relationship, he still didn’t want to make the mistake of scaring his best friend away because he got too sexual with him. as long as he made it into a joke, then maybe it wouldn’t piss the other off, at least that was his hopes. 
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just when he thought that he couldn’t get anymore confused at the moment, kuroo kissed him gently, even pressing his tongue into his mouth to tease him. knowing the black cat, it was so strange to be treated this gently by him ( especially since he’d never seen anyone else be given the same treatment ). he couldn’t help the redness in his face when he was given such a kind response -- especially when he was teasing him intentionally. “you can’t stay mad at me?” he asked nervously, leaning back to put some distance between them so that he could speak. “even if i did something really, really stupid?” gently gripping onto the collar of the man’s leather jacket, he didn’t want to allow him to get away just yet. the other didn’t seem to be trying to push some distance between them, but he was still nervous that he was going to lose his chance if he didn’t do something to show that he didn’t want him to move him away. 
Hoot-Hooters | Bōsōzoku!AU
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bareebooruboys-blog · 5 years
he really hated to be paired up with people for missions, usually he ended up completely unable to work alongside someone else because of his own lack of sympathy towards others. especially when he would be paired up with a certain brunet, he would not find himself able to complete the task at hand when he was constantly butting heads with the person that was intended to be his helper. instead of going out on a mission, he decided that he might as well just go out and drink for a bit -- use it as an excuse to say that he was collecting information while he was at a bar or something cheap along those lines. of course, tobio still wore his yakuza get - up, a full suit with a gun tucked securely inside of his jacket. he wasn’t so worried about being bothered when he was dressed up in such a manner, since most didn’t want anything to do with someone that was making it blatantly obvious that they were partnered with such a dangerous web of criminals. he wasn’t weak either; if someone had decided to give him an issue, he would have no problem holding his own. he had enough experience as a hitman to know that he wasn’t going to find himself getting killed so easily. 
since he was drinking that night, he didn’t drive himself out, instead he simply walked to a bar that was close enough to the base that he could find his way back home later on. while walking, he saw a strange figure collapsed on the side of the road. he assumed that it was just someone else that had gotten too drunk and passed out on the side of the road. but with the stranger moving around slightly, he realized that was not the case. he still hadn’t lost consciousness, so he doubted that some drunk would just decide to sit on the side of the wet street while it was still raining lightly rather than finish the trek home. hearing a pained groan from the man, he decided against just walking past him -- it was too close to their base to risk this being the aftermath of something much worse. though, upon closer inspection ( even through his vaguely fuzzy vision ), he recognized the other as one of their own. sure, he was just a lure, but that didn’t mean that they weren’t part of the same family. he wasn’t the kindest by far, but the idea of being a family still held weight to him; especially since he did not have a real family of his own aside from their strange, abnormal criminal bonds. 
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it was a surprise to hear the man starting to plead for his life, but he supposed that with all of the blood around his eyes, he was having a hard time seeing -- more so than someone that just had a couple of beers. crouching down in front of yamaguchi, he tried to make it more apparent that he was someone on his team & not just a random thug trying to pick on him while he was down. “you were supposed to be with satori, where is he?” the raven - haired man asked coldly, clearly disgusted with the lack of teamwork on the redhead’s part. he couldn’t say that he was the best at teamwork himself, but he was still a lot more friendly towards those that weren’t oikawa. it was for certain that he wouldn’t let his counterpart bleed out on the street while he escaped either -- hitmen were supposed to protect the lures that they worked with, not let them out to die. it was the kind of responsibility that a hitman had to be ready to keep when someone was helping them capture their targets easier. 
“hurt you?” tobio’s nose scrunched up at the other’s words, wondering if he really thought that’s what his intent was, or if he was just scared at the moment and still processing that it was one of his coworkers. moving closer to inspect his wounds, the smell of beer on his breath was heavy -- grabbing him by the arm, he forced yamaguchi’s torso up from the ground towards him so that he didn’t need to lean down further. “you look like shit.” he said without bothering to sugarcoat his words. the other could likely feel just how terrible that he looked, so he wasn’t concerned in the least about it hurting his feelings. “we aren’t far from the base, can you even stand?”
放棄された犬 | Yakuza!AU
@bareebooruboys (tobio)
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It was bound to happen one way or another. There were positions that were both a little lower on the spectrum of the Yakuza and also a little more dangerous; Yamaguchi was aware of that – always had been. Lures had a low-profile standard, but also, they were supposed to basically be close-up to enemies if need be. There were exceptions like Oikawa – who had proven himself to be quite the genius and always trumped with the flirtatious nature that he bore. Tadashi on the other hand wasn’t skilled at the same level, and neither did he think of himself as anything much at all. He wasn’t strong, he wasn’t handsome, he wasn’t tall and neither was he suave or smooth; he was so average that he simply didn’t stand out of the crowd, he was not intimidating so people deemed him no threat and would let him slide by certain situations, especially when he was asked to mix-in with other families and spy on them for information and such. Ukai would’ve never put him into such a situation – even if the two of them didn’t hit it off too well, and even if the boss got disappointed in him and his lack of confidence, he would never endanger the boy willingly. It was all Tendou’s idea – the guy he got paired up with. Perhaps that redhead was getting some kick out of bullying people, but Tadashi was the perfect target; he hated to get bullied, so he allowed people to push him around unless he found the confidence to speak up… which was rare and only under certain circumstances, so he was rather doomed with a partner like Satori.
The freckled guy could count himself lucky that he wasn’t killed! Perhaps the other Yakuza thought that he was a rookie, some intern or a young criminal, apparently, they didn’t look at him eye-to-eye, man to man; if they had, they’d probably gut him for real and toss him into the next garbage disposal! But even if they thought that he was either a minor or a young adult, it wouldn’t change that they wanted to teach him a lesson for spying on them – which, granted, he could understand why they’d be so upset about it! He was upset about it, too!!! But it was all because he let himself getting pushed into that situation by some bully like Tendou! God, he hated it! He hated that he was so weak sometimes!
“Nhnn…” Trying to not whimper too loudly, he laid on the ground of the wet asphalt outside; it had been raining all day, so it was no surprise that he found himself in a puddle – he must’ve passed out from the pain at some point, but he was thankful that once he came to, that he didn’t find himself in a pile of garbage, and neither was he dead! Shivering lightly, he held his side; clearly, the had cut and stabbed him for fun – it hurt like a bitch, too, but he couldn’t do much about it now… he simply had to get out of here, get back to base, anything – something! He knew that Tendou had ditched him, it was just that guy’s style after all, but he wasn’t so sure how he was going to make it. He couldn’t exactly walk, Satori was in charge of their car, and if he called a cab, he would endanger getting tracked down to the base —- it was really bad! 
Though, as he heard footsteps approach him from behind, he twitched up, startled and scared for his life, he semi-expected one of the rivalling Yakuza men to come back and finish him off – simply for still lying on the ground instead of moving and leaving. With his vision being all over the place due to being in so much pain and due to his panic attack, he could only manage to scramble away from the shadowy, tall figure, suppressing the urge to whine and whimper like some kicked dog. “I’m l-leaving, I’ll leave!! I swear, just don’t touch me anymore!” Urging out, even if he was bleeding out and in horrendous pain, he couldn’t help but plead for his life, writhing on the ground as he felt a sharp pain on his side again, he didn’t care to rest his face against the rough, wet ground, he simply didn’t have the strength anymore to carry his torso upwards. “I’m sorry, I’ll leave, don’t hurt me…”
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bareebooruboys-blog · 5 years
having a part time job was incredibly taxing on the girl who already was suffering from a sleep disorder -- especially since she would have to ride the train at the worst hours. on top of the unsafe time of day, she fell asleep nearly the moment that her back hit the seat, she would fall asleep from the rocking motions. yukie was so tired from standing at the convenience store for hours on end, and now that she could finally sit down -- she was far too tired to keep her eyes open. she was still aware of the fact that she was not around the safest crowd, but her body betrayed her and she was already letting her guard down. 
it was hard to support herself off a mere minimum wage job, but she couldn’t complain -- it was her idea after all to get out of her family’s house so soon! it sounded so easy at the time, but now she was struggling to scrape up a month’s rent whenever it was due. it didn’t help that she absolutely loved snacks, which made it hard to budget between paying for her room & buying enough food to keep herself happy. 
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curled up against the side of the bench, she was completely asleep, unable to take note of anything around her. the moment that she was bumped into, she fell against the man without really waking up much. opening her eyes only about half way to look over at him. “ご、ごめんなさい.” she mumbled softly before she nuzzled her head up against his shoulder to sleep once again. in her confused state, she thought that it was her bumping into him, though not being fully conscious, she simply pressed herself against him to get more comfortable. it was not her choice to be on the train alone so late, and truthfully it did scare her, but if she wanted to live alone and keep an income, she had no choice but to suck it up and hide her fear. 
as she pressed her cheek against his shoulder, it seemed that the fact that she was cuddling up against a stranger finally hit her and she sat straight up. moving too quickly, she hit the back of her head against the metal handrail. pressing a hand to the injured spot, she felt her eyes water up and she let out a soft whine. yukie stared up at the man with a reddened face. taking in his appearance, she tried her best not to judge someone by their looks, but he definitely looked like the kind of person that she was supposed to be being cautious of on her commute home. looking down to break eye contact, she allowed for her hair to fall into her face to hide how embarrassed that she was. “sorry, it was an accident.”
介意 | d.web!AU
@bareebooruboys (yukie)
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Day in, day out, Akaashi felt like he was not only working as some illegal scumbag, but also raising two kids as a single mom (that being his roomies Kuroo and Bokuto). It wasn’t a rarity that the man was coming home rather late (or early, if you consider the hours, sometimes 7/8AM) – but it was his only approach for a little bit of freedom. Either he was running around on demand and fulfilling what the higher-ups had assigned to him, or he was making sure that Koutarou wasn’t hurting himself with his drug abuse. Neither was it helping that he solely getting whined at and scolded for his personality of attempting to get some sense into the man’s brain. He wouldn’t say that it was an annoyance, but it surely hurt him to be treated like he was the bad guy, when he simply cared a whole lot for the man. Surely, he was aware that Kuroo only meant well too, but in Keiji’s eyes he was being way too laid-back about this, allowing the man to smoke weed because ‘it was not the hard stuff’ – when for Akaashi, it was just as bad of a habit as any other hardcore drug. But as the youngest of the bunch, he really had no saying in those things and it irked him greatly.
While he sat on the train, he sometimes decided to just drive around town without wanting to go anywhere… he’d switch lines and whatnot, ending up in various locations – if anyone had asked him why he would be doing that (from their organisation, of course), he’d simply lie about it, telling them that he wanted to map out the town at his best, so he could work more efficiently and without any kind of interference. The truth was he sometimes rather wanted to be alone and have some peace of mind before he was heading back into the same old insanity that was his life with two drug dealers. 
Not that he was complaining – he probably made more money than most people his age – but it didn’t change that he sometimes was also looking for a more normal side of his life, either a family or not-work-related-friends. But being isolated from society as he worked in his own society within so to speak, he hardly got a chance to connect with others outside of their network.
As he got up to switch lines again, he took note of a girl that had been sleeping for quite some time now – he did not mean to bother her, but it didn’t feel right to leave her there without at least an attempt to wake her up, right? She looked around his age, and being such a caring person (considering how selflessly he was taking care of Bokuto, really), Akaashi decided against getting off the train and instead sat down beside her in a fashion to bump against her so that he would wake her up ‘by accident’ instead of actually making it obvious what he was getting at. Of course, once she’d came to, he would apologise to her for waking her up, it was easy to make up excuses such as ‘the train took a sharp turn and I lost balance’ – lying had become something natural in his line of work.
Side-eyeing the maroon-haired woman, he wondered why she’d be riding the train so late – all by herself too. It wasn’t exactly the smartest nor the safest idea.
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bareebooruboys-blog · 5 years
“Aw, come on, kinky is my second name, didn’t you know?!” Teasing him back lightly, it was just in his nature to one-up the other as much as Bokuto did so in return – it could become a never-ending game to most people’s dismay, honestly, but these two simply enjoyed their little antics too much to drop them; sometimes, even Kuroo could get annoyed (especially when he wanted to be serious with his counterpart!), but he wouldn’t hesitate to show that emotion to the smaller vividly. 
Snarling back at the other then when he had to retort, Kuroo couldn’t really say that his response was wrong; if he was so much into nipples, it really would not make a difference whether it’s pecs or tits… but it would not change that it rubbed him the wrong way when the man kept on dropping all these hints about female body parts and such; while Tetsurou was not opposed to women, right now the last thing he wanted was either to be compared to one or being put into the position of a cheap replacement simply because Koutarou was not able to find a better option to touch boobs. It would scratch his pride badly, but he really hoped that this wasn’t the intention of his friend. Grimacing a little as he tried not to make any noise with the man touching, squeezing and stimulating his chest, he ended up glaring at him only because he was so, so concentrated to not groan or sigh. “Havin’ fun there, buddy? Those are nice pecs, right? If you wanna compare them to food, I’ll make an exception and let you bite them.” Of course, it was to humour his partner, but more so he was terrified of the idea that he was really going for it – what if he was going get so into it that he wasn’t going to stop himself from moaning?! Now that… would be really embarrassing…! Sure, Bokuto already went over the line to moan before… but Kuroo wanted to keep his cool —- at least one of them had to!!
“Who said that I’m disappointed?” Kuroo may have not been too blunt at times, but he liked to think that his smoothness was still leading his words into a direction that his intentions were obvious. Sure, he never voiced his sexuality, because he hardly thought about it. To him, it was quite obvious that both Bokuto and himself were heterosexuals (at least, in his brain). They just seemed to have a special interest for one another – being aware that Koutarou was a guy, it was only to be expected that he did not have female body parts. Perhaps it was also some sick curiosity to get this close to his best friend so to test out just how it felt like getting intimate with a guy instead of a girl – he was never labelling himself a homosexual or a bisexual, he more so thought that whatever happened, happened. It was much more healthy and also better to not stress out about those minor details before anything was going to happen. “You know, I’m just teasing, dumbass.” He had to add to that simply so to make sure that Bokuto was not getting the wrong idea here; both of them admitted so far that they knew what was going on and that they weren’t opposed to it, so it would be rather stupid to get surprised about their genitalia, really.
It was bound to happen that the smaller was not going to be fully honest about this – though, Tetsurou could not blame him at all. As irritating as it was, he was aware that he did not play any different game here. Instead of bluntly telling him that this was more serious to him than he initially made out to be, he asked whether it was a joke or not – even if it was ballsy, Kuroo couldn’t exactly expect the man to play with open cards if he was still hiding his. Though, what had caught him off-guard was the fact that the man admitted to liking what they were doing; surely, it was evident by the way that both of them were suffering from boners at this point, but then again, men could get hard from just about anything, as long as it stimulated them physically, it did not mean that it had to stimulate them emotionally. To get the reassurance that this was actually a pleasure to the man was enough to feel the confidence boost that he needed. “Heh, really? ‘Cause… I mean, I kinda like it, too. So… I ain’t joking anymore. We cool?” Gulping down a lump, he moved his hands down the other’s thighs to pull him closer onto his own lap, wanting to fill the gap as much as he could only to put emphasis on his statement beforehand.
With the other’s freaked out expression, he couldn’t help but to snort before nuzzling his face against the other’s lovingly, leaning in to bite his cheek playfully just to tease him a little bit more. “Nah, it’s just fiiiine…” Even if they were being a bit more serious on the matter, it didn’t change that they simply had such fun and teasing personalities. “To be honest, I’m hard because of you too, so… uh… that makes two of us? I guess?! Seems really fair, too.” He hoped that if he was being more open and honest about this, then perhaps Koutarou would find more confidence in being just as open, right? Sure, he would also willingly walk into some traps which could have him end up as the butt of a joke – but at this point, he did not care if the man wanted to laugh at him. As long as they were proceeding with the actual matter at hand, he’d accept that.
While it was a disheartening thing that Bokuto admitted, Kuroo couldn’t say that he was surprised: this whole thing was so confusing, of course he wouldn’t get it. Laughing in the depth of his throat with a low tone, he shook his head lightly. “There’s not much to get, man.” Even if it took all of his courage to speak more honestly and openly about it, he guessed that he had to be the one to ‘man up’ in this situation so that they would not keep on running circles awkwardly. “I mean… unless you don’t like it when I am being gentle and nice with you… that’s cool, you gotta tell me if you think it’s lame… just… felt right, dunno?!” In his mind, the other perhaps didn’t really get a kick out of the romantic and gentle gestures – though it was Kuroo’s way of attempting to show him how he was feeling about this situation; surely, he had to be more blunt about it, but both of them were kind of cowards about that aspect. “It felt right to treat you nicer and stuff… do you get it now, or are you really that dense?” It wouldn’t change that he had to scold him for being an idiot at some point…
He took note of how hard Bokuto attempted not to make any sound while he bit down his shoulder and neck, though he was a little irritated about it; he was not holding himself back, so why should the other?! That was stupid as hell! “I wanna hear you, dumbnut… don’t fuckin’ hold back, I swear, I am going to bite harder until you can’t hold back.” Threatening him some, he kissed his neck very close to his ear, making sure to suck on his skin roughly and dick his teeth in, provoking to cause a hickey at a place that the man hardly was able to cover up, but also wanting to get some noises out of him. Dragging his tongue over his ear before he breathed against the wetness, groaning a little louder to let him feel the vibration of his deep voice against his ear, thrusting his hips a little harder up against the other’s; there was really no point in holding back now – why not going with it completely if they already went this far, right?
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Kuroo was fine to be the one reassuring the other; it did not feel lame or stupid, quite honestly, if they had switched positions, Tetsurou probably would be as much of a chicken – it wasn’t that he had any experience with men, really, both of them seemed to have only been together with women before! – but his own position at this moment didn’t differ all too much from the ones he had been in previously – just that he was now involved with a guy, and on top of that, with his best friend! Surely, if Bokuto had been the one in charge and the black-haired male had to be the receiving end of this, he would be nervous and unsure what to do with himself. It only felt right to make sure that he would not freak Koutarou out too much! Deepening the kiss somewhat to take the man’s mind off of the situation, he went the extra-mile to moan into his mouth as he kept on dry-humping him, a small ‘Fuck’ rolling over his tongue, as he was too lost in the moment to actually contain such comments from escaping his throat. As much as he was into the stimulation, he could not help but to give small laugh at the other’s rather mild threat. “Nah, I won’t laugh. You know why? ‘Cause I think teary faces during BJs are such a turn-on… so much for how kinky I am, am I right?”
Now, he was not exactly used to jack another guy off – usually, he’d only do that on himself, really – but funny enough, he was not repulsed by it, neither was he feeling weird about it. If anything, it was quite exciting, especially with the kinds of faces and noises he received from the smaller. Watching him closely for some moments before he felt the need to lean against his neck, muffling his own groans against his shoulder only to quicken the pace a little to his own gusto. He felt way too dizzy to think about the situation at hand, as long as it felt good for both of them, he didn’t see the damage, to be honest. Though, what caught him off-guard and caused him to stop his hand movements for a moment was that the other joked about how he was acting like the man’s boyfriend. Realisation kind of hit him there and that’s when he was actually spending some thought to it – holy shit, he was right?! – trying not to make a scene, he picked up where he left off with massaging their lengths together, giving an airy chuckle – god, he was thankful that he currently was hiding his face against the other’s shoulder, or else he would probably get a good view on how red his face had gotten from that sudden confrontation. “Really, huh?” Acting coolly about it, pressing some soft kisses up his Adam’s apple before he kissed his jawline. “I could be your boyfriend, if you want me to.” Perhaps he wouldn’t have said something so wild if it wasn’t for the heat of the moment, but his brain was so hazed and out-there due to the stimuli he experienced that he couldn’t exactly think before he spoke – which only made that kind of statement all the more honest than he probably would’ve let himself to be in the first place – nonetheless, he got scared of pushing his boundaries, still hiding his face so that the other was not going to look at him and laugh into his face. “I m-mean… like… I wouldn’t… mind…” He realised that talking while he was horny was probably not going to make him sound any smarter, and as much as he wanted to save his ass, he only made it worse; but instead, he simply went with the moment and hoped that he was jacking the other off to the point that he was unable to make fun of him for being such a complete tool.
“as long as you don’t start asking me to do some crazy weird shit, then i guess you can be the kinky one.” he was joking around with him of course, but there was some truth in his words. he could handle a few things here and there that weren’t considered vanilla, but even he had his limits as to how far he could take things. some kinks were just too much to handle -- and when kuroo was saying that he was into some kinky things, he couldn’t imagine where the line was drawn. both of them had pretty lenient morals, but somethings were just not to be brought into the bedroom. 
while he talked on & on about breasts, it definitely was not his intent to make the man feel as if he were just a simple replacement or not good enough to appreciate because he was the same sex. if anything, he had been going on about the man’s chest in specific -- considering that he was well built, he did have nice ‘pecs’ enough so that he was enjoying himself just looking at them. bokuto couldn’t possibly keep his hands to himself when he was invited to touch; he had to indulge even if it were just with his hands for the time being. running his thumbs gently over the flesh, he listened to the man teasing him about just how invested he was in feeling him up. mumbling softly in return, bokuto’s tone was dead serious ( contrasting to his usual joking manner ). “i’m in heaven.” though, despite his seriousness, he looked up to give a shit eating grin to his friend. exhaling through his nose, he shook his head at the offer. “biting would ruin them.” instead of digging his teeth into the other’s chest, he leaned down and pressed his lips against his bare skin. he trailed soft kisses along his chest, a little more wet than he would have intended -- but he was practically drooling already just from touching them. suckling on kuroo’s skin, he peeked up with a guilty expression; he wondered if he was boring the man with his own personal fixations. 
finally pulling back when the taller mentioned that he was not disappointed about the fact that he was in fact a man and not a woman, he looked rather dumbfounded. it shouldn’t have been all that surprising & yet, he was still shaken by the realization that he was not concerned at all about the fact that they clearly had the same parts. bokuto hadn’t thought about his own sexuality either, mostly since it wasn’t something that came up in his daily life -- at least, not in such a big way as it was right now. sure, he’d had his questionable moments where he was taking note of his strange attraction to his best friend, but they hadn’t acted on it, not to this extent. now he was forced to face it all at once & it was incredibly confusing to him. clearly he was enjoying it, so he didn’t think about putting an end to it -- so far, it was so, so enjoyable that the thought had not crossed his mind. nodding lamely, he couldn’t think of a good response for the other past agreement, which he didn’t feel as if it needed to be voiced. if he was so freaked out about the situation at hand, he would have found a way out of it before they’d gotten this far. 
being pulled fully onto kuroo’s lap caused him to tense up for a moment, worried that he would be teased for his arousal or the fact that he was nervous about what was going on -- he assumed that it was only normal to be nervous in this situation, not because of who he was with, but because he was doing something that he was so unfamiliar with that he didn’t know what to do. when it came to being with women, he was always so confidant and cool about his actions, but now he was at a huge loss. he was grateful for the fact that the taller was so willing to take the lead and progress things, because he wasn’t so sure that he would be able to take on that role. hearing that his friend was also hard because of him, and not just the friction, he was relieved. it should have been obvious, but sometimes he really had to have these things pointed out to him. 
having someone be so gentle with him for once was a nice change, since usually he was the one being rough with other people -- it was rare for the two of them to be gentle in physical ways with each other ( and even verbal! usually, they were brutally prodding at one another ). “no! no, no, keep doing it.” bokuto said quickly, not wanting him to switch it up just yet. “ . . . i think i get it.” he mumbled, sounding like a frustrated child -- his own dense nature irritated even himself at times, since he was so slow to understand things. he couldn’t go out on a limb and say that it was because the other had feelings for him, especially since he wasn’t confidant enough to believe that could be the case. he was still missing the mark quite a bit, but he always took longer with these things than most & kuroo would know that better than anyone. “it’s not lame, i like it.” he sighed out, as the taller nuzzled against his neck. 
he wasn’t sure how much longer he could possibly keep himself quiet, not when the other was intentionally making it hard for him to do so. biting at his lip harder, he threatened to draw blood just to keep himself silent. all of his efforts were in vain the moment that he felt the man’s hot breath hit the wetness from where he’d been suckling on his ear before -- on top of that, he was caught off guard by the sudden friction all at once. a loud moan escaped him, completely unable to keep it in. he knew that was the other’s intention and yet he still felt so embarrassed about cracking so easily. rather than trying to hide it more, he let out another moan as he rolled his hips back against kuroo’s to try and add to the pleasure he was feeling. “y-you better not tell a-anyone --” he cried out between gasps and whines. of course, he truly doubted that his closest friend would go around telling anyone about anything that they had been doing thus far, but he was still nervous to think that anyone would know that he was here on his friend’s lap moaning like a woman. 
kissing the other once again, he was glad to have his sounds muffled by the contact. though, he was not ready for the other to curse so lowly into their kiss, sending an obvious shiver through his body. bokuto heard the other curse many times before, but never out of pleasure and definitely not directly into his mouth in such a seductive way. he should have known that his threat was pathetic, but the response that he received wasn’t a joke and he knew it. the man wasn’t joking about having an interest in kinky things, and tears definitely didn’t seem out of the range of what he could imagine his friend enjoying. “yea, well -- don’t make me cry on purpose . . . okay?” despite the fact that he was into tears, he didn’t want the other to be rough with him with the intent of making him cry. it wasn’t that he was much of a crybaby, but these things had to hurt the first time! even for girls, he knew that it hurt the first time; he could only imagine that it would be worse for a man. they always based their relationship on joking around, so it felt weird to be asking him something so serious -- he figured that kuroo would take it pretty serious though, considering that sexual things had aspects to them that were meant to be taken serious. the jokes had to end somewhere, even if he liked to use to them to keep himself from feeling like a fool. 
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while the other buried his face into his shoulder, he took advantage of it to relax against his fame. he doubted that he could keep himself up straight at the moment. it wasn’t like he hadn’t jacked himself off before, but adding the emotional connection of having someone else do it for him made it feel so much more appealing. in this position, he had no choice but to keep his mouth near the other’s ear, allowing him to clearly hear all of the sounds that escaped him. bokuto was left confused when the other stopped his movements all of a sudden, but instead of receiving a response right away, kuroo continued his movements first, taking him off guard. “a-ah--, s-s-shit.” he cursed, not doubting that his own face was just as red as his counterpart’s. the reaction that he got was not what he was expecting -- was the man trying to ask him out, it seemed strange to wait until they were in an intimate situation like this, but that didn’t mean that he was any less appreciative of the offer. “you better treat me well, even if i am just a dumbass.” he replied with some difficulty, finding it hard to talk with each wave of pleasure that hit him. “but yea, i’d like that a lot. so i guess that you do like me.” the smaller laughed, glad to have an answer to his own suspicions. 
Touchy Feely | Bōsōzoku!AU
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bareebooruboys-blog · 5 years
“You deserve kindness, so who am I not to allow you to receive a little?” She chuckled playfully, knowing that she was a rather harsh person usually, and hardly handed out compliments; but as much as she loved to tease him for various things, he was just as deserving of all the nice things; it was true, he really looked out to those he cared about rather naively —- he didn’t question the tasks assigned to him, and he’d probably endanger himself while he attempted to protect someone else. Those things worried Kiyoko greatly, especially since she could not stick around with him all the time —- especially not when he was on duty. She hated to think about situations where he’d get injured severely (like that one time with Tendou… she still didn’t forgive the redhead for that sleaziness)… but it came with the fact that he was simply too… naive. 
When he suddenly had that same look of guilt over his face, she reached up her hands defensively and shook them lightly so that he would listen to her. “Oh, no. It’s okay, if you say things like that. It’s different when you say them.” She added out of courtesy, even if it should’ve been obvious to the bleach-blond, she admired that he was so respectful of her opinion and wanting to make sure that she was comfortable with him around; if she and him weren’t this close, she would probably be just as uncomfortable about him calling her irresistible – but it changed perspective into something more serious and less perverted when they were dating. On top of that, even if he had been just as dirty as Bokuto or Kuroo, he had an innocent charm that made it half as bad. Even so, it would not change that she got flustered over such a statement – but not because she deemed it out of place or disgusting, she simply had not expected him to say something like that out of the blue.
Even if Koganegawa meant to be sly with his actions, trying to avoid his hips getting too close to her privates and such, she could read him like an open book – especially with the ashamed look on his face and how he avoided eye contact at all cost. Smiling lightly at him as she tended her head to the side, Shimizu wanted to give him the room and time to explain himself after declining the possibility that she had done something wrong – of course, she was not actually believing that she had done anything to upset him… but it was simply funnier to watch him struggle with explaining himself, not wanting to tell her what he thought and felt, than to tell him that things were okay. Surely, she wasn’t exactly thinking about getting sexual with him – not when they were just talking about something that could’ve ruined just about anyone’s mood, really – but there was no harm in kissing and touching. Kiyoko knew that he was not a selfish person, even if he may have selfish ideas and thoughts, he hardly acted out on them which showed a lot more self-control than other men had. 
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Leaning her head back to give him some space, she couldn’t help but snicker at his serious expression; it was so typical him to become all stern and – what others would call – scary with his facial expressions, but she couldn’t help but be amused about it. He simply was too tense and anxious to do something wrong, she understood that much, but she thought that offering him another kiss was enough to make him understand that it was okay. “That’s not it?” She repeated his words (mockingly so), but she made it appear as if she had been surprised by his revelation instead of how she obviously and clearly understood what was going on – again, it simply was more fun that way. “Care to tell me?” While she could’ve spared him the trouble, she merely wanted to see his next actions; the more Kanji stammered, the more hilarious it had gotten, though, what she was not expecting was for him to find the courage and continue with their kiss. Widening her eyes at first, Kiyoko eventually closed her eyes to go with the motions; she didn’t necessarily mind the harshness of their interaction, though it did catch her off-guard at first. Opening her mouth to return the gesture just as much, she wasn’t able to kiss him just as roughly as he did for her, though she wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him closer and move them so that she laid down onto the couch again. While it was not under her control, their movements messed up the positioning of her glasses, though she was not exactly needing them right now – gasping quietly against his mouth, she clung her arms a little tighter around him, feeling her face heat up intensely.
it was strange to hear someone say that he deserved compliments, since the majority of the time he was being teased for being air - headed & just downright stupid. he knew that she would never say those things to him -- but he still worried that she would think it. he may have been a hitman, but that didn’t mean that he was bright. if anything, he was just the brawn of the group, used for taking out those that the boss thought were obstacles. it didn’t take a whole lot of smarts, just a lot of dirty work. kanji wasn’t the best at keeping himself safe, he always worried too much about other people . . . which was taken advantage of by people like tendou. it ended up with him being put in horrifying states, and in turn only made kiyoko worried which made him feel worse about his lack of skills. whenever the girl would voice her worries for him, he only felt worse about his own lack of caution. assuring her that he was okay even when he was wounded and bleeding wasn’t the best way to make her feel better -- nor did he feel like he was feeling his best either. 
he couldn’t hide the guilty expression that he wore when he realized that what he said may have come off as perverted & just as disgusting as those that she truly disliked -- but it was his true feelings! the blond should have known that in a sense he had the right to say these things to the girl that he was dating, but he was still so worried about her thinking that he was merely after her body; especially when that was not the case! he was a man after all, so he still had urges that were less than pure . . . but that didn’t mean that it was all that he wanted from her. it was normal for those that were dating to have sexual relations, but pushing them without knowing her own feelings made him worried. knowing about the things that happened to her in the past only caused him to feel more confused about what was appropriate timing and what was not. more often than not, he was talking without thinking, and even if the words were pure honesty, he wasn’t sure if she would appreciate hearing his unfiltered thoughts or not.
kanji cursed his body for reacting the way that it did, especially after the conversation that they just had -- but he also couldn’t control when his hormones would hit him so strongly. after kissing in such an inappropriate manner, his body felt as if it was burning up. regardless, he would make sure to keep himself a decent distance from her to try and avoid offending her with his body’s betrayal. he doubted that kiyoko would be in the mood to do anything sexual at the moment & he would not fault her for that! though, showing that he was in the mood too felt even more shameful . . . he didn’t want her to think that he didn’t care about her struggles when he cared more than anyone else; enough so that he would cry alongside of her just hearing about the past. what hurt him most was knowing that he was able to protect her from those things, and yet he was not present in her life at the time to keep her safe from danger. it felt too selfish to have his body reacting this way, it would have only been more selfish to try and act on it. he knew that he would have to explain himself, but it wasn’t possible to do so in a way that could be spoken delicately. 
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just when he thought he had the courage to tell her what he was thinking, she gasped into his mouth mid - kiss and broke his confidence immediately. burying his face into her neck, kanji’s face was bright red -- her sounds were not helping his situation at all. letting out a deep, breathy whine against her neck, he was trying to think through the mess of filthy thoughts running through his head. he could feel his eyes beginning to water, terrified to explain himself to her. “i’m s-so disgusting, i’m sorry. i don’t want you to think that i’m a pervert, kiyoko-chan.” kanji cried, showing his crybaby side more than he would have liked. it was strange to those that don’t know him that someone so tall and strong physically could have the mental capacity of a child, but surely she knew that much by now. “i want to touch you, but --- but that’s selfish and disgusting of me t-to want to touch you so indecently.” nuzzling his face into her shoulder further, he couldn’t bring himself to look at her. “it’s even worse though, b-because i want you to touch me too. i want you to touch me so bad.” sniffling, the taller finally pulled his face back to wipe at his tears while his other arm was pressed into the couch to keep himself from crushing her. 
幽か | Yakuza!AU
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bareebooruboys-blog · 5 years
despite not being a hitman himself, or even a high ranking member of the yakuza, he was still required to dress the part no matter the situation. for the most part, he wouldn’t be bothered by the police because of his affiliation, but on the other man’s part -- he was definitely a suspect in the eyes of the police. being asked to meet up with a dark web assassin wasn’t out of the the norm, especially not when it was with a man that he was used to working alongside of. this man in particular didn’t seem to care much for his company, which was something he was not used to; with such a pretty face, he was usually charming people into enjoying his presence. on top of that, he had a cheery exterior ( even if the exterior didn’t match the interior ). his personality was rather nasty, filled with jealousy & envy for other people, but a pretty face could easily conceal all of that negativity. it made him popular with a lot of people, many of which he could care less about. 
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the assassin however, iwaizumi hajime, was someone that he happened to enjoy meeting with very much. he really wanted to catch the man’s eye, hoping that he could get his attention whenever possible . . . even if it seemed to be an impossible task at times. holding his hand up to greet the man enthusiastically, he made sure to put a big smile on his face -- the kind that only made his features look all the more pleasant. seeing the man’s frowning expression, he was quick to grab him by the bicep ( all the while, subtly feeling him up as he did so ) to pull him into a less busy street so they could converse. “not here.” he said softly, letting out a soft ‘tsk’. oikawa winked as well, doing his best to keep his flirty attitude at max. 
pressing his back to the wall, he tugged the other to encourage him to stand in front of him. of course, he was simply trying to put himself in a compromising situation for his own enjoyment, but he had low hopes that the other would follow through. “ごめん、ごめんー. i just am the messenger, don’t shoot me.” he said with a false amount of fear in his tone. “the boss just wanted me to go over the details again with you, you know -- he’s picky about his work.” relaxing against the wall, he let out a soft sigh to show that he was not in the mood to talk about business either. he would much rather spend his time talking about other matters than murder. “but i’m sure that you know what you’re doing. after all, you are experienced, no? we can skip the work talk if you want.” 
シャドーキラー | d.web/y!AU
@bareebooruboys (oikawa)
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Iwaizumi didn’t exactly like the idea of meeting with his customers, but he would make exceptions of course; working on commission was hard enough already, one would be surprised to realise just how many people are offering to be assassins on the dark/deep web —- Hajime wasn’t exactly an exception, but he knew that he was thorough with his jobs. These days, most of his tasks were assigned by this brunet, and as much as he was paying him, he couldn’t exactly turn down the wish to meet in person with the guy. After all, he was offering a service – a gruesome and bloody one, but hey, it was a service. Therefore, when his commissioner wanted to meet, then so be it. Charging him extra for it wouldn’t be too hard. And neither was it going to hurt his business when he kept on coming back for more. Surely, it was weird to have one person targeting so, so many individuals to off out of his life, but Iwaizumi wasn’t here to question his work but more so go through with it. While he wanted to be secretive about his appearance and identity, it reached a point for him and the other that they were almost like partners, but was he fully trusting the other? Nope. That was a big mistake to do among his line of work.
Pulling a bandana up to his mouth and nose so that he could be disguised as much as possible, he figured that his attire was more so ‘street fashion’ than ‘hey-I-am-a-hitman’ kind of thing; the police wouldn’t exactly pinpoint him out as someone out of the ordinary – he did not like to be flashy or flamboyant anyway, so it came in handy when he had to blend in with the crowd. However, his counterpart seemed to be dressed-to-impress —- some of those suits were probably more expensive than some of the black-haired’s equipment… while it was not unlikely for Yakuza to hire people from the deep web, it was still something that Hajime always thought to be… more of a myth than reality. 
Cocking his head back to look up at the other, he hated that there was a slight height difference between them – noticeable to him, but hardly to anyone else, probably. “What’s the thing you gotta tell me about in person that you couldn’t hand to me through the messenger? We usually work in the shadows, not out in the open. I told you that before.”
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bareebooruboys-blog · 5 years
Leaning her head back when she felt the other hug her, she rolled her head gently onto his shoulder as she peeked at him sideways. While she had been quite the bookworm, it hadn’t been her number one priority previously; she used to do competitive sports, especially in high school and such. Though, since a rather nasty injury, she couldn’t push herself as much as she used to, those distancing herself from the idea of going into competitive sports more seriously unlike her friends and peers. Surely, she had the brains to work on other fields too, it just seemed a lackluster to be unable to pursue something simply because she had been unlucky, not because she lacked talent. Shimizu figured that it would’ve been different if she simply hadn’t been sporty or couldn’t keep up with the others… but like that, it felt rather weird. She didn’t mind to tend to books now, she could enjoy sitting in silence and reading, it could be quite meditative. 
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Pressing a peck to his cheek before she closed her book, she chuckled quietly, “Oh, you know… just trying to kill some time.” joking around a little, it was obvious that she meant to get ahead of her schedule, so that she could spend more time with her boyfriend instead. She wasn’t the type to overlook the necessities – while she had her responsibilities as a college student, she also was not neglecting her relationship. Thankfully, she was able to keep a healthy balance without forgetting about one thing or another (unlike others); stuffing her book back into her bag, she kept the conversation going. “You’re quite early, it almost – just almost – seems like you couldn’t wait to meet up with me, mhm?” They always had a way of teasing each other – it only was in her own personality to dish out with comments as well as being able to take a joke; despite her stoic, stern and serious impression, the cold and distant attitude, Kiyoko was able to joke around and laugh off certain situations if people got to know her a little better.
Turning around on the bench to face her counterpart, she crossed her arms onto the backrest of the bench, she leaned her chin atop her arms to look up at the faux-blond. “You said, you had a surprise for me? Is the surprise where you’re going to take me or something else?” The bespectacled female didn’t mind the whole ‘surprise’-idea, though she also disliked to be kept waiting too long – either way, she wouldn’t mind unless the surprise wasn’t all too positive. With people like Terushima, it was always a 50:50 chance that something may not go according to plan – it worried her greatly to think that he might mix with the wrong crowds, get himself injured or killed, she cared for him far too much as to be unfazed by such a thing. Those were the downsides of dating someone who was affiliated with gang culture, but she wouldn’t turn him down for that… all she wanted was to make sure that he would be fine in the long run. 
it didn’t surprise him that she would be so calm the moment that he was wrapping his arms around her -- kiyoko didn’t radiate a friendly energy, so anyone that would dare to touch her so casually would surly not enjoy the repercussions. however, he spoke up soon enough that she would not need to question who was touching her in such an intimate manner. he wouldn’t dare allow anyone else to do such a move to his girlfriend, but he knew that she would not either. it was just her style to remain untouchable by those that were not already granted permission to her inner circle. having her kiss his cheek out of the blue like that spurred him to go in for something more, but yuuji contained himself. if he was too forward with his pda, he knew that she would be too angry ( and not trust him enough ) to invite him to her school ever again. staring at her for a moment, his eyes half - lidded, the hungry look in his expression wasn’t well hidden, but he still deserved some props for holding himself back. street thugs weren’t exactly known for their impressive ability in holding back their urges ( quite the opposite ).
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there was no denying that she had been reading so intently so that she could get through her work before he showed up, which only made his early arrival more inconvenient to her. it wasn’t wrong to say that he was excited to see her, but the blond wasn’t trying to make it super obvious ( that would interfere with his cool exterior ), but at this point there was no hiding it -- he was stuck. “ ‘course i was excited to see my girl.” he said with a grin, deciding that it wasn’t a bad thing to come outright and say it. trying to lie about missing her would have only made him seem like he didn’t miss her, when that was not the case. kiyoko was always busy with school, so he couldn’t spend nearly as much time with her as he would like to; finding time to be alone was even harder, since he didn’t want to bring her back to the base & asking to go to her place seemed far to forward ( not to mention, he didn’t want to imply anything inappropriate, even if he would have liked to do those things ).
resting against her shoulders from behind the bench, he bent down to rest his chin on her shoulder. yuuji wouldn’t doubt that they were getting some stares, even some wondering if he was just harassing her -- but anything was better than having to be around her friends. “what you feeling up to?” the blond asked, hoping that she would at least want to leave her school campus. he couldn’t take the sheer amount of preppy college students eyeing him up. not because he was intimidated of them, that was not the case at all. he just knew that he had to keep himself under control around his girlfriend for the sake of their relationship working out; more than anything, he would love to confront each and every one of them with a glare & a quick ‘what the fuck are you staring at’. 
反対 | Bōsōzoku!AU
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bareebooruboys-blog · 5 years
when semi began working at a maid café, she never imagined that she would actually become close to anyone else that worked there -- she was not the type to make friends, especially not easily. it was just a means of making some extra money, and yet now she was in this strange situation with someone that she’d gotten possibly a bit too close to. being pulled into the backroom, she wasn’t naïve enough to believe that this was going to be something innocent on the man’s part. he would definitely not want to just come back there to talk and exchange innocent flirts. 
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she should have expected that tendou would ask her to do something so filthy while they were still somewhere that wasn’t completely private. of course, they both knew everyone that they worked with ( to varying extents ), but that didn’t mean that she wanted to be seen doing anything inappropriate by them. standing before him, she was lucky that his large frame covered her from the view of other’s even if someone were to walk in on them. she was so much smaller which would make many couple - esque things difficult, but there was certainly some things that it was useful for. listening to his request, she couldn’t help but see it coming -- if he pulled her all the way back here, he was most definitely going to ask for something truthfully shameful. 
it felt dumb to give him the exact response that he was searching for, flushed cheeks and a half glare. much to her own surprise, semi didn’t hesitate to grab the bottom of her skirt in loose fists, seemingly nervous to pull it up too far. she eased it up slightly, not in a rush to show off her panties -- what if they weren’t cute enough?! clearly, he had expectations. the further up she pulled her skirt, the more that her face scrunched up out of anxiety; her face flushing worse when she realized what she was doing. turning her face away from him to try and conceal the expression she wore, it only added to how shameful the whole scene was. “もうー”
彼女を埋める | Café!AU
@bareebooruboys (f!eita)
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“Now, now, don’t make a noise, Semisemi-chan… you don’t want anyone to find us, do you no~w?”
Shushing her as they were in the backroom of the café, he made sure to still remain in a risky area despite of what he was going to ask her to do – surely, he could’ve dragged her to the restrooms or the dressing room, but where would be the fun if there wasn’t going to be a chance that someone walked in on them, right?! Tendou, despite how child-like he could be, had a rather nasty and naughty attitude; and no matter how much he wanted to protect and cherish cute girls, his ideas and fantasies were anything but tame – though, in his own mind, none of those things were humiliating or bad, he simply thought that this was an okay-thing to do or to ask for. While he considered himself vanilla, if he ever was going to share what he was into, people would clearly deny him that anything he would get riled up about was suiting for being so much into cute, innocent girls. But perhaps it was the thrill of defiling innocence – who really knew.
“I promise, I wont touch you. Can’t stand a guy who does those things to cute little girls, right? But pleaaa~se, please, please, please, lift your cute, little maid dress and show me your undies! I’ve got a surprise for you, too!” The redhead had always been rather blunt and forward about the things he wanted – there was no use in sugar-coating anything; that, too, was one of his child-like features, simply blurting out what he thought, no censorship required. “You look so cute when your cheeks get all flushed and when you look at me with the angry expression, and the pout on your lips… I’m sorry that I can’t stop thinking about youuu~!” Whining a little as he leaned in, he pressed a soft kiss to her cheeks which was a grave contrast compared to what he had just asked her to do; that man surely was twisted in all the ways possible.
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bareebooruboys-blog · 5 years
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Mika-chan would definitely buy a nitotan of her loser snake boyfriend 🐍💚
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bareebooruboys-blog · 5 years
It was true that Kiyoko was surprised by the other’s rather mature and reliable nature – of course, she was not working with him as closely as Kuroo was, therefore she couldn’t determine such things… but Yuuji was known to be quite the smooth talker and above all, someone who was in for all the fun. It was a 180 turn to see him like this now – surely, perhaps he had been a few drinks too many and it was the cause for his relaxed nature, but she would not dismiss it as such. She knew that Bokuto was someone who enjoyed his beer with some company, but it always was something else to sit alone at home and drink – it felt a little odd, almost sad. But she was too polite to bring it up just now, not wanting to add more drama to this situation as it was. Though, she could appreciate that side of his – Tendou would’ve been the last person she’d run to, not because she did not trust him, but simply because he was so unpredictable that Kiyoko wouldn’t know what to do with herself.
Smiling at Terushima, she nodded lightly, “Ah, well, that’s true… Kuroo and Bokuto seem to be a comedic duo. How do you even keep up with it?” Shimizu did not want to pry on this, but she knew exactly how straining it was to be surrounded by both of them – though, it was likely that Yuuji didn’t look at it as annoyance as much as she did. With his further comment about her jealousy, she tilted her head up and looked at him with her neutral expression – she was not exactly the jealous type, surely if she had a reason to be, she would express it, but more so, it would be a reason to end the relationship instead of keep going. Trust was something big in any relationship, no matter if it was platonic or more – if there is no more trust, then there’s no reason to stick together any longer. “Rumour has it that Kuroo is more so the jealous type.” She smirked, throwing that out there without the intention to explain herself.
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Kiyoko did not want to express her anger towards the other – but it was hard to simply shut off her emotions when she was confronted by the one thing where she could definitely say that she hated someone. Those people, she really hoped that karma will hit them hard; but it was neither Yuuji’s fault nor anyone else’s. She had been in the wrong place at the wrong time – that’s all there was, probably. While Ukai offered to investigate that thing, she declined. All Shimizu wanted was to bury that incident as deep as possible, never to resurface again. Though, with the marks and scars on her legs, it was hard to completely erase that incident from her life as well as those who happen to see her scarred skin. It was not strange that the faux-blond reassured her that she could talk to him about anything – it was like a polite invitation to tell him about what had happened to her… though she wasn’t sure if she could or should speak about it, considering that this had always been somewhat of a weak spot for her… always feeling less worth than she was due to that incident. Sitting down on the couch, she merely nodded, feeling the need to hug her legs so that she could cover them up a little. “I guess women sometimes do have to be brats to be en par with men.” Despite being aware of the other’s joke, she would not miss a chance to actually make a valid point; it was hard to be equal in a men’s world. Especially when she had been through so much due to men, it would only boost her need to step up and be stronger than any of them.
Glancing over to the bottles of beer on the coffee table, she then glanced up again and reached out her hand as an invitation for the taller to sit down with her. “You know, that story is really old. I wouldn’t mind telling you if you can promise me to not judge me for it. It’s a lot to ask for, I know. But there’s a reason why only few at our family know about it, and why everyone’s so hush-hush about it.”
while his relaxed nature may have been partially because of his alcohol consumption that night, he also just wasn’t the happy person that he liked to be perceived as. yuuji would much rather be seen as fun - loving and energetic,  but it was exhausting to keep up the gig constantly. if anyone was not going to judge him for it, he knew that kiyoko would certainly not -- that alone reassured him enough to stop himself from trying to put up a front so late at night. besides, with her reasoning for ending up at his door . . . he didn’t think it would have been appropriate to make jokes and laugh in her face. a certain degree of mockery was good to lighten the mood, but too much and it would just become downright rude. he could understand why she wouldn’t have shown up at kanji or bokuto’s house in such an event ( kanji would likely have just been worked up about it all, bokuto on the other hand -- he was a mixed bag of reactions ). the list of less reliable people was much longer than the list of trustworthy ones in his head, he assumed that the same could be said for kiyoko. 
seeing a smile appear on her face was enough to make him reciprocate the gesture, replying with a soft laugh. “they are so funny though. like yeah, too much at times, but you gotta admire the dedication.” the duo was very much similar to each other which made their humor compliment the other perfectly, yet he still couldn’t say that they were completely the same. he knew where she was coming from -- they could be a lot, especially around a woman. saying anything about it would have only landed him in hot water, since he was the same at times. yuuji had an equally as perverted mind when it came to jokes, though he suppressed it to an extent. “is that from personal experience, or just pub talk?” as far as he knew, kiyoko and kuroo didn’t have anything between them, but he wouldn’t lie and say that the thought didn’t make him curious ( and even a little jealous in itself ). 
watching as she balled herself up on his couch, yuuji wondered if it was wrong of him to push her for answers -- not matter how politely he did so. chances were, she didn’t want to tell him for her own reasons and curiosity was not a valid reason on his part, but it was hard not to let his mind wander. sitting down on the couch next to her, he made sure to keep a decent space between them so that he would not make her uncomfortable. knowing that she came to his house for company was enough to make him cautious about such things; there was a time for flirting and now was not it. clearly she was uncomfortable with showing her legs so openly and he didn’t think that the close presence of a man would make that any less difficult for her. “nothin’ wrong with a woman who speaks her mind.” the blond replied, completely unbothered by the sudden honesty. he knew it was intended to be a joke, but her statement was certainly not incorrect. he worked in the same field as her, despite being a man, he did witness situations where women were ignored and invalidated simply for their gender -- he didn’t like it, but he also knew better than to press on matters that weren’t his business. if the woman in question happened to be kiyoko, it would be his business, but otherwise it was not something that he felt the significance of intervening in. he would just look like a fool, sticking up for a woman then getting told he was only trying to find a way inside their pants. 
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hearing her offer, the taller’s nose scrunched up -- clearly confused about her statement. “judge you? for what?” whatever it was that had happened to her legs, he doubted it was intentional, or even her choice. “if you trust me, speak up. if not, not offense taken. i hang out with bokuto, so i can understand if there is a concern.” he said with a smile, attempting to lighten up the situation even if only a tad. 
パニック | Yakuza!AU
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bareebooruboys-blog · 5 years
she'd been warned time & time again about this kind of thing -- she was so small & a naturally anxious person, of course she would be at risk of being kidnapped; she was the perfect size to make it easier on those trying to pick her up. there wasn't much that she could do once she was taken, they drugged her up so much that she wasn't able to think straight. it wasn't until she came to in an empty room that shew as given time to panic about the situation. yachi could tell immediately that she wasn't alone, there was an abundance of scary, masked men lurking around her. when she thought of getting kidnapped, this was not what she was expecting. being led into the room, she was stopped in front of a man that was a lot bigger than her -- just how old that he was, she couldn't really tell. considering that she was small for her age, it was likely that she was the one that didn't look her age, rather than the man. they must have felt little to no threat from her, considering that they had not bothered to tie her up or anything. trying to run likely would not have ended well, so she was staying put for the time being.
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staring up at the man with big eyes, she listened to the strange conversation that they were having. she couldn't speak, not with the way that they kept a gag tied tightly around her jaw. when he began to speak of things like her being a minor & the fact that people were into 'loli-stuff', it was obvious just what they were planning. the blonde could feel herself beginning to panic even more. her eyes had been watering since she got there, but it only worsened when she was picturing the things that she would have to go through. staring at him when he kneeled down to her height, she took a scared step backwards when he reached out to grab her face. of course, she didn't get far, not once she was in his grasp. as he inspected her face, she closed her eyes tightly. it was too intimidating to look him in the eye like that, knowing what kinds of things that he was planning -- or, rather those around him were planning. while he didn't seem to be sad to be in his position, she wouldn't doubt that this was some kind of job to him, not so much a hobby.
listening to the things that he was suggesting, yachi felt her blood run cold. she'd never done any of those things that he was listing, and this was not the way that she would ever want to experience them for the first time. there was no way to beg with that gag tied around her mouth, so she simply had to rely on her eyes to she her feelings. staring at the man with a look like a kicked puppy, she hoped that there was some way that she could get him to understand. of course, it was very likely that he did not care just how she felt, but it was worth a shot to try; otherwise she would have to suffer through it, which was a lot less appealing. his tone sounded more than happy to be doing this, which lead to the girl shaking her head to try & say 'no'.
おもちゃ | d.web!AU
@bareebooruboys (yachi)
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“Oh, oh, there comes the delivery~!” Sing-songing as he had been standing around in the warehouse with the other guys – Tendou and the others always kept on switching things up. Usually, he was in charge of the chat and the coding of the red room, sometimes though, he would go out and kidnap some of the victims, just for the thrill. Today was a special day, however: he would get the special treat of actually interacting with one of the girls that had been abducted. Excitement was vibrating off of him – and none of the other guys actually deemed it weird, because he had been the weirdo of the group anyway – but the mere thought that he was going to have his way with some cutie was really… well… exciting; that kind of power only left him hungry for more, but that was simply his personality trait.
As they led one of the girls towards the spot in front of the camera, Satori walked circles around her curiously as he cocked his head – she looked really cute, especially after they had removed her blindfold and such, though they kept her gagged so that she couldn’t scream or make too loud of a noise; she looked petite, almost like a minor (so, the loli-type?), but according to his colleagues she was of age. “Even better! Think of the views on the room, there’s plenty into loli-stuff, haha…!” The redhead then exclaimed to one of the other men, rubbing his hands excitedly as he moved into the shot of the camera as well. Of course, he kept himself masked so that nobody was going to tell his identity, as well as the other men working in that huge, empty room. Kneeling before her, Tendou grabbed her face to turn it left and right, taking a good look on the teary expression; stuff that like really got him excited way more than it should, it was those kinds of thrills that kept him afloat, really —- usually, all the other stuff had become so, so mundane and normal to him, even though none of this was anything close to the norm, that he hardly felt a thing – but he always has had a weak spot for cute girls. 
“So, what does the chat want? Who’s bidding the most? Does someone want to see her flat-chest? Or someone wants her to get fingered? Oh, oh, did you guys bring the toys, too?!” Not holding back with his commentary, he had to rely on his colleagues in charge of the chat-room for now —- after all, the point of the red room was to satisfy the watchers, those who paid the most for whatever they wanted to see. And if it meant to get his hands dirty on that one, or getting intimate with the abductee? So be it, he was down for it. “Come on, I haaaa~te waiting, you guys!”
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bareebooruboys-blog · 5 years
In Kuroo’s eyes, this had nothing to do with fragile masculinity – in fact, he merely thought that it was natural to act up when something like that was in question. Truth be told, it was a mechanism he evolved simply because he had been unsure how to go on about his sexuality and such – pretending to be heterosexual, when he clearly did not care whether he was dating a girl or a guy was something, but to endanger the mere suspicion that his jokes were at least semi-true… that was too much to handle. More so, speaking about his feelings was a dangerous to tread on also; what if his emotions were deemed disgusting by his counterpart? What if he was misunderstanding it all? It surely frustrated both of them to keep on making jokes to the point where nobody knew just how serious they were being… but Kuroo would like to think that he knew – more or less – and was just not feeling like stepping up.
“Huh, really?” Teasing just back when the other claimed to not be fully awake yet, he reached out to smush his cheeks together with one hand, smirking at him. “You’re also greedy, who would’ve thought.” Of course, going in for another kiss would’ve been a little too much – he did not want the other to think that he was actually meaning any of it – even if he did mean those things – it was just too dangerous. On the other hand though, Tetsurou made no antics to shove the other away and kept his arm slung around him in order to guide him a bit better. It was all a good plan, really – smooch him, confuse him and then still helping him even though Bokuto had been upset with him minutes ago. Though, he was not expecting a 180 turn with the smaller.
Surprised to have the man’s arms around his neck and to have him jump up like that, Kuroo instantly caught him, though needing to step back a little in order to balance himself once again; it wasn’t that Koutarou was too heavy, but they were both fully grown men after all, and with how clumsy the tipsy guy was, Tetsurou really had to be extra cautious for the sake of both of them not landing on their asses. “Whew, you could’ve warned me, dumbnut.” 
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Merely scolding him to get his point across, he stared down at the other, puckering his lips into a small pout. “Gee, I wasn’t aware that you were going to but me in shackles just because I am carrying you. Am I ready for the responsibilities of a marriage? I don’t think so.” Moving onward then, he tried to shift so that he would not bang the other’s head against the threshold of the door out of the garage, “Perhaps you want to watch your head, Brokuto.” snorting at his excellent pun that he made up with the man’s name, he walked further until he arrived at his apartment; thankfully, that building was not housing too many people, a house to himself would’ve been a possibility – but Kuroo was hardly home, so it made no sense. 
Unlocking the door was a bit of a task while he carried the other on both his arms, but he managed either way, kicking the door open with his knee as he stepped foot inside and decided to put the other down for the moment, so that they could get rid of their shoes before entering the apartment, while he was quicker to do so, he made sure to close and lock the apartment’s door. “You need help there?” The black-haired male asked as he looked at the other’s clumsy moves.
despite the fact that he was not so fragile about masculinity, he can't say the same when it came to his sexuality. he was far too scared to possibly ruin his friendship with the fact that he may be gay, especially because they were often flirting in a way that they both thought was a joke. of course, there was so much confusion about these things, but it wasn't something that he could be open about. unknown to him, the both of them shared this feeling -- but neither one of them wanted to bring it up to the other. if they were just open about it, the stress would be lifted; though, having the guts to say that was almost impossible. the fear of disgusting their counterpart was mutual, but if they had just said so they would realize that was not the case. the confusion didn't stop at just them, it was everyone around them. a lot of people were unsure of the relationship they had aside from just friends. it was especially strange to bokuto, because he'd been with plenty of women before . . . but none of them were able to fluster him the same way as kuroo could. it was hard to admit that, but if anyone watched the way he interacted with others close enough, it wasn't hard to see the difference.
he was very awake after the kiss, but he wasn't going to take back his words -- after all, he was trying his best to get the other to crack & carry him. hearing the man call him greedy while touching his face in a playful manner, he almost expected another kiss from the other -- it was just a hopeful thought, but unrealistic. the fact that one kiss was enough to make his mood change so quickly, he should have allowed himself to be a little more subtle with the change in attitude. even with a kiss, he wasn't going to forget about the fact that he wanted him to carry him. he was like a child with a one track mind, not wanting to allow himself to be confused so easily.
bokuto was a grown man, but he knew that the other was more than capable of lifting him easily. both of them were in great shape, it came with the job. taking him off guard was not the brightest idea, but kuroo managed to keep them both from toppling down. laughing, he buried his face into the taller's neck. "oh please, you should be used to this." there was a lot of times where the other ended up carrying him, but not necessarily when he would just up into his arms without warning. "you're like a knight in shining armor." he teased, clearly rambling on just because he was drunk, rather than because he was thinking these words through very much.
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"you're a big boy, why would you be scared of marriage?" keeping his limbs close to him, he didn't want to end up getting banged off any of the corners -- that would certainly ruin the 'moment' ( if you could even call it that ). "i thought you were here to look out for me, brokuroo?" throwing the man's pun right back at him, it was too entertaining to play along. with how often that he stayed over, it practically was home to him as well. it was lonely to be home alone, therefore he often wandered over to the other's place whenever he had a day off or was just looking for some company. the two of them were nearly conjoined at the hip, so the fact that they hadn't considered just living together at this point was rather ridiculous. as much as he wanted to throw the idea out there, he was fine just saying over -- it wasn't like either of them was so short on money that they needed to worry about making it official.
being put down was a disappointment, but he wasn't sure if he really did expect the man to carry him all the way to bed. that would have been taking the joke too far, something that they often worried about. bokuto tried to remove his shoes as well, but ended up nearly falling over when he went to bend down. walking was pretty easy, but moving in such a way that his balance would be affected was another story. hearing the other ask if he needed help, his owl - ish eyes shifted up to try & see if he was being serious. "maybe a little." he said quietly, a bit embarrassed about the fact that he wasn't able to remove his shoes on his own. he wasn't the worst at holding his alcohol, but being exhausted from the meeting on top of it was making him feel loopier than usual.
運転手 | Yakuza!AU
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bareebooruboys-blog · 5 years
Blinking in confusion at the other’s rather upset reaction to it all, Kuroo merely thought that treating the other respectfully was the right thing to do – after all, wasn’t it kind of weird to act as if the other had been a woman? Not that he saw any difference between women and men, but he deemed it rather strange to push certain ‘stereotypes’ onto another gender – perhaps he was just old-fashioned like that, or perhaps he was stuck-up on the idea that it would only make him seem more open to ‘out of the norm sexuality’, especially in front of the other, but he really did not see that one getting back-fired at him. If this had been Tetsurou drunk, he would probably make some ruckus getting carried by the other, being treated as if he was in need of a strong person’s help like some damsel… if Bokuto had been speaking his mind about his openness to the idea, then Kuroo wouldn’t have had an issue either. 
Neither did Kuroo see how the other was ‘throwing himself at him’, really. In all honesty, he thought that the other was merely playing the same old game of flirting for the sake of being goofs. It was that kind of insecurity about their whole… thing that confused the black-haired male. Even if he may have been a little bit more book-smart than the smaller, they were still two peas in a pot alike to each other, thus causing a lot of miscommunication. Stepping back as he lifted his brows at the other, watching his huffy reaction as he exited the vehicle and walked without the man’s help, he cocked his head to the side to watch him before locking the car mindlessly and following the other. “Aw, someone sounds a little huffy…” Kuroo tried to hold back any laughter, merely smirking a little – of course he hoped that a little joke would brighten the mood, but he figured that it would not be the case.
Moving next to the man as he slung an arm around his shoulder to pull him closer, he leaned his head down so that they could be more or less on eye level. “You sure get a little too needy when you’re tipsy, that’s something I’ve seen plenty of times. But hey – I am not the bad guy here. I even tried to wake up the sleeping beauty with a magical kiss. Don’t believe me?” Inching closer to repeat what he had done in order to wake the other up, he moved his lips rather softly against the other’s, wanting to give a gentle contrast to their rather intrusive dynamics. While he tended his head back to look down at the other, his signature smirk adorned his face. 
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“So, by carrying, did you mean that I should throw you over my shoulder, give you a piggy-back-ride, or did you want me to carry you through the threshold like the newly wedded? There are tons of options, but I cannot guarantee for your safety.” Teasing the other as he went back to the whole point about carrying the other, it seemed that Koutarou had been rather miffed about the head of the hitmen not leaning towards that option – but he guessed it would not hurt his pride to go that mile if it was a safe way towards the intoxicated guy to stop moping about it. After all, they were going to share the apartment for the night and Kuroo really did not feel like dealing with sulky emotions after a long-ass meeting…
despite looking stereotypically like a male, bokuto had his feminine traits hidden underneath his athletic appearance. most of it came from how childish he could act, which ended up making him look rather innocent to some -- despite the fact that kuroo may have known better than that. it was part of their schtick that the smaller was the female between the two of them & it just kind of seemed to fit. of course, neither of them were really a woman; it was just a joke that never faded. he was constantly referring to himself as the taller's girlfriend, or teasing that he had been a 'bad girl' -- but sometimes, like most of their jokes, he started to become confused about where the joke ended & it became serious. unlike kuroo, bokuto had absolutely no issue looking like a 'damsel', his masculinity was by no means fragile. he would allow the other to carry him no matter who was around; most were already used to this kind of behavior from the duo as it was. they had built up their reputation of being 'strange' so much that none of their actions were much of a shock to their coworkers at this point.
it made him feel even more worried about his place in the man's eyes when he pushed him away like this. maybe he was just overthinking all of it, but that was what happened when their jokes were so confusing to the two of them. while it should have been obvious that they just needed to talk it out . . . they were typical men when it came to talking about feelings. neither one of them wanted to admit to something so risky before the other -- therefore, they were stuck in a confusing cycle of not knowing whether they should just accept it already or not. the taller's attempt at making him feel better was simply ignored, he didn't know whether or not he should just let it go. sometimes, he felt the need to voice his opinion, no matter how many issues it could potentially cause . .  but even when he was drunk, he knew better than to allow himself to speak so freely.
when kuroo snuck in for a kiss, his anger faded as quick as it had come. of course, it just added to the confusion -- was he joking? or did he really do that? and did he really mean it? thinking about it so hard while drunk was pointless, considering that he already wasn't smart when he was sober. "i don't think i'm fully awake yet." bokuto teased back, laughing as he spoke. it was strange to have the other kiss him so softly, but that didn't mean that he hated it -- it was a nice change from their usually harsh joking gestures. each time that his friend showed how gentle that he could be with someone he really loved, it made him jealous that he didn't get to experience it more often.
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instead of replying, he simply wrapped his arms around kuroo's neck so that he could jump up into his arms like a bride. "i guess i can say WE are home then, can't i?" slurring a bit as he spoke, he was just happy to end up getting his way. "you can't guarantee my safety? i mean, bad boys are my type anyways." resting his head against the taller's shoulders, he looked up at him with his big, owlish eyes.
運転手 | Yakuza!AU
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